42 research outputs found

    Health and wellbeing among retired elite athletes: Empirical evidence

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    Objectives: The implications that sport retirement generates among high-level athletes has led to an increase in scientific investigations which describe the quality of life associated to the athletes´ health. The main objective of the study was to determinate the primary problems faced by retired athletes. Study design: The search was carried out in 2 databases: Scopus and WOS. 47 articles were found, 34 and 13 respectively. Method: The design of this study is a descriptive, non-experimental path cast post ex facto retrospection. Results: The research shows three dominant content trends about the quality of life of retired athletes: First mental health, where depression, stress and identity problems were the most notable variables. Second, physical health related to injuries and pain threshold. Last, the quality of life associated to physical activity and healthy habits. Conclusions: Mental health is a key factor to consider before, during and after the sporting career but also physical health is also another determining concept to consider. Physical activity is also a key concept in the lives of retired athletes

    Body appreciation as a multifactorial construct in adolescent athletes and their athletic achievements

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    Given the strong cultural and social messages that encourage men and women to feel dissatisfied with their bodies, the cases of affection are increasing, since the standards and stereotypes imposed by society are not always adequate when talking about health or are even so far from reality and encourage some people to attempt against their health and physical integrity for the mere fact of complying with them, and adolescent athletes are no strangers to this situation. This was a quantitative cross-sectional observational study with a participation of 354 adolescent athletes between 10 and 19 years of age, of whom 51.4% were male and 48.6% female. A sociodemographic survey and the Body Appreciation Scale were applied. The results showed a high level of body appreciation in the participants and significant relationships with the years of sports practice and the result of the last competition. To conclude, although this research found variables that can influence the level of body appreciation, it is important to investigate further and include other aspects such as relationships with peers, coaches, family members and social networks, since the feelings and thoughts of adolescent athletes about their bodies influence their mental health and consequently their sports performance

    Prevalence of the level of physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean diet in children with special education needs

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    Research studies show the importance of diet and regular physical activity in order to achieve a good quality of life. For children with specific education needs, the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle are even worse than that for the general population. The aim is to analyse the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the level of physical activity in 130 children with Specific Needs and Educational Support attending regular and specific schools. The instrument used to measure the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was the Kidmed test, taken as the model healthy diet. The physical activity in children was measured with the PAQ-C. The results showed that among children with Specific Needs and Educational Support, the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet must be improved and that their level of practice of physical activities was moderate. There were not significant differences in adherence regarding gender, school year, population situation or diagnosis. Only that adherence is lower in children in need of educational support. We found the same results with physical activity level, except in the case of the variable gender, with children suffering from ASD

    Trait anxiety among adolescents: levels and differences relative to rate of physical exercise

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los niveles de ansiedad rasgo entre estudiantes de primer y segundo ciclo de enseñanza secundaria de Galicia (España). El estudio utilizó una metodología psicométrico-cuantitativa, incluyendo análisis factorial, descriptivo e inferencial en una muestra de 869 estudiantes de entre 12 y 18 años (M = 14.44; DT = 1.59), encuestados mediante el Cuestionario de Ansiedad (STAI-R) y una ficha de datos sociodemográficos. Los resultados mostraron niveles moderados de ansiedad rasgo entre el 49 % de la muestra, niveles bajos entre el 26.9 % y niveles altos entre el 24.1 %. El análisis factorial exploratorio apoyó un modelo de tres factores (Inadecuación, Desesperanza y Estabilidad), mientras que el análisis factorial confirmatorio demostró que un modelo teórico de dos factores (Ansiedad rasgo-afirmativa, Ansiedad rasgo-negativa) también presenta un ajuste aceptable. La fiabilidad se analizó mediante el alfa de Cronbach y el omega de McDonald, encontrándose índices de consistencia interna adecuados para cada medida de la escala (α/ω > .70). Finalmente, el análisis inferencial apoyó la existencia de un mayor nivel de ansiedad rasgo entre los adolescentes que no realizan ejercicio físico. El artículo concluye que incluso los niveles moderados de ansiedad rasgo entre los jóvenes pueden mejorarse mediante el ejercicio físico.[Abstract] The aim of this research was to assess the levels of trait anxiety among students of junior - and senior - cycle secondary school in Galicia (Spain). The study used a psychometric - quantitative methodology, including factorial, descriptive and inferential anal ysis in a sample of 869 students aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.44; SD = 1.59), surveyed using the Anxiety Questionnaire (STAI - R) and a sociodemographic data sheet. The results showed moderate levels of trait anxiety among 49% of the sample, low leve ls among 26.9%, and high levels among 24.1%. Exploratory factor analysis supported a three - factor model (Inadequacy, Hopelessness, and Stability ), while confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that a two - factor theoretical model (Trait anxiety - affirmativ e, Trait anxiety - negative) also presents an acceptable fit. Reliability was analysed using Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega, with adequate internal consistency indices found for each measure of the scale (α/ω > .70). Finally, the inferential analysis supported the existence of a higher level of trait anxiety among adolescents who do not engage in physical exercise. The paper concludes that even moderate levels of trait anxiety among young people can be improved through physical exercise

