125 research outputs found

    Two-mode squeezed vacuum state coupled to the common thermal reservoir

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    Entangled states play a crucial role in quantum information protocols, thus the dynamical behavior of entanglement is of a great importance. In this paper we consider a two-mode squeezed vacuum state coupled to one thermal reservoir as a model of an entangled state embedded in an environment. As a criterion for entanglement we use a continuous-variable equivalent of the Peres-Horodecki criterion, namely the Simon criterion. To quantify entanglement we use the logarithmic negativity. We derive a condition, which assures that the state remains entangled in spite of the interaction with the reservoir. Moreover for the case of interaction with vacuum as an environment we show that a state of interest after intinitely long interaction is not only entangled, but also pure. For comparison we also consider a model in which each of both modes is coupled to its own reservoir.Comment: replaced with version published in J. Phys.

    Non-sequential double ionization of molecules in a strong laser field

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    We consider the final stage of double ionization of O2\rm O_2 molecules by short linearly polarized laser pulses. The saddles of the effective adiabatic potential energy close to which simultaneous escape of electrons from a molecule takes place are identified. The analysis of the saddles and numerical simulations of the ionization indicate that to observe clear signatures of simultaneous electron escape in double ionization of O2\rm O_2 molecules stronger and much shorter laser pulses than those used in the recent experiment [E. Eremina, {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 173001 (2004)] should be applied.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Conference proceedings from 13th International Laser Physics Workshop, Triest, Italy, July 12-16, 200

    Entanglement dynamics for two harmonic oscillators coupled to independent environments

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    We study the entanglement evolution between two harmonic oscillators having different free frequencies each leaking into an independent bath. We use an exact solution valid in the weak coupling limit and in the short time non-Markovian regime. The reservoirs are identical and characterized by an Ohmic spectral distribution with Lorents-Drude cut-off. This work is an extension of the case reported in [Phys. Rev. A 80, 062324 (2009)] where the oscillators have the same free frequency.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physica Script

    Non-sequential double ionization of molecules

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    Double ionization of diatomic molecules by short linearly polarized laser pulses is analyzed. We consider the final stage of the ionization process, that is the decay of a highly excited two electron molecule, which is formed after re-scattering. The saddles of the effective adiabatic potential energy close to which simultaneous escape of electrons takes place are identified. Numerical simulations of the ionization of molecules show that the process can be dominated by either sequential or non-sequential events. In order to increase the ratio of non-sequential to sequential ionizations very short laser pulses should be applied.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PR

    Strong-field triple ionisation of atoms with p3p^{3} valence shell

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    The interaction of strong pulsed femtosecond laser field with atoms having three equivalent electrons in the outer shell (p3p^3 configuration, e.g. nitrogen) is studied via numerical integration of a time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation on a grid approach. Single, double and triple ionization yields originating from a completely antisymmetric wave function are calculated and extracted using a restricted-geometry model with the soft-core potential and three active electrons. The direct triple ionization channel is found to produce a larger yield than the channel connected with single and then direct double ionization. Compared against earlier results investigating the ns2np1n s^ 2 n p^1 configuration, we propose that the differences found here might in fact be accessible through electron's momentum distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Strong-field ionization of atoms with p3p^3 valence shell: Two versus three active electrons

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    For a model atom with the p3p^3 valence shell we construct consistent three- and two-active electrons models enabling their direct comparison. Within these models, we study the influence of the third active electron on the double ionization yield in strong femtosecond laser fields. We reveal proportionality between double ionization signals obtained with both models in the field intensity region where non-sequential ionization dominates. We derive analytically a correspondence rule connecting the double ionization yields obtained within the three- and two-active electrons models.Comment: version accepted for Phys. Rev.

    Double ionization of a three-electron atom: Spin correlation effects

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    We study the effects of spin degrees of freedom and wave function symmetries on double ionization in three-electron systems. Each electron is assigned one spatial degree of freedom. The resulting three-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation is integrated numerically using grid-based Fourier transforms. We reveal three-electron effects on the double ionization yield by comparing signals for different ionization channels. We explain our findings by the existence of fundamental differences between three-electronic and truly two-electronic spin-resolved ionization schemes. We find, for instance, that double ionization from a three-electron system is dominated by electrons that have the opposite spin

    Time resolved quantum dynamics of double ionization in strong laser fields

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    Quantum calculations of a 1+1-dimensional model for double ionization in strong laser fields are used to trace the time evolution from the ground state through ionization and rescattering to the two electron escape. The subspace of symmetric escape, a prime characteristic of nonsequential double ionization, remains accessible by a judicious choice of 1-d coordinates for the electrons. The time resolved ionization fluxes show the onset of single and double ionization, the sequence of events during the pulse, and the influences of pulse duration, and reveal the relative importance of sequential and non-sequential double ionization, even when ionization takes place during the same field cycle

    Nonsequential double ionization of atoms in strong laser pulses

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    It is now possible to produce laser pulses with reproducible pulse shape and controlled carrier envelope phase. It is discussed how that can be explored in double ionisation studies. To this end we solve numerically the Schr¨odinger equation for a limited dimensionality model which nevertheless treats electron repulsion qualitatively correctly and allows to study correlation effects due to the Coulomb repulsion