281 research outputs found

    Gravitational microlensing of AGN dusty tori

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    We investigated the gravitational microlensing of active galactic nucleus dusty tori in the case of lensed quasars in the infrared domain. The dusty torus is modeled as a clumpy two-phase medium. To obtain spectral energy distributions and images of tori at different wavelengths, we used the 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code SKIRT. A ray-shooting technique has been used to calculate microlensing magnification maps. We simulated microlensing by the stars in the lens galaxy for different configurations of the lensed system and different values of the torus parameters, in order to estimate (a) amplitudes and timescales of high magnification events, and (b) the influence of geometrical and physical properties of dusty tori on light curves in the infrared domain. We found that, despite their large size, dusty tori could be significantly affected by microlensing in some cases, especially in the near-infrared domain (rest-frame). The very long time-scales of such events, in the range from several decades to hundreds of years, are limiting the practical use of this method to study the properties of dusty tori. However, our results indicate that, when studying flux ratios between the images in different wavebands of lensed quasars, one should not disregard the possibility that the near and mid-infrared flux ratios could be under the influence of microlensing.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, MNRAS accepted. V3: corrected values in Table

    The shape of Fe Kα\alpha line emitted from relativistic accretion disc around AGN black holes

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    The relativistically broadened Fe Kα\alpha line, originating from the accretion disc in a vicinity of a super massive black hole, is observed in only less than 50\% of type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). In this study we investigate could this lack of detections be explained by the effects of certain parameters of the accretion disc and black hole, such as the inclination, the inner and outer radius of disc and emissivity index. In order to determine how these parameters affect the Fe K α\alpha line shape, we simulated about 60,000 Fe K α\alpha line profiles emitted from the relativistic disc. Based on simulated line profiles, we conclude that the lack of the Fe Kα\alpha line detection in type 1 AGN could, be caused by the specific emitting disc parameters, but also by the limits in the spectral resolution and sensitivity of the X-ray detectors.Comment: Based on the talk presented Balkan Workshop BW2018 (10-14 June 2018, Ni\v{s}, Serbia), accepted for publishing in International Journal of Modern Physics A, 8 figures, 1 table, 15 page

    Implementation of new international standards for certification and inspection bodies

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    The paper provides a general review of accreditation as an effective and eficient means for provi- sion of competence, impartiality, independence and integrity of conformity assessing organizations, which creates conidence of all interested parties into the results of testing, inspection and certiica- tion of products processes and services. Implementation of international standards, as the accredita- tion proceedings brought into accord, provides similar levels of competence of conformity assessing bodies in all states and obtaining comparable results, thus contributing, within different international and regional agreements, to the possibility of creating mutual recognition of conformity documents - i.e. reports and certiicates. New requirements are presented brought about by the new standards of SRPS ISOlIEC 17065:2013 and SRPS ISOlIEC 17020:2012, as well as their application in the certiication and inspection body Vinca Institute

    Strategic and legal aspects of controlling terrorism with a particular focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Apstrakt: U radu se razmatraju strateški i pravni aspekti kontrole terorizma sa posebnim osvrtom na Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje kvaliteta strateških i pravnih aspekata kontrole terorizma sa posebnim osvrtom na Bosnu i Hercegovinu, te u kojoj mjeri je zakonska regulativa koja se odnosi na borbu protiv terorizma u Bosni i Hercegovini usklađena sa međunarodnim, globalnim, strateškim i euro-atlanskim dokumentima. Isto tako, cilj rada je utvrđivanje kvaliteta procesa deradikalizacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i u kojoj mjeri je zakonska regulativa koja reguliše nadležnost policijskih agencija u Bosni i Hercegovini u pogledu krivičnog djela terorizma prilagođena pomenutim agencijama. Pored toga, ovdje se nastoji prikazati i kvalitet institucionalne saradnje u pogledu borbe protiv terorizma u Bosni i Hercegovini, kvalitet saradnja Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnom zajednicom, Evropskom unijom i zemljama iz regiona u pogledu kontrole terorizma, zatim, efikasnost zakonske regulative kojom se reguliše kontrola finansijskih tokova, kao i kvalitet saradnje između policije i građana u Bosni i Hercegovini u pogledu kontrole i prevencije terorizma. U vezi s tim, sprovedeno je istraživanje, gdje su korištena dva instrumenta, tačnije, dva intervjua i dvije ankete. Rezultati do kojih se došlo ukazuju na činjenicu da se u Bosni i Hercegovini, sa praktičnog aspekta veoma malo radi po pitanju borbe protiv terorizma, te da je takvo stanje prouzrokovano samom specifičnošću Bosne i Hercegovine kao države, počev od njene disfinkcionalnosti i različitih interesa konstitutivnih naroda, koji se u određenoj mjeri manifestuju njihovom nejednakom doživljavanju problema terorizma. Pored navedenog, u radu su kritički analizirani praktični problemi borbe protiv terorizma u svim segmentima društva, gdje su ponuđena kvalitetna riješenja.Abstract: The paper looks at strategic and legal aspects of controlling terrorism with a particular focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the paper is to determine the quality of strategic and legal aspects of controlling terrorism with a particular focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to determine to what extent the legislation concerned with fighting terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in accordance with international, global and strategic documents. Moreover, the aim of the paper is to determine the quality of the process of deradicalization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to determine to what extent the legislation that regulates the competence of law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina with respect to the criminal act of terrorism is in accordance with the aforementioned agencies. Additionally, the paper aims to present the quality of institutional cooperation in regards to fighting terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the quality of cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the international community, the European Union and other countries from the region in regards to fighting terrorism, followed by the effectiveness of the legislation which regulates the control of financial flows, as well as the quality of cooperation between law enforcement and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in regards to controlling and preventing terrorism. In this respect, a study has been carried out, where two instruments were used, more precisely two interviews and two surveys. The results show that, from a practical standpoint, very little has been done in regards to fighting terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a situation that is caused by the specific nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country, starting from the country’s dysfunctionality and opposing interests of the constituent peoples, that is to a certain extent manifested by their unequal experience of the problem of terrorism. In addition, the paper critically analyzes the practical problems in the fight against terrorism in all segments of society and offers quality solutions for them

