169 research outputs found

    A comparative study of impacts and implications of climate change on tourism in IRAN and Portugal (A case study of Kish Island and Algarve Region)

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    Na atualidade, as preocupações com as alterações climáticas estão a crescer em grande escala, o que estimula a investigação relacionada a nível mundial, ainda mais por as mesmas terem implicações no setor do turismo. Pela revisão da literatura realizada, podemos deduzir que um dos tópicos a que os investigadores estão a dar especial atenção é o da relação entre as alterações climáticas e o sector do turismo. O interesse pelas interações entre o clima de determinado destino e o turismo aumentou, visivelmente, à escala global; no entanto, ainda há muita investigação empírica a fazer, sobretudo sobre a forma como os turistas reagem às condições meteorológicas com que se deparam e como o seu comportamento se poderá alterar de acordo com os possíveis cenários de, igualmente possíveis, alterações climáticas no futuro. Sendo o sector do turismo muito dependente das condições meteorológicas, a previsão de possíveis alterações climáticas será essencial para o desenvolvimento sustentável dos destinos turísticos a nível mundial, particularmente em regiões com elevada vulnerabilidade às alterações climáticas, ou seja, em regiões criticas. Entre os diferentes tipos de turismo, o turismo costeiro é o mais vulnerável às alterações climáticas devido às suas atividades ao ar livre, pois as mesmas só são possíveis de realizar sob determinadas condições climáticas. Tendo como um dos objetivos primordiais o contributo para a literatura relacionada com o clima, numa visão holística, escolhemos duas zonas com vulnerabilidades climáticas diferentes, em dois países diferentes, mas pouco estudada(o)s até ao momento. Para tal, nesta tese é feita uma investigação intercontinental, um estudo em Portugal e outro no Irão. Os estudos realizados nos referidos países, em ambos os casos com uma eminente vocação turística, fornecem indicadores sobre alguns, possíveis, impactos das alterações climáticas no sector do turismo em ambos os lados do mundo. Em ambas as regiões consideradas para estudo o turismo costeiro é um motor económico dominante, o que os torna ainda mais vulneráveis relativamente às alterações climáticas. Devido ao aquecimento global, os destinos, em geral, estão a lidar com diferentes tipos de impactos tais como: impactos causados por catástrofes naturais, por tempestades, por fenómenos climáticos extremos, pela erosão costeira, por movimentos de sedimentos, por ondas de calor severas e cada vez mais frequentes, pelo desmoronamento de falésias selvagens ou pelos incêndios florestais devastadores. Na ilha de Kish, para além destes fenómenos, as alterações climáticas provocaram também inundações, secas severas, escassez de água potável e consequente contaminação da mesma, por uma diminuição drástica dos caudais dos rios e por uma elevada redução do nível da água do mar Cáspio. Estas catástrofes naturais também estão muito presentes em Portugal. Os casos de estudo foram selecionados através de um processo de downscaling em que serão comparados dois pontos muito semelhantes, homogéneos ao nível das alterações climáticas e de dependência do turismo costeiro, a Ilha de Kish e a região do Algarve. Este trabalho pode classificar-se como uma investigação aplicada-descritiva, em que se utiliza uma abordagem positivista apoiada em métodos quantitativos. Nesta tese é utilizado um modelo analítico comparativo para estudar e investigar as semelhanças e diferenças entre dois estudos de caso. Com os resultados do estudo pretende-se contribuir cientificamente, de forma robusta e sustentada, no apoio às diferentes entidades do sector do turismo de forma a reduzir a vulnerabilidade das regiões e a melhorar os esforços de adaptação face à situação volátil. Após uma relevante revisão crítica da literatura foi efetuada uma avaliação exaustiva da vulnerabilidade e da adaptação do turismo às alterações climáticas, com base numa abordagem ascendente nacional, utilizando os cenários do IPCC (Painel Internacional sobre Alterações Climáticas) de forma a modelar e a prever possíveis alterações futuras em ambas as regiões consideradas nos estudos de caso. A literatura sobre o impacto das alterações climáticas foi utilizada para fazer um enquadramento para a comparação entre as duas regiões em estudo de caso, situadas nos extremos do globo, a fim de testar um modelo comparativo mais abrangente e de modo a avaliar os impactos das alterações climáticas no turismo costeiro. Nesse sentido, e recorrendo-se a dados climáticos secundários, foi utilizado o Índice Climático do Turismo (ICT), o mais utilizado para avaliar a adequação climática de um destino em atividades turísticas gerais, para investigar os impactos das alterações climáticas no turismo costeiro das duas regiões em estudo. Além do referido, foram utilizados programas informáticos, como por exemplo a calculadora TCI e o Minitab 19, bem como testes estatísticos específicos para dados climáticos, como por exemplo o teste de tendência de Man-Kendall, o teste de declive de Sen, além do modelo do programa Lars-WG6. Acrescente-se que os testes de tendência de Mann-Kendall e o teste de declive de Sen são ferramentas disponibilizadas pelo XLSTAT.xla, suplemento do Excel. Apesar das dificuldades encontradas na obtenção de dados secundários, tanto em Portugal como no Irão, conseguiram-se fazer avaliações fiáveis e desenhar cenários para 2050 e para 2100 confiáveis. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, apesar dos impactos das alterações climáticas em cadeia, a maioria dos turistas continuará a viajar para a região do Algarve e para a Ilha de Kish, mas não durante as épocas altas. No essencial, os turistas manterão a sua fidelidade às regiões, contudo poderão alterar de época, o que poderá ser um, possível, bom indicador pois poderá suavizar sazonalidades intrínsecas às referidas regiões. Por outro lado, a investigação também indicia que as alterações climáticas poderão influenciar a escolha do destino, mas em menor escala. Tal como referido anteriormente, estes resultados contribuem para identificar os impactos potencialmente positivos e negativos das alterações climáticas em ambas as regiões de estudo de caso, o que permitirá aos gestores de destinos e aos decisores políticos tomar decisões apropriadas, sustentadas e robustas, de modo a minimizar os impactos potencialmente negativos e de forma a aproveitar as potenciais oportunidades do futuro. Consequentemente, constatamos que existe uma janela de oportunidade para contribuir para a redução dos impactos mais nefastos das alterações climáticas no setor, mas que será uma oportunidade limitada no tempo, pois a degradação do planeta, em termos climáticos, não para: o mundo tem menos de uma década para mudar de rumo. As medidas a serem implementadas nos próximos anos, ou as que deixarem de ser implementadas, terão um enorme impacto no futuro do sector do turismo e no desenvolvimento de outras atividades humanas. O mundo precisa de mais recursos, sejam ao nível financeiro ou de capacidades tecnológicas, para atuar no imediato. Fundamentalmente, o que falta é um sentido de urgência, de solidariedade humana com os nossos e com os outros, em termos de futuro, ou seja, de um interesse/espirito coletivo. Este estudo recomenda que se faça mais investigação, em particular a outras regiões de outros países com as mesmas preocupações, e sejam desenvolvidos novos métodos de forma a explorar novos índices e métodos que permitam prever situações críticas futuras bem como aplicações das referidas novas tecnologias de forma a mitigar a política de alterações climáticas e a reduzir o risco acrescido dos efeitos das alterações climáticas. Os assuntos tecnológicos, os investigadores, os cientistas metrológicos e os participantes internacionais, leia-se organizações mundiais, têm por obrigação apoiar estes objetivosCurrently, the concerns about climate change are growing on a large scale, which stimulates the related research worldwide, even more so because they have implications for the tourism sector. From the literature review, one of the topics to which researchers are giving special attention is the relationship between climate change and the tourism sector. The interest in the interactions between the climate of a specific destination and the tourism sector has visibly increased on a global scale; however, there is still much empirical research to be done, especially on how tourists react to the weather conditions they encounter and how their behaviour can change according to the possible scenarios of, equally possible, climate change in the future. As the tourism sector is highly dependent on weather conditions, forecasting possible climate change will be essential for the sustainable development of tourist destinations worldwide, particularly in regions with high vulnerability to climate change, i.e., critical regions. Among the different types of tourism, coastal tourism is the most vulnerable to climate change because of its open-air activities, which can only be carried out under certain climatic conditions. Considering the contribution to the climate-related literature as one of the main objectives, in a holistic vision, we have chosen two areas with different climate vulnerabilities in two countries, but little research so far. For this, in this thesis, intercontinental research is done, one study in Portugal and another in Iran. The studies conducted in these countries, both with a prominent tourism vocation, provide indicators of some possible impacts of climate change on the tourism sector in both places. In both regions considered for the study, coastal tourism is a dominant economic driver, making them even more vulnerable to climate change. Because of global warming, the destinations, in general, are managing different types of impacts such as the impacts caused by natural disasters, storms, extreme