45 research outputs found
Ekonomski aspekti primene mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta po površini i dubini
Problems that occur when processing the soil with heavy mechanical type of
composition can not be solved without changing the existing cultivation system. Soils
with heavy mechanical type of composition demand a cultivation system that ensures
preservation of natural potential and fertility resources.
Bearing this in mind, the objective of this research is to examine the economic
consequences of applying new types of machines and tools for the arrangement of soil’s
surface and depth, then to detect the most important factors influencing this and finally
to contribute successfully to the formulation of the answers on questions is their use
profitable and under what conditions.
The results of this study suggest that is possible to expect the positive effects of
applying new technologies and new machines and tools for the arrangement of soil’s
surface and depth.Problemi koji se javljaju pri obradi zemljišta sa teškim mehaničkim sastavom
ne mogu se rešiti bez promene postojeće tehnologije obrade zemljišta. To podrazumeva
primenu novih tehnologija obrade i novih mašina i oruđa, koji treba da obezbede
optimalnu potrošnju pogonske energije, rada i ostalih resursa, a da se pri tome obezbedi
maksimalno iskorišćavanje prirodnog potencijala plodnosti zemljišta i rodnosti biljaka.
Zbog toga sve više raste značaj istraživanja problema vezanih za ovu oblast, pri čemu se
nikako ne sme zapostaviti ekonomski aspekt.
Imajući to u vidu cilj ovog rada je da se sa ekonomskog aspekta sagledaju efekti i
posledice primene novih tehnologija i novih mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta po
površini i dubini kao i da se utvrde najvažniji faktori od kojih zavisi isplativost njihove
primene uz nastojanje da se na taj način doprinese što uspešnijem formulisanju odgovora
na pitanje da li je i pod kojim uslovima njihova primena opravdana.
Na osnovu dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja moguće je očekivati pozitivne efekte
primene analiziranih mašina i oruđa što je od presudne važnosti prilikom donošenja
odluke o opravdanosti njihovog uvođenja
Ekonomski efekti primene mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta po površini i dubini u proizvodnji pšenice
In In market conditions of business operations the main criterion of successful
agricultural production is achieved economic results. However, the question of
preservation and rational use of natural resources, especially soil, is increasingly raised.
The need of preservation and rational use of natural resources, such as soil, requires the
elimination of the usual practice of production and application of new technologies as
well as new types of machines and tools. Nonetheless, new cultivation technologies and
new machines and tools will be widely adopted and successfully applied in practice if
the necessary verification of positive technical, technological and economic effects
obtained through appropriate scientific researches is provided.
Bearing this in mind, the aim of this paper is to examine the economic effects of
prolonged effect of new technology and new types of machines and tools for the
arrangement of soil’s surface and depth in wheat production.
In this sense, it is determined that a change in cultivation technology and application
of new machines and tools in the first year of conducting the experiment has a positive
prolonged effect in the second year of conducting the experiment as well, which is
reflected in a reduction of variable costs per kilogram of produced wheat by 23.57%.
The conducted research and results obtained in this analysis represent a continuation of
research of economic effects of the application of new machines and tools for the
arrangement of soil’s surface and depth in individual crop production (a previous study
included corn and sunflower). The obtained results indicate the need to expand research
to other important crops.U tržišnim uslovima poslovanja osnovno merilo uspešnosti poljoprivredne
proizvodnje su ostvareni ekonomski rezultati. Međutim, sve glasnije se postavlja pitanje
očuvanja i racionalnog korišćenja prirodnih resursa, posebno zemljišta. Potreba očuvanja
i racionalnog korišćenja neobnovljivih prirodnih resursa, kao što je zemljište, zahteva
eliminisanje uobičajene prakse proizvodnje i primenu novih tehnologija obrade i novih
mašina i oruđa. Ipak, da bi nove tehnologije obrade i nove mašine i oruđa bili masovno
prihvaćeni i uspešno primenjeni u praksi, potrebna je potvrda ispoljavanja pozitivnih
tehničko-tehnoloških i ekonomskih efekata dobijena kroz odgovarajuća naučna
Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog rada je da se sagledaju ekonomski efekti produženog
dejstva primene nove tehnologije obrade i novih mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta po
površini i dubini u proizvodnji pšenice.
