23,313 research outputs found

    Status and capabilities of sonic boom simulators

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    The current status and capabilities of sonic boom simulators which might be used in future studies of the effects of sonic boom on people, animals, or structures is summarized. The list of candidate simulators is based on a literature search which was confined to the United States and Canada. Some of the simulators are fully operational, others could be made operational with a modest investment, and still others would require a major investment. For the sake of the completeness, some simulators which were the subject of a previous review, but which no longer exist, are also included herein

    How an online questionnaire can explore leadership teaching in an undergraduate curriculum.

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    OBJECTIVES: To design a tool to explore current leadership teaching in an undergraduate curriculum, using the medical leadership competency framework (MLCF) DESIGN: An online questionnaire was designed based on the MLCF competences and sent to all course leads at Imperial College, London in Autumn 2011 SETTING: Imperial College, London PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-nine course leads were invited to participate in the questionnaire study MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Course leads were asked whether they teach each MLCF competence, which teaching methods they use, and how long they spend teaching each competency RESULTS: Overall there was a 78% questionnaire response rate (54/69). From the questionnaires received it was possible to extrapolate results across the remaining courses to achieve a 100% response rate. We were then able to produce a map of current leadership teaching showing that all MLCF competences are taught to varying degrees across the curriculum. The tool does not however provide information on the quality of teaching provided, or what students learn CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong emphasis on the development of teaching leadership skills to undergraduates in Tomorrow's Doctors 2009 (TD09). It is difficult to know what teaching occurs across the curriculum of a large medical school. The design of a simple, electronic questionnaire will enable medical schools to map their current leadership teaching to the TD09 outcomes. This will help to inform further curriculum development and integration as well as signposting of learning opportunities

    Towards mechanomagnetics in elastic crystals: insights from [Cu(acac)2_2]

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    We predict that the magnetic properties of \cuacac, an elastically flexible crystal, change dramatically when the crystal is bent. We find that unbent \cuacac\ is an almost perfect Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. Broken-symmetry density functional calculations reveal that the magnetic exchange interactions along the chains is an order of magnitude larger than the interchain exchange. The geometrically frustrated interchain interactions cannot magnetically order the material at any experimentally accessible temperature. The ordering temperature (TNT_N), calculated from the chain random phase approximation, increases by approximately 24 orders of magnitude when the material is bent. We demonstrate that geometric frustration both suppresses TNT_N and enhances the sensitivity of TNT_N to bending. In \cuacac, TNT_N is extremely sensitive to bending, but remains too low for practical applications, even when bent. Partially frustrated materials could achieve the balance of high TNT_N and good sensitivity to bending required for practical applications of mechanomagnetic elastic crystals

    Silicon purification using a Cu-Si alloy source

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    Production of 99.9999% pure silicon from 98% pure metallurgical grade (MG) silicon by a vapor transport filtration process (VTP) is described. The VTF process is a cold wall version of an HCl chemical vapor transport technique using a Si:Cu3Si alloy as the silicon source. The concentration, origin, and behavior of the various impurities involved in the process were determined by chemically analyzing alloys of different purity, the slag formed during the alloying process, and the purified silicon. Atomic absorption, emission spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma, spark source mass spectrometry, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy were used for these analyses. The influence of the Cl/H ratio and the deposition temperature on the transport rate was also investigated

    Recent Langley helicopter acoustics contributions

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    The helicopter acoustics program at NASA Langley has included technology for elements of noise control ranging from sources of noise to receivers of noise. The scope of Langley contributions for about the last decade is discussed. Specifically, the resolution of two certification noise quantification issues by subjective acoustics research, the development status of the helicopter system noise prediction program ROTONET are reviewed and the highlights from research on blade rotational, broadband, and blade vortex interaction noise sources are presented. Finally, research contributions on helicopter cabin (or interior) noise control are presented. A bibliography of publications from the Langley helicopter acoustics program for the past 10 years is included

    Soft X-ray Excess in the Coma Cluster from a Cosmic Axion Background

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    We show that the soft X-ray excess in the Coma cluster can be explained by a cosmic background of relativistic axions converting into photons in the cluster magnetic field. We provide a detailed self-contained review of the cluster soft X-ray excess, the proposed astrophysical explanations and the problems they face, and explain how a 0.1-1 keV axion background naturally arises at reheating in many string theory models of the early universe. We study the morphology of the soft excess by numerically propagating axions through stochastic, multi-scale magnetic field models that are consistent with observations of Faraday rotation measures from Coma. By comparing to ROSAT observations of the 0.2-0.4 keV soft excess, we find that the overall excess luminosity is easily reproduced for gaγγ∼2×10−13g_{a\gamma\gamma} \sim 2 \times 10^{-13} GeV−1^{-1}. The resulting morphology is highly sensitive to the magnetic field power spectrum. For Gaussian magnetic field models, the observed soft excess morphology prefers magnetic field spectra with most power in coherence lengths on O(3 kpc){\cal O}(3 {\rm ~kpc}) scales over those with most power on O(12 kpc){\cal O}(12 {\rm ~kpc}) scales. Within this scenario, we bound the mean energy of the axion background to 50 eV≲⟨Ea⟩≲250 eV50\, {\rm eV}\lesssim \langle E_a \rangle \lesssim 250\, {\rm eV}, the axion mass to ma≲10−12 eVm_a \lesssim 10^{-12}\,\hbox{eV}, and derive a lower bound on the axion-photon coupling gaγγ≳0.5/ΔNeff 1.4×10−13g_{a\gamma\gamma} \gtrsim \sqrt{0.5/\Delta N_{\rm eff}}\, 1.4 \times 10^{-13} GeV−1^{-1}.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figure
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