weather phenomena, coastal erosion, sediment movements, severe and more and more frequent heat waves, the collapse of the wild cliffs or the devastating forest fires. On the island of Kish, in addition to these phenomena, climate change has also caused floods, a severe drought, a shortage of drinking water and its consequent contamination by a drastic reduction in river flows and a high reduction in the water level of the Caspian Sea. These natural disasters are also very present in Portugal. The case studies have been chosen through a downscaling process in which two very similar points, homogeneous regarding climate change and the dependence on coastal tourism, the Island of Kish and the Algarve region, will be compared. This work can be classified as applied-descriptive research using a positivist approach supported by quantitative methods. This thesis uses a comparative analytical model to study and investigate the similarities and differences between two case studies. The results of the study are intended to contribute scientifically, in a robust and sustained way, in supporting the different stakeholders of the tourism sector to reduce the vulnerability of the regions and improve adaptation efforts in the face of the volatile situation. After the relevant critical literature review, a comprehensive assessment of tourism vulnerability and adaptation to climate change was carried out based on a national bottom-up approach, using the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) scenarios in order to model and predict potential future changes in the two regions considered in the case studies. The literature concerning the impact of climate change was used to establish a framework for the comparison between the two case study regions located at the extremes of the globe, to test a more comprehensive comparative model and assess the impacts of climate change on coastal tourism. In this sense, and by using secondary climate data, the Tourism Climate Index (TCI), the most widely used to assess the climate suitability of a destination for general tourism activities, was used to investigate the impacts of climate change on the coastal tourism of the two case study regions. In addition to the above, computer programmes, such as the TCI calculator and Minitab 19, as well as statistical tests specific to climate data, such as the Man-Kendall trend test, Sen's slope test, in addition to the Lars-WG6 programme model were used. The Mann-Kendall trend test and Sen's slope test are tools made available by XLSTAT.xla, an Excel add-in. Even with the difficulties in obtaining secondary data in Portugal and Iran, it was possible to conduct accurate assessments and draw reliable scenarios for the years 2050 and 2100. The results show that, notwithstanding the climate change chain impacts, most tourists will keep travelling to the Algarve region and the Island of Kish, but not during the high seasons. In essence, the tourists will keep their loyalty to the regions. However, they may change the season, which can be a good indicator because it can smooth out the seasonality intrinsic to these regions. On the other hand, the research also indicates that climate change may influence the choice of destination, but to a more limited extent. As mentioned above, these results contribute to identifying the potential positive and negative impacts of climate change in both case study regions, which will enable destination managers and decision makers to make appropriate, sustained and robust decisions to mitigate potentially negative impacts and to take advantage of the potential opportunities of the future. Therefore, we see a time window of opportunity to contribute to reducing the most harmful impacts of climate change in the sector. However, it will be a limited opportunity in time because the planet's climatic degradation continues: the world has less than a decade to change course. The measures to be implemented in the coming years, or those that are no longer implemented, will significantly impact the future of the tourism sector and the development of other human activities. The world needs more resources, be they financial or technological capacities, to operate in the immediate future. Fundamentally, what is missing is a sense of urgency, of human solidarity with our own and others, in terms of the future, in other words, a collective interest/spirit. This study recommends that further research be done, particularly in other regions in other countries with the same preoccupations and that new methods be developed in order to explore the new indices and the methods for predicting future critical situations as well as the applications of these new technologies in order to mitigate the climate change policy and reduce the increased risk of the effects of climate change. The technological affairs, the researchers, the metrological scientists and the international participants, in other words, global organizations, should support these objectives

