1,546 research outputs found

    Repercusiones de los ritmos reproductivos en un rebaño extensivo de raza manchega de carne

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    Se muestra la evolución de los resultados productivos en los últimos 22 años de una explotación de ovino de carne de la raza Manchega, destinado a la producción de lechazo, en función del sistema de cubriciones aplicado, el número de machos en cubrición y la utilización de melatonina para las cubriciones en épocas de anestro. Desde 1985 a 1992 se aplicaba en la explotación un sistema de tres partos en dos años. En 1993 se comenzó a utilizar el sistema STAR, de 5 cubriciones al año. En 2000 se aumentó el número de machos a más de un 5%. A partir de 2002 se comenzó a aplicar melatonina en las cubriciones que establece el sistema STAR en anestro estacionario (marzo y junio). Todas las modificaciones han mostrado beneficios en los resultados productivos. Los resultados de los últimos 5 años muestran la eficacia y la compatibilidad del sistema STAR en nuestras explotaciones de ovino en extensivo, acompañado de un número de machos importante que asegure buenas cubriciones (>5%). La aplicación de la melatonina optimiza este sistema de manejo, estabilizando las cubriciones de anestro, lo que hace que se produzca un mayor número de corderos útiles (vendidos + reposición), una venta de corderos mayor en el segundo semestre y se estabilicen los resultados entre años

    Short communication: Prevalence of deleterious variants causing recessive disorders in Italian Chianina, Marchigiana and Romagnola cattle.

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    In the last two decades, the molecular cause of six monogenic autosomal recessive disorders has been identified in native Italian beef cattle: two different ATP2A1 variants for the pseudomyotonia congenita, the first in Chianina and Romagnola (PMT1) and the second in Romagnola (PMT2); a KDM2B variant for the paunch calf syndrome (PCS) in Marchigiana and Romagnola; a NID1 variant for the congenital cataract (CC) in Romagnola; a LAMB1 variant for the hemifacial microsomia (HFM) in Romagnola; an ABCA12 variant for the ichthyosis fetalis (IF) in Chianina and a FA2H variant for the ichthyosis congenita (IC) in Chianina. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of these disorders in the affected Italian populations. For this purpose, 3331 Chianina, 2812 Marchigiana and 1680 Romagnola bulls born in the last 40 years were considered. The allelic frequency (AF) of the variant for PMT1 was 1.0% in Romagnola, 4.6% in Marchigiana and 5.9% in Chianina. The AF of the variant for PMT2 was 3.3% in Romagnola and 0% in the other two breeds. The AF of the variant for PCS was 11.7% in Romagnola, 2.0% in Marchigiana and 0% in Chianina. The AF of the variants for CC, HFM, IF and IC resulted below 3%, being the variants detected only in the breed populations in which they were previously reported. Considering a selected male population in the single breed, Chianina showed carrier prevalence of 11.9% for PMT1, 7.7% for IC and 6.4% for IF. Romagnola showed carrier prevalence of 23.4% for PCS, 6.7% for PMT2, 4.1% for HFM, 3.2% for CC and 2.0% for PMT1. Marchigiana showed carrier prevalence of 9.1% for PMT1 and 4.0% for PCS. With respect to the Romagnola cattle, the concerning presence of a total of five defect alleles in the population hampers a general approach based on the prevention of carriers from artificial insemination. However, identification of carriers may allow conscious mating to prevent the risk of homozygous descendants as well as the spread of heterozygous offspring. Therefore, systematic genotyping for all seven known harmful alleles is recommended to prevent risk mating between carriers, in particular to avoid the occurrence of affected offspring

    Fracture toughness of injection moulded organoclay reinforced polypropylene composites

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    The fracture behavior of polypropylene reinforced with different amounts of PP/50% organoclay masterbatch was studied. Test pieces were prepared using a two-gated hot runner injection mould. Morphology of final pieces was analyzed by polarized optical microscopy, Xray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Fracture toughness was evaluated under quasi-static conditions at different positions in the molded pieces. The brittle mode of failure of PP became more ductile with increasing the amount of clay. However, the midthickness region (core) of “ductile” samples underwent brittle fracture while the surface layers (skin) behave in a ductile way, exhibiting elongation, necking and ductile tearing, probably due to differences in thickness and crystalline structure found in skin layers of composite pieces. Different Fracture Mechanics approaches were applied to characterize the fracture behavior: fracture toughness initiation value was assessed by means of the stress intensity factor at 5% non-linearity, KIq, and fracture toughness propagation value was obtained by means of the propagation strain energy release rate, Gcp. It was found that fracture initiation neither depends on clay content nor on test piece location. On the other hand, clay reinforcement increased fracture propagation values away from weld line region. This toughening effect was found to be dependent on the clay content and reinforcement orientation induced by the processing technique

    Item response theory analysis of the recoded Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short-Form (IGDS9-SF)

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    Based on the nine criteria for Internet gaming disorder (IGD) in DSM-5, the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9-Short Form (IGDS9-SF; Pontes and Griffiths 2015) is the most widely used questionnaire for assessing IGD. The present study examined support for the unidimensional factor structure of the instrument, with a group of 868 adolescent and adult gamers from the USA, with criteria recoded as present or absent. The two-parameter logistic model (2PLM) was used to examine the item response theory properties of the criteria included in the measure. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor model. The 2PLM analysis indicated that all the criteria were strong discriminators of high and low latent IGD. Furthermore, the items measured more of the GAD dimension and with more precision from around +2 SD from the mean trait level. The implications of the findings for interpreting the IGDS9-SF scores for clinical practice are discussed