U tom smislu utvrđeno je da promena tehnologije obrade i primena novih mašina i
oruđa u prvoj godini izvođenja ogleda ima pozitivno produženo dejstvo u drugoj godini
izvođenja ogleda, koje se ogleda u smanjenju varijabilnih troškova po kg proizvedene
pšenice za 23,57%. Obavljeno istraživanje i rezultati dobijeni u ovoj analizi predstavljaju
nastavak istraživanja ekonomskih efekata primene mašina i oruđa za uređenje zemljišta
po površini i dubini u proizvodnji pojedinih kultura kojima su do sada obuhvaćeni
kukuruz i suncokret. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu proširenja istraživanja i na
druge značajne poljoprivredne kulture
Uticaj promene cene goriva na optimizaciju ukupnih troškova upotrebe poljoprivredne mehanizacije za obradu zemljišta
Serbian agricultural producers are facing currently with a large number of
challenges that significantly influence their business activities. One of them is for sure a
high fuel price. The recent fuel price increase has caused a lot of concern among
agricultural producers regarding its impact on operating costs and farm profitability.
However, those higher costs will probably reflect themselves onto direct reduction in
profit in the short run because the producers' possibilities are limited as to the changes
they can economically make. While no one knows with certainty what will happen in the
future, the current developments on the world market as well as the analysts’ estimates
indicate that we are likely to see continued high diesel fuel prices.
Bearing this in mind, the objective of this research is to emphasize an importance of
the fuel price change for optimization of total operating costs of the tillage agricultural
machinery, then to detect the most important factors influencing this change and finally
to contribute successfully to the formulation of the answers on mentioned questions.
The results of this study suggest that for an increase of the agricultural machinery
utilization efficiency as well as for minimization of their operating costs, it is necessary
to start making more adequate management decisions. This is certainly one of the safe
ways for alleviation of the consequences caused by the high fuel price mostly influenced
by the world fuel market trends.Poljoprivredni proizvođači u Srbiji suočavaju se sa velikim brojem izazova koji
značajno utiču na njihovo poslovanje. Jedan od njih je svakako visoka cena goriva.
Skorašnje povećanje cene goriva nateralo je mnoge od njih da se zapitaju kakav će to
uticaj imati na troškove proizvodnje tj. kako će se odraziti na profitabilnost poslovanja
gazdinstva. Ono što je izvesno je da će u kratkom roku, ovako visoka cena dovesti do
smanjenja profita, zato što su mogućnosti vlasnika da u kratkom roku učine ekonomska
prilagođavanja prilično limitirane. I dok niko sa sigurnošću ne može da pretpostavi šta će
se dešavati u budućnosti, trenutna kretanja na svetskom tržištu i procene analitičara
govore da i dalje treba očekivati održavanje cene na visokom nivou.
Imajući to u vidu, cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ukaže na značaj promene cene
goriva za optimizaciju ukupnih troškova upotrebe poljoprivredne mehanizacije za
obradu zemljišta, da se otkriju najvažniji faktori koji na to utiču i da se sagleda njihov
uticaj, uz nastojanje da se na taj način doprinese uspešnijem formulisanju odgovora na
napred postavljena pitanja.
Na osnovu dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja može se konstatovati da je za
povećanje efikasnosti korišćenja poljoprivredne mehanizacije i minimiziranje troškova
njihove upotrebe, od presudnog značaja celishodno i blagovremeno sprovođenje
adekvatnih mera iz oblasti menadžmenta. To je svakako jedan od sigurnih načina za
ublažavanje posledica izazvanih visokom cenom goriva na čije formiranje prevashodni
uticaj imaju kretanja na svetskom tržištu derivata
Razrada metoda za dokazivanje Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli na semenu pasulja
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli detection on artificially inoculated bean seeds
was investigated. The method of the International Seed Federation – ISF (2006) was used.
It included bacteria extraction from seeds and isolation on semiselective media with pathogenicity
test of the investigated isolates. ELISA and PCR were used for verification of
The results showed that the semiselective media MT (Milk Tween Agar) and XCP1
(Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli Agar) were very suitable for isolation of X. a. pv. phaseoli.
Pathogenicity was confirmed on young bean plants. ELISA test and PCR confirmed
that all investigated isolates and reisolates belong to the bacterium X. a. pv. phaseoli.U radu je ispitivana mogućnost utvrđivanja prisustva bakterije Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. phaseoli na veštački inokulisanom semenu pasulja. Ispitivanja su vršena po metodi
International Seed Federation (ISF), ekstrakcijom bakterija iz semena i izolacijom na poluselektivne
podloge uz proveru patogenosti dobijenih izolata. Za potvrdu dobijenih rezultata
korišćen je ELISA test i PCR.
Prema dobijenim rezultatima ova bakterija se može uspešno izolovati na poluselektivne
podloge MT (Milk Tween Agar) i XCP1 (Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli Agar).
