27 research outputs found

    Differences Between Men and Women with Total Laryngectomy

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    The larynx is one of the organs that is usually involved in the tumor growth in the head and neck region and it is the second site of malignant neoplasia of the respiratory tract after the lungs. It is a well-known fact that larynx cancer is more often present in male population, with a ratio of 3:1 male/female because of the higher rate of tobacco and alcohol use. The issues related to total laryngectomy are the loss of voice, swallowing rehabilitation, reeducation of breathing through the tracheostomy, psychological alterations and social pressure. Women tend to be more affected by the presence of the tracheostomy, since general physical aspect is a major concern for modern women. Also, the emotional status of women is a plays a major role for the adherence to the therapy plan. The response to total laryngectomy by men and women is similar with slight differences in physical aspect and social reinsertion

    The psychological influence of the diagnosis of breast cancer on therapeutic options selection

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    The therapeutic management decision-making process for breast cancer is complex, and is influenced by multiple factors including patient age, comorbidities, ethnicity, education, and availability of immediate or delayed reconstruction options. Our study analysed 276 patients diagnosed with breast cancer in the “Colțea” Clinical Hospital between 2014 and 2015. Mean patients age was 61.24, median 62, with a range of 31 to 89 years. Younger age was associated with a less advanced local disease and younger patients were more likely to choose and benefit from conservative surgery. Most patients (61.76%) came from rural areas. Place of origin had a significant influence on the tumor size at the time of diagnosis (3.9 cm vs. 1.8cm) as well as on the choice of surgical procedure. Personalized treatment management plans that include aesthetic satisfaction coupled with oncological safety should be the objectives of contemporary breast surgery. Patient age is so important to the decision making process that it has been proposed as a determinant of educational and counselling strategies. From our experience, young patients from urban areas were more proactive patients. They were diagnosed earlier and more involved in treatment decisions compared with patients from rural areas, who generally did not question the surgeon’s opinion. Factors that influence the decision-making process likely include age, socioeconomic status, availability of radiotherapy, the necessity of periodic follow-up and the concern about recurrence

    Morphological Traits of Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta Fario) from Fiad Trout Farm, Bistrița-Năsăud County

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    The purpose of this this study was to complete the data from the specialized literature regarding some morphological charactersof male and female breeders of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario), exploited in Fiad trout farm, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania. The body mass (Bm) of males ranged from 0.67 kg to 1.39 kg with a mean value of 0.96 ±0.07 kg. The body mass of females (Bm) ranged from 0.50 kg to 0.90 kg with a mean value of 0.73±0.04 kg. In terms of descriptive statistics, the values of variability of studied characters, both males and females, are low. This low variability, shows the existence of a good homogeneity of the breeding group from Fiad trout farm.The One-Way ANOVA analysis showed that there is no statistically significance difference for the means of studied characters, except for commercial length and small perimeter of fishes. The results of t-test for showed that there is a statistically significance difference between the measurements and the gender of the specimens

    Challenges in Representation Learning: A report on three machine learning contests

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    The ICML 2013 Workshop on Challenges in Representation Learning focused on three challenges: the black box learning challenge, the facial expression recognition challenge, and the multimodal learning challenge. We describe the datasets created for these challenges and summarize the results of the competitions. We provide suggestions for organizers of future challenges and some comments on what kind of knowledge can be gained from machine learning competitions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure


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    In this study the authors have studied the results of using Chlorhexidine during preventive strategies. It evaluates the clinical results after conventional methods of professional cleaning by ultrasonic scaling, brushing, sanding (air flow) using Chlorhexidine (CHX). The study was conducted on a total of 328 Subjects equally divided in one reference group and one study group. The purpose is to establish a risk assessment strategy and apply preventive measures to each individual according to the diagnosis illness preponderance. The result is a better wellness status after the use of Chlorhexidine during the ultrasound scaling procedures

    HASKER: An efficient algorithm for string kernels. Application to polarity classification in various languages

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    String kernels have successfully been used for various NLP tasks, ranging from text categorization by topic to native language identification. In this paper, we present a simple and efficient algorithm for computing various spectrum string kernels. When comparing two strings, we store the p-grams in the first string into a hash table, and then we apply a hash table lookup for the p-grams that occur in the second string. In terms of time, we show that our algorithm can outperform a state-of-the-art tool for computing string similarity. In terms of accuracy, we show that our approach can reach state-of-the-art performance for polarity classification in various languages. Our efficient implementation is provided online for free at http://string-kernels.herokuapp.com

    Deuterium depletion induces anxiolytic-like effects in rats

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    Standard or individualized quality of life for larynx cancer patients?

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    Locally advanced larynx cancer benefits from curative surgery therapy. Clinical trials have been proposed for assessing the quality of life for patients with larynx malignant neoplasia who underwent radical surgery. The removal of the “voice box” is known to have great impact on the social reintegration of these patients as well as psychological distress. The presence of tracheostomy and voice impairment are two of the major issues that need to be thought of by patients that will have a total laryngectomy. The quality of life is a multi-dimensional subjective and personal concept which includes normal physical activity, looks, psychological status, somatic symptoms and, non the less, sexual activity. Cancer free survival intervals for patients with larynx cancer must be evaluated physical and psychological modifications with particular considerations to stress, anxiety and depression related symptoms and to functional rehabilitation adaptation regarding swallowing and speech. Oncology surgeons must consider that QoL is impaired in all patients with larynx cancer that benefit from total laryngectomy. However, there is evidence presented below that the difference in QoL parameters is small when comparing radical surgery, total laryngectomy, and larynx conservation by radio and chemotherapy


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    Introduction. Gestational diabetes is the type of diabetes characterized by the presence of glucose intolerance, that first appears or is first diagnosed during pregnancy. The diagnosis of this condition is established between the 24 th and the 28 th week of pregnancy by the presence of a single abnormal blood glucose level during the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Given the complex pathology of this disease, making the right decision at the right time is the key to success for both the mother and the fetus, thus choosing the moment and way of birth in diabetic pregnancies is a challenge for the obstetrician. Material and method. Multiple studies conducted worldwide have not yet been able to determine the optimal time and manner of birth to avoid the complications that occur in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. In recent years, researchers have been looking for a perinatal care in order to find the best way to finish the pregnancy and limit the effects of gestational diabetes to both the mother and the newborn. Conclusions. The time and the way of birth for diabetic pregnancy depends on several factors, including gestational age, fetal status, pregnancy, parity, metabolic status and other pregnancy-related pathologies, technical possibilities of the hospital and professional experience of the medical team. Choosing the moment and the way of birth is a decision that must be taken individually in each case as the results of research have not yet found an optimal standard to solve this problem