7 research outputs found

    Educación doctoral y desarrollo de competencias: Una perspectiva internacional

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    [EN] Doctoral education has undergone, in recent years, a revolution paralleling changes in modern society. In the last two decades, the world has witnessed a wave of doctoral education reforms driven by government funding cuts, commercialization, rationalization, internationalization, quality assurance, as well as by increasing demands from employers and doctoral graduates to train doctoral students for an ever-changing competitive job market, which goes beyond the walls of academia. With an historical view of doctoral education at international level, and paying special attention to the process of Bologna taking place in Europe, this paper investigates the different models of doctoral education developed, as well as how its initial traditional conceptualisation has evolved and diversified, driven by educational policy and changes to higher education funding, into new models of doctoral education relevant to our current society. It discusses, from an international perspective, how different higher education institutions are approaching the task of equipping doctoral students with transferable or generic skills, as well as specific skills, in order to educate active and sustainable researchers for the competitive international knowledge based societies of the 21st century.[ES] La educación doctoral ha vivido durante los últimos años cambios drásticos equivalentes a los vividos por nuestra sociedad. Durante las últimas dos décadas, el mundo ha sido testigo de una ola de reformas educativas del mundo doctoral, alimentada por recortes gubernamentales, la comercialización, internacionalización y racionalización del sector universitario, la evaluación de la calidad de la educación doctoral, a la vez que por las crecientes demandas por parte de empleadores y graduados, de formar a los doctorandos para un mundo laboral competitivo y cambiante. Un mundo laboral que va más allá de los muros del mundo académico. Presentando una visión histórica de la educación doctoral a nivel internacional, y prestando especial atención al proceso de Bolonia que está teniendo lugar en Europa, este artículo investiga la naturaleza de los distintos modelos de doctorado, y cómo su conceptualización inicial ha evolucionado y se ha diversificado en nuevos modelos de educación doctoral, relevante para nuestra sociedad actual, debido a cambios en política educativa y en formas de financiar al sector universitario. Comenta, desde un punto de vista internacional, cómo distintas instituciones universitarias están proporcionando competencias transferibles o genéricas, además de específicas, para educar investigadores activos y sostenibles para la sociedad internacional del conocimiento del siglo XXI.Poyatos Matas, C. (2012). Doctoral Education and Skills Development: An International Perspective. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 10(2):163-191. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2012.6102OJS163191102Ahola, S. (2007). 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    Teacher Attrition and Retention Research in Australia: Towards a New Theoretical Framework

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    During the last decades, the search to try to understand why Australian teachers prematurely leave their jobs has become an increasing focus of research interest. This article yields significant insights into the history and potential future of the teacher attrition research field. Using a thematic content analysis methodology, a study of the Australian literature reveals that the field in this country is still in its infancy, and is dominated by small-scale, qualitative exploratory studies. Furthermore, it shows the lack of consistency amongst studies discussing teacher attrition, as well as the need for a theoretically informed framework that acknowledges the complex nature of teacher attrition. To fill this void, the authors propose a new theoretical model, arguing that teacher attrition is a complex phenomenon, a product of the interaction of elements from social capital, human capital, positive psychological capital and structural capital intersecting

    A Pilot Study to Test the Effectiveness of Education Queensland\u27s \u27Schooling 2001\u27 project from the LOTE Teachers\u27 Point of View.

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    The study described in this article, uncovered the realities and expectations of computer use by Languages Other Than English (LOTE) teachers in language classrooms in state high and primary schools in metropolitan Brisbane. The expectations of LOTE teachers concerning computer use by teachers are listed as part of the Education Queensland initiative called \u27Schooling 2001\u27, implemented in 1997. This bold, generously funded three year project had, as one of its major goals, the improvement of computer technology skills and professional development in the teaching workforce. It had, as part of its blueprint, the stipulation that all teachers across the state of Queensland must have attained and applied the \u27Minimum Standards\u27 in technological competence by the end of the year 2001

    La evaluación alternativa de los aprendizajes i el portfolio del estudiante

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    Presentació a càrrec de Cristina Poyatos, El portafoli de l’Estudiant com a eina d’avaluació continuada a l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior

    A higher degree of stress: Academic wellbeing

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    Muurlink, OT ORCiD: 0000-0002-8251-9521Postgraduates and professional academics are unique in that they are more or less ‘free’ to engage in research that is not tightly constrained by an employer. This freedom comes ata price. This article provides evidence that the high levels of stress observed in academia is related to the lack of clarity in academic roles and chronic overwork caused by changinguniversity structures and expectations. The article reviews evidence of stress and a broad definition of wellbeing, focusing on the postgraduate student and university teachers, and concludes with evidence that universities are beginning to embrace the challenge of wellbeing

    Using the IGCRA (Individual, Group, Classroom reflective Action) technique to enhance teaching and learning in large accountancy classes

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    First year accounting has generally been perceived as one of the more challenging first year business courses for university students. Various Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) have been proposed to attempt to enrich and enhance student learning, with these studies generally positioning students as learners alone. This paper uses an educational case study approach and examines the implementation of the IGCRA (individual, group, classroom reflective action) technique, a Classroom Assessment Technique, on first year accounting students� learning performance. Building on theoretical frameworks in the areas of cognitive learning, social development, and dialogical learning, the technique uses reports to promote reflection on both learning and teaching. IGCRA was found to promote feedback on the effectiveness of student, as well as teacher satisfaction. Moreover, the results indicated formative feedback can assist to improve the learning and learning environment for a large group of first year accounting students. Clear guidelines for its implementation are provided in the paper