9 research outputs found

    Presurgical evaluation of Fontan connection options for patients with apicocaval juxtaposition using computational fluid dynamics.

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    <p>Apicocaval juxtaposition (ACJ) is a rare congenital heart defect associated with single ventricle physiology where optimal positioning of the Fontan conduit for completion of total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) is still controversial. In ACJ, the cardiac apex is ipsilateral with the inferior vena cava (IVC), risking kinking and collapse of the Fontan conduit at the apex of the heart. The purpose of this study is to evaluate two viable routes for Fontan conduit connection in patients with ACJ, using computational fluid dynamics. Internal energy loss evaluations were used to determine contribution of conduit curvature to the energy efficiency of each cavopulmonary anastomosis configuration. This percentage of energy loss contribution was found to be greater in the case of a curved extracardiac conduit connection (44%, 4.1 mW) traveling behind the ventricular apex, connecting the IVC to the left pulmonary artery, than the straighter lateral tunnel conduit (6%, 1.4 mW) installed through the ventricular apex. In contrast, net energy loss across the anastomosis was significantly lower with extracardiac TCPC (9.3 mW) in comparison with lateral tunnel TCPC (23.2 mW), highlighting that a curved Fontan conduit is favorable provided that it is traded off for a superior cavopulmonary connection efficiency. Therefore, a relatively longer and curved Fontan conduit has been demonstrated to be a suitable connection option independent of anatomical situations.</p

    Aortic Outflow Cannula Tip Design and Orientation Impacts Cerebral Perfusion During Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Bypass Procedures

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    Poor perfusion of the aortic arch is a suspected cause for peri- and post-operative neurological complications associated with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). High-speed jets from 8 to 10FR pediatric/neonatal cannulae delivering ~1 L/min of blood can accrue sub-lethal hemolytic damage while also subjecting the aorta to non-physiologic flow conditions that compromise cerebral perfusion. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of cannulation strategy and hypothesize engineering better CPB perfusion through a redesigned aortic cannula tip. This study employs computational fluid dynamics to investigate novel diffuser-tipped aortic cannulae for shape sensitivity to cerebral perfusion, in an in silico cross-clamped aortic arch model modeled with fixed outflow resistances. 17 parametrically altered configurations of an 8FR end-hole and several diffuser cone angled tips in combination with jet incidence angles toward or away from the head–neck vessels were studied. Experimental pressure-flow characterizations were also conducted on these cannula tip designs. An 8FR end-hole aortic cannula delivering 1 L/min along the transverse aortic arch was found to give rise to backflow from the brachicephalic artery (BCA), irrespective of angular orientation, for the chosen ascending aortic insertion location. Parametric alteration of the cannula tip to include a diffuser cone angle (tested up to 7°) eliminated BCA backflow for any tested angle of jet incidence. Experiments revealed that a 1 cm long 10° diffuser cone tip demonstrated the best pressure-flow performance improvement in contrast with either an end-hole tip or diffuser cone angles greater than 10°. Performance further improved when the diffuser was preceded by an expanded four-lobe swirl inducer attachment—a novel component. In conclusion, aortic cannula orientation is crucial in determining net head–neck perfusion but precise angulations and insertion-depths are difficult to achieve practically. Altering the cannula tip to include a diffuser cone angle has been shown for the first time to have potential in ensuring a net positive outflow at the BCA. Cannula insertion distanced from the BCA inlet may also avoid backflow owing to the Venturi effect, but the diffuser tipped cannula design presents a promising solution to mitigate this issue irrespective of in vivo cannula tip orientation.</p

    Time-resolved OCT-ÎĽPIV: a new microscopic PIV technique for noninvasive depth-resolved pulsatile flow profile acquisition

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    <p>In vivo acquisition of endothelial wall shear stress requires instantaneous depth-resolved whole-field pulsatile flow profile measurements in microcirculation. High-accuracy, quantitative and <em>non</em>-<em>invasive</em> velocimetry techniques are essential for emerging real-time mechano-genomic investigations. To address these research needs, a novel biological flow quantification technique, OCT-ÎĽPIV, was developed utilizing high-speed optical coherence tomography (OCT) integrated with microscopic <a>Particle Image Velocimetry</a> (ÎĽPIV). This technique offers the unique advantage of simultaneously acquiring blood flow profiles and vessel anatomy along arbitrarily oriented sagittal planes. The process is instantaneous and enables real-time 3D flow reconstruction without the need for computationally intensive image processing compared to state-of-the-art velocimetry techniques. To evaluate the line-scanning direction and speed, four sets of parametric synthetic OCT-ÎĽPIV data were generated using an in-house code. Based on this investigation, an in vitro experiment was designed at the fastest scan speed while preserving the region of interest providing the depth-resolved velocity profiles spanning across the width of a micro-fabricated channel. High-agreement with the analytical flow profiles was achieved for different flow rates and seed particle types and sizes. Finally, by employing blood cells as non-invasive seeding particles, in vivo embryonic vascular velocity profiles in multiple vessels were measured in the early chick embryo. The pulsatile flow frequency and peak velocity measurements were also acquired with OCT-ÎĽPIV, which agreed well with previous reported values. These results demonstrate the potential utility of this technique to conduct practical microfluidic and non-invasive in vivo studies for embryonic blood flows.</p

    Characterization of neonatal aortic cannula jet flow regimes for improved cardiopulmonary bypass.

