11 research outputs found

    Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states

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    Quantum communication protocols based on nonclassical correlations can be more efficient than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In particular, remote state preparation aims at the creation of a desired and known quantum state at a remote location using classical communication and quantum entanglement. We present an experimental realization of deterministic continuous-variable remote state preparation in the microwave regime over a distance of 35 cm. By employing propagating two-mode squeezed microwave states and feedforward, we achieve the remote preparation of squeezed states with up to 1.6 dB of squeezing below the vacuum level. We quantify security in our implementation using the concept of the one-time pad. Our results represent a significant step towards microwave quantum networks between superconducting circuits.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary Information: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Parity-Engineered Light-Matter Interaction

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    The concept of parity describes the inversion symmetry of a system and is of fundamental relevance in the standard model, quantum information processing, and field theory. In quantum electrodynamics, parity is conserved and large field gradients are required to engineer the parity of the light-matter interaction operator. In this work, we engineer a potassiumlike artificial atom represented by a specifically designed superconducting flux qubit. We control the wave function parity of the artificial atom with an effective orbital momentum provided by a resonator. By irradiating the artificial atom with spatially shaped microwave fields, we select the interaction parity in situ. In this way, we observe dipole and quadrupole selection rules for single state transitions and induce transparency via longitudinal coupling. Our work advances the design of tunable artificial multilevel atoms to a new level, which is particularly promising with respect to quantum chemistry simulations with near-term superconducting circuits.Peer reviewe

    Transatlantic Misunderstandings: Corporate Law and Societies

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    Two-mode squeezing is a fascinating example of quantum entanglement manifested in cross-correlations of non-commuting observables between two subsystems. At the same time, these subsystems themselves may contain no quantum signatures in their self-correlations. These properties make two-mode squeezed (TMS) states an ideal resource for applications in quantum communication. Here, we generate propagating microwave TMS states by a beam splitter distributing single mode squeezing emitted from distinct Josephson parametric amplifiers along two output paths. We experimentally study the fundamental dephasing process of quantum cross-correlations in continuous-variable propagating TMS microwave states and accurately describe it with a theory model. In this way, we gain the insight into finite-time entanglement limits and predict high fidelities for benchmark quantum communication protocols such as remote state preparation and quantum teleportation.We acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through FE 1564/1-1, Spanish MINECO/FEDER FIS2015-69983-P, UPV/EHU PhD grant, Basque Government Grant IT986-16, European Project AQuS (Project No. 640800), Elite Network of Bavaria through the program ExQM, the projects JST ERATO (Grant No. JPMJER1601) and JSPS KAKENHI (Grant No. 26220601 and Grant No. 15K17731). E.S. acknowledges support from a TUM August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship and hospitality of Walther-Meissner-Institut and TUM Institute for Advanced Study. We would like to thank K. Kusuyama for assistance with part of the JPA fabrication