Patogenost je dokazana na mladim biljčicama pasulja. ELISA testovi i PCR su potvrdili da svi
ispitivani izolati i reizolati pripadaju bakteriji X. a. pv. phaseoli
Razrada metoda za dokazivanje Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola na semenu pasulja
Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola detection on artificially inoculated bean seeds
was investigated. The method of the International Seed Federation – ISF (2006) was used.
It includes bacteria extraction from seeds, isolation on semiselective media and checking
the pathogenicity of investigated isolates. For verification of results, quick new methods of
investigation were used (ELISA test and PCR).
The results show that semiselective media MT (Milk Tween Agar) and MSP (Modified
Sucrose Peptone Agar) can be appropriate for isolation of this bacterium. Pathogenicity of the
investigated isolates was confirmed on cotyledon leaves of bean. ELISA test and PCR confirmed
that all investigated isolates and reisolates belong to the bacterium P. s. pv. phaseolicola.U radu je ispitivana mogućnost utvrđivanja prisustva bakterije Pseudomonas savastanoi
pv. phaseolicola sa veštački inokulisanog semena pasulja. Korišćena je metoda International
Seed Federation (ISF), koja uključuje ekstrakciju bakterija iz semena, izolaciju na poluselektivne
podloge i proveru patogenosti dobijenih izolata. U cilju potvrde rezultata korišćene su
brze savremene metode identifikacije (ELISA test i PCR).
Rezultati dobijeni tokom rada pokazuju da su poluselektivne podloge MT (Milk Tween
Agar) i MSP (Modified Sucrose Peptone Agar) pogodne za izolaciju ove bakterije. Patogenost
odabranih izolata dokazana je na kotiledonim listovima pasulja. Primenom ELISA testova i
PCR, potvrđeno je da svi ispitivani izolati i reizolati pripadaju bakteriji P. s. pv. phaseolicola
Different levels of humoral immunoreactivity to different wheat cultivars gliadin are present in patients with celiac disease and in patients with multiple myeloma
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Immunity to food antigens (gliadin, cow's milk proteins) is in the centre of the attention of modern medicine focused on the prevention of diseases, prevention which is based on the use of appropriate restriction diet. Detection of the enhanced levels of the immune reactions to antigen(s) present in food is from this point of view of great importance because there are reports that some of health disturbances, like celiac disease (CD) and some premalignant conditions, like monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), were vanished after the appropriate restriction diets.</p> <p>It is well known that gliadin is toxic to small bowel mucosa of relatively small population of genetically predisposed individuals, who under this toxic action develop celiac disease (CD). As the quantity of immunogenic gliadin could vary between different wheat species, the first aim of this work was to determine the percentage of immunogenic gliadin in ten bread wheat cultivars and in three commercially grown durum wheat cultivars. The second part of the study was initiated by results of previous publication, reporting that sera of some of multiple myeloma (MM) patients showed the presence of elevated levels of anti-gliadin IgA, without the enhanced levels of anti-gliadin IgG antibodies, determined with commercial ELISA test. It was designed to assess is it possible to reveal is there any hidden, especially anti-gliadin IgG immunoreactivity, in serum of mentioned group of patients. For this purpose we tested MM patients sera, as well as celiac disease (CD) patients sera for the immunoreaction with the native gliadin isolated from wheat species used for bread and pasta making in corresponding geographic region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Gliadin was isolated from wheat flour by two step 60% ehanolic extraction. Its content was determined by commercial R5 Mendez Elisa using PWG gliadin as the standard. Results obtained showed that immunogenic gliadin content varies between 50.4 and 65.4 mg/g in bread wheat cultivars and between 20 and 25.6 mg/g in durum wheat cultivars.</p> <p>Anti-gliadin IgA and IgG immunoreactivity of patients' sera in (IU/ml) was firstly determined by commercial diagnostic Binding Site ELISA test, and then additionally by non-commercial ELISA tests, using standardized ethanol wheat extracts -gliadin as the antigen.</p> <p>In both patients groups IgA immunoreactivity to gliadin from different cultivars was almost homogenous and in correlation with results from commercial test (except for one patient with IgA(λ) myeloma, they were more then five times higher). But, results for IgG immunoreactivity were more frequently inhomogeneous, and especially for few MM patients, they were more then five times higher and did not correlate with results obtained using Binding Site test.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results obtained showed different content of immunogenic gliadin epitopes in various species of wheat.</p> <p>They also point for new effort to elucidate is there a need to develop new standard antigen, the representative mixture of gliadin isolated from local wheat species used for bread production in corresponding geographic region for ELISA diagnostic tests.</p
