1,146 research outputs found

    Diagnosing autism spectrum disorders in adults: exploring the utility of the ADOS-2 and the ADI-R

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    Diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adults, particularly those with good cognitive abilities, may represent a challenge for professionals. Clinical diagnoses need to be supported by the use of standardized tools, which have been under-studied in the adult population. The present dissertation aimed to examine the utility of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) - currently considered the “gold standard” instruments - in adults with average or above-average IQ. First, literature published from 1980 to 2016 was systematically reviewed, showing an impressive growth of the use of standardized tools. Second, data regarding the assessment of 140 adults referred to the Laboratorio Autismo of the University of Pavia for diagnosis of ASD were reported. Results showed that accuracy of ADOS-2 in adults is good, while suggested that ADI-R might not be reliable in adults without intellectual disability. Female gender was a negative predictor of agreement between ADOS-2 and clinical diagnosis in the ASD sample. IQ seemed to negatively predict the agreement between ADI-R and DSM-5, while in people with more stereotypes ADI-R better agreed with clinical diagnosis. Finally, some of the most paradigmatic and fascinating cases have been reported in the last chapter. In conclusion, training and experience of professionals remain of primary importance while assessing adults who could potentially belong to the autism spectrum. Women and individuals with higher IQ, in particular, seem to present more camouflaging strategies and less pronounced symptoms. Future research should focus on the improvement of diagnostic tools in order to allow a correct identification of ASD in adults, with the promotion of positive outcomes

    Effect of different processing methods on the nutritional characteristics and tannin content of fababean seed (Vicia faba minor)

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    In the last years, because of their high protein content, the demand of legume seeds is significantly increased. In the centre and southern Italy fababean (Vicia faba minor) can play an important role as alternative protein source in ruminant nutrition. In this trial has been studied the effect of different treatments (flaking, cooking, dehulling, germination) on the in vitro digestibility and tannin content of fababean seeds. The in vitro OM and NDF digestibility of seeds were significantly (P<0.05) improved by dehulling and flaking. The in vitro OM digestibility of dehulled fababean (99.27%) showed higher values (P<0.05) than the other treated seeds as well as in vitro NDF digestibility (90.33%, P<0.05). Germination of fababean reduces the in vitro digestibility of OM and NDF. Cooking in water was more effective in reducing tannins than other treatments. Compared to the untreated the cooked has significantly (P<0.05) reduced the tannin content over 55% (2.71 g/kgDM vs. 6.10 g/kgDM). Germinated fababean did not affect the tannin content of seeds. The results from this trial suggest that thermal treatments applied to fababean seeds in order to reduce the tannins must be evaluated according to the cost/benefits ratio because this factors in seeds is low (<10 g/kgDM)

    preliminary research on environmental impact of woodland grazing by pigs

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    6 castrate pigs about 30 kg live weight each entered in a fence into hilly woodland area. The pigs were bred until about 140 kg live weight. After 10 months of pasture breeding, the environmental damages (cover ground, plants and soil characteristics) by rooting and trampling were evaluated. The damages to cover ground and to shrubs and to physical structure (Fissures and Aggregate stability) caused hydro-geological instability with soil erosion and landslides. Removing surface layers of soil caused considerable loss of organic matter (Total Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen), microbial activity (Microbial ATP and breathing) and enzyme activity changes (Total β−glucosidase and Extra cellular β−glucosidase). Damages to native plants are different in relation to the root and the trunk kinds, and to the palatability of leaves and apexes which result inversely related whit the abundance of disagreeable substances content (ADL, Tannins, Resins, Latex)

    Expression of bovine leukemia virus ENV glycoprotein in insect cells by recombinant baculovirus

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    AbstractThe gp51-p30 glycoprotein constituting BLV envelope was expressed in Sf-21 insect cells by means of recombinant baculoviruses. Post-infection cell lysates were analyzed, in order to define the immunologic reactivity of recombinant products. Oligosaccharide chains, containing N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, galactose and sialic acid were found on recombinant gp51-p30. In order to investigate the timing of transcription and translation of the glycoprotein, kinetic assays were carried out on cell lysates and directly in situ on Sf-21 cells during the course of baculovirus infection. The use of different solubilizing reagents was also evaluated in order to rescue recombinant glycoprotein from its subcellular location

    Environmental impact caused by wild ungulates in protected areas

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    Protected areas play a crucial role for conservation of natural habilats and ecosystems. Protecting biodiversity means maintaining in good condition ecological processes in order to ensure a good state of harmony between natural resources and environmental conservation. It is known that one of the major threats of the Conservation is the presence of alien or invasive species, especial/y if they are introduced in protected areas. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) writes in the list of the 100 invasive species the wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) and the goat (Capra hircus L.). These ungulates represent a serious threat for natural ecosystems because they are able to alter natural habilats reducing biodiversity. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate some aspects connected with environmental relationships mainly between flora and fauna in protected areas, focusing on wild boars and feral goats. Secondly, it is analysed "Human dimension" aspect caused by presence and damage of wild animals finked to damage to crops and to dry stone wall supporting the typical cultivated terraces. To reach our goal we use as a case study the Portofino Natural Park in North-West Italy, because it houses one of the largest biodiversity concentration in the Mediterranean area. In this protected area the wild boar is the most invasive between the two studied animai species, because of soil damages that influence hydro-geological balance of territory. Finally, this species can quickly increase its population for the high prolificacy and low biological and predator mortality

    The Management of Long-Term Psychiatric Sequelae in a Young Woman Who Suffered From Suspected Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis:

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    We report the case of a 23-year-old woman who presented to our Psychiatry Unit with a complex psychiatric symptomatology, 6 years after suffering from a form of encephalopathy which was retrospectively and hypothetically labeled as autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Over the years, several psychopharmacological therapies had been initiated, but none of them led to substantial remission of symptomatology. During the first visit, symptoms were characterized by dysphoric mood with suicidal ideation, anxiety, delusional thoughts. Self-harm and psychogenic seizures with daily frequency were also reported. A therapy with slow-release lithium sulfate, lurasidone, and lorazepam was prescribed. After 6 months of treatment, psychopathological manifestations significantly improved