708 research outputs found

    Probabilistic seismic hazard maps from seismicity patterns analysis: the Iberian Peninsula case

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    Earthquake prediction is a main topic in Seismology. Here, the goal is to know the correlation between the seismicity at a certain place at a given time with the seismicity at the same place, but at a following interval of time. There are no ways for exact predictions, but one can wonder about the causality relations between the seismic characteristics at a given time interval and another in a region. In this paper, a new approach to this kind of studies is presented. Tools which include cellular automata theory and Shannon's entropy are used. First, the catalogue is divided into time intervals, and the region into cells. The activity or inactivity of each cell at a certain time is described using an energy criterion; thus a pattern which evolves over time is given. The aim is to find the rules of the stochastic cellular automaton which best fits the evolution of the pattern. The neighborhood utilized is the cross template (CT). A grid search is made to choose the best model, being the mutual information between the different times the function to be maximized. This function depends on the size of the cells &beta; on and the interval of time &tau; which is considered for studying the activity of a cell. With these &beta; and &tau;, a set of probabilities which characterizes the evolution rules is calculated, giving a probabilistic approach to the spatiotemporal evolution of the region. The sample catalogue for the Iberian Peninsula covers since 1970 till 2001. The results point out that the seismic activity must be deduced not only from the past activity at the same region but also from its surrounding activity. The time and spatial highest interaction for the catalogue used are of around 3.3 years and 290x165 km<sup>2</sup>, respectively; if a cell is inactive, it will continue inactive with a high probability; an active cell has around the 60% probability of continuing active in the future. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map obtained marks the main seismic active areas (northwestern Africa) were the real seismicity has been occurred after the date of the data set studied. Also, the Hurst exponent has been studied. The value calculated is 0.48&plusmn;0.02, which means that the process is inherently unpredictable. This result can be related to the incapacity of the cellular automaton obtained of predicting sudden changes

    Fractal behaviour of the seismicity in the Southern Iberian Peninsula

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    The fractal behaviour of the seismicity in the Southern Iberian Peninsula is analysed by considering two different series of data: the distance and the elapsed time between consecutive seismic events recorded by the seismic network of the Andalusian Institute of Geophysics (AIG). The fractal analyses have been repeated by considering four threshold magnitudes of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0. The re-scaled analysis lets to determine if the seismicity shows strong randomness or if it is characterised by time-persistence and the cluster dimension indicates the degree of time and spatial clustering of the seismicity. Another analysis, based on the reconstruction theorem, permits to evaluate the minimum number of nonlinear equations describing the dynamical mechanism of the seismicity, its 'loss of memory', its chaotic character and the instability of a possible predicting algorithm. The results obtained depict some differences depending on distances or elapsed times and the different threshold levels of magnitude also lead to slightly different results. Additionally, only a part of the fractal tools, the re-scaled analysis, have been applied to five seismic crises in the same area

    High-Mobility Few-Layer Graphene Field Effect Transistors Fabricated on Epitaxial Ferroelectric Gate Oxides

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    The carrier mobility \mu of few-layer graphene (FLG) field-effect transistors increases ten-fold when the SiO_2 substrate is replaced by single-crystal epitaxial Pb(Zr_0.2Ti_0.8)O_3 (PZT). In the electron-only regime of the FLG, \mu reaches 7x10^4 cm^2/Vs at 300K for n = 2.4x10^12/cm^2, 70% of the intrinsic limit set by longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons; it increases to 1.4x10^5 cm^2/Vs at low temperature. The temperature-dependent resistivity \rho(T) reveals a clear signature of LA phonon scattering, yielding a deformation potential D = 7.8+/-0.5 eV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A probabilistic seismic hazard model based on cellular automata and information theory

