1 research outputs found

    InclusiĆ³n laboral de personas sordas mediante herramientas de comunicaciĆ³n interna en empresas del Ecuador

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    In Ecuador 82% of deaf people do not have a formal job, this is due to the lack of inclusion and discrimination they have experienced for many years. The lack of knowledge of the deaf culture in the country has caused the isolation of these people separating them from society. Through our campaign "Signs that unite" we seek the labour inclusion of deaf people in the country. To achieve our main goal we have carried out an in-depth investigation of the problems of deaf people and labour laws that support people with disabilities. On the other hand, we created a social campaign based on education-communication to make known through trainings and activations the problems faced by the deaf community within a job and solutions, besides instigating the learning of sign language to generate inclusion...En el Ecuador el 82% de personas sordas no cuentan con un empleo formal, esto se debe a la falta de inclusiĆ³n y discriminaciĆ³n que han vivido durante muchos aƱos. El desconocimiento de la cultura sorda en el paĆ­s ha ocasionado el aislamiento de estas personas separandolas de la sociedad. Mediante nuestra campaƱa ā€œSeƱas que Unenā€ buscamos la inclusioĢn laboral de personas sordas en el paĆ­s. Para lograr nuestro objetivo principal hemos realizado una investigaciĆ³n a profundidad de los problemas de las personas sordas y leyes laborales que apoyan a personas con discapacidad..