3,872 research outputs found

    Marketing Tips for Small-scale, Local Honey Bee Keepers in Northwest Arkansas

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    The objective of this thesis was to gain market information for beekeepers regarding different honey bee products and to provide information about economic feasibility when produced on a small, local scale. Since cost-of-production information about operating an apiary is widely available, the focus of this work was on gaining marketing knowledge. One of the objectives of the surveys was to develop a better sense of what potential resellers of honey bee products considered locally produced. Another objective was to determine preferences for honey bee product packaging as well as bee pollination services. Using that feedback, a marketing plan for different niche markets can be developed for part-time beekeeping operations. The survey results pertaining to local retailers and end users in Northwest Arkansas in 2016 suggested a supply radius near 100 miles and a preference for small packaging in general. Least cost supply, and at least regional brand recognition were not deemed as important as ensuring locally sourced products that can be sold at a premium. Different niche markets revealed both similar and different priorities related to these marketing aspects

    The roles, needs, and challenges of Arkansas women in agriculture

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    Participants of the 2005-2007 Arkansas Women in Agriculture conferences were surveyed for this study to identify recent changes in their roles on and off the farm, the factors important to their success, and the problems they face in their businesses. Respondents were broken into two groups—Farm (women owner-operators of farms, ranches, or agribusinesses) and Non-farm (women working in supporting agricultural industries)—for comparisons and responses were also analyzed across years. Farm women most often reported problems keeping good employees each year, while Non-farm women often reported having problems with being respected as a female business person. For Farm women, the factor most often cited as important to success in their business was being able to pass the business on to family; for Non-farm women it was being able to apply their talents and skills. These results suggest that different types of agricultural women hold different attitudes about business and face different challenges. Results across years suggest that successes and problems may change over time. This marks some of the first research on the roles, challenges, and attitudes of Arkansas’ women in agriculture. Based on the results of this research, educational efforts are underway across the state to assist Arkansas’ women in agriculture. However, given the small sample of women surveyed, further research is still needed to fully understand the roles, challenges, and attitudes of Arkansas’ women in agriculture

    Epitaxial growth of CuGaSe2 thin films by MBE Influence of the Cu Ga ratio

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    By molecular beam epitaxy MBE CuGaSe2 CGS thin films with varying Cu Ga ratios were grown epitaxial on GaAs 100 and stepped GaAs 111 A substrates. Cu Ga ratios from Cu poor to Cu rich were obtained. In this work the appearance of Cu crystallites on the surface of epitaxial CGS 001 layers are observed and strategies to avoid these precipitations are presented. High quality thin CGS films of around 100 nm thickness are obtained, enabling a detailed analysis of the electronic and chemical properties as well as of the crystal structure of the CGS surfaces. The electronic structure with respect to the Cu Ga ratio was characterized in situ by XPS and UPS. By LEED a 4x1 Cu poor and near stoichiometric and a 4x2 Cu rich reconstruction of a zinc blende structure were obtained. For CuGaSe2 112 the LEED pattern showed a 3x1 chalcopyrite reconstruction for Cu Ga ratios lt; 1. A 1x1 reconstruction of the chalcopyrite structure was observed for Cu rich 112 samples. The observed dependence of the surface reconstruction on the stoichiometry for CGS grown on GaAs has not been reported in literature so far. Additionally, for Cu rich stoichiometries a binary phase of Cu2 xSe appeared independently of orientation. The film morphology was investigated ex situ by SE

    Cost-benefit Analysis of a Genetic Marker on Cow-calf Operations Differentiated by Pasture and Breed

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    Genetic sequencing in beef cattle (Bos taurus L.) is expected to aid producers with selecting breeding stock. Using data from experimental trials conducted with Angus, Brahman, and their reciprocal cross, the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) P450 C994G marker expression was investigated for use in selecting genetics suited to grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. L.) compared to bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) pasture. The study is unique in the sense that actual cow-calf breeding failure rates (open cows were not culled) were tracked from 1991 to 1997 on herds that were bred to calf in spring and were either exposed to fungal endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum L.) tall fescue grazing and hay or not. The study used the Forage and Cattle Analysis and Planning (FORCAP) decision support software to assess economic performance driven by birth weight, weaning weight, and breeding failure rate differences across treatment. Results suggest that for reciprocal cross herds primarily grazing bermudagrass pastures, the P450 C994C genotype (CC) was most favorable; whereas, the P450 G994C genotype (GC) was more profitable with tall fescue. Adding genetic market information when selecting a production strategy led to approximately 15/headinaddedprofitability.Incomparisontotheproratedcostof15/head in added profitability. In comparison to the prorated cost of 2.40/head over the life of a dam, the collection, interpretation, and management of genetic information under the conditions observed in this study may be worthwhile

    Special features of the Weyl-Heisenberg Bell basis imply unusual entanglement structure of Bell-diagonal states

