22 research outputs found

    Peranan Perbankan Bagi Pengembangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Kota Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the role of banks for the development of Microfinance Institutions in Medan and to determine whether financial aid (loans) from banks to Microfinance Institutions have significant effect on increasing profit Microfinance Institutions in Medan. The study was conducted at Microfinance Institute and Banking contained in Medan. The samples used were a total of 18 MFIs and banks of a number of banks and MFIs. Years of observation time series data is the year 2008 up to 2010.This study uses indicators Banking Disbursement as the independent variable (X) and Operating Profit Microfinance Institutions as the dependent variable (Y). The collected data were analyzed by the method of data analysis to prior classical assumptiontest before testing the hypothesis. Testing the hypothesis in this study using simple linear regression with partial t test with a significance level of 5%.The conclusion of this study is the role that banks have an insignificant role impact on the development of Microfinance Institutions in Medan. It is based on the number of average granting loans to Microfinance Institutions in Medan at 16.88%. Average number of operating profits of Microfinance Institutions just only 13.04%. The results of the t test showed a significance value of 0.715 whichis greater than the value of alpha at 0,05. The results of the determinant test calculations are only 0.3% of distribution banking funds variable can explainoperating profit of Microfinance Institutions in Medan, while the remaining 99.7% is explained by other variables not included in this research model


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan perlawanan intelektual tokoh Gie dalam buku ‘Gie, Naskah Skenario’ karya Riri Riza. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengelompokan leksia perlawanan intelektual dalam buku “Gie, Naskah Skenario”. Analisis data adalah dengan membagi aspek semiologi leksia “perlawanan intelektual” tersebut ke dalam aspek material dan konseptual kemudian melakukan pemaknaan tokoh Gie dengan elemen standar skenario, konteks sosial politik Indonesia semasa hidup Gie, dan skenario film. Kemudian dianalisa secara semiologi teks Roland Barthes dengan menemukan kode-kode pokok dalam leksia tersebut, maka ditemukanlah tanda dan kode yang menghasilkan makna. Hasil analisis dan intepretasi terhadap pemaknaan perlawanan intelektual tokoh Gie dalam skenario ini, bahwa tokoh Gie dalam naskah skenario ini melakukan perlawanan intelektual dalam golongan : Mempengaruhi gerakan sosial; mempropagandakan secara halus sebuah perubahan dalam pemerintahan; menyediakan diagnosa atas masalah ekonomi, politik negara dan kebijakan; berpartisipasi dalam gerakan sosial. Tokoh Gie melakukannya melalui : tulisan di media massa, siaran-siaran di radio UI, demonstrasi dan aksi kolektif. Hal-hal yang mengarahkannya : afinitas sosial, depriviasi dan efektifitas politik. Secara menyeluruh, ini disebut sebagai adanya gerakan revolusioner

    Peranan Perbankan Bagi Pengembangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Kota Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the role of banks for the development of Microfinance Institutions in Medan and to determine whether financial aid (loans) from banks to Microfinance Institutions have significant effect on increasing profit Microfinance Institutions in Medan. The study was conducted at Microfinance Institute and Banking contained in Medan. The samples used were a total of 18 MFIs and banks of a number of banks and MFIs. Years of observation time series data is the year 2008 up to 2010. This study uses indicators Banking Disbursement as the independent variable (X) and Operating Profit Microfinance Institutions as the dependent variable (Y). The collected data were analyzed by the method of data analysis to prior classical assumption test before testing the hypothesis. Testing the hypothesis in this study using simple linear regression with partial t test with a significance level of 5%. The conclusion of this study is the role that banks have an insignificant role impact on the development of Microfinance Institutions in Medan. It is based on the number of average granting loans to Microfinance Institutions in Medan at 16.88%. Average number of operating profits of Microfinance Institutions just only 13.04%. The results of the t test showed a significance value of 0.715 whichis greater than the value of alpha at 0,05. The results of the determinant test calculations are only 0.3% of distribution banking funds variable can explain operating profit of Microfinance Institutions in Medan, while the remaining 99.7% is explained by other variables not included in this research model