Precipitación y producción de agua en el Macizo del Caroig, Este de la Península Ibérica. Evento de escorrentía a escala de parcela durante una crecida torrencial en el barranco de Benacancil
[EN] Floods are a consequence of extreme rainfall events. Although surface runoff generation is the origin of discharge, flood research usually focuses on lowlands where the impact is higher. Runoff and sediment delivery at slope and pedon scale receiving much less attention in the effort to understand flood behaviour in time and space. This is especially relevant in areas where, due to climatic and hydrogeological conditions, streams are ephemeral, so-called dry rivers (¿wadis¿, "ramblas" or ¿barrancos¿) that are widespread throughout the Mediterranean. This paper researches the relationship between water delivery at pedon and slope scale with dry river floods in Macizo del Caroig, Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Plots of 1x1, 1x2, 1x4, and 2x8 m located in the ¿El Teularet¿ Soil Erosion and Degradation Research Station were monitored from 2004 to 2014 to measure soil and water delivery. Rainfall and flow at the dry river Barranco de Benacancil were also monitored. Results show that runoff and sediment discharge were concentrated in few events during the 11 years of research. A single flood event was registered in the channel on September 28, 2009, however, the runoff was registered 160 times at the plots. Runoff discharge was dependent on the size of the plots, with larger plots yielding lower runoff discharge per unit area, suggesting short runoff-travel distance and duration. Three rainfall events contributed with 26% of the whole runoff discharge, and five achieved 56% of the runoff. We conclude that the runoff generated at the plot scale is disconnected from the main channel. From a spatial point of view, there is a decrease in runoff coefficient along the slope. From a temporal point of view, the runoff is concentrated in a few rainfall events. These results show that the runoff generated at plot and slope scale does not contribute to the floods except for rainfall events with more than 100 mm day-1. The disconnection of the runoff and sediment delivery is confirmed by the reduction in the runoff delivery at plot scale due to the control of the length of the plot (slope) on the runoff and sediment delivery.[ES] . Lasinundacionesson consecuencia de lluvias extremas. Aunque la generación de escorrentía superficial
es el origen de la descarga, la investigación de inundaciones generalmente se enfoca en las tierras bajas donde el
impacto es mayor. La escorrentía y la distribución de sedimentos a escala de pendiente y pedón reciben mucha menos
atención en la comprensión del comportamiento de las inundaciones en el tiempo y el espacio. Esto es especialmente
relevante en zonas donde, debido a las condiciones climáticas e hidrogeológicas, los cauces son efímeros. Son los
llamados ríos secos (¿wadis¿, ¿ramblas¿ o ¿barrancos¿) muy extendidos por todo el Mediterráneo. Este artículo
investiga la relación entre el suministro de agua a escala de pedón y ladera con las crecidas de ríos secos en Macizo
del Caroig, este de la Península Ibérica. Las parcelas de 1x1, 1x2, 1x4 y 2x8 m localizadas en la Estación de
Investigación de Erosión y Degradación de Suelos ¿El Teularet¿ fueron monitoreadas de 2004 a 2014 para medir la
producción de suelo y agua. También se monitorearon las precipitaciones y el caudal en el río seco Barranco de
Benacancil. Los resultados muestran que la escorrentía y la descarga de sedimentos se concentraron en pocos eventos
durante los 11 años de investigación. Se registró un solo evento de inundación en el canal el 28 de septiembre de
2009, sin embargo, la escorrentía se registró 160 veces en las parcelas. La descarga de escorrentía dependió del
tamaño de las parcelas. Las parcelas más grandes produjeron una menor descarga de escorrentía por unidad de área,
lo que sugiere una corta distancia y duración del recorrido de escorrentía. Tres eventos de lluvia contribuyeron con
el 26% de la descarga total de la escorrentía y cinco lograron el 56% de la escorrentía. Se concluye que la escorrentía
generada a escala de la parcela está desconectada del canal principal. Desde un punto de vista espacial, hay una
disminución en el coeficiente de escorrentía a lo largo de la pendiente. Desde un punto de vista temporal, la escorrentía
se concentra en unos pocos eventos de lluvia. Estos resultados muestran que la escorrentía generada a escala de
parcela y pendiente no contribuyen a las inundaciones excepto para eventos de lluvia con más de 100 mm día-1
. La
desconexión de la escorrentía y la entrega de sedimentos se confirma por la reducción de la escorrentía a escala de
