17 research outputs found

    Multifractal structure of turbulence in the magnetospheric cusp

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    Magnetospheric cusps are regions which are characterized by highly turbulent plasma. We have used Polar magnetic field data to study the structure of turbulence in the cusp region. The wavelet transform modulus maxima method (WTMM) has been applied to estimate the scaling exponent of the partition function and singularity spectra. Their features are similar to those found in the nonlinear multifractal systems. We have found that the scaling exponent does not allow one to conclude which intermittency model fits the experiment better. However, the singularity spectra reveal that different models can be ascribed to turbulence observed under various IMF conditions. For northward IMF conditions the turbulence is consistent with the multifractal <i>p</i>-model of fully developed fluid turbulence. For southward IMF experimental data agree with the model of non-fully developed Kolmogorov-like fluid turbulence

    Cluster observations of high-frequency waves in the exterior cusp

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    We study wave emissions, in the frequency range from above the lower hybrid frequency up to the plasma frequency, observed during one of the Cluster crossings of a high-beta exterior cusp region on 4 March 2003. Waves are localized near narrow current sheets with a thickness a few times the ion inertial length; currents are strong, of the order of 0.1-0.5μA/m<sup>2</sup> (0.1-0.5mA/m<sup>2</sup> when mapped to ionosphere). The high frequency part of the waves, frequencies above the electron-cyclotron frequency, is analyzed in more detail. These high frequency waves can be broad-band, can have spectral peaks at the plasma frequency or spectral peaks at frequencies below the plasma frequency. The strongest wave emissions usually have a spectral peak near the plasma frequency. The wave emission intensity and spectral character change on a very short time scale, of the order of 1s. The wave emissions with strong spectral peaks near the plasma frequency are usually seen on the edges of the narrow current sheets. The most probable generation mechanism of high frequency waves are electron beams via bump-on-tail or electron two-stream instability. Buneman and ion-acoustic instability can be excluded as a possible generation mechanism of waves. We suggest that high frequency waves are generated by electron beams propagating along the separatrices of the reconnection region

    Anisotropic scaling features and complexity in magnetospheric-cusp: a case study

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    Magnetospheric cusps are high-latitude regions characterized by a highly turbulent plasma, playing a special role in the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction. Here, using POLAR satellite magnetic field vector measurements we investigate the anisotropic scaling features of the magnetic field fluctuations in the northern cusp region. Our results seem to support the hypothesis of a 2D-MHD turbulent scenario which is consequence of a strong background magnetic field. The observed turbulent fluctuations reveal a high degree of complexity, which might be due to the interplay of many competing scales. A discussion of our findings in connection with the complex scenario proposed by Chang et al. (2004) is provided

    First results of electric field and density observations by Cluster EFW based on initial months of operation

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    International audienceHighlights are presented from studies of the electric field data from various regions along the Cluster orbit. They all point towards a very high coherence for phenomena recorded on four spacecraft that are separated by a few hundred kilometers for structures over the whole range of apparent frequencies from 1 mHz to 9 kHz. This presents completely new opportunities to study spatial-temporal plasma phenomena from the magnetosphere out to the solar wind. A new probe environment was constructed for the CLUSTER electric field experiment that now produces data of unprecedented quality. Determination of plasma flow in the solar wind is an example of the capability of the instrument

    Anisotropic scaling features and complexity in magnetospheric-cusp: a case study

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    International audienceMagnetospheric cusps are high-latitude regions characterized by a highly turbulent plasma, playing a special role in the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction. Here, using POLAR satellite magnetic field vector measurements we investigate the anisotropic scaling features of the magnetic field fluctuations in the northern cusp region. Our results seem to support the hypothesis of a 2D-MHD turbulent scenario which is consequence of a strong background magnetic field. The observed turbulent fluctuations reveal a high degree of complexity, which might be due to the interplay of many competing scales. A discussion of our findings in connection with the complex scenario proposed by Chang et al. (2004) is provided

    ELF plasma waves in hot and cold plasma fluxes observed by Prognoz-8 in the magnetospheric tail

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    We present Prognoz-8 observations of low-frequency plasma waves (2-105 Hz) associated with plasma fluxes near the outer boundary of the plasma sheet. These plasma fluxes were different from the regular plasma sheet boundary layer and consisted of tailward flowing warm proton and cold oxygen beams accompanied by rather cold electrons (Te less than 100 eV). Observed plasma characteristics were used in the numerical solution of the dispersion relation for the ion-beam acoustic instability. Detailed analysis shows that this instability can be a source of observed emissions at frequencies up to 25 Hz

    ELF plasma waves in hot and cold plasma fluxes observed by Prognoz-8 in the magnetospheric tail

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    We present Prognoz-8 observations of low-frequency plasma waves (2-105 Hz) associated with plasma fluxes near the outer boundary of the plasma sheet. These plasma fluxes were different from the regular plasma sheet boundary layer and consisted of tailward flowing warm proton and cold oxygen beams accompanied by rather cold electrons (<i>T</i><sub><i>e</i></sub> less than 100 eV). Observed plasma characteristics were used in the numerical solution of the dispersion relation for the ion-beam acoustic instability. Detailed analysis shows that this instability can be a source of observed emissions at frequencies up to 25 Hz