    Random coefficient bivariate INAR(1) process

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    A bivariate autoregressive model for time series of counts is presented. The model is composed of survival and innovation components. The dependence between series is achieved through innovation parts. Autoregression is modelled with the survival component which is based on binomial thinning operator. Coefficients that figures here are random variables. Statistical properties of the model are presented. Existence, stationarity and ergodicity of the model is proved. We focus on the model where innovation components follow bivariate Poisson distribution. We suggest Conditional maximum likelihood and Method of moments for parameter estimation. Both methods are tested on simulated data sets

    Sustainable tourism development in the Carpathian region in Serbia

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    This paper analyzes natural and anthropogenic tourism resources in the Carpathian region in Serbia, as well as legal and institutional frameworks which need to be strengthened with the aim of ensuring sustainable tourism development of the region. The sustainable tourism development will necessitate the linking of stakeholders within and at the level of the region, along with an adequate support at the national level in order to take advantage of numerous opportunities offered by an increasingly intense cross-border cooperation. Taking into account the greater number of protected areas and those planned to be protected in the Carpathian region, as well as specificities of tourism development in these areas, special attention in the paper has been given to sustainable tourism development of protected areas


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    The availability of funds for lending in the economy under favourable conditions is the fundamental and most important function provided by the banking sector, even though its role is crucial in executing payment transactions as well as in providing security in savings products. As per expectations, quantitative analysis shows a very high level of correlation between the changes in the volume of bank loans and the changes in the gross domestic product in the Republic of Srpska. The research of the indebtedness of the real sector in the function of economic development of the Republic of Srpska was conducted on the basis of a representative sample comprising of 188 large companies out of 343 in total. By using the data obtained from the financial statements of the companies, we investigated the extent to which the channeling of bank credit funds affects the financial stability and operations of companies in the Republic of Srpska. The results obtained indicate a high level of use of bank loans for the purpose of ensuring current liquidity and maintaining fixed assets necessary for regular operations. Companies that are more indebted to banks fail to operate more successfully even to the slightest extent. The conducted research indicates a significant volume of loans placed with the aim of providing current liquidity and maintenance of fixed assets and equipment. However, it is particularly significant to alter the credit policy of banks, which would direct a larger volume of bank credit funds to investments

    Methodology for Periodic Compliance Control of Composite Reservoirs Installation in Motor Vehicles

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    The paper points out the problem of periodic compliance control of composite reservoirs installation in motor vehicles and necessity of designing methodologies in this field. The survey indicated that with expert systems application periodic compliance of composite reservoirs installation can be achieved. The paper presents the design of an expert system for visual control of composite tanks for storing compressed natural gas as a fuel for motor vehicles, using a shell expert system as a tool to design the knowledge base. The knowledge base is designed using production rules. The expert system is tested on a concrete example. The research results point to the possibility of periodical compliance control of composite reservoirs installation in motor vehicles using designed knowledge base. Also, the quality of visual control, reducing the time for analysis and reasoning on the state of composite reservoirs and auxiliary equipment for storing compressed natural gas as a fuel for motor vehicles, is achieved using the designed expert system.Advanced Engineering System

    Two-component propellant grain for rocket motor combustion analysis and geometric optimization

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    The paper considers utilization of rocket motor propellant grains that consist of two propellants. The idea is to achieve approximately neutral burning using an outer surface inhibited cylindrical shape and complex contact surface between propellants. An existing propellant grain with complex geometry has been analytically modeled in terms of determination of evolution of corresponding burning surface areas. The analytical and experimental results' diagrams of this grain have been found to have a saw-tooth shape because of the segments that separate the two propellants, causing potential problems in the burning process during the relatively short active phase, showing an obvious need for further optimization. This has created an opportunity for development of improved propellant grain geometry and corresponding mathematical model for determination of main interior ballistic parameters. Comparison between calculation results based on both models and experimentally determined chamber pressure data shows very good agreement. Therefore, two-component propellant grains have significant application possibilities using the suggested modeling approaches