    Motivación percibida por los adolescentes gallegos en la práctica del ejercicio

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las motivaciones que llevan a los adolescentes a incrementar la práctica del ejercicio físico. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Autionforme de Motivos para la Práctica de Ejercicio Físico a 342 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato (M=15.02±1.86). Los resultados evidencian que  prevención/salud positiva y diversión/bienestar son los principales factores motivacionales en la práctica del ejercicio físico. Finalmente, con menor impacto en la motivación se encuentra el reconocimiento social/desafío y urgencias de salud. En conclusión, conocer los motivos que apoyan la práctica regular del ejercicio físico puede ayudar a reducir el sedentarism

    Violencia a través de las TIC: comportamientos diferenciados por género

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    The impact that gender stereotypes have on violence through information and communication technologies (ICT) is a frequent concern in the school, family and individual framework. The objective of the study was to know the influence of gender on violence through ICT, and identify which socio-school variables are associated. Quantitative research of descriptive-inferential-correlational type, with a sample of 1.495 individuals between the ages of 10 and 17 (M = 12.69; DT = 1.92). An ad hoc questionnaire (socio-school data) and the scale of school violence (CUVE-R) by Álvarez-García, Núñez, Rodríguez, Álvarez and Dobarro (2011) have been used. The data show a low-medium level of ICT violence, with a higher prevalence in both genders of sending messages of offense, insult or threat. However, the female gender does it through the Internet (Tuenti, Facebook, etc.) and the male using the mobile. Likewise, there are statistically significant differences in gender when recording or taking photos with the mobile phone to make fun of peers or teachers, with a greater incidence by the male gender. There are also differences in gender according to age. ICT violence stagnates from the age of 13 on the female gender, while the male continues to increase slightly. In conclusion, gender is a variable to keep in mind in preventive or intervention programs focused on minimizing this problem.El impacto que tienen los estereotipos de género en la violencia a través de las  tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) es una frecuente preocupación en el marco escolar, familiar e individual. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la influencia del género en la violencia a través de las TIC, e identificar qué variables socio-escolares están asociadas. Investigación cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo-inferencial-correlacional, con una muestra de 1.495 individuos de edades entre los 10 y 17 años (M = 12.69; DT = 1.92). Se utilizó un cuestionario ad hoc (datos socio-escolares) y la escala de violencia escolar (CUVE-R) propuesta por Álvarez-García, Núñez, Rodríguez, Álvarez y Dobarro, 2011. Los datos arrojan un nivel bajo-medio de violencia TIC, con mayor prevalencia en ambos géneros del envío de mensajes de ofensa, insulto o amenaza. No obstante, el género femenino lo hace a través de Internet (Tuenti, Facebook, etc) y el masculino utilizando el móvil. Asimismo, se presentan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el género cuando se graba o hace fotos con el móvil para hacer burlas entre compañeros o al profesorado, con mayor incidencia por parte del género masculino. También se presentan diferencias en género según la edad. La violencia TIC se estanca a partir de los 13 años en el género femenino, mientras en el masculino sigue en ligero incremento. En conclusión, el género es una variable a tener muy presente en los programas preventivos o de intervención enfocados a minimizar esta problemática

    Percepción de barreras para la práctica del ejercicio físico en adolescentes gallegos

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las barreras que dificultan la práctica del ejercicio físico en la adolescencia. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y transversal con 342 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato (M=15.02±1.86), a través del Autoinforme de Barreras para la Práctica del Ejercicio Físico (ABPEF). Los resultados obtenidos muestran como principales barreras que dificultan la práctica del ejercicio físico, las obligaciones o falta de tiempo y la fatiga o pereza. Por el contrario, las barreras con menor peso serían la imagen corporal o ansiedad física-social y el ambiente o las instalaciones

