664 research outputs found

    A class of compact subsets for non-sober topological spaces

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    We define a class of subsets of a topological space that coincides with the class of compact saturated subsets when the space is sober, and with enough good properties when the space is not sober. This class is introduced especially in view of applications to capacity theory.Comment: 6 page

    Domain theory and mirror properties in inverse semigroups

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    Inverse semigroups are a class of semigroups whose structure induces a compatible partial order. This partial order is examined so as to establish mirror properties between an inverse semigroup and the semilattice of its idempotent elements, such as continuity in the sense of domain theory.Comment: 15 pages. The final publication is available at www.springerlink.com. See http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00233-012-9392-4?LI=tru

    Demystifying the 'Metric Approach to Social Compromise with the Unanimity Criterion'

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    In a recent book and earlier studies, Donald Saari well clarifies the source of three classical impossibility theorems in social choice and proposes possible escape out of these negative results. The objective of this note is to illustrate the relevance of these explanations in justifying the metric approach to the social compromise with the unanimity criterion.social choice, impossibility theorems, metric approach to compromise with the unanimity criterion

    Financial Sector Development, FDI and Economic Growth in China.

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    The economics-literature, drawing on endogenous growth theory, suggests that the level of financial sector development may influence foreign direct investment and its impact on the diffusion of technology in the host country, thereby increasing the rate of economic growth. Little attention, however, has been devoted to confirm or reject this link for China. This paper fills the gap by including measures of financial sector development in this growth regression. The Generalised Method of Moments system estimation is applied to data for 28 Chinese provinces over the period 1986-2003. We show that the interaction between foreign direct investment and indicators measuring the degree of market oriented financing enhance economic growth.financial development, foreign direct investment, economic growth, China

    Legal Tender

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    The legal foundation of the monetary system is the law of legal tender. The “legal tender” concept is used in models to describe almost anything except for what it really means in actual laws. Such errors prevent an accurate evaluation of the importance of this legal status. This note explains in simple terms what “legal tender” really means.Legal tender; Contract law; Taxes

    Impact of tsunamis on wave energy converters

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    With an increasing emphasis on renewable energy resources, wave power technology is fast becoming a realistic solution. However, the recent tsunami in Japan was a harsh reminder of the ferocity of the ocean. It is known that tsunamis are nearly undetectable in the open ocean but as the wave approaches the shore its energy is compressed creating large destructive waves. The question posed here is whether a nearshore wave energy converter (WEC) could withstand the force of an incoming tsunami. WECs of this type are usually located close to the boundary of dominance between linear and non linear e ects. An analytical 3D model is developed within the framework of a linear theory and applied to an array of xed plates [1]. The time derivative of the velocity potential allows the hydrodynamic force to be calculated, and the hydrostatic force can be calculated from the di erence in free surface heights on either side of the device. Results show that the loading for a typical tsunami is invariant with depth and maximum loading is felt at the center of the plate. By comparison with the loading from a typical swell, it is shown that the maximum force of a tsunami on a nearshore WEC will be approximately one hundreth of the magnitude of a regular sea state. We therefore conclude that an array of WECs will withstand a tsunami. A preliminary study on the non linear e ects on nearshore WECs, in particular the e ects of a sloping sea bed and multiple waves, is attempted through a comparison between the velocities of resonant and non resonant states. If after the rst wave recedes the device is left on dry land, a second wave may act as a shock on the plate and do more damage than it would to a partially submerged device. This e ect is demonstrated using a two dimensional non linear shallow water solver,VOLNA [2]. It is believed that dangerous con gurations could be found with more detailed investigations

    Shattering the Myth of Costless Price Changes: Emerging Perspectives on Dynamic Pricing

