9 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Visegrad Four convergence in the context of EU cohesion

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    Use of the multivariate statistical methods for evaluation of regional disparities in Visegrad Four countries

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    Measurement and evaluation of regional differences (disparities) is associated with the lack of integrated approach and methodology at national or regional level. The paper aims to introduce two selected multivariate statistical methods (factor analysis, cluster analysis) as a possible and convenient tool for regional differences analysis and evaluation. The main goal of the paper is to evaluate and compare regional differences at NUTS 2 level in the Visegrad Four countries on the basis of selected regional indicators in the case of the year 2010 using factor analysis and cluster analysis. Theoretical part of the paper defines, at first, the concept of regional disparities in the context of European Union´s approach and deals with quantitative methods used for regional disparities evaluation. Subsequently, in the empirical part, the paper uses the factor analysis for identification of main factors of regional differences. The final evaluation and comparison of different socio-economic position between Visegrad Four NUTS 2 regions in the year 2010, results from cluster analysis that classifies the regions to homogeneous units (clusters) according to the factor similarity

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Regional classification: the case of the Visegrad Four

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    Since the biggest enlargement of the European Union in 2004, the EU cohesion policy has made a significant contribution to spreading growth and prosperity across the European territory. Despite this, the cohesion policy is still confronted with persistent economic, social and territorial disparities among countries and regions and weakened economic growth and competitiveness. The aim of the paper is to evaluate regional disparities in the case of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries in the year 2010 and to propose an alternative method of regional classification that could be helpful for the efficient allocation of European funds. In the paper, an analysis of the disparities in the V4 NUTS 2 regions is undertaken on the basis of cluster analysis. The three determined clusters confirm that NUTS 2 regions with capital cities (Praha, Bratislavský kraj, Mazowieckie and Közép-Magyarország) still occupy the dominant positions in comparison with other regions in the V4. Significant disparities between clusters are visible, especially regarding the economic and innovative performance and territorial cohesion

    Use of the EU Structural Aid in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland

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    Import 29/09/2010Využití strukturální pomoci Evropské unie ve Spojeném království Velké Británie a Severního Irska Cílem politiky hospodářské a sociální soudržnosti Evropské unie je podporovat harmonický a vyvážený rozvoj Společenství prostřednictvím snižováním regionálních disparit. Diplomová práce se zabývá realizací politiky hospodářské a sociální soudržnosti EU ve Spojeném království Velké Británie a Severního Irska (UK) v programovacím období 2000-2006 a 2007-2013. Cílem práce je podat ucelený obraz o politice soudržnosti EU v UK a naznačit využití a hodnocení strukturální pomoci EU v UK v období 2000-2006. Práce se dále věnuje zhodnocení strukturální pomoci EU ve vybraných regionech země v období 2000-2006. Dle dostupných informací bylo čerpání prostředků strukturální pomoci EU v UK v období 2000-2006 úspěšné a na konci období byl zaznamenán pokrok ve snižování regionálních disparit. Absence dat a dlouhodobý charakter možného hodnocení pozitivního dopadu rozvojových programů na společnost však umožňuje pouze jejich předběžné hodnocení.Use of the EU Structural Aid in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland The goal of the EU Cohesion Policy is to support harmonious and well-balanced development of the Community by reducing the regional disparities. The diploma thesis deals with the implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (UK) in the programming period 2000-2006 and 2007-2013. The main objective of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of EU Cohesion Policy in the UK and suggest the use and evaluation of the EU structural aid in the selected regions in the programming period 2000-2006. According to available data, the drawing of EU structural aid by UK was effective in the period 2000-2006 and the progress in reducing the regional disparities was noted at the end of the period. The evaluation of positive impact of the development programmes is preliminary due to lack of data and long-term character of the programmes.120 - Katedra evropské integracevýborn

    Humanitarian Aid

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    Import 12/11/2008Humanitární krize v SúdánuPrezenční120 - Katedra evropské integrac

    Usage of AHP and topsis method for regional disparities evaluation in visegrad countries

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    The socio-economic disparities in the level of the regional performance are a major obstacle to the balanced and harmonious development of the regions, but also of the territory as a whole. At supranational level, it is European Union (EU) that supports the elimination of differences between less and most developed Member States and regions to strengthen the cohesion and competitiveness of European territory. The effort to reduce the economic, social and territorial disparities has especially increased since the EU biggest enlargement. The accession of new Member States has been associated with an increase in regional disparities that have negatively affected the EU competitiveness in global scale. The strengthening of competitiveness and convergence of economic performance with an average level of the EU have become the basic objectives for new Member States. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, called Visegrad Four countries (V4), belong to new Member States whose economic development of the last 10 years has been strongly influenced by EU accession. Although the regional disparities have been reduced in V4 with contribution of EU Cohesion policy, negative disparities have still persisted. This paper is aimed to evaluate the regional disparities of socio-economic development in V4 in the period 2000-2010 using analytic hierarchic process (AHP) and TOPSIS method. Theoretical background of the paper outlines the concept of regional disparities in the EU and focuses on AHP and TOPSIS methodology. TOPSIS is one of the multicriteria decision-making methods that can present an alternative way of regional disparities and its evaluation. The empirical part of the paper deals with multi-criteria evaluation and comparison of differences between NUTS 2 regions in V4 based on selected economic, social and territorial indicators. At first, the weights of indicators for disparities evaluation are computed based on method of pairwise comparison in the context of AHP. Through TOPSIS method the ranking of regions is determined in year 2000, 2005 and 2010

    Analýza datové základny pro zkoumání soudržnosti a konkurenceschopnosti v podmínkách EU

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    V Evropské unii jsou otázky konkurenceschopnosti obvykle spojovány s problematikou hospodářské, sociální a územní soudržnosti. V posledních letech se problematika měření konkurenceschopnosti dostává do popředí zájmu řady ekonomických analýz, především s ohledem na neexistenci hlavního proudu názorů na její hodnocení. Cílem příspěvku je analýza datové základny Evropské unie, jež vede k identifikaci vhodných indikátorů pro hodnocení úrovně soudržnosti a konkurenceschopnosti členských států EU a jejich regionů. Hodnocení konkurenceschopnosti a soudržnosti z hlediska diferencí mezi jednotlivými státy a regiony je třeba sledovat v širokém komplexu ekonomických, sociálních a environmentálních kritérií, na jejichž základě lze vymezit problémové oblasti zemí a regionů, které způsobují tyto rozdíly