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    International audienceWe try to obtain a spatio-temporal model of earthquakes occurrence based on Information Theory and Cellular Automata (CA). The CA supply useful models for many investigations in natural sciences; here, it have been used to establish temporal relations between the seismic events occurring in neighbouring parts of the crust. The catalogue used is divided into time intervals and the region into cells, which are declared active or inactive by means of a certain energy release criterion (four criteria have been tested). A pattern of active and inactive cells which evolves over time is given. A stochastic CA is constructed with the patterns to simulate their spatio-temporal evolution. The interaction between the cells is represented by the neighbourhood (2-D and 3-D models have been tried). The best model is chosen by maximizing the mutual information between the past and the future states. Finally, a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map is drawn up for the different energy releases. The method has been applied to the Iberian Peninsula catalogue from 1970 to 2001. For 2-D, the best neighbourhood has been the Moore's one of radius 1; the von Neumann's 3-D also gives hazard maps and takes into account the depth of the events. Gutenberg-Richter's law and Hurst's analysis have been obtained for the data as a test of the catalogue. Our results are consistent with previous studies both of seismic hazard and stress conditions in the zone, and with the seismicity occurred after 2001

    Kinetics and mechanism of the iron electrode in solutions of HCl in dimethylsulphoxide

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    The kinetics of polycrystalline iron electrodes has been investigated under different experimental conditions, employing solutions of hydrogen chloride in dimethylsulphoxide in the presence of KClO4 as supporting electrolyte. Anodic E/I curves exhibit active and passive regions, the former having a Tafel slope of 2RT/3F. At the lower cathodic polarizations, hydrogen discharge occurs and at higher, the electrodeposition of ferrous ion takes place; both reactions have Tafel slopes of 2RT/F. Other kinetic parameters obtained include the reaction orders, dependence of corrosion potential on HCl concentration, non-steady slopes from decay curves, experimental activation energy, etc. The interpretation of the reactions is given in terms of a consecutive reaction mechanism involving the participation of solvent ions. The reaction scheme is formally the same as already discussed for the iron electrode in aqueous solutions to explain the 2RT/3F anodic Tafel slope.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Electrochemistry of solvated proton in dimethylsulphoxide : II. Kinetics and mechanism of the electrolytic evolution of hydrogen on iron

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    The kinetics of the electrolytic evolution of hydrogen on iron electrodes using solutions of HCl in DMSO has been investigated. The electrode reaction was studied within the temperature range from 20 to 45°C at various HCl concentrations, in the presence of an excess of potassium perchlorate. The mechanism interpreting the electrode reaction comprises as first step the simple solvated-hydrogen-ion discharge as rate-controlling followed probably by a hydrogen adatom combination process. The theoretical parameters derived from this mechanism coincide with the results obtained from steady as well as from non-steady measurements.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Probabilistic seismic hazard maps from seismicity patterns analysis: the Iberian Peninsula case

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    International audienceEarthquake prediction is a main topic in Seismology. Here, the goal is to know the correlation between the seismicity at a certain place at a given time with the seismicity at the same place, but at a following interval of time. There are no ways for exact predictions, but one can wonder about the causality relations between the seismic characteristics at a given time interval and another in a region. In this paper, a new approach to this kind of studies is presented. Tools which include cellular automata theory and Shannon's entropy are used. First, the catalogue is divided into time intervals, and the region into cells. The activity or inactivity of each cell at a certain time is described using an energy criterion; thus a pattern which evolves over time is given. The aim is to find the rules of the stochastic cellular automaton which best fits the evolution of the pattern. The neighborhood utilized is the cross template (CT). A grid search is made to choose the best model, being the mutual information between the different times the function to be maximized. This function depends on the size of the cells ? on and the interval of time ? which is considered for studying the activity of a cell. With these ? and ?, a set of probabilities which characterizes the evolution rules is calculated, giving a probabilistic approach to the spatiotemporal evolution of the region. The sample catalogue for the Iberian Peninsula covers since 1970 till 2001. The results point out that the seismic activity must be deduced not only from the past activity at the same region but also from its surrounding activity. The time and spatial highest interaction for the catalogue used are of around 3.3 years and 290x165 km2, respectively; if a cell is inactive, it will continue inactive with a high probability; an active cell has around the 60% probability of continuing active in the future. The Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map obtained marks the main seismic active areas (northwestern Africa) were the real seismicity has been occurred after the date of the data set studied. Also, the Hurst exponent has been studied. The value calculated is 0.48±0.02, which means that the process is inherently unpredictable. This result can be related to the incapacity of the cellular automaton obtained of predicting sudden changes

