352 research outputs found

    Temperatures of desire as conventional metaphors in the new adult romance novel

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    The paper focuses upon the latest adult romance novels that appeared after Fifty Shades of Grey, anal-yses their stylistic dimensions and argues with the essay Hard-Core Romance by Eva Illouz. At first the genre is defined, above all on the basis of its medial presence (chapter 1. Genre). Furthermore tempera-ture metaphors in two representative texts of the genre (E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey and Sylvia Day Bared to You) are analyzed as stylistic (chapter 2. Conventional Temperature Metaphors) as well as rhetorical artifacts (chapter 3. Rhetoric of Metaphor). In conclusion the question of language in the novels and its usefulness in the task described by Illouz is raised (chapter 4. A New Love Order?). The new adult romance novel seems to be a conventional cultural text of little rhetorical power, thus unable to carry important social ideas.The paper focuses upon the latest adult romance novels that appeared after Fifty Shades of Grey, anal-yses their stylistic dimensions and argues with the essay Hard-Core Romance by Eva Illouz. At first the genre is defined, above all on the basis of its medial presence (chapter 1. Genre). Furthermore tempera-ture metaphors in two representative texts of the genre (E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey and Sylvia Day Bared to You) are analyzed as stylistic (chapter 2. Conventional Temperature Metaphors) as well as rhetorical artifacts (chapter 3. Rhetoric of Metaphor). In conclusion the question of language in the novels and its usefulness in the task described by Illouz is raised (chapter 4. A New Love Order?). The new adult romance novel seems to be a conventional cultural text of little rhetorical power, thus unable to carry important social ideas

    Generational novel as figuration of historical transitions. Arno Geiger’s 'We Are Doing Fine'

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    Assuming that the contemporary generational novel is a kind of reflection (Widerspiegelung) of historical transitions, which is remarkable first of all on the level of commercial reception (book covers, reviews inter alia), the aim of this essay is to examine the connections between the novel’s presentation of history and history itself. In the first part of the paper the terms of reflection, identity and example are proven useless to describe the problem of presentation of history in one single family’s fate. Its nature is figuration – a metaphorical approach depicted by Erich Auerbach in his Mimesis in respect of the Bible and religious writings up to the Renaissance. The second part of the paper focusses on Auerbach’s and his commentator’s conclusions in order to uncover the figurative potential of the generational novel. Its main figure seems to be the metonymy with the assumption of pars pro toto (a part taken for the whole). Here the family metaphorically reflects the course of history through one part of its possible realizations. It differs though from the former applications by the lack of religious reference. Thus the analysis in crowned by a new “secular” allegorization of historical image in generational novels crowns. Assuming that the contemporary generational novel is a kind of reflection (Widerspiegelung) of historical transitions, which is remarkable first of all on the level of commercial reception (book covers, reviews inter alia), the aim of this essay is to examine the connections between the novel’s presentation of history and history itself. In the first part of the paper the terms of reflection, identity and example are proven useless to describe the problem of presentation of history in one single family’s fate. Its nature is figuration – a metaphorical approach depicted by Erich Auerbach in his Mimesis in respect of the Bible and religious writings up to the Renaissance. The second part of the paper focusses on Auerbach’s and his commentator’s conclusions in order to uncover the figurative potential of the generational novel. Its main figure seems to be the metonymy with the assumption of pars pro toto (a part taken for the whole). Here the family metaphorically reflects the course of history through one part of its possible realizations. It differs though from the former applications by the lack of religious reference. Thus the analysis in crowned by a new “secular” allegorization of historical image in generational novels crowns


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    Aus dem Standpunkt der soziologischen Feldtheorie sind Mehrsprachigkeit, interkultureller Hintergrund und Fremdheit soziale und kulturelle Kapitalsorten, die auch Teil des symbolischenKapitals werden können. Im Beitrag werden vier österreichische Autor_innen besprochen, die im Hinblick auf den attestierten/deklarierten interkulturellen Charakter ihres Schaffens unterschiedliche Positionen im literarischen Feld einnehmen: Anna Kim, Milena Michiko Flašar, Doron Rabinovici und Michael Stavarič. Im Ausblick wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob ihre Stigmatisierung als ‚Fremde’ auch feldinterne Profite bringen kann und ob die erwartete Normalisierung der interkulturellen Literatur in jeder Hinsicht erwünscht ist.From the point of view of sociological field theory multilingualism, intercultural background and strangeness are social and cultural forms of capital which could also become part of symbolic capital. In the paper four Austrian writers (Anna Kim, Milena Michiko Flašar, Doron Rabinovici and Michael Stavarič) are examined in view of the attributed/declared intercultural character of their work as well as their positions in the field. In the conclusion a question is raised whether their stigmatization as ‘strangers’ could bring benefits for their positions and whether the expected normalization of intercultural literature is desired in every respect