    Impacts of the English Language Acquisition on Language Learners’ Culture and Identity: The Iranian EFL Contexts

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    Researchers and sociolinguists report that culture and language are inextricably intertwined by highlighting “language is culture and culture is language”, they believe that language is a crucial tool for individuals to maintain their culture and identity. Due to several functions of the English language in different sectors such as education, communication, and business, the number of language learners willing to learn this language is growing. As a result, numerous concerns have been raised in the field of sociolinguistics towards the acquisition of this language. Sociolinguists have been worried about some major effects of the English language acquisition on language learners’ mother-tongue, culture, and identity. They report that English as a major language influences many minor languages and changes the language learners' culture and identity negatively. This article aims to review various literature in order to identify some of the impacts of the English language learning which can have influential roles on the Iranian EFL learners’ culture and identity in language centers and universities

    Ecological sustainability in rangelands : the contribution of dung beetles in secondary seed dispersal (case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iran)

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    Ecological sustainability has been recognized as one of the main aspects of sustainable development of rangelands, at which different kinds of animal including insects, make substantial contributions. Dung beetles, known as dung-visiting insects, play several key roles in many ecological functions from which benefit both terrestrial ecosystems and human population. Specifically, they benefit rangelands through reducing greenhouse gas emission, nutrient cycling, plant growth enhancement, trophic regulation and pollination and secondary seed dispersal. This study examined secondary seed dispersal as one of the ecological functions of dung beetles, in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iran. We applied an experimental approach to measure ecological function (i.e. seed removal) by functional groups of dung beetles. We tested whether functional dung beetle groups influence secondary seed dispersal differently. Through repeated standardized samples of sheep dung, data obtained regularly during two different months August and November in 2013. The results show that dung beetles play a role in secondary seed dispersal. However, it is affected by seed size, so that seed removal increased in the order of, large, medium and small size, respectively. The significant differences between treatments were found for small seeds in the both months. More seeds were dispersed from treatment t02 (all combinations of functional groups except large rollers) in August, while in November more seeds from treatments t01 (dwellers plus large and small tunnelers plus large and small rollers) and t03 (the combinations of dwellers plus small tunnelers, and small rollers) were removed. As a conclusion, it is suggested that if it is to guarantee the ecological sustainability of rangelands, paying attention to the ecological functions of dung beetles is crucial

    Damaged professional identity as a barrier to Iranian nursing students’ clinical learning: a qualitative study

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    زمینه و هدف: هویت حرفه ای خدشه دار باعث نارضایتی دانشجویان پرستاری از محیط یادگیری می شود و پیامدهای رفتاری آن عملکرد مراقبتی ضعیف در بالین، کاهش انگیزه، تلاش کمتر برای یادگیری مراقبت پرستاری و شادمانی کم در محیط یادگیری را در پی دارد و بر کیفیت مراقبت از بیمار و اثربخشی نظام آموزشی تأثیرگذار است. این مطالعه با هدف تبیین اثرات هویت حرفه ای بر یادگیری مراقبت های پرستاری در دانشجویان انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی از نوع کیفی، 25 دانشجوی پرستاری در مقطع لیسانس به صورت نمونه گیری مبتنی بر هدف از دانشکده های پرستاری مامایی تهران و شهید بهشتی انتخاب شدند. از مصاحبه های نیمه ساختار یافته برای جمع آوری اطلاعات استفاده شد. روش آنالیز محتوی قراردادی، برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها و تعیین الگوهای مرتبط مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. یافته ها: از تحلیل مصاحبه ها یک الگو با عنوان هویت حرفه ای خدشه دار به دست آمد. این الگو شامل دو طبقه پایمال شدن شأن و منزلت فردی- اجتماعی و بی صدایی پرستاران بود. نتیجه گیری: استفاده از الگوی هویت حرفه ای خدشه دار طراحی شده در این مطالعه در فرآیند یادگیری می تواند به مربیان و مدیران آموزشی کمک کند تا استراتژی هایی را برای تقویت هویت حرفه ای مثبت در دانشجویان پرستاری و به دنبال آن ارتقاء یادگیری آن ها به کار گیرند

    Antibacterial effects of some medicinal plant essential oils against Lactococcus garvieae, Yersinia ruckeri and Aeromonas hydrophila