    Sobre los valores: análisis curricular de la educación física en escuelas secundaria en diferentes países

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    Education in general and Physical Education (PE) is a time and space where the dimensions of knowledge are taught and learned, as well as issues of human behavior and relationship, both individually and collectively. We are talking about human values and virtues. PE as a curricular subject is undoubtedly a place where values can be taught and lived. The aim of this theoretical curricular study was to analyze the secondary school curricula of six different countries: Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Spain, Portugal, England. These countries were deliberately chosen according to a basic criterion i) being from different continents, ii) the PE curriculum must be a National public policy, iii) different languages (Spanish, English, Portuguese) and iv) access to the curriculum document to carry out the analysis. We assumed that countries with different cultures, languages, traditions, politics, religions - traditional and new religions - could present different or the same values/axiological perspectives. The results showed that the values most taught in PE classes are respect, tolerance, fair play, teamwork and cooperation - values common to all countries. There seems to be a common feature of what is human (regardless of the region of the globe). There are desirable values that are inscribed in human being, in living individually and together.La educación en general y la Educación Física (EF) es un tiempo y un espacio donde se enseñan y aprenden las dimensiones del conocimiento, así como cuestiones de comportamiento y relación humanas, tanto individuales como colectivas. Hablamos de valores y virtudes humanas. La Educación Física como materia curricular es, sin duda, un lugar donde enseñar y vivir valores. El objetivo de este estudio teórico curricular fue analizar el currículo de secundaria de seis países diferentes: Brasil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, España, Portugal e Inglaterra. Estos países fueron elegidos deliberadamente según un criterio básico: i) ser de diferentes continentes, ii) el currículo de EF debe ser una política pública Nacional, iii) diferentes idiomas (español, inglés, portugués) y iv) acceso al documento curricular para realizar el análisis. Supusimos que países con diferentes culturas, lenguas, tradiciones, política, religiones -tradicionales y nuevas religiones- podrían presentar valores/perspectivas axiológicas diferentes o iguales. Los resultados mostraron que los valores más enseñados en las clases de educación física son el respeto, la tolerancia, el juego limpio, el trabajo en equipo y la cooperación, valores comunes a todos los países. Parece existir un rasgo común de lo humano (independientemente de la región del globo). Hay valores deseables que están inscritos en el ser humano, en la vida individual y en la vida en común

    Evaluation of an equine therapy program in students with Autism spectrum disorder

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    Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) has the main objective of using horseback riding as a tool in a therapeutic process to improve, among other facets, motor skills and postural control and even psychological well-being. The purpose of this research was to determine if equinetherapy (horseback riding with a therapeutic aim) favours the motor, communication and social development in subjects with ASD. A case study was performed with 5 subjects between 8 and 31 years. The program was carried out over 32 sessions of 60 minutes each, a day a week. The recording techniques were a questionnaire, observation and a field diary. Among the most salient results, we point out improvements in balance, posture, fine and gross motricity, and an optimal muscle relaxation that gradually leads to a removal of stereotypies. Regarding the aspect of social communication, a major improvement in non-verbal communication, and new bonding of friendship, love and respect for animals. This study is a contribution to the scientific evaluation of equine therapy as an effective treatment in persons with ASD

    A descriptive analysis of the sport, health, and psychological characteristics of at-risk youth in Guatemala

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    Guatemala is a country with a long history of conflict, poverty and violence that still affects young people. However, their exist non-governmental organizations such as Guatemalan Olympic Foundation (FUNOG) whose purpose is imparting sport and Olympic values as educational principles of the institution. The aim of this study is to describe the sport, health, and psychological characteristics of the youth who participate in this organization. The research’s objectives were accomplished through a quantitative methodology and the involvement of 91 participants. Results emphasised the participants’ elevated levels of physical activity exceeded those of other youth of same ages. No link was found between the level of physical activity and other personal or health variables. Age was negatively correlated with factors pertaining to meaning in life but not with dialectics. A correlation was found between self-esteem and goals, tasks, and empathy, but health literacy was negatively correlated with interpersonal relationships. These data incentivise us to design and evaluate sport programmes not only as an educational strategy to promote health literacy and social-emotional skills, but also to improve the perception of the purpose of life