    Targeting the melanoma

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    Czerniak należy do najbardziej złośliwych nowotworów człowieka, a liczba zachorowań na ten typ nowotworu wzrasta na świecie w zastraszającym tempie. Komórki czerniaka charakteryzują się wyjątkową opornością na stosowane obecnie metody leczenia. Badania z ostatnich lat przyczyniły się do lepszego poznania i zrozumienia biologii nowotworu i otwarły drogę nowym terapiom celowanym. Obecnie wiele czynników znajduje się we wczesnych fazach badań klinicznych, część z nich osiągnęła już III fazę, a w sierpniu 2011 rokuFDA zaaprobowała nowy lek do walki z czerniakiem - Wemurafenib (PLX4032). Artykuł stanowi przegląd najważniejszych białek, szlaków i sieci sygnalizacyjnych zaangażowanych w rozwój i progresję czerniaka, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem elementów będących najbardziej obiecującymi celami dla terapii antynowotworowej.Melanoma is one of the most aggressive human cancers. Its cells are inevitably resistant to conventional therapies. In recent years, better understanding of melanoma biology, has led to the development of a number of new potential therapeutic agents. Many of these compounds are being tested in early phase of clinical trials, some have already reach phase III. In August 2011 the FDA approved a new drug - Wemurafenib (PLX4032) to treatment unresectable and/or metastatic melanoma. The current article is an overview of the major proteins, signaling pathways and networks involved in the development and progression of melanoma, with particular emphasis on elements that are the most promising targets for anticancer therapy


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    The effectiveness of breeding boars in insemination depends mainly on the skill of optimal use of their reproductive potential. Nevertheless, their semen is highly variable in its quality and physical characteristics, which makes it difficult to organise semen production for artificial insemination purposes. The present study contains an analysis of semen collected from Polish Landrace breed boars - the most popular pigs bred in Poland. It demonstrates that there is a statistically significant interaction between season of birth and reproductive season of Polish Landrace boars. What is more, it proves that these significant differences between reproductive performances of boars are closely connected to their breeding season and seasons of their birth and life. The results also illustrate how to improve organisation of insemination centres and make them better financially efficient


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    Since the end of the last century, the sport community has been grappling with contamination and faking of dietary or nutritional supplements. Publication of the results of many studies on this problem has resulted in educational and informative actions on risk connected with consumption of unchecked products. As compared to the past, nowadays athletes have become incomparably more aware of the potential risk of a positive result in anti-doping tests as a consequence of consumption of contaminated dietary supplements. However, this problem is still topical, which is confirmed by regular reports, presented e.g. during the Cologne Workshops on Dope Analysis held annually in Germany. This paper presents a few doping cases caused by the use of supplements with doping substances by athletes, noted by two WADA accredited laboratories (Cologne and Warsaw). Still more education on the health and doping risks of dietary supplement products seems to be necessary for the protection of both athletes and the general public

    Landslide Mitigation on the Sonoma Coast in Northern California

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    Heavy rains in late December 2001 and January 2002 caused approximately 100 meters of roadway to settle approximately 0.5 meters within a week along Highway 1 on the Sonoma County Coast (Post Mile 30.3). This area has a complex landslide history involving two active landslides. These landslides coalesce on a narrow section of Highway 1 approximately 130 meters above the Pacific Ocean. A tieback wall, sheet piles and a lightweight fill embankment had previously been constructed at this location to try to stabilize and maintain the roadway. The subsurface material at the site is composed of a matrix of very weak and extremely fractured shale and mudstone with the inclusion of sandstone blocks and fragments. The landslides are mainly driven by erosion at their base caused by storm related flows in Timber Gulch Creek and wave action undermining the slopes below the roadway. The Office of Geotechnical Design West was requested to provide Geotechnical expertise for mitigating the landslide in an expeditious manner. Several mitigation measures were considered to stabilize the landslide. The selected repair strategy was to move the roadway approximately 30 meters inland behind the failure plane of the landslide. This required the construction of a 21-meter high soil nail wall and the excavation of approximately 100,000 cubic meters of rock material. In addition, a new tieback wall needed to be constructed on the outside shoulder of the new realigned highway to prevent the current landslide scarp from encroaching into the new roadway. Design of the mitigation system was completed by March 2002 and construction started early April 2002 and completed by June 2003. This paper describes the geology and landslide history of the site and the observations, design details, soil nail pull out testing data, and wallmonitoring data obtained during the construction of the soil nail and the soldier beam tieback walls. This project demonstrated the efficiency and flexibility of soil nail and post tensioned tieback anchors for mitigating large landslides in extremely unfavorable geologic and topographic conditions. California Department of Transportation sponsored the project