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    In this paper we argue that pricing is all about price changes, and that the costs of price changes are often simultaneously subtle and substantial. We discuss a framework to deal with the dynamics of changing prices. This framework incorporates customer interpretations of price changes, an awareness of the organizational costs of price changes, investments in future pricing processes, and an understanding of the role that supply chains play in price change strategy. The framework can be used at the tactical level to improve the specific price changes chosen and made, at the managerial level to decide whether or not to make a particular price change at all, and at the strategic level to determine what price adjustment processes should be invested in to improve pricing effectiveness in the future.Menu Cost, Myth, Costly Price Change, Cost of Price Adjustment, Dynamic Pricing, Customer Cost of Price Adjustment, Organizational Cost of Price Adjustment, Managerial Cost of Price Adjustment, Supply Chain, Investment in Pricing Processes, Price Change Tactic, Price Change Strategy, Pricing Tactics, Pricing Strategy, Pricing Effectiveness

    L'Oratoire des Cordonniers de Daniel Ogier. Missatge i símbol d'una ciutat

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    Resum:L'experiència de Daniel Ogier en el món de l'espectacle com a decorador d'escenaris i dissenyador de vestuari el portà a concebre un art integrador en altres manifestacions artístiques. Creacions en les quals intervenen la música, l'arquitectura, l'escultura i la pintura, però sobretot el passat històric de l'edifici per configurar un nou ambient. A l'Oratoire des Cordonniers, situat al Musée International de la Chaussure, abans antic convent de la Visitació, conflueixen totes aquestes premisses que l'artista aprofita per reconstruir l'espai, ajudat de la música de Carolina Poncet, focalitzant en el retaule la síntesi de la història de la ciutat de Romans.Resumen:El Oratoire des Cordonniers de Daniel Ogier. Mensaje y símbolo de una ciudadLa experiencia de Daniel Ogier en el mundo del espectáculo como decorador de escenarios y diseñador de vestuario le llevó a concebir un arte integrador en otras manifestaciones artísticas.Creaciones en las que intervienen la música, la arquitectura, la escultura y la pintura, pero sobre todo el pasado histórico del edificio para configurar un nuevo ambiente. En e lOratoire des Cordonniers, situado en el Musée International de la Chaussure, antes convento de la Visitación, confluyen todas estas premisas que el artista aprovecha para reconstruir el espacio, ayudado por la música de Carolina Poncet, focalizando en el retablo la síntesis de la historia de la ciudad de Romans.Abstract:The Oratoire des Cordonniers' by Daniel Ogier. Message and symbol of a cityThe experience of Daniel Ogier in the show business as a decorator of stages and designer of wardrobe took to the artist to conceive an art integrating of different artistic demonstrations. Works in which intervene the music, the architecture, the sculpture and the painting, but especially the historical past of the building to create a new environment. In the Musée International of the Chaussure, the ancient convent of the Visitation, is elevated the Oratoire des Cordonniers in which all these premises the artist uses for reconstructing the space, helped by the music of Carolina Poncet, focusing in the Altarpiece come together the syntheses of the history of the city of Romans

    Gingival reactive lesions in orally rehabilitated patients by free revascularized flap

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    The aim is to discuss four cases of gingival reactive hyperplastic lesions in patients with a history of excision of oral neoplastic lesions and rehabilitation by a free revascularized flap of the iliac crest. One female and 3 male patients were referred due to the presence of exophytic lesions at the rehabilitated sites. The clinical examination revealed that the poor oral hygiene was the common trigger factor in all the cases, in addition to trauma from the upper left second molar in the first case, pericoronitis related to a partially erupted lower right third molar in the third case, and poor stability of an upper removable partial denture in the fourth case. All the cases were subjected to elimination of these suspected triggering factors, exclusion of dysplasia, excisional biopsy by CO2 laser, and five follow-up visits. The histological examination of all the cases confirmed the diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma. These presented cases suggest that the limitations in oral functions and maintaining the oral hygiene measures following the free revascularized flap reconstruction surgery probably played a role in the development of gingival reactive hyperplastic lesions with presence of trigger factors such as local trauma, chronic infection, or inadequate prosthesis