27 research outputs found

    Termination Shock Asymmetries as Seen by the Voyager Spacecraft: The Role of the Interstellar Magnetic Field and Neutral Hydrogen

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    We show that asymmetries of the termination shock due to the influence of the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) are considerably smaller in the presence of neutral hydrogen atoms, which tend to symmetrize the heliopause, the termination shock, and the bow shock due to charge exchange with charged particles. This leads to a much stronger restriction on the ISMF direction and its strength. We demonstrate that in the presence of the interplanetary magnetic field the plane defined by the local interstellar medium (LISM) velocity and magnetic field vectors does not exactly coincide with the plane defined by the interstellar neutral helium and hydrogen velocity vectors in the supersonic solar wind region, which limits the accuracy of the inferred direction of the ISMF. We take into account the tilt of the LISM velocity vector with respect to the ecliptic plane and show that magnetic fields as strong as 3 μG or greater may be necessary to account for the observed asymmetry. Estimates are made of the longitudinal streaming anisotropy of energetic charged particles at the termination shock caused by the nonalignment of the interplanetary magnetic field with its surface. By investigating the behavior of interplanetary magnetic field lines that cross the Voyager 1 trajectory in the inner heliosheath, we estimate the length of the trajectory segment that is directly connected by these lines to the termination shock. A possible effect of the ISMF draping over the heliopause is discussed in connection with radio emission generated in the outer heliosheath

    Ensemble simulations of the 12 July 2012 Coronal Mass Ejection with the Constant Turn Flux Rope Model

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    Flux-rope-based magnetohydrodynamic modeling of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is a promising tool for the prediction of the CME arrival time and magnetic field at Earth. In this work, we introduce a constant-turn flux rope model and use it to simulate the 12-July-2012 16:48 CME in the inner heliosphere. We constrain the initial parameters of this CME using the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) model and the reconnected flux in post-eruption arcades. We correctly reproduce all the magnetic field components of the CME at Earth, with an arrival time error of approximately 1 hour. We further estimate the average subjective uncertainties in the GCS fittings, by comparing the GCS parameters of 56 CMEs reported in multiple studies and catalogs. We determined that the GCS estimates of the CME latitude, longitude, tilt, and speed have average uncertainties of 5.74 degrees, 11.23 degrees, 24.71 degrees, and 11.4% respectively. Using these, we have created 77 ensemble members for the 12-July-2012 CME. We found that 55% of our ensemble members correctly reproduce the sign of the magnetic field components at Earth. We also determined that the uncertainties in GCS fitting can widen the CME arrival time prediction window to about 12 hours for the 12-July-2012 CME. On investigating the forecast accuracy introduced by the uncertainties in individual GCS parameters, we conclude that the half-angle and aspect ratio have little impact on the predicted magnetic field of the 12-July-2012 CME, whereas the uncertainties in longitude and tilt can introduce a relatively large spread in the magnetic field predicted at Earth

    Rotation of a Stealth CME on 2012 October 5 Observed in the Inner Heliosphere

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    Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are subject to changes in their direction of propagation, tilt, and other properties. This is because CMEs interact with the ambient solar wind and other large-scale magnetic field structures. In this work, we report on the observations of the 2012 October 5 stealth CME using coronagraphic and heliospheric images. We find clear evidence of a continuous rotation of the CME, i.e., an increase in the tilt angle, estimated using the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) reconstruction at different heliocentric distances, up to 58 solar radii. We find a further increase in the tilt at L1 estimated from the toroidal and cylindrical flux rope fitting on the in situ observations of IMF and solar wind parameters. This study highlights the importance of observations of Heliospheric Imager (HI), onboard the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO). In particular, the GCS reconstruction of CMEs in HI field-of-view promises to bridge the gap between the near-Sun and in-situ observations at the L1. The changes in the CME tilt has significant implications for the space weather impact of stealth CMEs.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa


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    The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft is providing the first all-sky maps of the energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced by charge exchange between interstellar neutral Ho atoms and heliospheric solar wind and pickup ions in the heliosphere boundary regions. The "edge" of the interstellar cloud presently surrounding the heliosphere extends less than 0.1 pc in the upwind direction, terminating at an unknown distance, indicating that the outer boundary conditions of the heliosphere could change during the lifetime of the IBEX satellite. Using reasonable values for future outer heliosphere boundary conditions, ENA fluxes are predicted for one possible source of ENAs coming from outside of the heliopause. The ENA-production simulations use three-dimensional MHD plasma models of the heliosphere that include a kinetic description of neutrals and a Lorentzian distribution for ions. Based on this ENA-production model, it is then shown that the sensitivities of the IBEX 1.1 keV skymaps are sufficient to detect the variations in ENA fluxes that are expected to accompany the solar transition into the next upwind cloud. Approximately 20% of the IBEX 1.1 keV pixels appear capable of detecting the predicted model differences at the 3σ level, with these pixels concentrated in the Ribbon region. Regardless of the detailed ENA production model, the success of the modeled B centerdot R ~ 0 directions in reproducing the Ribbon locus, together with our results, indicates that the Ribbon phenomenon traces the variations in the heliosphere distortion caused by the relative pressures of the interstellar magnetic and gaseous components.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA IBEX mission, Explorer Program, grant NNX09AG63G