188 research outputs found

    Agricultural Institutions, Industrialization and Growth: The Case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-1940

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    In this paper we apply a model of early industrialization to the case of New Zealand and Uruguay in 1870-1940. We show how differences in agricultural institutions may have produced different development paths in two countries which were similar under many respects. While in New Zealand the active role of the Crown in regulating the land market facilitated access to land, in Uruguay land was seized by a small group of large landowners. Our model shows that land concentration may have negatively influenced industrialization and growth by impeding the formation of a large group of middle-income landowners and, as a consequence, the development of a domestic demand for basic manufactures. We support this view with a comparative analysis of agricultural institutions and industrial development in New Zealand and Urugua


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    Antecedentes: El sĂ­ndrome de ovario poliquĂ­stico (SOP) es la endocrinopatĂ­a mĂĄs frecuente en la mujer de edad reproductiva, de etiologĂ­a incierta y presentaciĂłn clĂ­nica heterogĂ©nea. Su diagnĂłstico y defniciĂłn es aĂșn controversial. La introducciĂłn de los criterios del Consenso de Rotterdam generĂł nuevos fenotipos al incorporar la ecografĂ­a transvaginal como elemento diagnĂłstico, aumentando aĂșn mĂĄs la heterogeneidad del sĂ­ndrome. Objetivo: Determinar en una cohorte consecutiva de 102 pacientes con diagnĂłstico de SOP, su frecuencia, las caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas, hormonales y metabĂłlicas, de los cuatro fenotipos posibles segĂșn Rotterdam. Resultados: Fenotipo A 62%, Fenotipo B 21%, Fenotipo C 9% y Fenotipo D 8%. El sĂ­ndrome metabĂłlico se presentĂł en 29% de las pacientes, siendo mayor en los fenotipos A (30%) y B (43%) que en los fenotipos C (11%) y D (13%). El 82% presentaba sobrepeso, siendo signifcativamente mayor en los fenotipos A (88%) y B (90%). Hubo diferencias signifcativas al comparar las variables puntaje de hir-sutismo, SHBG, testosterona total, IAL, volumen ovĂĄrico, colesterol total, colesterol HDL, colesterol LDL y glicemia en ayuno. No existieron diferencias signifcativas entre los grupos al comparar las variables edad, IMC, DHEA-SO4 y triglicĂ©ridos. ConclusiĂłn: El consenso de Rotterdam agruparĂ­a a diferentes fenotipos en un mismo sĂ­ndrome, que podrĂ­an representar distintos grados de severidad de una misma enfermedad. Se desconoce si estos fenotipos poseen los mismos riesgos a largo plazo y serĂ­a apresurado tratarlos como una misma entidad

    Immunohistochemical, morphological and ultrastructural resemblance between dendritic cells and folliculo-stellate cells in normal human and rat anterior pituitaries

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    Immunolabeling of cryo-sections of human anterior pituitaries obtained at autopsy, and of cryo-sections of freshly prepared rat anterior pituitaries, with a panel of monoclonal antibodies against markers of the monocyte/dendritic cell/macrophage lineage, reveals in both species a characteristic pattern of immunopositive cells, among which many cells with dendritic phenotype are found. Cells characterized by marker expression of MHC-class II determinants and a dendritic morphology are present in both human and rat anterior pituitary. Markers characteristic of dendritic cells such as the L25 antigen and the OX62 antigen were present in anterior pituitaries from human and rat respectively. The population of MHC-class II expressing dendritic cells of the rat anterior pituitary is compared at the ultrastructural level with the folliculo-stellate cell population, which cell type has been previously characterized by its distinctive ultrastructure and immunopositivity for the S100 protein. Using immune-electron microscopy of rat anterior pituitaries fixed with periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde, we were able to distinguish non-granulated cells expressing MHC-class II determinants, whereas no MHC-class II expression was found in the granulated endocrine cells. Using double immunolabeling of cryo-sections of these rat AP with 25 nm and 15 nm gold labels, we demonstrated an overlap between the populations of MHC-class II-expressing and S100 protein-expressing cells. Furthermore, MHC-class II-expressing and S100-positive cells showed ultrastructural characteristics that have been previously ascribed to folliculo-stellate cells. At the light microscopical level in the rat AP, a proportion of 10 to 20% of the S100-positive cells was found immunopositive for the MHC-class II marker OX6. In the hu

    Phase II study of second-line therapy with DTIC, BCNU, cisplatin and tamoxifen (Dartmouth regimen) chemotherapy in patients with malignant melanoma previously treated with dacarbazine

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    This study assessed response rates to combination dacarbazine (DTIC), BCNU (carmustine), cisplatin and tamoxifen (DBPT) chemotherapy in patients with progressive metastatic melanoma previously treated with DTIC, as an evaluation of DBPT as a second-line regimen, and as an indirect comparison of DBPT with DTIC. Thirty-five consecutive patients received DBPT. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised 17 patients with progressive disease (PD) on DTIC + tamoxifen therapy who were switched directly to DBPT. Group 2 comprised 18 patients not immediately switched to DBPT and included patients who had either a partial response (PR; one patient) or developed stable disease (SD; four patients) with DTIC, or received adjuvant DTIC (nine patients). All except four patients had received tamoxifen at the time of initial DTIC treatment. Median times since stopping DTIC were 22 days (range 20–41) and 285 days (range 50–1240) in Groups 1 and 2 respectively. In Group 1, one patient developed SD for 5 months and the remainder had PD. In Group 2, there were two PRs, four patients with SD (4, 5, 6, and 6 months), and 11 with PD. These results indicate that the DBPT regimen is not of value in melanoma primarily refractory to DTIC. There were responses in patients not directly switched from DTIC to DBPT, suggesting combination therapy may be of value in a small subgroup of melanoma patients. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Supportive care in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Supportive care in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.

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