35 research outputs found

    Évaluation de la biomécanique cardiovasculaire par élastographie ultrasonore non-invasive

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    L’élastographie est une technique d’imagerie qui vise à cartographier in vivo les propriétés mécaniques des tissus biologiques dans le but de fournir des informations diagnostiques additionnelles. Depuis son introduction en imagerie ultrasonore dans les années 1990, l’élastographie a trouvé de nombreuses applications. Cette modalité a notamment été utilisée pour l’étude du sein, du foie, de la prostate et des artères par imagerie ultrasonore, par résonance magnétique ou en tomographie par cohérence optique. Dans le contexte des maladies cardiovasculaires, cette modalité a un fort potentiel diagnostique puisque l’athérosclérose modifie la structure des tissus biologiques et leurs propriétés mécaniques bien avant l’apparition de tout symptôme. Quelle que soit la modalité d’imagerie utilisée, l’élastographie repose sur : l’excitation mécanique du tissu (statique ou dynamique), la mesure de déplacements et de déformations induites, et l’inversion qui permet de recouvrir les propriétés mécaniques des tissus sous-jacents. Cette thèse présente un ensemble de travaux d’élastographie dédiés à l’évaluation des tissus de l’appareil cardiovasculaire. Elle est scindée en deux parties. La première partie intitulée « Élastographie vasculaire » s’intéresse aux pathologies affectant les artères périphériques. La seconde, intitulée « Élastographie cardiaque », s’adresse aux pathologies du muscle cardiaque. Dans le contexte vasculaire, l’athérosclérose modifie la physiologie de la paroi artérielle et, de ce fait, ses propriétés biomécaniques. La première partie de cette thèse a pour objectif principal le développement d’un outil de segmentation et de caractérisation mécanique des composantes tissulaires (coeur lipidique, tissus fibreux et inclusions calciques) de la paroi artérielle, en imagerie ultrasonore non invasive, afin de prédire la vulnérabilité des plaques. Dans une première étude (Chapitre 5), nous présentons un nouvel estimateur de déformations, associé à de l’imagerie ultrarapide par ondes planes. Cette nouvelle méthode d’imagerie permet d’augmenter les performances de l’élastographie non invasive. Dans la continuité de cette étude, on propose une nouvelle méthode d’inversion mécanique dédiée à l’identification et à la quantification des propriétés mécaniques des tissus de la paroi (Chapitre 6). Ces deux méthodes sont validées in silico et in vitro sur des fantômes d’artères en polymère. Dans le contexte cardiaque, les ischémies et les infarctus causés par l’athérosclérose altèrent la contractilité du myocarde et, de ce fait, sa capacité à pomper le sang dans le corps (fonction myocardique). En échocardiographie conventionnelle, on évalue généralement la fonction myocardique en analysant la dynamique des mouvements ventriculaires (vitesses et déformations du myocarde). L’abscence de contraintes physiologiques agissant sur le myocarde (contrairement à la pression sanguine qui contraint la paroi vasculaire) ne permet pas de résoudre le problème inverse et de retrouver les propriétés mécaniques du tissu. Le terme d’élastographie fait donc ici référence à l’évaluation de la dynamique des mouvements et des déformations et non à l’évaluation des propriétés mécanique du tissu. La seconde partie de cette thèse a pour principal objectif le développement de nouveaux outils d’imagerie ultrarapide permettant une meilleure évaluation de la dynamique du myocarde. Dans une première étude (Chapitre 7), nous proposons une nouvelle approche d’échocardiographie ultrarapide et de haute résolution, par ondes divergentes, couplée à de l'imagerie Doppler tissulaire. Cette combinaison, validée in vitro et in vivo, permet d’optimiser le contraste des images mode B ainsi que l’estimation des vitesses Doppler tissulaires. Dans la continuité de cette première étude, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d’imagerie des vecteurs de vitesses tissulaires (Chapitre 8). Cette approche, validée in vitro et in vivo, associe les informations de vitesses Doppler tissulaires et le mode B ultrarapide de l’étude précédente pour estimer l’ensemble du champ des vitesses 2D à l’intérieur du myocarde.Elastography is an imaging technique that aims to map the in vivo mechanical properties of biological tissues in order to provide additional diagnostic information. Since its introduction in ultrasound imaging in the 1990s, elastography has found many applications. This method has been used for the study of the breast, liver, prostate and arteries by ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). In the context of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), this modality has a high diagnostic potential as atherosclerosis, a common pathology causing cardiovascular diseases, changes the structure of biological tissues and their mechanical properties well before any symptoms appear. Whatever the imaging modality, elastography is based on: the mechanical excitation of the tissue (static or dynamic), the measurement of induced displacements and strains, and the inverse problem allowing the quantification of the mechanical properties of underlying tissues. This thesis presents a series of works in elastography for the evaluation of cardiovascular tissues. It is divided into two parts. The first part, entitled « Vascular elastography » focuses on diseases affecting peripheral arteries. The second, entitled « Cardiac elastography » targets heart muscle pathologies. In the vascular context, atherosclerosis changes the physiology of the arterial wall and thereby its biomechanical properties. The main objective of the first part of this thesis is to develop a tool that enables the segmentation and the mechanical characterization of tissues (necrotic core, fibrous tissues and calcium inclusions) in the vascular wall of the peripheral arteries, to predict the vulnerability of plaques. In a first study (Chapter 5), we propose a new strain estimator, associated with ultrafast plane wave imaging. This new imaging technique can increase the performance of the noninvasive elastography. Building on this first study, we propose a new inverse problem method dedicated to the identification and quantification of the mechanical properties of the vascular wall tissues (Chapter 6). These two methods are validated in silico and in vitro on polymer phantom mimicking arteries. In the cardiac context, myocardial infarctions and ischemia caused by atherosclerosis alter myocardial contractility. In conventional echocardiography, the myocardial function is generally evaluated by analyzing the dynamics of ventricular motions (myocardial velocities and deformations). The abscence of physiological stress acting on the myocardium (as opposed to the blood pressure which acts the vascular wall) do not allow the solving the inverse problem and to find the mechanical properties of the fabric. Elastography thus here refers to the assessment of motion dynamics and deformations and not to the evaluation of mechanical properties of the tissue. The main objective of the second part of this thesis is to develop new ultrafast imaging tools for a better evaluation of the myocardial dynamics. In a first study (Chapter 7), we propose a new approach for ultrafast and high-resolution echocardiography using diverging waves and tissue Doppler. This combination, validated in vitro and in vivo, optimize the contrast in B-mode images and the estimation of myocardial velocities with tissue Doppler. Building on this study, we propose a new velocity vector imaging method (Chapter 8). This approach combines tissue Doppler and ultrafast B-mode of the previous study to estimate 2D velocity fields within the myocardium. This original method was validated in vitro and in vivo on six healthy volunteers

