401 research outputs found

    Transport properties of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite coupling

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    Gauge theory-string theory duality describes strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric SU(n) Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature in terms of near extremal black 3-brane geometry in type IIB string theory. We use this correspondence to compute the leading correction in inverse 't Hooft coupling to the shear diffusion constant, bulk viscosity and the speed of sound in the large-n N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory plasma. The transport coefficients are extracted from the dispersion relation for the shear and the sound wave lowest quasinormal modes in the leading order alpha'-corrected black D3 brane geometry. We find the shear viscosity extracted from the shear diffusion constant to agree with result of [hep-th/0406264]; also, the leading correction to bulk viscosity and the speed of sound vanishes. Our computation provides a highly nontrivial consistency check on the hydrodynamic description of the alpha'-corrected nonextremal black branes in string theory.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    The Viscosity Bound Conjecture and Hydrodynamics of M2-Brane Theory at Finite Chemical Potential

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    Kovtun, Son and Starinets have conjectured that the viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s is always bounded from below by a universal multiple of ℏ\hbar i.e., ℏ/(4πkB)\hbar/(4\pi k_{B}) for all forms of matter. Mysteriously, the proposed viscosity bound appears to be saturated in all computations done whenever a supergravity dual is available. We consider the near horizon limit of a stack of M2-branes in the grand canonical ensemble at finite R-charge densities, corresponding to non-zero angular momentum in the bulk. The corresponding four-dimensional R-charged black hole in Anti-de Sitter space provides a holographic dual in which various transport coefficients can be calculated. We find that the shear viscosity increases as soon as a background R-charge density is turned on. We numerically compute the few first corrections to the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s and surprisingly discover that up to fourth order all corrections originating from a non-zero chemical potential vanish, leaving the bound saturated. This is a sharp signal in favor of the saturation of the viscosity bound for event horizons even in the presence of some finite background field strength. We discuss implications of this observation for the conjectured bound.Comment: LaTeX, 26+1 Pages, 4 Figures, Version 2: references adde

    Shear viscosity from R-charged AdS black holes

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    We compute the shear viscosity in the supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory dual to the STU background. This is a thermal gauge theory with a chemical potential. The quotient of the shear viscosity over the entropy density exhibits no deviation from the well known result 1/4\pi.Comment: 9 pages, some references updated, abstract and some typos correcte

    Low-Energy Theorems from Holography

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    In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we verify two types of gauge theory low-energy theorems, the dilation Ward identities and the decoupling of heavy flavor. First, we provide an analytic proof of non-trivial dilation Ward identities for a theory holographically dual to a background with gluon condensate (the self-dual Liu--Tseytlin background). In this way an important class of low-energy theorems for correlators of different operators with the trace of the energy-momentum tensor is established, which so far has been studied in field theory only. Another low-energy relationship, the so-called decoupling theorem, is numerically shown to hold universally in three holographic models involving both the quark and the gluon condensate. We show this by comparing the ratio of the quark and gluon condensates in three different examples of gravity backgrounds with non-trivial dilaton flow. As a by-product of our study, we also obtain gauge field condensate contributions to meson transport coefficients.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, two references added, typos remove

    Thermal Correlators in Little String Theory

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    We calculate, using holographic duality, the thermal two-point function in finite temperature little string theory. The analysis of those correlators reveals possible instabilities of the thermal ensemble, as in previous discussions of the thermodynamics of little string theory. We comment on the dependence of the instability on the spatial volume of the system.Comment: 13 page

    Small Amplitude Forced Fluid Dynamics from Gravity at T = 0

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    The usual derivative expansion of gravity duals of charged fluid dynamics is known to break down in the zero temperature limit. In this case, the fluid-gravity duality is not understood precisely. We explore this problem for a zero temperature charged fluid driven by a low frequency, small amplitude and spatially homogeneous external force. In the gravity dual, this corresponds to time dependent boundary value of the dilaton. We calculate the bulk solution for the dilaton and the leading backreaction to the metric and the gauge fields using the modified low frequency expansion of [11]. The resulting solutions are regular everywhere, establishing fluid-gravity duality to this order.Comment: 31 pages, Added comments in Sec.2 and Sec.4, Corrected typo

    Causality and the AdS Dirichlet problem

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    The (planar) AdS Dirichlet problem has previously been shown to exhibit superluminal hydrodynamic sound modes. This problem is defined by bulk gravitational dynamics with Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed on a rigid timelike cut-off surface. We undertake a careful examination of this set-up and argue that, in most cases, the propagation of information between points on the Dirichlet hypersurface is nevertheless causal with respect to the induced light cones. In particular, the high-frequency dynamics is causal in this sense. There are however two exceptions and both involve boundary gravitons whose propagation is not constrained by the Einstein equations. These occur in i) AdS3_3, where the boundary gravitons generally do not respect the induced light cones on the boundary, and ii) Rindler space, where they are related to the infinite speed of sound in incompressible fluids. We discuss implications for the fluid/gravity correspondence with rigid Dirichlet boundaries and for the black hole membrane paradigm.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. v2: added refs. v3: minor clarification

    Hamiltonian and physical Hilbert space in polymer quantum mechanics

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    In this paper, a version of polymer quantum mechanics, which is inspired by loop quantum gravity, is considered and shown to be equivalent, in a precise sense, to the standard, experimentally tested, Schroedinger quantum mechanics. The kinematical cornerstone of our framework is the so called polymer representation of the Heisenberg-Weyl (H-W) algebra, which is the starting point of the construction. The dynamics is constructed as a continuum limit of effective theories characterized by a scale, and requires a renormalization of the inner product. The result is a physical Hilbert space in which the continuum Hamiltonian can be represented and that is unitarily equivalent to the Schroedinger representation of quantum mechanics. As a concrete implementation of our formalism, the simple harmonic oscillator is fully developed.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Comments and references added. Version to be published in CQ

    Scaling Flows and Dissipation in the Dilute Fermi Gas at Unitarity

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    We describe recent attempts to extract the shear viscosity of the dilute Fermi gas at unitarity from experiments involving scaling flows. A scaling flow is a solution of the hydrodynamic equations that preserves the shape of the density distribution. The scaling flows that have been explored in the laboratory are the transverse expansion from a deformed trap ("elliptic flow"), the expansion from a rotating trap, and collective oscillations. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of the different experiments, and point to improvements of the theoretical analysis that are needed in order to achieve definitive results. A conservative bound based on the current data is that the minimum of the shear viscosity to entropy density ration is that eta/s is less or equal to 0.5 hbar/k_B.Comment: 32 pages, prepared for "BCS-BEC crossoverand the Unitary Fermi Gas", Lecture Notes in Physics, W. Zwerger (editor), Fig. 5 corrected, note added; final version, corrected typo in equ. 9
