12 research outputs found


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    This paper identifies key definitions to understand the concept of Knowledge Network University - KNU- , are the results of the inquiry about different initiatives KNU is complemented modeling methodology Asian KNU , which are identified different levels of knowledge nodes , also this paper analyze the different properties of each and explores the relationships between them established . The modeling methodology presented, is given a special place to the university library and university research departments, as knowledge nodes organizational level, fundamental supremely convergence processes of knowledge that develops into the KNU, these nodes are organizational integrated into the KNU model presented, raises functional components should have a platform that supports the KNU and indicates the basic architecture of a technological tool. Finally there is the conception of a Knowledge Network Interuniversity - KNI – that integrates different KNU, which constitute knowledge nodes of the Networ

    El procesamiento del lenguaje natural como herramienta en la administración de riesgos de las entidades públicas: modelo aplicado al caso colombiano

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    This article aims to demonstrate in a practical way that Natural Language Processing -NLP- is a useful tool in the framework of risk management of public entities, for this purpose an example applied to the analysis of the risk map is presented, this analysis determines that the most important (nuclear) fields of this are: risks, causes and effects, it is argued that with the NLP the semantic relationship between these nuclear fields can be determined metrically. A Pipeline was designed that determines the steps of the NLP that allow determining semantic metrics, said Pipeline was modeled in the Orange 3.26 software tools and the data corpus that allowed establishing the semantic relationship between the nuclear fields was applied. Finally, conclusions on the results obtained are presented

    E-Document : su contexto necesario

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    This article wants to offer a context about electronic document or e-document in terms of his definition and formats and express the challenge that e-document have for traditional archival doctrine showing that any electronic documents management systems applies several commencements about this doctrine, also wants to establishing the meta-information like the element that possibility the dynamic of e-document in context of the electronic documents management systems, finally postulates the change management like a component essential for performance a solutions on the way of e-document

    El Reto en la génesis del documento administrativo

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    This article present theory concepts that be necessary for understanding all activities about the first age of documents and new role of information professionals have in this first age of document

    Sistemas y servicios digitales e híbridos de información

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    This article aims to show how develops staggered toward conceptual information systems and hybrid-type as in the planning of systems and information services converge objects similar type of structured information and to present alternatives hybrid digital service. On the other hand states that approaches modulation Library hybrid can be applied to the systems and information services digital and hybrid

    Del registro en cavernas al formato digital: Las instancias de evolución de la gestión documental

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    By defining three levels are intended to identify periods of evolution of document management, which is formulated as an activity linked to the institutionalization of mechanisms of social order that the human being has developed in its evolution and states that its third instantiates the globalized environment of a digital economy involves understanding the document management as a subsystem integration of a knowledge management system, as the document management manages much of the detailed knowledge of the institution

    Los insumos invisibles de decisión: Datos, Información y Conocimiento

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    This article tries to give a frame that allows to differentiate the concepts data, information and knowledge in the company context, as well as glimpses the roll that such concepts have in the efficient company decision making, enunciate reflections surroundings to the exposition of a factual universe according to which a new sequence in the knowledge generation exists and the form is described in which the knowledge takes place. Finally it is postulated to the individual like a incremental resource of information

    Las redes de conocimiento y las organizaciones

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    This article presents some elements that allow making a vision about net knowledge its functional elements, its models and its relationship whit productivity, innovation and the knowledge increment in the organization. Also establishes the cooperative work like necessary aspect for performance effective the net knowledge and express methodological aspect for make a net knowledge such as a technological components, finally presents antecedents about some experiences for development net knowledge from technological perspective about its conformation

    Invisible intermediate goods for decision making: data, information and knowledge

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    Este artículo pretende dar un marco que permita diferenciar los conceptos datos, información y conocimiento en el contexto organizacional, así como se vislumbra el rol que tales conceptos tienen en la eficiente toma de decisiones organiza-cionales, se enuncian reflexiones entorno al planteamiento de un universo factual según el cual existe una nueva secuencia en la generación de conocimiento y se des-cribe la forma en que se produce el conocimiento. Por último se postula al individuo como un recurso incremental de información.ABSTRACT: This article tries to give a frame that allows to differentiate the concepts data, information and knowledge in the company context, as well as glimpses the roll that such concepts have in the efficient company decision making, enunciate re-flections surroundings to the exposition of a factual universe according to which a new sequence in the knowledge generation exists and the form is described in which the knowledge takes place. Finally it is postulated to the individual like a incre-mental resource of information


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    This article intends to carry out a basic approach to the nature of the master data concept and its relationship with competitiveness, the method used for this approach consisted of investigating documentary sources to present some definitions of master data and identify some of its inherent characteristics and show some examples of these, later an analysis of their importance for competitive advantage was carried out to finally present some conclusions