39 research outputs found

    Microstructural characteristics and corrosion resistance of atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposited SiO2 films from TEOS and O2

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    Chemical vapor deposited SiO2 films from tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) is a key enabling material in numerous applications. Among the several pathways for the CVD of SiO2 films from TEOS, the poorly investigated medium temperature process involving oxygen ensures a compromise between the high thermal load of the surface reaction of the TEOS pyrolysis process, and the strong activation of gas phase reactions in the ozone assisted decomposition of TEOS. It is a promising route towards conformal coverage of complex-in-shape structures, growth rate control, and appropriate physical & chemical properties of the coating. SiOx films are obtained from TEOS+O2 in a horizontal CVD reactor operating at atmospheric pressure between 350 and 500°C. FTIR operating under normal and 55° incidence angle is used for the investigation of the structure, namely density, strain, oxygen content and stoichiometry of the films, by probing vibrational modes in the 900-1300 cm-1 region with well-resolved TO-LO phonon splitting. Complementary density values obtained by ellipsometry allow estimating the porosity of the films. Their corrosion resistance is investigated by the P-Etch test through thickness loss and is correlated with their composition, porosity and density

    Silice amorphe, Ă©laborĂ©e par CVD Ă  partir de TEOS et O2 : Composition, stƓchiomĂ©trie, structure et rĂ©sistance Ă  l’abrasion chimique

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 80, l’élaboration de couches minces de silice, SiO2 Ă  partir d’orthosilicate de tĂ©traĂ©thyle ((Si(OC2H5)4, TEOS) par dĂ©pĂŽt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) a Ă©tĂ© largement Ă©tudiĂ©e pour rĂ©pondre aux problĂ©matiques de la microĂ©lectronique. RĂ©cemment, l’élargissement de l’éventail d’applications pour les revĂȘtements Ă  base de SiO2 pour l’optique, l’agroalimentaire, le biomĂ©dical, l’emballage ou la sĂ©paration des gaz, induit une modification des cahiers des charges tant pour les matĂ©riaux que les procĂ©dĂ©s. Il est souvent mis en avant les besoins de : (a) rĂ©duire le budget thermique lors de l’élaboration, (b) Ă©liminer la formation de poudres, induites par exemple par une rĂ©activitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e en prĂ©sence d’ozone, (c) revĂȘtir des structures complexes, ce qui diminue l’intĂ©rĂȘt des procĂ©dĂ©s plasma. En rĂ©ponse Ă  ces besoins, cette Ă©tude s’intĂ©resse Ă  la structure de couches de SiO2 amorphe Ă©laborĂ©es Ă  partir de TEOS et oxygĂšne Ă  pression atmosphĂ©rique Ă  des tempĂ©ratures Td comprises entre 400°C et 550°C, et corrĂšle ces caractĂ©ristiques Ă  leur rĂ©sistance Ă  l’abrasion chimique

    Investigation of the densification mechanisms and corrosion resistance of amorphous silica films

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    The barrier properties of the technologically attractive amorphous silica films depend on their structural characteristics at the atomic level, which, in turn are strongly influenced by the deposition conditions. In this paper, we propose an investigation of the poorly investigated densification mechanism of amorphous SiO2 films processed by CVD from TEOS and O2 between 400 and 550 °C. Based on literature survey and our original experimental results, we show that the densification process of these films, occurring with increasing the deposition temperature, is highlighted by a decrease of the water and silanol content, probed by transmission FTIR. We discuss the evolution of Si-O-Si related vibration signatures and we use the central force model to correlate the LO2 and LO3 shifts with the decrease of the Si-O-Si bond force constant, when the deposition temperature increases. Nuclear analysis reveals that films processed below 525 °C present hydrogen content between 5 ± 0.3 and 7 ± 0.3%at. Ellipsometry measurements attest that films processed at 550 °C are close to O/Si silica stoichiometry and hydrogen free. We show that application of the P-etch test results in particularly low erosion rate of 10 Å.s−1 for dense films processed at 550 °C

    Clumpiness enhancement of charged cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation with Sommerfeld effect

