8,296 research outputs found

    An analytic model for the transition from decelerated to accelerated cosmic expansion

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    We consider the scenario where our observable universe is devised as a dynamical four-dimensional hypersurface embedded in a five-dimensional bulk spacetime, with a large extra dimension, which is the {\it generalization of the flat FRW cosmological metric to five dimensions}. This scenario generates a simple analytical model where different stages of the evolution of the universe are approximated by distinct parameterizations of the {\it same} spacetime. In this model the evolution from decelerated to accelerated expansion can be interpreted as a "first-order" phase transition between two successive stages. The dominant energy condition allows different parts of the universe to evolve, from deceleration to acceleration, at different redshifts within a narrow era. This picture corresponds to the creation of bubbles of new phase, in the middle of the old one, typical of first-order phase transitions. Taking Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3 today, we find that the cross-over from deceleration to acceleration occurs at z11.5z \sim 1-1.5 , regardless of the equation of state in the very early universe. In the case of primordial radiation, the model predicts that the deceleration parameter "jumps" from q+1.5q \sim + 1.5 to q0.4q \sim - 0.4 at z1.17z \sim 1.17. At the present time q=0.55q = - 0.55 and the equation of state of the universe is w=p/ρ0.7w = p/\rho \sim - 0.7 , in agreement with observations and some theoretical predictions.Comment: The abstract and introduction are improved and the discussion section is expanded. A number of references are adde

    Kaluza-Klein solitons reexamined

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    In (4 + 1) gravity the assumption that the five-dimensional metric is independent of the fifth coordinate authorizes the extra dimension to be either spacelike or timelike. As a consequence of this, the time coordinate and the extra coordinate are interchangeable, which in turn allows the conception of different scenarios in 4D from a single solution in 5D. In this paper, we make a thorough investigation of all possible 4D scenarios, associated with this interchange, for the well-known Kramer-Gross-Perry-Davidson-Owen set of solutions. We show that there are {\it three} families of solutions with very distinct geometrical and physical properties. They correspond to different sets of values of the parameters which characterize the solutions in 5D. The solutions of physical interest are identified on the basis of physical requirements on the induced-matter in 4D. We find that only one family satisfies these requirements; the other two violate the positivity of mass-energy density. The "physical" solutions possess a lightlike singularity which coincides with the horizon. The Schwarzschild black string solution as well as the zero moment dipole solution of Gross and Perry are obtained in different limits. These are analyzed in the context of Lake's geometrical approach. We demonstrate that the parameters of the solutions in 5D are not free, as previously considered. Instead, they are totally determined by measurements in 4D. Namely, by the surface gravitational potential of the astrophysical phenomena, like the Sun or other stars, modeled in Kaluza-Klein theory. This is an important result which may help in observations for an experimental/observational test of the theory.Comment: In V2 we include an Appendix, where we examine the conformal approach. Minor changes at the beginning of section 2. In V3 more references are added. Minor editorial changes in the Introduction and Conclusions section

    PaPaS: A Portable, Lightweight, and Generic Framework for Parallel Parameter Studies

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    The current landscape of scientific research is widely based on modeling and simulation, typically with complexity in the simulation's flow of execution and parameterization properties. Execution flows are not necessarily straightforward since they may need multiple processing tasks and iterations. Furthermore, parameter and performance studies are common approaches used to characterize a simulation, often requiring traversal of a large parameter space. High-performance computers offer practical resources at the expense of users handling the setup, submission, and management of jobs. This work presents the design of PaPaS, a portable, lightweight, and generic workflow framework for conducting parallel parameter and performance studies. Workflows are defined using parameter files based on keyword-value pairs syntax, thus removing from the user the overhead of creating complex scripts to manage the workflow. A parameter set consists of any combination of environment variables, files, partial file contents, and command line arguments. PaPaS is being developed in Python 3 with support for distributed parallelization using SSH, batch systems, and C++ MPI. The PaPaS framework will run as user processes, and can be used in single/multi-node and multi-tenant computing systems. An example simulation using the BehaviorSpace tool from NetLogo and a matrix multiply using OpenMP are presented as parameter and performance studies, respectively. The results demonstrate that the PaPaS framework offers a simple method for defining and managing parameter studies, while increasing resource utilization.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, PEARC '18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22--26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, US

    Equivalence Between Space-Time-Matter and Brane-World Theories

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    We study the relationship between space-time-matter (STM) and brane theories. These two theories look very different at first sight, and have different motivation for the introduction of a large extra dimension. However, we show that they are equivalent to each other. First we demonstrate that STM predicts local and non-local high-energy corrections to general relativity in 4D, which are identical to those predicted by brane-world models. Secondly, we notice that in brane models the usual matter in 4D is a consequence of the dependence of five-dimensional metrics on the extra coordinate. If the 5D bulk metric is independent of the extra dimension, then the brane is void of matter. Thus, in brane theory matter and geometry are unified, which is exactly the paradigm proposed in STM. Consequently, these two 5D theories share the same concepts and predict the same physics. This is important not only from a theoretical point of view, but also in practice. We propose to use a combination of both methods to alleviate the difficult task of finding solutions on the brane. We show an explicit example that illustrate the feasibility of our proposal.Comment: Typos corrected, three references added. To appear in Mod. Phys. Let