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    <p>During pediatric and neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), tiny aortic outflow cannulae (2-3 mm inner diameter), with micro-scale blood-wetting features transport relatively large blood volumes (0.3 to 1.0 L/min) resulting in high blood flow velocities (2 to 5 m/s). These severe flow conditions are likely to complement platelet activation, release pro-inflammatory cytokines, and further result in vascular and blood damage. Hemodynamically efficient aortic outflow cannulae are required to provide high blood volume flow rates at low exit force. In addition, optimal aortic insertion strategies are necessary in order to alleviate hemolytic risk, post-surgical neurological complications and developmental defects, by improving cerebral perfusion in the young patient. The methodology and results presented in this study serve as a baseline for design of superior aortic outflow cannulae. In this study, direct numerical simulation (DNS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was employed to delineate baseline hemodynamic performance of jet wakes emanating from microCT scanned state-of-the-art pediatric cannula tips in a cuboidal test rig operating at physiologically relevant laminar and turbulent Reynolds numbers (Re: 650-2150 , steady inflow). Qualitative and quantitative validation of CFD simulated device-specific jet wakes was established using time-resolved flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV). For the standard end-hole cannula tip design, blood damage indices were further numerically assessed in a subject-specific cross-clamped neonatal aorta model for different cannula insertion configurations. Based on these results, a novel diffuser type cannula tip is proposed for improved jet flow-control, decreased blood damage and exit force and increased permissible flow rates. This study also suggests that surgically relevant cannula orientation parameters such as outflow angle and insertion depth may be important for improved hemodynamic performance. The jet flow design paradigm demonstrated in this study represents a philosophical shift towards cannula flow control enabling favorable pressure-drop versus outflow rate characteristics.</p

    Novel fenestration designs for controlled venous flow shunting in failing Fontans with systemic venous hypertension.

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    <p>The Fontan procedure is employed as the final-stage palliation in single-ventricle congenital heart patients and results in diversion of venous blood directly to the pulmonary arteries. Fontan patients have been known to suffer from postoperative systemic venous hypertension, which in turn is associated with pleural effusions and protein losing enteropathy, leading to a decreased duration and quality of life. Despite the ongoing debate on its benefits, a circular fenestration hole (typically 4 mm) establishing a venous shunt to the common atrium is traditionally employed to relieve venous pressure in the Fontan conduit and improve early postoperative Fontan hemodynamics. However, these improvements come at the cost of reduced oxygen saturation due to excessive right-to-left shunting if the fenestration is permanent. The ideal "selective" fenestration would therefore limit or eliminate shunt flow at tolerable systemic venous pressures and allow increased flow at high pressures. The objective of this study is to introduce new fenestration designs that exhibit these desirable pressure-flow characteristics. Novel plus-shaped and S-shaped fenestration designs with leaflets are introduced as alternatives to the traditional circular fenestration, each having identical effective orifice areas at the fully open states. In vitro steady leakage flow tests were performed for physiological flow-driving pressures in order to obtain pressure-drop versus flow-rate characteristics. In addition, the leaflet opening kinematics of the plus-shaped fenestration was investigated computationally using finite element simulation. Fluid-structure interaction analysis was performed to determine leaflet displacements and pressure-flow characteristics at low pressures. Further, a lumped parameter model of the single-ventricle circuit was created to simulate pulsatile flow conditions For the plus-shaped fenestration, the flow rate was found to increase nonlinearly with increased driving systemic venous pressures at high physiological-pressure drops which did not cause the leaflets to fully open, and linearly for low driving pressures. These results indicate that leaflets of the plus-shaped fenestration design activated passively after a critical systemic venous pressure threshold. This feature is ideal for minimizing undesirable excessive venous shunting. A large variability in shunting flow rate may be obtained by changing the shape, thickness, size, and material of the fenestration to suit requirements of the patient, which can further limit shunt flow in a controlled manner.</p

    Effects of intraluminal thrombus on patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm hemodynamics via stereoscopic particle image velocity and computational fluid dynamics modeling.

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    The pathology of the human abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and its relationship to the later complication of intraluminal thrombus (ILT) formation remains unclear. The hemodynamics in the diseased abdominal aorta are hypothesized to be a key contributor to the formation and growth of ILT. The objective of this investigation is to establish a reliable 3D flow visualization method with corresponding validation tests with high confidence in order to provide insight into the basic hemodynamic features for a better understanding of hemodynamics in AAA pathology and seek potential treatment for AAA diseases. A stereoscopic particle image velocity (PIV) experiment was conducted using transparent patient-specific experimental AAA models (with and without ILT) at three axial planes. Results show that before ILT formation, a 3D vortex was generated in the AAA phantom. This geometry-related vortex was not observed after the formation of ILT, indicating its possible role in the subsequent appearance of ILT in this patient. It may indicate that a longer residence time of recirculated blood flow in the aortic lumen due to this vortex caused sufficient shear-induced platelet activation to develop ILT and maintain uniform flow conditions. Additionally, two computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling codes (Fluent and an in-house cardiovascular CFD code) were compared with the two-dimensional, three-component velocity stereoscopic PIV data. Results showed that correlation coefficients of the out-of-plane velocity data between PIV and both CFD methods are greater than 0.85, demonstrating good quantitative agreement. The stereoscopic PIV study can be utilized as test case templates for ongoing efforts in cardiovascular CFD solver development. Likewise, it is envisaged that the patient-specific data may provide a benchmark for further studying hemodynamics of actual AAA, ILT, and their convolution effects under physiological conditions for clinical applications.</p

    Left atrial ligation alters intracardiac flow patterns and the biomechanical landscape in the chick embryo.

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    <p>BACKGROUND: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a major human congenital heart defect that results in single ventricle physiology and high mortality. Clinical data indicate that intracardiac blood flow patterns during cardiac morphogenesis are a significant etiology. We used the left atrial ligation (LAL) model in the chick embryo to test the hypothesis that LAL immediately alters intracardiac flow streams and the biomechanical environment, preceding morphologic and structural defects observed in HLHS.</p> <p>RESULTS: Using fluorescent dye injections, we found that intracardiac flow patterns from the right common cardinal vein, right vitelline vein, and left vitelline vein were altered immediately following LAL. Furthermore, we quantified a significant ventral shift of the right common cardinal and right vitelline vein flow streams. We developed an in silico model of LAL, which revealed that wall shear stress was reduced at the left atrioventricular canal and left side of the common ventricle.</p> <p>CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that intracardiac flow patterns change immediately following LAL, supporting the role of hemodynamics in the progression of HLHS. Sites of reduced WSS revealed by computational modeling are commonly affected in HLHS, suggesting that changes in the biomechanical environment may lead to abnormal growth and remodeling of left heart structures.</p

    Total cavopulmonary connection in patients with apicocaval juxtaposition: optimal conduit route using preoperative angiogram and flow simulation.

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    OBJECTIVES: Single ventricle with apicocaval juxtaposition (ACJ) is a rare, complex anomaly, in which the optimal position of the conduit for completion of total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) is still controversial. The purpose of this study was to identify a preoperative method for optimal conduit position using the IVC anatomy and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). METHODS: Twenty-four patients with ACJ (5.3 ± 5.7 years) who underwent TCPC were enrolled. A conduit was placed ipsilateral to the cardiac apex in each of 11 patients, of which 9 were intra-atrial and 2 extracardiac (group A) and, in a further 13 patients, extracardiac on the contralateral side (group B). As control, 10 patients with tricuspid atresia were also enrolled (group C). The location of the IVC in relation to the spine was evaluated from the frontal view of preoperative angiogram, using the following index: IVC-index = IVC width overlapping the vertebra/width of the vertebra × 100%. Energy loss was calculated by CFD simulation. RESULTS: IVC-index of group B was larger than groups A and C (45 ± 26 vs. 20 ± 21 and 28 ± 19%, P = 0.03). Postoperative catheterizations showed that, due to its curvature, conduit length in group B was significantly longer than the others (65 ± 12 vs. 36 ± 14 and 44 ± 10 mm, P CONCLUSIONS: In patients with ACJ, placement of a straighter and shorter conduit on the ventricular apical side provides better laminar blood flow with less energy loss. However, conduit compression and kinking are far more detrimental to the Fontan circulation. A preoperative IVC-index is pivotal for avoiding these factors and deciding the optimal conduit route.</p

    Real-world variability in the prediction of intracranial aneurysm wall shear stress: The 2015 International Aneurysm CFD Challenge

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    Purpose—Image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is widely used to predict intracranial aneurysm wall shear stress (WSS), particularly with the goal of improving rupture risk assessment. Nevertheless, concern has been expressed over the variability of predicted WSS and inconsistent associations with rupture. Previous challenges, and studies from individual groups, have focused on individual aspects of the image-based CFD pipeline. The aim of this Challenge was to quantify the total variability of the whole pipeline. Methods—3D rotational angiography image volumes of five middle cerebral artery aneurysms were provided to participants, who were free to choose their segmentation methods, boundary conditions, and CFD solver and settings. Participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their solution strategies and experience with aneurysm CFD, and provide surface distributions of WSS magnitude, from which we objectively derived a variety of hemodynamic parameters. Results—A total of 28 datasets were submitted, from 26 teams with varying levels of self-assessed experience. Wide variability of segmentations, CFD model extents, and inflow rates resulted in interquartile ranges of sac average WSS up to 56%, which reduced to < 30% after normalizing by parent artery WSS. Sac-maximum WSS and low shear area were more variable, while rank-ordering of cases by low or high shear showed only modest consensus among teams. Experience was not a significant predictor of variability. Conclusions—Wide variability exists in the prediction of intracranial aneurysm WSS. While segmentation and CFD solver techniques may be difficult to standardize across groups, our findings suggest that some of the variability in image-based CFD could be reduced by establishing guidelines for model extents, inflow rates, and blood properties, and by encouraging the reporting of normalized hemodynamic parameters