75 research outputs found


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    The Byzantine Emperor Theophilus (829-842 AD) died from dysentery, the exact nature of which is unknown. However, based on the original Greek texts of the Byzantine historians and chroniclers of that era, the possible cause of death may be connected to Theophilusā€™ pagophagia (snow eating), in order to relieve the symptoms of gastric inflammation. Additionally to the symptoms from the gastro-intestinal system, the Emperor seemed suffering from depress after the defeat of his army and the loss of territories, among whom his native town, Amorion. The current study supports the theoretical possibility that the case of pagophagia in the 9th century AD, so well described by a great number of historians because of the suffererā€™s royal identity, extends in the past the knowledge on pica, still attracting the medical interest.Bizantski car Teofil (829.ā€“842.) umro je od dizenterije, čija je točna narav nepoznata. Kako bilo, na temelju originalnih grčkih tekstova bizantskih povjesničara mogući se uzrok smrti može povezati s Teofilovom pagofagijom (jedenjem snijega), kako bi olakÅ”ao simptome upale želuca. Uz simptome u gastrointestinalnom sustavu, čini se da je car patio od depresije nakon poraza njegove vojske i gubitka teritorija, između ostaloga i njegova rodnog grada Amoriona. Ova studija potvrđuje teorijsku mogućnost da je slučaj pagofagije u 9. stoljeću tako dobro opisan kod velika broja povjesničara zbog bolesnikova kraljevskog identiteta, proÅ”irujući znanje o piki (pikacizmu) u proÅ”lost, poremećaju koji i dalje privlači medicinsku pažnju


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    Natural disasters have always been followed by a fear of infectious diseases. This raised historical debate about one of the most feared scenarios: the outbreak of bubonic plague caused by Yersinia pestis. One such event was recorded in the Indian state Maharashtra in 1994 after an earthquake. In multidisciplinary historical approach to the evolution of plague, many experts ignore the possibility of natural foci and their activation. This article presents historical records from the Byzantine Empire about outbreaks of the Plague of Justinian occurring months or even up to a year after high-magnitude earthquakes. Historical records of plague outbreaks can be used to document existence of natural foci all over the world. Knowledge of these historical records and the contemporary examples of plague support the assumption that, in terms of organising humanitarian aid, poor monitoring of natural foci could lead to unpredictable epidemiological consequences after high-magnitude earthquakes.Nakon prirodnih katastrofa uvijek slijedi strah od zaraznih bolesti. Otuda i povijesni prijepor o jednom od najgorih mogućih scenarija ā€“ pojavi jersinije pestis odnosno bubonske kuge, kakva je 1994. nakon potresa izbila u indijskoj država Maharashtra. U multidisciplinarnome, povijesnom istraživanju razvoja kuge, mnogi stručnjaci zanemaruju mogućnost prirodnih žariÅ”ta bolesti i njihova aktiviranja. Ovaj članak donosi povijesne biljeÅ”ke iz doba Bizantskoga Carstva o izbijanju Justinijanove kuge mjesecima pa čak do godine dana nakon snažnih potresa. Povijesni dokumenti mogu poslužiti kao pokazatelji mogućih prirodnih žariÅ”ta kuge diljem svijeta. Uvid u te dokumente i suvremene primjere izbijanja kuge potvrđuju pretpostavku da, vezano uz organiziranje humanitarne pomoći, nedovoljan nadzor nad prirodnim žariÅ”tima može dovesti do nepredvidljivih epidemioloÅ”kih posljedica nakon snažnih potresa


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    This study summarises the original medical information contained in the treatise On the Nature of Man by the Byzantine scholar Nemesius, Bishop of Emesa (4th century), written in ancient Greek. Nemesiusā€™ work had a strong impact on later Byzantine scholarship, as witnessed by a number of treatises on human body that followed under a similar or identical title. This review introduces and summarises some of the basic views of Nemesius and compares them with those of Galen, one of the major contributors to medical knowledge of antiquity, in order to see how Galenā€™s theories on anatomy and physiology influenced Nemesius. We conclude that the medical information in the work of Nemesius reflects the high level of Byzantine medicine of the time, as well as deep influences from ancient Greek intelligentsia and Galen in particular.Ovaj članak daje sažeti pregled medicinskih saznanja opisanih u djelu bizantskog učenjaka Nemezija, biskupa od Emeze (IV. st.), ā€œO ljudskoj naraviā€, napisanog na grčkom. Nemezijevo je djelo snažno utjecalo na kasniji razvoj znanosti u Bizantu, Å”to se vidi iz brojnih traktata napisanih pod istim ili sličnim nazivom, koji govore o strukturi ljudskoga tijela. U pregledu se uvode i kratko objaÅ”njavaju osnovni Nemezijevi stavovi te se uspoređuju s Galenovim koji je velikim dijelom unaprijedio medicinsku znanost staroga vijeka. Svrha je usporedbe bila utvrditi koliko su Galenove teorije o anatomiji i fiziologiji utjecale na Nemezija. Kako bilo, Nemezijevo djelo svjedoči o visokoj razini bizantske medicine te o snažnim utjecajima grčkih intelektualaca, ponajprije Galena