    The Influence of Shot Angle Variation at the Process of Dry Shot Peening to the Surface Roughness and Corrosion Resistance of the AISI 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

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    AISI 316L is the austenitic stainless steel type that widely used in biomedical implant and artificial organs. This material\u27s cannot be hardened by heat treatment but the mechanical strength could be increased by cold working process. Dry shot peening is the one of cold working process in which the surface specimen bombarded with spherical media called shot to produce a compressive residual stress layer and modify mechanical properties of metal\u27s surface. The objectives of this research are to investigate the effect of shot angle variation of dry shot peening process on the surface roughness and corrosion resistance of AISI 316L

    Validation of Evapotranspiration Prediction Model: an Effort to Complete the National Climate Database System

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    To cope with limited evapotranspiration data, recently, there are many evapotranspiration estimation methods have been developed. Those methods were generally developed in sub tropic region when climate is not similar with Indonesia and the methods may not be applied directly. Validation of several estimation methods including Blaney Criddle, Radiation, Penman, and Pan Evaporation have been done in Cikarawang (Bogor) and Ciledug (Tangerang). The average correction factor andcorrelation coefficient (r) were respectively 1.83 for Blaney Criddle method (r = 0.97); 1.90 for Radiation method (r=0.97); 1.10 for Penman method (r=0.96), and 1.81 for Pan Evaporation method (r=0.98). Penman is the best method with regard on the smallest correction factor especially for station with complete climatic data. Since all methods have correlationcoefficient of more than 0.95, those methods can be used to estimate evapotranspiration based on the available climatic data. The present study used the Penman and Pan Evaporation methods to estimate evapotranspiration in Bogor for period of 1995-2005. The study provides insight into alternative to estimate the evapotranspiration for the area with no lysimeter. The method is selected by considering the available climatic data

    Sistem Informasi Kerusakan Laptop Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes

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    Sistem pakar adalah system berbasis computer yang menggunakan pengetahuan, fakta dan teknik penalaran dalam memecahkan masalah yang biasanya hanya dapat dipecahkan oleh seorang pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Sistem pakar dibuat pada wilayah tertentu untuk suatu kepakaran yang mendekati kemampuan manusia disalah satu bidang tersebut. Sistem pakar mencoba mencari solusi sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh seorang pakar. Sistem pakar juga dapat memberikan penjelasan terhadap langkah yang diambil dan memberikan saran atau kesimpulan yang diperlukan, Naïve Bayes adalah metode pengklasifikasian statistik yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediski probabilitas keanggotaan suatu class. Bayesian classification didasarkan pada teorema Bayes yang memiliki kemampuan klasifikasi serupa dengan decesion tree dan neural network. Bayesian classification terbukti memiliki akurasai dan kecepatan yang tinggi saat diaplikasikan ke dalam database dengan data yang besar.Kata Kunci— Sistem Pakar; Metode Bayes; Naïve Bayes; Teorema Bayes; Bayesian classificatio


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    Growing periods can be determined using water balance analysis to decrease harvest risk in certain area. Generally, there are two types of land use for crop, irrigated land and non-irrigated land. The experiment aims to determine growing periods of food crop in Banten Province. Modified method of Thornthwaite and Mather of bookkeeping system of water balance has been used base on decades data. Water balance analysis of irrigated land showed that in the area of Serang District has growing periods potencially of 140-170 days with growing periods starting from Dec2 till Jan1, but necessary need water supply from irrigation as amount 8.5-22.5 mm to growing rise twice a year or planted with other food crops after rice if no irrigation. Meanwhile in Tangerang District (Pakuhaji) and Pandeglang District (Pagelaran) has potency of 182-193 days of growing periods with starting on Sep3 at Pakuhaji and on Dec3 at Pagelaran. In these area rice can be planted twice a year without irrigation. Futhermore, for non-irrigation/land with monthly high rainfall, the analysis indicated that the area has potency of growing periods of 182 days as even through the year. Planting dates can be started from Oct1 till Dec1, with sequence of rice-rice or rice-rice-other food crops