60 research outputs found

    Wavelength-dependent nonlinear optical loop mirror for simultaneous amplitude noise reduction at two wavelengths

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    We propose and study analytically and numerically a polarisation-imbalanced Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror (NOLM) scheme exhibitinga wavelength-dependent nonlinear characteristic. The device includes a symmetric coupler, an isotropic (or, in practice, twisted nonpolarisation-maintaining) fibre loop and a section of high birefringence (HiBi) fibre to break the polarisation symmetry. Thanks to thewavelength-dependent phase shift of the HiBi fibre, wavelength-dependent switching is obtained. For proper orientation of the HiBi fibrein the loop plane and using linear input polarisation at 45° with respect to its birefringence axes, the NOLM switching power varies withwavelength, whereas its zero low-power transmission and 100% maximal transmission are constant. Through slight adjustments of the HiBifibre birefringence, which can be realised mechanically or thermally, the ratio between switching powers at two particular wavelengthscan be readily adjusted. We show numerically that this scheme can be applied to simultaneous amplitude regeneration of two wavelengthchannels exhibiting uneven power levels

    Q-switched mode locking noise-like pulse generation from a thulium-doped all-fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation

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    Q-switched mode locking (QML) noise-like pulse (NLP) emission from an all-fiber thulium-doped laser based on the nonlinear polarization rotation effect is reported. The QML emission is obtained in a cavity with net anomalous dispersion in a pump power interval in between the CW laser threshold and the threshold of the NLP regime. Highest-energy QML pulses were observed with a repetition rate of 812 kHz with a pump power of 520 mW at the optical wavelength of 1881.09 nm. A maximum overall energy of 460 nJ at an average output power of 6.4 mW was reached, which corresponds to a burst of mode-locked noise-like sub-pulses with 8.7 ns of pulse duration within a QML envelope of 11 μs. These results demonstrate unconventional pulse operation regime of NLPs and provide insights into the dynamics of mode-locked fiber lasers

    Wavelength-tunable picosecond pulses from a passively mode-locked figure-eight Erbium-doped fiber laser with a Sagnac fiber filter

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    We experimentally demonstrated a wavelength-tunable passively mode-locked Erbium-doped figure-eight fiber laser. Wide tunability is achieved using a high-birefringence (hi-bi) fiber Sagnac loop. The filter transmission function is controlled by selecting the hi-bi fiber loop length. The output pulses are wavelength tunable over a range from 1525 nm to 1555 nm. The FWHM of the autocorrelation trace is about 3.1 ps and the pulse spectrum has a FWHM of 1.5 nm. The pulse temporal and spectral widths remain constant over the tunable range

    Sub-200-kHz single soliton generation in a long ring Er-fiber laser with strict polarization control by using twisted fiber

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    In the present work we demonstrate a novel single-soliton ultra-low pulse repetition frequency passively modelocked erbium-doped fiber laser. We mitigate the residual linear birefringence of fiber by fiber twist to achieve a strict control of polarization. For mode-locking the nonlinear polarization rotation (NPR) was used. Special technique was applied to reduce the overdriving of NPR that allows the generation of single soliton in ultra-long cavity. The strict control of polarization yields a stable relation between the polarization state of the pulses propagating in the cavity and the regimes of generation. A 192.12-kHz train of soliton pulses was obtained with pulse duration of 4.7 ps at 1560.1 nm, the average power was 29 μW and the estimated peak power was ̴30.8 W with an energy of 150.9 pJ

    Experimental study of an in-fiber acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter for single- and dual-wavelength operation in a thulium-doped fiber laser

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    A tunable single- and dual-wavelength thulium-doped all-fiber laser is demonstrated based on the implementation of an in-fiber acousto-optic tunable bandpass filter (AOTBF). The AOTBF is fabricated to be operated in the 1.9 µm region, and takes advantage of the intermodal coupling effect produced by traveling flexural acoustic waves in an optical fiber. It exhibits a 3-dB bandwidth of 2.04 nm with an insertion loss of 4.75 dB. The tuning properties of the AO device allows a continuous-wave operation with characteristics of wide tuning range (211.5 nm), narrow linewidth (50 pm) and high signal-to-noise ratio (60 dB). In the dual-wavelength regime, the laser is capable of independent tuning of each of the laser lines, achieving a tunable dual-wavelength emission that extends from 1802.67 to 1932.75 nm. A controllable wavelength spacing with minimum and maximum separations of 1.04 and 130.08 nm is obtained

    Long cavity ring fiber mode-locked laser with decreased net value of nonlinear polarization rotation

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    We investigate a new configuration of a mode-locked fiber laser by using a nonlinear polarization rotation-based design to generate soliton pulses with low repetition rate. Unlike with previously reported configurations, we introduce a Faraday mirror after the first half of the cavity length to counteract the nonlinear polarization rotation effects. The total cavity length is 437 m including a 400-m long twisted SMF-28 fiber. The fiber was twisted to cancel the linear birefringence and to ensure that the polarization ellipticity is not altered as the pulse travels along the fiber. The strict control of polarization yields a stable relation between the polarization state of the pulses propagating in the cavity and the regimes of generation. Depending on the polarization state we observed three different emission regimes, the single soliton regime (SR), conventional noise-like pulses (NLP) and noise-like square-waveform pulse (NLSWP). In the SR, a 467.2 kHz train of solitons was obtained with pulse duration of 2.9 ps at 1558.7 nm

    Q switching and mode locking pulse generation from an all-fiber ring laser by intermodal acousto-optic bandpass modulation

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    Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) pulse generation from an all-fiber ring laser based on intermodal acousto-optic bandpass modulation is reported. The modulator relies on full-acousto-optic mode re-coupling cycle induced by a standing flexural acoustic wave, with a transmission response that is controlled by amplitude modulation of the acoustic wave signal. The Q factor of the cavity is controlled by a rectangular pulse wave with variable frequency and duty cycle, whereas mode locking is achieved by amplitude modulation derived from a standing flexural acoustic wave. The best QML pulses were obtained at 0.5 kHz repetition rate, with a pump power of 549.2 mW, at the optical wavelength of 1568.2 nm. A maximum overall energy of 2.14 µJ at an average output power of 1.07 mW was achieved, corresponding to a burst of mode-locked sub-pulses of 100 ps pulse duration within a QML envelope of 3.5 µs

    HIV infection and drugs of abuse: role of acute phase proteins

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    Background HIV infection and drugs of abuse such as methamphetamine (METH), cocaine, and alcohol use have been identified as risk factors for triggering inflammation. Acute phase proteins such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) are the biomarkers of inflammation. Hence, the interactive effect of drugs of abuse with acute phase proteins in HIV-positive subjects was investigated. Methods Plasma samples were utilized from 75 subjects with METH use, cocaine use, alcohol use, and HIV-positive alone and HIV-positive METH, cocaine, and alcohol users, and age-matched control subjects. The plasma CRP and SAA levels were measured by ELISA and western blot respectively and the CD4 counts were also measured. Results Observed results indicated that the CRP and SAA levels in HIV-positive subjects who are METH, cocaine and alcohol users were significantly higher when compared with either drugs of abuse or HIV-positive alone. The CD4 counts were also dramatically reduced in HIV-positive with drugs of abuse subjects compared with only HIV-positive subjects. Conclusions These results suggest that, in HIV-positive subjects, drugs of abuse increase the levels of CRP and SAA, which may impact on the HIV infection and disease progression

    Reduction of Plasma Gelsolin Levels Correlates with Development of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome and Fatal Outcome in Burn Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Depletion of the circulating actin-binding protein, plasma gelsolin (pGSN) has been described in critically ill surgical patients. We hypothesized that the extent of pGSN reduction might correlate with different outcome of burn patients. The study was performed to evaluate the prognostic implications of pGSN levels on the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and fatal outcome in a group of severely burn patients. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 95 patients were included, and they were divided into three groups with different burn area: group I (n = 33), group II (n = 32) and group III (n = 30). According to whether there was development of MODS or not, patients were divided into MODS group (n = 28) and none-MODS group (n = 67); then the patients with MODS were further divided into non-survivor group (n = 17) and survivor group (n = 11). The peripheral blood samples were collected on postburn days (PBD) 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21. The levels of pGSN were determined and T cells were procured from the blood. The contents of cytokines (IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-γ) released by T cells were also measured. The related factors of prognosis were analyzed by using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The results showed that pGSN concentrations, as well as the levels of IL-2 and IFN-γ, decreased markedly on PBD 1-21, whereas, the levels of IL-4 increased markedly in all burn groups as compared with normal controls (P<0.05 or P<0.01), and there were obviously differences between group I and group III (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The similar results were found in MODS patients and the non-survivor group as compared with those without MODS and the survival group on days 3-21 postburn (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Moreover, as the pGSN levels decreased, the incidence of septic complication as well as MODS remarkably increased. CONCLUSIONS: pGSN levels appear to be an early prognostic marker in patients suffering from major burns