    Ultrafast Cardiac Imaging Using Deep Learning For Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography

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    High-quality ultrafast ultrasound imaging is based on coherent compounding from multiple transmissions of plane waves (PW) or diverging waves (DW). However, compounding results in reduced frame rate, as well as destructive interferences from high-velocity tissue motion if motion compensation (MoCo) is not considered. While many studies have recently shown the interest of deep learning for the reconstruction of high-quality static images from PW or DW, its ability to achieve such performance while maintaining the capability of tracking cardiac motion has yet to be assessed. In this paper, we addressed such issue by deploying a complex-weighted convolutional neural network (CNN) for image reconstruction and a state-of-the-art speckle tracking method. The evaluation of this approach was first performed by designing an adapted simulation framework, which provides specific reference data, i.e. high quality, motion artifact-free cardiac images. The obtained results showed that, while using only three DWs as input, the CNN-based approach yielded an image quality and a motion accuracy equivalent to those obtained by compounding 31 DWs free of motion artifacts. The performance was then further evaluated on non-simulated, experimental in vitro data, using a spinning disk phantom. This experiment demonstrated that our approach yielded high-quality image reconstruction and motion estimation, under a large range of velocities and outperforms a state-of-the-art MoCo-based approach at high velocities. Our method was finally assessed on in vivo datasets and showed consistent improvement in image quality and motion estimation compared to standard compounding. This demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of deep learning reconstruction for ultrafast speckle-tracking echocardiography

    Phase Aberration Correction for in vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network

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    Ultrasound Localization Microscopy (ULM) can map microvessels at a resolution of a few micrometers ({\mu}m). Transcranial ULM remains challenging in presence of aberrations caused by the skull, which lead to localization errors. Herein, we propose a deep learning approach based on recently introduced complex-valued convolutional neural networks (CV-CNNs) to retrieve the aberration function, which can then be used to form enhanced images using standard delay-and-sum beamforming. Complex-valued convolutional networks were selected as they can apply time delays through multiplication with in-phase quadrature input data. Predicting the aberration function rather than corrected images also confers enhanced explainability to the network. In addition, 3D spatiotemporal convolutions were used for the network to leverage entire microbubble tracks. For training and validation, we used an anatomically and hemodynamically realistic mouse brain microvascular network model to simulate the flow of microbubbles in presence of aberration. We then confirmed the capability of our network to generalize to transcranial in vivo data in the mouse brain (n=2). Qualitatively, vascular reconstructions using a pixel-wise predicted aberration function included additional and sharper vessels. The spatial resolution was evaluated by using the Fourier ring correlation (FRC). After correction, we measured a resolution of 16.7 {\mu}m in vivo, representing an improvement of up to 27.5 %. This work leads to different applications for complex-valued convolutions in biomedical imaging and strategies to perform transcranial ULM