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    In this study, the antibacterial effects of essential oil extracted from 4 medicinal plants, (Thymus deansis, Satureja bachtiarica, Cuminus cyminam and Myrtus communis) carvacrol, tymol, florfenicol and tetracycline against three pathogenic bacteria (Aeromonas hydrophila, Yersinia ruckeri and Lactococcus garvieae) were evaluated. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of the essential oils were evaluated after preparation of serial dilution. Inhibition zone were also determined on Muller Hinton agar medium. According to the results, the largest inhibition zone was observed from S. bachtiarica and C. cyminam essential oils against A. hydrophila, Y. ruckeri and L. garvieae. The obtained results showed different MICs and MBCs for different bacteria; however, in most cases the essential oils were more effective than tetracycline. Tymol, florfenicol and S. bachtiarica essential oil demonstrated the highest inhibitory and bactericidal effects against A. hydrophila, Y. ruckeri and L. garvieae, respectively. The MIC and MBC of tymol against A. hydrophila were 6.3 and 12.5 µg ml-1 , respectively. The MIC and MBC of florfenicol against L. garvieae were 3.125 and 6.25 and of S. bachtiarica essential oil against Y. ruckeri were 6.25 and 12.5 µg ml-1, respectively. It can be concluded that the sensitivity of the bacteria studied to the essential oils are different. However, considering the antimicrobial effects of some essential oils, it is necessary to evaluate their beneficial effects in prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases in fish

    Clinical Education Status According to the Nursing and Midwifery Students’ Point of View, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

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    Background & Objective : Promoting quality of clinical education necessitates continuous evaluation of the current situations, identifying strengths, and improving weaknesses. This study was designed to assess clinical education status according to the nursing and midwifery students’ point of view in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Methods : In this descriptive study which was conducted in 2004-5, all senior nursing students who were doing a Bachelor of Science and senior midwifery students who were doing technician’s Course (250 students) were asked to complete a 36 item questionnaire in a self-administered way. Results : The most important strengths of clinical education (according to mean scores) were “on time presence of the student in the ward” (89.06), then “on time presence of the instructor in the ward”, (85.05), “considering the pre-requisite clerkship courses”, (82.5), “proper instructors’ behavior with students”, (74.1), “clinical instructor’s interest in working”, (73.92), and “instructor’s clinical track record” (73.1). The most significant weaknesses of clinical education were related to “use of audiovisual aids in clinical atmosphere”, (9.84), “enough number of students in the ward”, (14.91), and “having facilities”, (19.68). Conclusion : Although some aspects of clinical education were good and excellent, improving positive aspects and modifying the weaknesses may be an effective step in promoting quality of clinical education. Repetitive assessments of clinical fields and comparing the current situation with the previous or next ones can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of clinical education. Keywords: Clinical education, Student, Nursing, Midwifery

    The Relationships Between Personality Traits With Women Sexual Satisfaction

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    Objectives Based on the reported studies, approximately 80 of marital disputes result from sexual dissatisfaction. It is helpful to identify factors predicting sexual satisfaction, especially in females, to prevent such problems. The current study aimed at examining simple and multiple factorial relationships between big 5 personality traits and sexual satisfaction in a population of married females in Mashhad, Iran. Methods Statistical population in the current study included all married females who lived in Mashhad. A total of 115 females were selected by the available sampling method. To collect data, the sexual satisfaction scale for women (SSS-W) and big 5 personality questionnaire (NEO) were employed. The data were analyzed by multiple regressions and validated by confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS-21 software and Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS version 19.Results Findings of the current study indicated a significant relationship between the big 5 personality traits, including neuroticism (R=-0.407), extraversion (R=0.310), openness (R=0.232), agreeableness (R=0.258) and conscientiousness (R=0.389), and sexual satisfaction in females (P<0.0001). Stepwise multiple regression analyses that among the 5 independent variables, only 2 variables of neuroticism and conscientiousness could be used in the regression equation (R2=0.203, P<0.0001). Conclusion Findings of the current study indicated that females� sexual satisfaction can be predicted through their personality traits. Also, personality variables, especially neuroticism and conscientiousness, were recommended to examine the sexual incompatibility