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    Background: Unani Medicine, also called ā€œUnani-tibbā€, has a long and impressive record in India based on the grecoarabic medicine and teachings of Hippocrates, Galen and Arab physicians. Its main principle is the maintenance of equilibrium among the various aspects of the body, made up of four elements, different temperaments, simple and compound organs, and four humours. Methods: The main bibliographic sources concerning the impact of ancient Greek medicine in India and the principles of Unani Medicine have been investigated and analysed. Results: The assimilation of Hippocratic principles in a country with a different philosophy and worldview was successful. The ancient Greek medical system enriched with local elements encountered a large response to the Indian people and to the physicians. Conclusions: Nowadays Unani medicine is not only popular in India where several Unani practitioners are registered but it enjoys a worldwide upsurge of interest.Pozadina: Unani medicina, također poznata pod nazivom ā€žUnani-tibbā€œ, ima dugu i impresivnu povijest u Indiji koja se temelji na grčko-arapskoj medicini i učenju Hipokrata, Galena i arapskih liječnika. Njen glavni princip je održavanje ravnoteže među različitim aspektima tijela, sastavljenome od četiri elementa, različitih temperamenata, jednostavnih i složenih organa te četiri tekućine. Metode: Istraženi su i analizirani glavni bibliografski izvori koji se odnose na utjecaj antičke grčke medicine u Indiji i na načela Unani medicine. Rezultati: asimilacija Hipokratovih načela u zemlji s različitom filozofijom i pogledom na svijet bila je uspjeÅ”na. Drevni grčki medicinski sustav obogaćen s lokalnim elementima naiÅ”ao je na veliki odaziv indijskog naroda i liječnika. Zaključak: Danas Unani medicina nije samo popularna u Indiji, gdje je registrirano nekoliko praktičara Unani medicine, već ona uživa porast interesa u cijelom svijetu


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    For centuries, the marine quarantine system was the major protection of the public health against serious infectious diseases around the world. The present study reconstructs the history of the Quarantine Station of Piraeus, one of the largest Mediterranean ports, known as the ā€œLazaretto of Saint Georgeā€, as a vital element in the maritime sanitary protection of Greece. Our research will investigate the impact left by this institution on public health, as well as on the economic life of the port of Piraeus and the adjacent capital city of Athens. With regard to the first issue, we will seek to evaluate its role in relation to major outbreaks in the capital, as well as the arrival of 1.3 million Greek refugees after the Greco-Turkish War of 1922. The opening of Suez Canal (1865) was a great challenge and the institution was problematic at administrative and sanitary levels. During 20th century, the station complied with the national public health legislation and the international sanitary conventions. Until the Second World War, the Lazaretto of Saint George played a key role in both the protection of public health in general, but also in the economic and industrial progress of Piraeus and Athens


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    U ovom se članku govori o fizičkim i psihičkim traumama djece tijekom i nakon Građanskog rata u Grčkoj (1946.-1949.). Organizirane su dvije velike evakuacije djece: jednu je organizirala Grčka komunistička partija, raseljavajući djecu u sedam zemalja istočne Europe, a drugu grčka vlada i Kraljica Frederica, smjeÅ”tajući djecu u domove (paidopoleis) unutar zemlje. U članku se raspravlja o tome da su djeca trpjela ratne strahote i nasilje, dobrovoljno ili nasilno odvajanje od obitelji i institucionalizaciju na kraće ili duže vrijeme te da su obje strane pokuÅ”avale pružiti siguran smjeÅ”taj, hranu i medicinsku i psiholoÅ”ku skrb žrtvama rata.This paper focuses on physical and psychological traumas of children during and after the Greek Civil War (1946-1949). There were two evacuation programmes: one organised by the Greek Communist Party to seven countries of Eastern Europe and the other by the Greek government and Queen Frederica to childrenā€™s homes (paidopoleis) in the country. The paper also argues that Greek refugee children experienced war terror and violence, voluntary or forced separation from their families, and institutionalisation for a shorter or longer time, and that both sides sought to provide shelter, food, medical treatment, and psychological support to the victims