    Mass and Charge in Brane-World and Non-Compact Kaluza-Klein Theories in 5 Dim

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    In classical Kaluza-Klein theory, with compactified extra dimensions and without scalar field, the rest mass as well as the electric charge of test particles are constants of motion. We show that in the case of a large extra dimension this is no longer so. We propose the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, instead of the geodesic equation, for the study of test particles moving in a five-dimensional background metric. This formalism has a number of advantages: (i) it provides a clear and invariant definition of rest mass, without the ambiguities associated with the choice of the parameters used along the motion in 5D and 4D, (ii) the electromagnetic field can be easily incorporated in the discussion, and (iii) we avoid the difficulties associated with the "splitting" of the geodesic equation. For particles moving in a general 5D metric, we show how the effective rest mass, as measured by an observer in 4D, varies as a consequence of the large extra dimension. Also, the fifth component of the momentum changes along the motion. This component can be identified with the electric charge of test particles. With this interpretation, both the rest mass and the charge vary along the trajectory. The constant of motion is now a combination of these quantities. We study the cosmological variations of charge and rest mass in a five-dimensional bulk metric which is used to embed the standard k = 0 FRW universes. The time variations in the fine structure "constant" and the Thomson cross section are also discussed.Comment: V2: References added, discussion extended. V3 is identical to V2, references updated. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Exterior spacetime for stellar models in 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein gravity

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    It is well-known that Birkhoff's theorem is no longer valid in theories with more than four dimensions. Thus, in these theories the effective 4-dimensional picture allows the existence of different possible, non-Schwarzschild, scenarios for the description of the spacetime outside of a spherical star, contrary to general relativity in 4D. We investigate the exterior spacetime of a spherically symmetric star in the context of Kaluza-Klein gravity. We take a well-known family of static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein equations in an empty five-dimensional universe, and analyze possible stellar exteriors that are conformal to the metric induced on four-dimensional hypersurfaces orthogonal to the extra dimension. All these exteriors are continuously matched with the interior of the star. Then, without making any assumptions about the interior solution, we prove the following statement: the condition that in the weak-field limit we recover the usual Newtonian physics singles out an unique exterior. This exterior is "similar" to Scharzschild vacuum in the sense that it has no effect on gravitational interactions. However, it is more realistic because instead of being absolutely empty, it is consistent with the existence of quantum zero-point fields. We also examine the question of how would the deviation from the Schwarzschild vacuum exterior affect the parameters of a neutron star. In the context of a model star of uniform density, we show that the general relativity upper limit M/R < 4/9 is significantly increased as we go away from the Schwarzschild vacuum exterior. We find that, in principle, the compactness limit of a star can be larger than 1/2, without being a black hole. The generality of our approach is also discussed.Comment: Typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Wave-like Solutions for Bianchi type-I cosmologies in 5D

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    We derive exact solutions to the vacuum Einstein field equations in 5D, under the assumption that (i) the line element in 5D possesses self-similar symmetry, in the classical understanding of Sedov, Taub and Zeldovich, and that (ii) the metric tensor is diagonal and independent of the coordinates for ordinary 3D space. These assumptions lead to three different types of self-similarity in 5D: homothetic, conformal and "wave-like". In this work we present the most general wave-like solutions to the 5D field equations. Using the standard technique based on Campbell's theorem, they generate a large number of anisotropic cosmological models of Bianchi type-I, which can be applied to our universe after the big-bang, when anisotropies could have played an important role. We present a complete review of all possible cases of self-similar anisotropic cosmologies in 5D. Our analysis extends a number of previous studies on wave-like solutions in 5D with spatial spherical symmetry

    The Effective Energy-Momentum Tensor in Kaluza-Klein Gravity With Large Extra Dimensions and Off-Diagonal Metrics

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    We consider a version of Kaluza-Klein theory where the cylinder condition is not imposed. The metric is allowed to have explicit dependence on the "extra" coordinate(s). This is the usual scenario in brane-world and space-time-matter theories. We extend the usual discussion by considering five-dimensional metrics with off-diagonal terms. We replace the condition of cylindricity by the requirement that physics in four-dimensional space-time should remain invariant under changes of coordinates in the five-dimensional bulk. This invariance does not eliminate physical effects from the extra dimension but separates them from spurious geometrical ones. We use the appropriate splitting technique to construct the most general induced energy-momentum tensor, compatible with the required invariance. It generalizes all previous results in the literature. In addition, we find two four-vectors, J_{m}^{mu} and J_{e}^{mu}, induced by off-diagonal metrics, that separately satisfy the usual equation of continuity in 4D. These vectors appear as source-terms in equations that closely resemble the ones of electromagnetism. These are Maxwell-like equations for an antisymmetric tensor {F-hat}_{mu nu} that generalizes the usual electromagnetic one. This generalization is not an assumption, but follows naturally from the dimensional reduction. Thus, if {F-hat}_{mu nu} could be identified with the electromagnetic tensor, then the theory would predict the existence of classical magnetic charge and current. The splitting formalism used allows us to construct 4D physical quantities from five-dimensional ones, in a way that is independent on how we choose our space-time coordinates from those of the bulk.Comment: New title, editorial changes made as to match the version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics