406 research outputs found

    The soft X-ray background towards the northern sky. A detailed analysis of the Milky Way halo

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    We present a correlation analysis of the diffuse X-ray background emission of the ROSAT all-sky survey with the Leiden/Dwingeloo 21-cm HI line survey. We derive a consistent model for the diffuse X-ray background emission over about 50% of the sky. Only three diffuse X-ray components are necessary to fit the ROSAT data from 0.1 keV to 2.4 keV: a) the Local Hot Bubble, b) the Milky Way Halo, and c) the extragalactic X-ray background. Only one temperature of the hot coronal gas in the Milky Way Halo is needed. Our model predicts, that a major fraction of the 1/4 keV and about 50% of the 3/4 keV diffuse X-ray emission originates from the Milky Way Halo. We detect a difference between the intensities towards the Galactic center and its anti-center, which is consistent with the electron density distribution independently derived from pulsar dispersion measurements.Comment: Astron. Nachr. in press, issue dedicated to the proceedings of the workshop "X-ray Surveys in the light of New Observatories", Sep. 2002, Santander, Spai

    Avalanche dynamics in fluid imbibition near the depinning transition

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    We study avalanche dynamics and local activity of forced-flow imbibition fronts in disordered media. We focus on the front dynamics as the mean velocity vˉ\bar{v} of the interface is decreased and the pinning state is approached. Scaling arguments allow us to obtain the statistics of avalanche sizes and durations, which become power-law distributed due to the existence of a critical point at vˉ=0\bar{v}= 0. Results are compared with phase-field numerical simulations

    Time dependent couplings and crossover length scales in non-equilibrium surface roughening

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    We show that time dependent couplings may lead to nontrivial scaling properties of the surface fluctuations of the asymptotic regime in non-equilibrium kinetic roughening models . Three typical situations are studied. In the case of a crossover between two different rough regimes, the time-dependent coupling may result in anomalous scaling for scales above the crossover length. In a different setting, for a crossover from a rough to either a flat or damping regime, the time dependent crossover length may conspire to produce a rough surface, despite the most relevant term tends to flatten the surface. In addition, our analysis sheds light into an existing debate in the problem of spontaneous imbibition, where time dependent couplings naturally arise in theoretical models and experiments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review E (Rapid Comm.

    Diseño de metodología y virtualización de materiales para tutorías proactivas en Teoría Económica y Estadística: buenas prácticas, apoyo a los procesos de aprendizaje y mejora de resultados

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    Memoria del Proyecto de Innovación y mejora de la calidad docente para aplicación de Tutorías proactivas en los Grados de Turismo y de Comercio como acción de mejora en el aprendizaje de los alumnos y evaluación continua

    Intrinsic versus super-rough anomalous scaling in spontaneous imbibition

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    We study spontaneous imbibition using a phase field model in a two dimensional system with a dichotomic quenched noise. By imposing a constant pressure μa<0\mu_{a}<0 at the origin, we study the case when the interface advances at low velocities, obtaining the scaling exponents z=3.0±0.1z=3.0\pm 0.1, α=1.50±0.02\alpha=1.50\pm 0.02 and αloc=0.95±0.03\alpha_{loc}= 0.95\pm 0.03 within the intrinsic anomalous scaling scenario. These results are in quite good agreement with experimental data recently published. Likewise, when we increase the interface velocity, the resulting scaling exponents are z=4.0±0.1z=4.0 \pm 0.1, α=1.25±0.02\alpha=1.25\pm 0.02 and αloc=0.95±0.03\alpha_{loc}= 0.95\pm 0.03. Moreover, we observe that the local properties of the interface change from a super-rough to an intrinsic anomalous description when the contrast between the two values of the dichotomic noise is increased. From a linearized interface equation we can compute analytically the global scaling exponents which are comparable to the numerical results, introducing some properties of the quenched noise.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Additive noise effects in active nonlinear spatially extended systems

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    We examine the effects of pure additive noise on spatially extended systems with quadratic nonlinearities. We develop a general multiscale theory for such systems and apply it to the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation as a case study. We first focus on a regime close to the instability onset (primary bifurcation), where the system can be described by a single dominant mode. We show analytically that the resulting noise in the equation describing the amplitude of the dominant mode largely depends on the nature of the stochastic forcing. For a highly degenerate noise, in the sense that it is acting on the first stable mode only, the amplitude equation is dominated by a pure multiplicative noise, which in turn induces the dominant mode to undergo several critical state transitions and complex phenomena, including intermittency and stabilisation, as the noise strength is increased. The intermittent behaviour is characterised by a power-law probability density and the corresponding critical exponent is calculated rigorously by making use of the first-passage properties of the amplitude equation. On the other hand, when the noise is acting on the whole subspace of stable modes, the multiplicative noise is corrected by an additive-like term, with the eventual loss of any stabilised state. We also show that the stochastic forcing has no effect on the dominant mode dynamics when it is acting on the second stable mode. Finally, in a regime which is relatively far from the instability onset, so that there are two unstable modes, we observe numerically that when the noise is acting on the first stable mode, both dominant modes show noise-induced complex phenomena similar to the single-mode case

    Self-similarity of solitary waves on inertia-dominated falling liquid films

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    We propose consistent scaling of solitary waves on inertia-dominated falling liquid films, which accurately accounts for the driving physical mechanisms and leads to a self-similar characterization of solitary waves. Direct numerical simulations of the entire two-phase system are conducted using a state-of-the-art finite volume framework for interfacial flows in an open domain that was previously validated against experimental film-flow data with excellent agreement. We present a detailed analysis of the wave shape and the dispersion of solitary waves on 34 different water films with Reynolds numbers Re=20–120 and surface tension coefficients σ=0.0512–0.072Nm−1 on substrates with inclination angles β=19◦ − 90◦. Following a detailed analysis of these cases we formulate a consistent characterization of the shape and dispersion of solitary waves, based on a newly proposed scaling derived from the Nusselt flat film solution, that unveils a self-similarity as well as the driving mechanism of solitary waves on gravity-driven liquid films. Our results demonstrate that the shape of solitary waves, i.e., height and asymmetry of the wave, is predominantly influenced by the balance of inertia and surface tension. Furthermore, we find that the dispersion of solitary waves on the inertia-dominated falling liquid films considered in this study is governed by nonlinear effects and only driven by inertia, with surface tension and gravity having a negligible influence

    The XMM-Newton EPIC Background and the production of Background Blank Sky Event Files

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    We describe in detail the nature of XMM-Newton EPIC background and its various complex components, summarising the new findings of the XMM-Newton EPIC background working group, and provide XMM-Newton background blank sky event files for use in the data analysis of diffuse and extended sources. Blank sky event file data sets are produced from the stacking of data, taken from 189 observations resulting from the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (2XMMp) reprocessing. The data underwent several filtering steps, using a revised and improved method over previous work, which we describe in detail. We investigate several properties of the final blank sky data sets. The user is directed to the location of the final data sets. There is a final data set for each EPIC instrument-filter-mode combination.Comment: Paper accepted by A&A 22 December 2006. 14 pages, 8 figures. Paper can also be found at http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~jac48/publications

    Uniformity transition for ray intensities in random media

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    This paper analyses a model for the intensity of distribution for rays propagating without absorption in a random medium. The random medium is modelled as a dynamical map. After N iterations, the intensity is modelled as a sum S of N contributions from different trajectories, each of which is a product of N independent identically distributed random variables xk, representing successive focussing or de-focussing events. The number of ray trajectories reaching a given point is assumed to proliferate exponentially: N=ΛN, for some Λ>1. We investigate the probability distribution of S. We find a phase transition as parameters of the model are varied. There is a phase where the fluctuations of S are suppressed as N → ∞, and a phase where the S has large fluctuations, for which we provide a large deviation analysis