    Progenitor cells are responsible for formation of human prostate epithelium primary cultures

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    To analyze cell viability and morphology of primary cell cultures from CD133 immunolabeled and sorted cells from epithelium of patients suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: Cells obtained from 5 patients were divided in two fractions. First fraction (CD133+/CD133–) was cultivated in DMEM with 10% FBS. Second fraction was mixed with CD133 microbeads and immunomagnetically divided into CD133+ and CD133– fractions. These cells were cultivated and followed-up for 2 weeks. Cells were stained for Annexin V FITC/propidium iodide. Results: Seventy CD133+/CD133– cultures, thirty-one of CD133+ and thirty-one of CD133– cells were established. There were 5-fold and 3-fold increase of CD133+/CD133- and CD133+ cell number after 2 weeks, respectively. CD133+/CD133– and CD133+ monolayers displayed epithelial-like morphology and cytokeratine expression. CD133– cultures collapsed. Cell viability within CD133+ and CD133– populations was 90.1 ± 6.3% and 24.3 ± 6.2%, respectively. Apoptotic index was 9.0 ± 6.1% and 28.5 ± 23.8% within CD133+ and CD133– cultures, respectively. Conclusions: CD133 separated human primary epithelial cell cultures displayed differences in morphology, viability and apoptosis occurrence. Immunomagnetic sorting can be recommended in each in vitro experiments with primary cell cultures in order to provide more objective results.Цель: оценить жизнеспособность и морфологию клеток первичных клеточных культур, полученных из меченных по CD133 и полученных с помощью клеточной сортировки клеток эпителия пациентов с доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы (BPH). Методы: клетки, полученные от 5 пациентов, были разделены на 2 фракции. Первую фракцию (CD133+/CD133–) выращивали в DMEM с 10% FBS али с CD133 магнитными гранулами и с помощью магнита разделили клетки на CD133+- и CD133–-фракции. Далее клетки культивировали в течении 2 нед. Клетки окрашивали аннексиномV FITC/пропидий йодидом. Результаты: получено 70 CD133+/CD133- -культур клеток, 31 CD133+ и 31 CD133–. Через 2 нед культивирования отмечали 5-кратное и 3-кратное увеличение количества CD133+/CD133– и CD133+ клеток соответственно. CD133+/CD133- -и CD133+-клетки росли в монослое и имели морфологию эпителиальных клеток, экспрессировали цитокератин. CD133–-клетки не выжили. Выживаемость клеток в популяциях CD133+ и CD133– была 90,1 ± 6,3% и 24,3 ± 6,2% соответственно. Показатель апоптического индекса для культур CD133+ и CD133– был 9,0 ± 6,1% и 28,5 ± 23,8% соответственно. Выводы: показаны различия в морфологии, выживаемости клеток и частоте апоптоза для эпителиальных клеток, разделенных в зависимости от экспрессии CD133. Сортировка клеток с помощью иммуномагнитного разделения рекомендована для каждого in vitro эксперимента с использованием первичных клеточных культур для получения более объективных результатов

    Pandemic Planning: Are Universities Really Prepared?

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    Planning for a pandemic influenza outbreak at a college or university cannot be done in a vacuum. Like any emergency plan, it needs to be a coordinated effort by a dedicated and unselfish group of individuals at the university pulling together a multitude of people and resources focused on a common goal. There is an ongoing struggle among emergency preparedness coordinators at colleges and universities to know when they have done “enough” in preparing their campus to respond to and recover from a pandemic influenza or some other infectious disease outbreak. Every year new ideas emerge from various governmental, health or emergency response organizations on improved methods to assess the threat of a pandemic and updating response plans. The need to add to or modify existing plans to better ready their institutions of higher learning for such an emergency is ongoing. In this dissertation, an effort was made to survey key individuals from emergency planning groups at colleges and universities in the U.S. to gather information on what is important in their pandemic flu plans and how they are structured. This survey evaluated whether these collective college or university plans are in substantial agreement with current CDC and WHO guidelines for effectively and comprehensively anticipating, preparing for, responding to and recovering from pandemic emergencies at their institution and in the nearby community. The data generated from this research study can provide pandemic flu planners with tools for evaluating when their plans are sufficiently robust to meet a pandemic threat and to minimize the impact on their campus in the face of rising costs, shifting university priorities and increasing demands on their time