496 research outputs found

    Calidad de la producción oral en inglés a través de la comunicación en línea: el caso del inglés empresarial en España

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    The quality of oral production in English varies depending on the context in which the communicator is found, either in a face-to-face setting or in a virtual environment. Particularly in the business world, the quality of communication in English is an essential factor in assessing the communicator. It is precisely in this environment where online communication has prevailed over face-to-face communication in recent years due to savings in travel costs and time. However, such production and oral interaction is not always done with the desired level of quality. In this article, we discuss precisely what is meant by quality of oral production in English and carry out a statistical analysis on how that capacity increases or decreases when communication occurs through a webcam and over the Internet.La calidad de la producción oral en inglés varía dependiendo del contexto donde se encuentre el comunicador, ya sea en un entorno presencial o en un entorno virtual. Especialmente en el mundo empresarial, la calidad de la comunicación en inglés constituye un factor fundamental a la hora de evaluar al comunicador. Es en este entorno precisamente donde en estos últimos años ha prevalecido la comunicación en línea sobre la comunicación presencial, debido al ahorro en costes de viajes y tiempo. Pero no siempre esa producción e interacción oral se hace con la calidad deseada. En este artículo analizaremos precisamente qué es lo que se entiende por calidad de la producción oral en inglés y haremos un análisis estadístico de cómo aumenta o se reduce dicha calidad cuando la comunicación se produce a través de una cámara web y a través de internet


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    Reconocer la estructura externa e interna de la gallina y recordar fisiología de la gallina por órganos y sistemas

    Efficient synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles via amide formation

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.Single-chain technology (SCT) allows the transformation of individual polymer chains to folded/collapsed unimolecular soft nanoparticles. In this work we contribute to the enlargement of the SCT toolbox by demonstrating the efficient synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNPs) via intrachain amide formation. In particular, we exploit cross-linking between active methylene groups and isocyanate moieties as powerful >click> chemistry driving force for SCNP construction. By employing poly(methyl methacrylate)- (PMMA-) based copolymers bearing β-ketoester units distributed randomly along the copolymer chains and bifunctional isocyanate cross-linkers, SCNPs were successfully synthesized at r.t. under appropriate reaction conditions. Characterization of the resulting SCNPs was carried out by means of a combination of techniques including size exclusion chromatography (SEC), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and elemental analysis (EA).Financial support from Projects MAT2012-31088 (MINECO), T-654-13 (GV), and S-PE13UN034 (GV) is acknowledged. Ana Sanchez-Sanchez thanks the Ph.D. grant support of Basque Government.Peer Reviewe

    Clínica de Aves

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    La industria avícola mexicana ha logrado consolidarse a lo largo de los años como la actividad pecuaria más importante de México con una tasa de crecimiento anual sostenida de 5%. La industria avícola mexicana proporciona proteína de origen animal a precio accesible, además de ser una fuente de empleo importante. La globalización ha dado como resultado que grandes empresas concentren la mayor parte de la producción avícola, siendo altamente competitivas. El nuevo esquema de globalización mundial, enfrenta también a importantes retos. En el tema de la salud animal tiene como reto eliminar enfermedades que impactan la salud animal y la producción, como el caso de la influenza aviar que es un riesgo para las aves que puede convertirse en riesgo para la salud humana. En ese sentido los conocimientos adquiridos de clínica de aves permiten enfrentar con mayor facilidad estas enfermedades, por lo que el mercado laboral demanda de profesionistas con un alto nivel. La industria tiene la capacidad suficiente para crear la oferta y hacerla exportable, sin embargo existen algunas limitantes relacionadas con por la presencia de algunas enfermedades consideradas como exóticas en otros países por lo que trabajar en la erradicación de éstas es muy importante, ya que existe un mercado internacional demandante, como lo es el europeo, que tendrá que surtirse de alimentos de América del Norte y Brasil. Dentro del plan de estudios de la Licenciatura de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, la unidad de aprendizaje de Clínica Aves perteneciente al área de Salud Animal está situada de tal manera que el alumno al cursarla cuente ya con elementos básicos de fisiología, anatomía, propedéutica, patología clínica y farmacología, lo que permitirá la integración del conocimiento y su aplicación a través de supuestos casos clínicos y de campo para así tener una visión real de la salud animal aplicada en unidades de producción avícola, obteniendo a su vez herramientas y habilidades que le permitan realizar en la clínica de aves de compañía y aves de zoológico y con ello contribuir con el perfil del egresado. El discente será evaluado mediante exámenes, donde demostrará su competencia; así como las habilidades adquiridas y su participación durante el curso

    Effect of Chain Stiffness on the Structure of Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles

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    Polymeric single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) are soft nano-objects synthesized by purely intramolecular cross-linking of single polymer chains. By means of computer simulations, we investigate the conformational properties of SCNPs as a function of the bending stiffness of their linear polymer precursors. We investigate a broad range of characteristic ratios from the fully flexible case to those typical of bulky synthetic polymers. Increasing stiffness hinders bonding of groups separated by short contour distances and increases looping over longer distances, leading to more compact nanoparticles with a structure of highly interconnected loops. This feature is reflected in a crossover in the scaling behaviour of several structural observables. The scaling exponents change from those characteristic for Gaussian chains or rings in θ\theta-solvents in the fully flexible limit, to values resembling fractal or `crumpled' globular behaviour for very stiff SCNPs. We characterize domains in the SCNPs. These are weakly deformable regions that can be seen as disordered analogues of domains in disordered proteins. Increasing stiffness leads to bigger and less deformable domains. Surprisingly, the scaling behaviour of the domains is in all cases similar to that of Gaussian chains or rings, irrespective of the stiffness and degree of cross-linking. It is the spatial arrangement of the domains which determines the global structure of the SCNP (sparse Gaussian-like object or crumpled globule). Since intramolecular stiffness can be varied through the specific chemistry of the precursor or by introducing bulky side groups in its backbone, our results propose a new strategy to tune the global structure of SCNPs.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    A simple, fast and highly sensitive colorimetric detection of zein in aqueous ethanol via zein-pyridine-gold interactions

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    Formation of gold nanoparticles in aqueous ethanol in the presence of pyridine-functionalized single-chain nanoparticles allows for the fast and highly sensitive colorimetric detection of zein corn protein.Financial support from the Projects MAT2012-31088 (MINECO) and T-654-13 (GV) is acknowledged. A. L.-S. is grateful to the University of the Basque Country for his UPV/EHU pre-doctoral grant.Peer Reviewe

    Prácticas de Clínicas de Aves

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    Al finalizar el curso el alumno aplicará las técnicas y procedimientos clínicos propedéuticos, interpretara historia clínica, identificará lesiones histopatológicas de padecimientos en las aves comerciales, con la finalidad de emitir un diagnóstico indicar un tratamiento así como las recomendaciones generales para su control

    Advances in single chain technology

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    This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.-- Review ArticleThe recent ability to manipulate and visualize single atoms at atomic level has given rise to modern bottom-up nanotechnology. Similar exquisite degree of control at the individual polymeric chain level for producing functional soft nanoentities is expected to become a reality in the next few years through the full development of so-called >single chain technology>. Ultra-small unimolecular soft nano-objects endowed with useful, autonomous and smart functions are the expected, long-term valuable output of single chain technology. This review covers the recent advances in single chain technology for the construction of soft nano-objects via chain compaction, with an emphasis in dynamic, letter-shaped and compositionally unsymmetrical single rings, complex multi-ring systems, single chain nanoparticles, tadpoles, dumbbells and hairpins, as well as the potential end-use applications of individual soft nano-objects endowed with useful functions in catalysis, sensing, drug delivery and other uses.Financial support from the Projects MAT2012-31088 (MINECO) and T-654-13 (GV) is acknowledged. M. G.-B. and A. L.-S. are grateful to the University of the Basque Country for their UPV/EHU pre-doctoral grants.Peer Reviewe

    Advances in the Phototriggered Synthesis of Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles

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    Clean use of photons from light to activate chemical reactions offers many possibilities in different fields, from chemistry and biology to materials science and medicine. This review article describes the advances carried out in last decades toward the phototriggered synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNPs) as soft nanomaterials with promising applications in enzyme-mimicking catalysis and nanomedicine, among other different uses. First, we summarize some different strategies developed to synthesize SCNPs based on photoactivated intrachain homocoupling, phototriggered intrachain heterocoupling and photogenerated collapse induced by an external cross-linker. Next, we comprehensively review the emergent topic of photoactivated multifolding applied to SCNP construction. Finally, we conclude by summarizing recent strategies towards phototriggered disassembly of SCNPsThis research was funded by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia -Programa Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion 2019-, grant number 2019-CIEN-000050-01; Basque Government, grant number IT-1175-19; and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, grant number PGC2018-094548-B-I00

    Stars, combs and bottlebrushes of elastic single-chain nanoparticles

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    Hierarchical self-assembly of structural elements gives rise to superstructures often with outstanding properties when compared to individual elements, as first observed in nature. While folding of individual synthetic chains leads to discrete single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) of significant interest for a number of applications, its full potential utility through integration into well-defined superstructures is recently being recognized. Remarkably, SCNPs in good solvent resemble randomly branched polymers with ideal connectivity in a theta-solvent or percolating clusters with screened excluded-volume interactions. Herein we consider the integration of SCNPs into star, comb and bottlebrush topologies and investigate the dimensions of the resulting superstructures under different conditions (good solvent, ideal conformations, 1D-and 2D-confinement in nanopores and nanoslits, anchored to flat surfaces). A detailed comparison of the equilibrium conformational properties of star, comb and bottlebrush polymers composed of elastic SCNPs to those of equivalent topologies based on linear chains is provided. This analysis reveals the effect of hierarchical topology on superstructure dimensions in several relevant environments, as well as how the structural parameters of the SCNPs influence the location of the comb-to-bottlebrush transition as a function of grafting density. The degree of intra-chain cross-linking arises as an additional parameter for controlling the local and global dimensions of stars, combs and bottlebrushes of SCNPs.Financial support by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF – A way of making Europe” (PID2021-123438NB-I00), Eusko Jaurlaritza –Basque Government (IT1566-22) and Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Programa Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (2021-CIEN-000010-01) is gratefully acknowledged