    Multi-Agent Architecture with Support to Quality of Service and Quality of Control

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15381-5_17Multi Agent Systems (MAS) are one of the most suitable frameworks for the implementation of intelligent distributed control system. Agents provide suitable flexibility to give support to implied heterogeneity in cyber-physical systems. Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Control (QoC) parameters are commonly utilized to evaluate the efficiency of the communications and the control loop. Agents can use the quality measures to take a wide range of decisions, like suitable placement on the control node or to change the workload to save energy. This article describes the architecture of a multi agent system that provides support to QoS and QoC parameters to optimize de system. The architecture uses a Publish-Subscriber model, based on Data Distribution Service (DDS) to send the control messages. Due to the nature of the Publish-Subscribe model, the architecture is suitable to implement event-based control (EBC) systems. The architecture has been called FSACtrlThe architecture described in this article is a part of the coordinated project SIDIRELI: Distributed Systems with Limited Resources. Control Kernel and Coordination. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government and FEDER funds.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2010). Multi-Agent Architecture with Support to Quality of Service and Quality of Control. En Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2010. Springer Verlag (Germany). 137-144. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15381-5_17S137144Lee, E.A.: Cyber Physical Systems: Design Challenges. In: 11th IEEE Symposium on Object Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, pp. 363–369 (2008)Siegel, J.: CORBA 3: Fundamentals and Programming. OMG (2000)FIPA. FIPA-QoS (2002), http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00094Object Management Group (OMG): Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems, v1.1. Document formal (2005-12-04)Posadas, J.L., Poza, J.L., Simó, J.E., Benet, G., Blanes, F.: Agent Based Distributed Architecture for Mobile Robot Control. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 21(6), 805–823 (2008)Aurrecoechea, C., Campbell, A.T., Hauw, L.: A Survey of QoS Architectures. Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on QoS Architecture 6(3), 138–151 (1998)Pardo-Castellote, G.: OMG Data-Distribution Service: architectural overview. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, Providence, USA, vol. 19(22), pp. 200–206 (2003)International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Terms and Definitions Related to Quality of Service and Network Performance Including Dependability. ITU-T Recommendation E.800 (0894) (1994)Sánchez, J., Guarnes, M.Á., Dormido, S.: On the Application of Different Event-Based Sampling Strategies to the Control of a Simple Industrial Process. Sensors 9, 6795–6818 (2009)Dorf, R.C., Bishop, R.H.: Modern Control Systems, 11th edn. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (2008)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: Middleware with QoS Support to Control Intelligent Systems. In: 2th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, ADVCOMP, pp. 211–216 (2008)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: From the Queue to the Quality of Service Policy: A Middleware Implementation. In: Omatu, S., Rocha, M.P., Bravo, J., Fernández, F., Corchado, E., Bustillo, A., Corchado, J.M. (eds.) IWANN 2009. LNCS, vol. 5518, pp. 432–437. Springer, Heidelberg (2009

    Diseño de una rectena de onda completa de triple frecuencia

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    Modern communication systems use multifrequency or broadband antennas in order to provide multiple communication services. One of the biggest problems associated to all these systems comes from their batteries life cycle. Nowadays, great efforts are being undertaken in order to harvest energy from as many places as possible. In addition, if the two cycles of the corresponding wave could be used, it would be good in order to increase the RF-DC power conversion. This paper presents a multifrequency and full wave-rectifying antenna for microwave applicatio