parcela debido al control de la longitud (pendiente) sobre la escorrentía y la entrega de sedimentos.Artemi Cerda thanks the Co-operative Research program from the OECD (Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems) for its support with the 2016 CRP fellowship (OCDE TAD/CRP JA00088807), POSTFIRE Project (CGL2013-47862-C2-1 and 2-R), and POSTFIRE_CARE Project (CGL2016-75178-C2-2-R) sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and AEI/FEDER, UE. This paper was written as a result of the collaboration that was initiated due to the COST ActionES1306: Connecting European Connectivity research and COST CA18135 FIRElinks: Fire in the Earth System. Science and Society. We wish to thank the Department of Geography secretariat team (Nieves Gomez, Nieves Dominguez, and Susana Tomas) for their support for three decades to our research at the Soil Erosion and Degradation Research team (SEDER), with special thanks to the scientific researchers that as visitors from other research teams contributed to the SEDER research. And we also thank the Laboratory for Geomorphology technicians (Leon Navarro) for the key contribution to our research. The collaboration of the Geography and Environmental Sciences students was fruitful and enjoyable.Cerda, A.; Novara, A.; Dlapa, P.; Lopez-Vicente, M.; Ubeda, X.; Popovic, Z.; Mekonnen, M.... (2021). Rainfall and water yield in Macizo del Caroig, Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Event runoff at plot scale during a rare flash flood at the Barranco de Benacancil. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica. 47(1):95-119. https://doi.org/10.18172/cig.48339511947
Diabetes and hypertension increase the placental and transcellular permeation of the lipophilic drug diazepam in pregnant women
Background: Previous studies carried out in our laboratories have demonstrated impaired drug permeation in diabetic animals. In this study the permeation of diazepam (after a single dose of 5 mg/day, administered intramuscularly) will be investigated in diabetic and hypertensive pregnant women.Methods: A total 75 pregnant women were divided into three groups: group 1 (healthy control, n = 31), group 2 (diabetic, n = 14) and group 3 (hypertensive, n = 30). Two sets of diazepam plasma concentrations were collected and measured (after the administration of the same dose of diazepam), before, during and after delivery. The first set of blood samples was taken from the mother (maternal venous plasma). The second set of samples was taken from the fetus (fetal umbilical venous and arterial plasma). In order to assess the effect of diabetes and hypertension on diazepam placental-permeation, the ratios of fetal to maternal blood concentrations were determined. Differences were considered statistically significant if p=0.05.Results: The diabetes and hypertension groups have 2-fold increase in the fetal umbilical-venous concentrations, compared to the maternal venous concentrations. Feto: maternal plasma-concentrations ratios were higher in diabetes (2.01 ± 1.10) and hypertension (2.26 ± 1.23) groups compared with control (1.30 ± 0.48) while, there was no difference in ratios between the diabetes and hypertension groups. Umbilical-cord arterial: venous ratios (within each group) were similar among all groups (control: 0.97 ± 0.32; hypertension: 1.08 ± 0.60 and diabetes: 1.02 ± 0.77).Conclusions: On line with our previous findings which demonstrate disturbed transcellular trafficking of lipophilic drugs in diabetes, this study shows significant increase in diazepam placental-permeation in diabetic and hypertensive pregnant women suggesting poor transcellular control of drug permeation and flux, and bigger exposure of the fetus to drug-placental transport
Current Wildland Fire Patterns and Challenges in Europe : A Synthesis of National Perspectives
Changes in climate, land use, and land management impact the occurrence and severity of wildland fires in many parts of the world. This is particularly evident in Europe, where ongoing changes in land use have strongly modified fire patterns over the last decades. Although satellite data by the European Forest Fire Information System provide large-scale wildland fire statistics across European countries, there is still a crucial need to collect and summarize in-depth local analysis and understanding of the wildland fire condition and associated challenges across Europe. This article aims to provide a general overview of the current wildland fire patterns and challenges as perceived by national representatives, supplemented by national fire statistics (2009-2018) across Europe. For each of the 31 countries included, we present a perspective authored by scientists or practitioners from each respective country, representing a wide range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds. The authors were selected from members of the COST Action "Fire and the Earth System: Science & Society" funded by the European Commission with the aim to share knowledge and improve communication about wildland fire. Where relevant, a brief overview of key studies, particular wildland fire challenges a country is facing, and an overview of notable recent fire events are also presented. Key perceived challenges included (1) the lack of consistent and detailed records for wildland fire events, within and across countries, (2) an increase in wildland fires that pose a risk to properties and human life due to high population densities and sprawl into forested regions, and (3) the view that, irrespective of changes in management, climate change is likely to increase the frequency and impact of wildland fires in the coming decades. Addressing challenge (1) will not only be valuable in advancing national and pan-European wildland fire management strategies, but also in evaluating perceptions (2) and (3) against more robust quantitative evidence.Peer reviewe