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    Boost factors of dark matter annihilation into antiprotons and electrons/positrons due to the clumpiness of dark matter distribution are studied in detail in this work, taking the Sommerfeld effect into account. It has been thought that the Sommerfeld effect, if exists, will be more remarkable in substructures because they are colder than the host halo, and may result in a larger boost factor. We give a full calculation of the boost factors based on the recent N-body simulations. Three typical cases of Sommerfeld effects, the non-resonant, moderately resonant and strongly resonant cases are considered. We find that for the non-resonant and moderately resonant cases the enhancement effects of substructures due to the Sommerfeld effect are very small (∌O(1)\sim \mathcal{O}(1)) because of the saturation behavior of the Sommerfeld effect. For the strongly resonant case the boost factor is typically smaller than ∌O(10)\sim \mathcal{O}(10). However, it is possible in some very extreme cases that DM distribution is adopted to give the maximal annihilation the boost factor can reach up to ∌1000\sim 1000. The variances of the boost factors due to different realizations of substructures distribution are also discussed in the work.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, 2 table. The detailed fomula of the propagation and boost factor are moved to the Appendix. Accepted by JCA

    A collaboratively derived environmental research agenda for Galapagos

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    GalĂĄpagos is one of the most pristine archipelagos in the world and its conservation relies upon research and sensible management. In recent decades both the interest in, and the needs of, the islands have increased, yet the funds and capacity for necessary research have remained limited. It has become, therefore, increasingly important to identify areas of priority research to assist decision-making in GalĂĄpagos conservation. This study identified 50 questions considered priorities for future research and management. The exercise involved the collaboration of policy makers, practitioners and researchers from more than 30 different organisations. Initially, 360 people were consulted to generate 781 questions. An established process of preworkshop voting and three rounds to reduce and reword the questions, followed by a two-day workshop, was used to produce the final 50 questions. The most common issues raised by this list of questions were human population growth, climate change and the impact of invasive alien species. These results have already been used by a range of organisations and politicians and are expected to provide the basis for future research on the islands so that its sustainability may be enhanced. </jats:p

    Chemical vapor deposition of amorphous silica as barrier coatings for pharmaceutical vials

