19,672 research outputs found

    Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope observations of an M2.8 flare: insights into the initiation of a flare-coronal mass ejection event

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    We present the first observations of a solar flare with the GMRT. An M2.8 flare observed at 1060 MHz with the GMRT on Nov 17 2001 was associated with a prominence eruption observed at 17 GHz by the Nobeyama radioheliograph and the initiation of a fast partial halo CME observed with the LASCO C2 coronograph. Towards the start of the eruption, we find evidence for reconnection above the prominence. Subsequently, we find evidence for rapid growth of a vertical current sheet below the erupting arcade, which is accompanied by the flare and prominence eruption.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The effect of cis- and trans-clomiphene citrate on sialic acid in the uterus, cervix and vagina of rats during delayed implantation

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    The comparative effects of cis- and trans-clomiphene and oestradiol-17β on the sialic acid concentration in the uterus, cervix and vagina were studied in rats during experimentally induced delayed implantation. The cis- or trans-isomer of clomiphene caused a progressive dose-dependent increase in sialic acid in the uterus and cervix whereas vaginal sialic acid decreased with increase in the dose of the respective compounds. Cis- and trans-clomiphene and oestradiol-17β all caused a sharp increase in the sialic acid content of the uterus, cervix and vagina 6 hr after the administration of the respective compounds. There was a decrease in sialic acid in all the three tissues at subsequent time intervals in cis-clomiphene or oestradiol-treated rats. The oestrogenic effects of trans-clomiphene lasted even up to 48 hr in all three reproductive tract tissues, indicating that trans-clomiphene is more oestrogenic than the cis-isomer. Differences in the response of the uterus, cervix and vagina to administration of the compounds are discussed in relation to their embryological origin

    Time Delay Estimation Performance in a Scattering Medium

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    The effects of a scattering medium on the performance of time delay estimation are considered. The medium is assumed to exhibit angular scattering, causing angular (as well as delay) dispersion and hence loss of signal coherence across the array aperture. Both the variance (via the Cramer-Rao bound) and the bias introduced in the time-delay estimates are studied. The results have been converted to bearing and range error standard deviation and bias. It is found from these studies that there is an optimum range of values for the separation distance between the sensors in the design of an array for time delay estimation, for range and bearing measurements

    A Process Calculus for Dynamic Networks

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    In this paper we propose a process calculus framework for dynamic networks in which the network topology may change as computation proceeds. The proposed calculus allows one to abstract away from neighborhood-discovery computations and it contains features for broadcasting at multiple transmission ranges and for viewing networks at different levels of abstraction. We develop a theory of confluence for the calculus and we use the machinery developed towards the verification of a leader-election algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks

    Magnetic and FMR study on CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/ZnFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> bilayers

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    CoFe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;/ZnFe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; bilayers were deposited by the pulsed laser deposition on amorphous fused quartz substrate at substrate temperature of 350°C and in oxygen pressure of 0.16 mbar. The films were studied after ex-situ annealing for 2 h in air at various temperatures up to 650°C. The magnetic properties of the bilayers were studied at 300 K and at 10 K. Ferromagnetic resonance was carried out at x-band frequencies at room temperature. It was found that as a result of annealing, the diffusion between Co ferrite and Zn ferrite starts around 350°C and leads to a large line width system having magnetization, which remains undetected by Ferromagnetic resonance

    Isolation of sheep anterior pituitary messenger RNA and its translation in a heterologous cell-free system

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    A preparation rich in the specific messenger RNA involved in the synthesis of prolactin from sheep anterior pituitary glands was obtained by employing both the immunochemical and affinity techniques. A dose-dependent and efficient stimulation of protein synthesis by the isolated total pituitary RNA as well as poly (A) rich RNA were achieved with the reticulocyte system. The synthesis of prolactin as one of the translational products of this cell-free system was established by specific immunoprecipitation followed by resolution on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

    Modulation of testicular lutropin receptors in the developing male rat

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    In the developing male rat around 40 days of age, the testis appears to contain the maximum amount of lutropin receptors per unit weight. During this period, circulating levels of testosterone markedly increase without the concomitant major surges in lutropin levels. The increased sensitivity and responsiveness of tests to basal levels of circulating lutropin during this period is accompanied by enhanced serum prolactin levels suggesting that this hormone may be involved in this process. The finding that prolactin treatment of pubertal rats for 3 days induced the formation of more testicular lutropin receptors supports the above premise. However, shortterm immunoneutralisation of endogenous prolactin did not significantly alter the specific binding of [125I]-labelled lutropin to testicular membranes. Interestingly, during development, a close correction exists between receptor occupancy and capacity of the tissue to bind labelled lutropin. The apparent dissociation between serum lutropin levels, on the one hand and tissue occupancy and free receptor contents on the other, suggests that factors other than lutropin (presumably prolactin) are involved in the modulation of the sensitivity and the responsiveness of the testis to lutropin during early development

    Study of Mach reflection in inviscid flows

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    In this paper, we study the Mach reflection phenomenon in inviscid flows using a higher order discontinuous Galerkin method and overset grids. We use the shock capturing procedure proposed in Siva Prasad Kochi et al. using overset grids to capture the discontinuities occurring in the supersonic flow over a wedge accurately. In this procedure, we obtain a coarse grid solution first and using the troubled cell data, we construct an overset grid which is approximately aligned to all the discontinuities. We rerun the solver with the coarse grid solution as the initial condition while using the troubled cell indicator and the limiter only on the overset grid. This allows us to capture the discontinuities accurately. Using this procedure, we have obtained the solution for Mach 3.03.0 and 4.04.0 flow over a wedge for various wedge angles and determined the detachment criterion and the Von Neumann condition accurately. We have also determined the Mach stem height for various wedge angles for these Mach numbers. We have also demonstrated the hysteresis that occurs in the transition from regular reflection to Mach reflection.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Figures, 2 Table