    Relationship between self-esteem and burnout in nurses

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    زمینه و هدف: عزت نفس عامل اصلی و اساسی در سازگاری عاطفی- اجتماعی بوده و بر تمام سطوح زندگی از جمله بر فعالیت های فرد تأثیر می گذارد. با توجه به شیوع بالای فرسودگی شغلی در میان پرستاران، این مطالعه با هدف تعیین ارتباط بین عزت نفس و فرسودگی شغلی پرستاران انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- همبستگی، 300 پرستار شاغل در بخش های ICU، سوختگی و اورژانس بیمارستان های آموزشی شهر اهواز در سال 1392 به روش سرشماری انتخاب و وارد مطالعه شدند. داده ها به وسیله پرسشنامه های اطلاعات دموگرافیک، فرسودگی شغلی ماسلاچ و عزت نفس کوپر اسمیت جمع آوری و عزت نفس و فرسودگی شغلی پرستاران مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: در این مطالعه اکثریت پرستاران (248 نفر) مؤنث (7/82) بودند و میانگین سنی نمونه ها 92/4±76/30 سال بود. میانگین نمره عزت نفس پرستاران 74/28±91/81 به دست آمد. نتایج فرسودگی نشان داد اکثر پرستاران به جز در بعد شدت خستگی هیجانی و مسخ شخصیت، در سایر ابعاد دچار سطوح متوسط فرسودگی شغلی بودند. تنها میان عزت نفس و فراوانی کفایت فردی همبستگی معنی داری وجود داشت (035/0P=، 105/0-r=). بین عزت نفس و سایر ابعاد فرسودگی همبستگی مشاهده شد؛ اما این ارتباط از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود (0.0

    Addiction Potential among Iranian Governmental Employees: Predicting Role of Perceived Stress, Job Security, and Job Satisfaction

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    Aim: To explore the incidence of addiction potential within the Iranian public working population, describing how many Iranian public employees fall within the diagnostic categories of low, moderate, and high addiction potential. Also, to investigate the predicting role of occupational variables such as perceived stress, job security, and job satisfaction on addiction potential and belonging to low, moderate, and high addiction potential diagnostic categories. Background: Substance addiction among employees can lead to several negative consequences at the individual and organizational levels. Also, it is the fourth cause of death in Iran. However, few studies have been conducted on the topic among employees, and non among Iranian employees. Methodology: The study participants were 430 employees working in governmental offices of the North Khorasan province, Iran. Descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were conducted to explore the incidence of addiction potential within the analyzed population and to investigate whether occupational variables such as perceived stress, job security, and job satisfaction predicted low, moderate, or high addiction potential. Contribution: This paper suggests that perceived stress might act as a risk factor for developing addiction, whereas job security and job satisfaction might be protective factors against the likelihood of addiction development. Findings: More than half of the sample showed moderate to high addiction potential. Perceived stress was positively related to addiction potential. Job security and job satisfaction were negatively related to addiction potential. Recommendations for Practitioners: Managers and policymakers may find a valuable strategy to reduce employees’ substance addiction risks in the design, development, and implementation of initiatives and interventions that prevent or reduce perceived stress and improve job satisfaction and job security. Recommendations for Researchers: When addressing the topic of substance addiction, researchers should focus on the preventative side of investigating it; that is, addiction risk rather than already unfolded addiction. Also, researchers should be mindful of the cultural context in which studies are conducted. Impact on Society: Substance addiction threatens the sustainability of communities and societies worldwide. Providing applied psychological findings, this paper can inform the broader public and help individuals, groups, communities, and institutions to address this issue in a science-based fashion. Future Research: Future research might investigate other relevant occupational predictors in relation to employee addiction potential, such as leadership style, work-life balance, and worktime schedule, or expand on the relevant causal chain by including personality traits such as neuroticism

    Contributing factors to extreme tendencies to internet in students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences and providing preventive strategies to deal with it

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    Background and aims: Internet seems to be increasingly involved a major part of the daily lives of population. In recent years, many reports have confirmed the huge number of internet users worldwide. This article is seeking to explore the factors contributing to the tendency to internet in students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences (SKUMS) and aimed to recommend some preventive strategies to deal with their extreme tendencies to the internet usage. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among 378 students and teachers of SKUMS, randomly enrolled using stratified random sampling from different faculties. To measure the variables, a questionnaire was used. Results: The results showed that the factors such as the tendency to make temporary friends, more attention to the opposite sex, and the loneliness were the most important determinants of extreme tendency to the internet usage. The designing some courses in different educational periods in order to make them more familiar with various online crimes as well as ways of self-protection was one of the most important preventive strategies to deal with extreme tendency to internet. Conclusion: Several factors could contribute into extreme tendency to internet among university students, which have to be identified, and effective strategies should also be exploited to deal with the extreme tendency to internet