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    L’élaboration de nouvelles solutions mĂ©dicamenteuses par les laboratoires pharmaceutiques est intimement liĂ©e Ă  la maitrise de leurs interactions avec la surface des emballages primaires en verre, afin d’assurer la prĂ©servation du principe actif. Sans cet effort, les instances de santĂ© amĂ©ricaine (FDA) et europĂ©enne (EMA) ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© dĂšs 2007, des altĂ©rations irrĂ©versibles du mĂ©dicament et du contenant. Les consĂ©quences sont catastrophiques, les molĂ©cules contenues dans le flacon sont dĂ©naturĂ©es et deviennent inefficaces, et la surface du verre se dĂ©lamine en gĂ©nĂ©rant des particules insolubles de taille micromĂ©trique en solution. Cette thĂšse concerne l’étude de revĂȘtements de silice amorphe susceptibles d’ĂȘtre appliquĂ©s sur la surface interne de flacons pharmaceutiques pour limiter leur rĂ©activitĂ© avec le contenu. Les revĂȘtements ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©s par dĂ©pĂŽt chimique en phase gazeuse (CVD), Ă  partir de tĂ©traethylorthosilicate (TEOS) et dioxygĂšne Ă  pression subatmosphĂ©rique, entre 350 et 570 °C. Le procĂ©dĂ© permet le contrĂŽle des vitesses de dĂ©pĂŽt dans la gĂ©omĂ©trie 3D du flacon, tout en offrant une fenĂȘtre de tempĂ©ratures de traitement compatible avec sa tenue mĂ©canique. Une approche pluridisciplinaire qui combine science des matĂ©riaux et gĂ©nie des procĂ©dĂ©s est mise en Ɠuvre, dans le but de maĂźtriser les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques et fonctionnelles du revĂȘtement et du procĂ©dĂ© d’élaboration. Des dĂ©pĂŽts sur substrats plans ont permis d’effectuer une Ă©tude croisĂ©e de la structure, de la composition et de la densitĂ© du film, mettant en Ɠuvre les spectromĂ©tries FTIR et ellipsomĂ©trique et des techniques d’analyse par faisceau d’ions. Des revĂȘtements peu hydratĂ©s, peu poreux et lĂ©gĂšrement sous-stƓchiomĂ©triques en oxygĂšne sont Ă©laborĂ©s Ă  550 °C. Leur valeur de P-etch est 10 Å.s-1 traduisant une bonne rĂ©sistance Ă  l’érosion. Un modĂšle cinĂ©tique apparent est dĂ©veloppĂ© pour la simulation du procĂ©dĂ© de dĂ©pĂŽt. Il considĂšre deux espĂšces intermĂ©diaires, impliquĂ©s dans deux rĂ©actions homogĂšnes et deux hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Il reproduit la vitesse de dĂ©pĂŽt et sa rĂ©partition sur la surface des substrats. Des revĂȘtements de silice amorphe sont dĂ©posĂ©s dans des flacons en verre et le procĂ©dĂ© est simulĂ© numĂ©riquement. La prise de masse prĂ©dite par la simulation correspond Ă  celle mesurĂ©e expĂ©rimentalement. Les flacons revĂȘtus sont soumis Ă  un essai de vieillissement hydrothermal lors d’un cycle de stĂ©rilisation pendant une heure Ă  121 °C et 1220 hPa en contact avec de l’eau ultra-pure, suivant la prĂ©conisation USP . Ils prĂ©sentent une excellente rĂ©sistance hydrolytique, le revĂȘtement empĂȘchĂ© le relargage de substances minĂ©rales du verre au contact de l’eau. Ce travail ouvre la voie Ă  l’élaboration, par un procĂ©dĂ© industrialisable, de revĂȘtements plus denses, susceptibles de remplir les exigences sĂ©vĂšres de rĂ©sistance Ă  l’altĂ©ration des solutions USP .The development of new pharmaceutical solutions is intimately linked to the control of theirinteractions with the surface of the primary glass packaging, with the aim to ensure thepreservation of the active agent. Already in 2007, the American (FDA) and European (EMA) healthauthorities revealed irreversible alterations between the contained solution and the container. Theconsequences are catastrophic, since the contained active molecules are denatured and becomeineffective, and the surface of the glass delaminates and results in suspension of micrometricsized insoluble particles in the pharmaceutical solution. This thesis focuses on the development ofamorphous silica coatings likely to be applied on the inner surface of pharmaceutical vials to limittheir reactivity with the contained solution. The coatings were processed by chemical vapordeposition (CVD) from tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and dioxygen at subatmospheric pressure,between 350 and 570 °C. The process allows control of the deposition rates in the 3D geometry ofthe vials and at the same time, it operates in a temperature window that is compatible with themechanical integrity of the vial. A multidisciplinary approach, combining materials science andprocess engineering is applied, in order to control the physicochemical and functional properties ofthe coating and its deposition process. Deposition on flat substrates allowed performing a crosslinked investigation of the structure, the composition and the density of the films by FTIR andellipsometric spectroscopies and ion beam analysis techniques. Poorly hydrated, non-porous andslightly lower than SiO2 stoichiometry coatings were processed at 550 °C. Their P-etch value is 10Å.s-1, indicating a good erosion resistance. An apparent kinetic model is developed for thesimulation of the deposition process. It considers two intermediate species, involved in twohomogeneous and two heterogeneous reactions. It reproduces the deposition rate and itsdistribution over the substrates surface. Amorphous silica coatings are deposited on the internalsurface of glass vials and the deposition process is numerically simulated. The simulation predictsa mass gain that corresponds to the one experimentally determined. The coated vials are filledwith ultra-pure water and are subjected to a hydrothermal aging test with a sterilization cycleduring one hour at 121°C and 1220 hPa according to the USP recommendation. Theypresent an excellent hydrolytic resistance, corresponding to the resistance of the glass to therelease of soluble mineral substances into water. This work paves the way towards theprocessing, through an industrial transferrable process, of denser coatings which are expected tomeet severe specifications compatible with the USP recommendation

    Automatic auditory processing of English words as indexed by the mismatch negativity, using a multiple deviant paradigm

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate mismatch negativity (NEHN) responses to a variety of speech stimuli (/de:/, /ge:/, /deI/ "day", and /geI/ "gay") in a multiple deviant paradigm. It was hypothesized that all speech stimulus contrasts in the multiple deviant paradigm, including the fine acoustic speech contrast [d/g], would elicit robust MMN responses and that consonant vowel (CV) real word deviants (e.g., "day" and "gay") would elicit larger MMN responses than CV nonword deviants (e.g., "de" and "ge") within and across experimental contrasts