    Quantitative pulsatility measurements using 3D dynamic ultrasound localization microscopy

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    ABSTRACT: A rise in blood flow velocity variations (i.e. pulsatility) in the brain, caused by the stiffening of upstream arteries, is associated with cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases. The study of this phenomenon requires brain-wide pulsatility measurements, with large penetration depth and high spatiotemporal resolution. The development of dynamic ultrasound localization microscopy (DULM), based on ULM, has enabled pulsatility measurements in the rodent brain in 2D. However, 2D imaging accesses only one slice of the brain and measures only 2D-projected and hence biased velocities . Herein, we present 3D DULM: using a single ultrasound scanner at high frame rate (1000–2000 Hz), this method can produce dynamic maps of microbubbles flowing in the bloodstream and extract quantitative pulsatility measurements in the cat brain with craniotomy and in the mouse brain through the skull, showing a wide range of flow hemodynamics in both large and small vessels. We highlighted a decrease in pulsatility along the vascular tree in the cat brain, which could be mapped with ultrasound down to a few tens of micrometers for the first time. We also performed an intra-animal validation of the method by showing consistent measurements between the two sides of the Willis circle in the mouse brain. Our study provides the first step towards a new biomarker that would allow the detection of dynamic abnormalities in microvessels in the brain, which could be linked to early signs of neurodegenerative diseases

    Color and Vector Flow Imaging in Parallel Ultrasound With Sub-Nyquist Sampling

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    International audienceRF acquisition with a high-performance multichannel ultrasound system generates massive data sets in short periods of time, especially in "ultrafast" ultrasound when digital receive beamforming is required. Sampling at a rate four times the carrier frequency is the standard procedure since this rule complies with the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem and simplifies quadrature sampling. Bandpass sampling (or undersampling) outputs a bandpass signal at a rate lower than the maximal frequency without harmful aliasing. Advantages over Nyquist sampling are reduced storage volumes and data workflow, and simplified digital signal processing tasks. We used RF undersampling in color flow imaging (CFI) and vector flow imaging (VFI) to decrease data volume significantly (factor of 3 to 13 in our configurations). CFI and VFI with Nyquist and sub-Nyquist samplings were compared in vitro and in vivo. The estimate errors due to undersampling were small or marginal, which illustrates that Doppler and vector Doppler images can be correctly computed with a drastically reduced amount of RF samples. Undersampling can be a method of choice in CFI and VFI to avoid information overload and reduce data transfer and storage. Index Terms— Color Doppler, parallel ultrasound imaging, sub-Nyquist sampling, undersampling, vector Doppler, vector flow imaging (VFI)

    High-Frame-Rate Echocardiography Using Coherent Compounding With Doppler-Based Motion-Compensation

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    International audience—High-frame-rate ultrasonography based on coherent compounding of unfocused beams can potentially transform the assessment of cardiac function. As it requires successive waves to be combined coherently, this approach is sensitive to high-velocity tissue motion. We investigated coherent compounding of tilted diverging waves, emitted from a 2.5 MHz clinical phased array transducer. To cope with high myocardial velocities, a triangle transmit sequence of diverging waves is proposed, combined with tissue Doppler imaging to perform motion compensation (MoCo). The compound sequence with integrated MoCo was adjusted from simulations and was tested in vitro and in vivo. Realistic myocardial velocities were analyzed in an in vitro spinning disk with anechoic cysts. While a 8 dB decrease (no motion versus high motion) was observed without MoCo, the contrast-to-noise ratio of the cysts was preserved with the MoCo approach. With this method, we could provide high-quality in vivo B-mode cardiac images with tissue Doppler at 250 frames per second. Although the septum and the anterior mitral leaflet were poorly apparent without MoCo, they became well perceptible and well contrasted with MoCo. The septal and lateral mitral annulus velocities determined by tissue Doppler were concordant with those measured by pulsed-wave Doppler with a clinical scanner. To conclude, high-contrast echo-Manuscrip