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    Maximally entangled Bell states are of crucial importance for entanglement based methods in quantum information science. Typically, a standard construction of a complete orthonormal Bell-basis by Weyl-Heisenberg operators is considered. We show that the group structure of these operators has strong implication on error correction schemes and on the entanglement structure within Bell-diagonal states. In particular, it implies a equivalence between a Pauli channel and a twirl channel. Interestingly, other complete orthonormal Bell-bases do break the equivalence and lead to a completely different entanglement structure, for instance in the share of PPT-entangled states. In detail, we find that the standard Bell basis has the highest observed share on PPT-states and PPT-entangled states compared to other Bell bases. In summary, our findings show that the standard Bell basis construction exploits a very special structure with strong implications to quantum information theoretic protocols if a deviation is considered.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Bound Entanglement of Bell Diagonal Pairs of Qutrits and Ququarts: A Comparison

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    We classify Bell diagonal bipartite qudits with positive partial transposition (PPT) as entangled or separable and compare their properties for different dimensions. The separability problem, i.e. distinguishing separable and entangled states, generally lacks an efficient solution due to the existence of bound entangled states. In contrast to free entangled states that can be used for entanglement distillation via local operations and classical communication, these states cannot be detected by the Peres-Horodecki criterion or PPT criterion. Leveraging a geometrical representation of states in Euclidean space, we analyze a family of bipartite Bell diagonal qudits that can be separable, free entangled or bound entangled. Extending and applying analytical and numerical methods that almost completely solve the separability problem for Bell diagonal qutrits (d=3d=3), we successfully classify more than 75%75\% of representative Bell diagonal PPT states for d=4d=4. Via those representative states we are able to estimate the volumes of separable and free and bound entangled states. We find that at least 75.7%75.7\% of all PPT states are separable, while only 1.7%1.7\% are found to be bound entangled and for 22.6%22.6\% it remains unclear whether they are separable or bound entangled. Comparing the structure of bound entangled states and their detectors, we find considerable differences in the detection capabilities and relate those to differences of the Euclidean geometry for qutrits (d=3d=3) and ququarts (d=4d=4). Finally, using a detailed visual analysis of the set of separable Bell diagonal states, a conjecture relating the group structure of Bell diagonal states of the analyzed family to necessary and sufficient mixing conditions for separable states is motivated.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Pictet’s experiment: The apparent radiation and reflection of cold

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    Towards the end of the eighteenth century it was discovered by Marc‐Auguste Pictet of Geneva that cold emanations from a flask of snow could be reflected and focused by mirrors in the same way as the emanations from a heated object. Pictet’s discovery had an invigorating effect on research on radiant heat. We sketch the scientific milieu in which Pictet worked, describe the line of investigation that led him to his discovery, and summarize the theoretical explanations offered by Pictet and his contemporaries for this and related experiments. A simple qualitative explanation in modern terms is offered for the apparent radiation and reflection of cold. Finally, detailed directions are provided for replicating the experiment as a demonstration for the lecture hall

    Athletic Training Students Demonstrate Supplemental Oxygen Administration Skill Decay, but Retain Knowledge Over Six Months

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    Purpose: Research suggests skill decay occurs with emergency skills, such as supplemental oxygen administration (OA), since the frequency of medical emergencies in clinical settings is low. Identifying the presence and timeline for skill decay allows educators to employ strategies to prevent this occurrence. Therefore, this study evaluated retention of knowledge and clinical skills associated with supplemental oxygen administration, specifically nasal cannula (NC) and non-rebreather mask (NrM) usage in professional athletic training students. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Twenty-nine athletic training students (males=11, females=18; age=21.03+1.38) enrolled in a Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)-accredited professional athletic training programs. Participants’ supplemental oxygen administration knowledge and skills was assessed five times (baseline-T4). The baseline assessment was followed by an educational review session. Participants’ knowledge and skills were re-assessed (T1) and then randomly assigned to two groups. The experimental group’s supplemental oxygen administration knowledge and skills were re-evaluated at 1-month (T2), 3-months (T3), and 6-months (T4). The control at 6-months (T4). Results: Analysis revealed no significant differences between the groups on knowledge (F2,54=.15, P=.86) and overall clinical skills (F2,54=1.52, P=.23). A significant main effect for time on knowledge (F2,54=65.30, P1.89,50.98=112.55, P1.55,41.88=108.03, P Conclusions: Both groups retained supplemental oxygen administration knowledge over 6-months. Conversely, nasal cannula and non-rebreather mask skills decayed from review session to 6-month follow-up. Regular rehearsal and practice of acute care clinical skills should be integrated into educational programs to avoid decay of skills. Since these skills are not frequently utilized in the clinical education environment, integrating opportunities to practice these skills to maintain the competence level of students and prepare them for clinical practice is warranted