    Prevention of childhood drowning on a Greek island in the 19th century: literal testimonies by two native writers

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    Background: To present literal texts of two native writers about drowning during childhood, along witha successful simple preventive measure implemented by the community of a small Greek island.Materials and methods: Review of the older Greek literal production as well as of the contemporary literatureon childhood drowning and related preventive measures.Results: Alexander Papadiamandis (1851ā€“1911) from the island of Skiathos is a writer, who described,with intellectual language, the microcosm of his place of birth, which he always remembered with nostalgia.Alexander Moraitidis (1850ā€“1929), his cousin, also from the same island, used a different style to describelife events in the small society. Both refer to tragic intentional and unintentional drowning events in wellsand the sea, which took place in their times or before and survived as local legends in their narrations.Both describe effective initiatives undertaken by families themselves to prevent childhood drowning byhiring, during the summer months, a guardian with a specific duty to closely supervise the children andenforce guidelines for swimming in the sea. Papadiamantis goes one step further to describe the dismalconsequences when the rules were not respected.Conclusions: The literal testimonies of two Greek islander writers present the range of childhood drowningoccurring on the island and a primitive yet effective community initiative for accident and drowningprevention pertaining to better supervision by an ad hoc employed guardian; this sets the example of thesocial responsibility ethos on the part of local communities to safeguard children from drowning that couldserve as a good practice even in modern times


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    During the Byzantine Times, medicine and surgery developed as Greek physicians continued to practice in Constantinople. Healing methods were common for both adults and children, and pediatrics as a medical specialty did not exist. Already Byzantine hospitals became institutions to dispense medical services, rather than shelters for the homeless, which included doctors and nurses for those who suffered from the disease. A major improvement in the status of hospitals as medical centers took place in this period, and physicians were called archiatroi. Several sources prove that archiatroi were still functioning in the late sixth century and long afterward, but now as xenon doctors. Patients were averse to surgery due to the incidence of complications. The hagiographical literature repeated allusions to doctors. Concerns about children with a surgical disease often led parents to seek miraculous healings achieved by Christian Protectors ā€“ Saints. This paper is focused on three eminent Byzantine physicians and surgeons, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, who dealt with pediatric operations and influenced the European Medicine for centuries to come. We studied historical and theological sources in order to present a comprehensive picture of the curative techniques used for pediatric surgical diseases during the Byzantine Times.U bizantsko doba medicina i kirurgija razvijali su se dok su grčki liječnici nastavili s praksom u Carigradu. Metode liječenja i za odrasle i za djecu se nisu razlikovale, a pedijatrija kao medicinska specijalizacija nije postojala. Bizantske bolnice postale su ustanove, a ne skloniÅ”ta za beskućnike, u kojima su liječnici i medicinske sestre pružali medicinske usluge za sve oboljele. U ovom se razdoblju dogodilo veliko poboljÅ”anje statusa bolnica kao medicinskih centara, a liječnici su prozvani archiatroi. Nekoliko izvora dokazuje da su archiatroi joÅ” uvijek djelovali u kasnom Å”estom stoljeću i dugo nakon toga, ali sada kao ksenonski liječnici. Pacijenti nisu bili skloni operacijama zbog učestalosti komplikacija. U hagiografskoj literaturi su se učestalo spominjali liječnici. Zabrinutost za djecu s kirurÅ”kom boleŔću roditelje je često tjerala da traže čudesna ozdravljenja koja su prakticirali krŔćanski sveci zaÅ”titnici. Ovaj rad govori o tri ugledna bizantska liječnika i kirurga. Oribazije, Aecije iz Amide i Pavao iz Aegine bavili su se pedijatrijskim operacijama i utjecali na europsku medicinu u idućim stoljećima. Proučavali smo povijesne i teoloÅ”ke izvore kako bismo predstavili sveobuhvatnu sliku kurativnih tehnika koje su koriÅ”tene za dječje kirurÅ”ke bolesti u bizantsko doba
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