12,004 research outputs found

    Bulk Viscosity of Interacting Hadrons

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    We show that first approximations to the bulk viscosity ηv\eta_v are expressible in terms of factors that depend on the sound speed vsv_s, the enthalpy, and the interaction (elastic and inelastic) cross section. The explicit dependence of ηv\eta_v on the factor (13−vs2)(\frac 13 - v_s^2) is demonstrated in the Chapman-Enskog approximation as well as the variational and relaxation time approaches. The interesting feature of bulk viscosity is that the dominant contributions at a given temperature arise from particles which are neither extremely nonrelativistic nor extremely relativistic. Numerical results for a model binary mixture are reported.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Contribution to Quark Matter 2009, Knoxville, Tennessee, US

    Mergers of binary stars: The ultimate heavy-ion experience

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    The mergers of black hole-neutron star binaries are calcuated using a pseudo-general relativistic potential that incorporates O(v2/c2)3{\mathcal O}(v^2/c^2)^3 post-Newtonian corrections. Both normal matter neutron stars and self-bound strange quark matter stars are considered as black hole partners. As long as the neutron stars are not too massive relative to the black hole mass, orbital decay terminates in stable mass transfer rather than an actual merger. For a normal neutron star, mass transfer results in a widening of the orbit but the stable transfer ends before the minimum neutron star mass is reached. For a strange star, mass transfer does not result in an appreciable enlargement of the orbital separation, and the stable transfer continues until the strange star essentially disappears. These differences might be observable through their respective gravitational wave signatures.Comment: Contribution to QM04 proceedings. Submitted to Journal of Physics

    Three-isotope plot of fractionation in photolysis: A perturbation theoretical expression

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    The slope of the three-isotope plot for the isotopomer fractionation by direct or nearly direct photodissociation is obtained using a perturbation theoretical analysis. This result, correct to first order in the mass difference, is the same as that for equilibrium chemical exchange reactions, a similarity unexpected a priori. A comparison is made with computational results for N2O photodissociation. This theoretical slope for mass-dependent photolytic fractionation can be used to analyze the data for isotopic anomalies in spin-allowed photodissociation reactions. Earlier work on chemical equilibria is extended by avoiding a high-temperature approximation

    Dense matter equation of state for neutron star mergers

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    In simulations of binary neutron star mergers, the dense matter equation of state (EOS) is required over wide ranges of density and temperature as well as under conditions in which neutrinos are trapped, and the effects of magnetic fields and rotation prevail. Here we assess the status of dense matter theory and point out the successes and limitations of approaches currently in use. A comparative study of the excluded volume (EV) and virial approaches for the npαnp\alpha system using the equation of state of Akmal, Pandharipande and Ravenhall for interacting nucleons is presented in the sub-nuclear density regime. Owing to the excluded volume of the α\alpha-particles, their mass fraction vanishes in the EV approach below the baryon density 0.1 fm−3^{-3}, whereas it continues to rise due to the predominantly attractive interactions in the virial approach. The EV approach of Lattimer et al. is extended here to include clusters of light nuclei such as d, 3^3H and 3^3He in addition to α\alpha-particles. Results of the relevant state variables from this development are presented and enable comparisons with related but slightly different approaches in the literature. We also comment on some of the sweet and sour aspects of the supra-nuclear EOS. The extent to which the neutron star gravitational and baryon masses vary due to thermal effects, neutrino trapping, magnetic fields and rotation are summarized from earlier studies in which the effects from each of these sources were considered separately. Increases of about 20%(≳50%)20\% (\gtrsim 50\%) occur for rigid (differential) rotation with comparable increases occurring in the presence of magnetic fields only for fields in excess of 101810^{18} Gauss. Comparatively smaller changes occur due to thermal effects and neutrino trapping. Some future studies to gain further insight into the outcome of dynamical simulations are suggested.Comment: Revised manuscript with one additional figure and previous Fig. 4 replaced, 19 additional references and new tex

    Discrete element weld model, phase 2

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    A numerical method was developed for analyzing the tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process. The phenomena being modeled include melting under the arc and the flow in the melt under the action of buoyancy, surface tension, and electromagnetic forces. The latter entails the calculation of the electric potential and the computation of electric current and magnetic field therefrom. Melting may occur at a single temperature or over a temperature range, and the electrical and thermal conductivities can be a function of temperature. Results of sample calculations are presented and discussed at length. A major research contribution has been the development of numerical methodology for the calculation of phase change problems in a fixed grid framework. The model has been implemented on CHAM's general purpose computer code PHOENICS. The inputs to the computer model include: geometric parameters, material properties, and weld process parameters
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