18 research outputs found

    Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens : Hungary

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    This report explores challenges to political participation of mobile EU citizens in Hungary. It discusses electoral rights of non-resident citizens and non-citizen residents from the EU in European Parliament and local elections. The report also offers recommendations on how to increase political participation of mobile EU citizens in this country.This report was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content of this report represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains

    Felvilágosodás és ellenfelvilágosodás = Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment

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    2007 decemberében elkészült a FELVILÁGOSODÁS ÁLMAI ÉS ÁRNYAI című kötet, mely a tudományos iskolák tematika fő célja volt. A tanulmánykötet több mini-konferencián is bemutattuk, a szerző kiselőadásban ismertették november folyamán tanulmányaikat ill. a kötet szerkesztőjeként a MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY NAPJA rendezvényén én tartottam egy előadást a magyar felvilágosodás-kutatások állásáról a tanulmánykötet tükrében. Konferenciát tartunk a FORRADALOM SZÓ JELENTÉSE ÉS JELENTÉSVÁLTOZÁSAI címmel, melynek két előadása megjelent a MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY-ban 2008/8: 1. Ludassy Mária: "A forradalom szó két fajta fogalmáról" 2. Hahner Péter: "A forradalom fogalmáról". Újabb felvilágosodás-kutatásaimat a FELVILÁGOSODÁS-ÉRTELMEZÉSEK címmel az ÁRON KIADÓ-nál 2008 decemberében megjelent kötetben foglaltam össze. ISBN 978 963 921O 59/2. Folyóiratokban megjelent publikációim a felvilágosodás témakörében: MIÉRT ROUSSEAU? MOZGÓ VILÁG 2OO8/8 CASSIRER A FELVILÁGOSODÁS FILOZÓFIÁJÁRÓL HOLMI 2OO8/július A KÖZÖMBÖS TERMÉSZET FUNDAMENTUM 2OO8/3-4. STAROBINSKI SZIMBÓLUMAI BUKSZ 2OO8 tavasz | After the publication of the common volum SHADOWS AND DREAMS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT /2OO7/, we presented the articles in several conferences. There was a congress in the DAY OF THE HUNGARIANN SCIENCE: on the meaning of the revolution, appeared in the academic organ MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 2OO8/8. Appered my monography FELVILÁGOSODÁS-ÉRTELMEZÉSEK /ENLIGHTENMENT,s INTERPRETATIONS/ Áron kiadó, 2008 and several studies: WHY ROUSSEAU? MOZGÓ VILÁG 2OO9/8 CASSIRER ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF ENLIGHTENMENT HOLMI 2008/7 THE INDIFFERENT NATURE FUNDAMENTUM 2008/3-4 THE SYMBOLS OF STAROBINSKI BUKSZ 2008 sprin

    The passport as means of identity management: making and unmaking ethnic boundaries through citizenship

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    This paper explores how the non-resident citizenship made available for Hungarians living beyond Hungary’s borders impacted the national identification of newly naturalised non-resident Hungarians. Through the analysis of 51 semi-structured in-depth interviews with recently naturalised Hungarians in Romania, Serbia, the U.S. and Israel, the paper compares how citizenship as a legal institution is perceived, practiced and consumed by Hungarians living in Hungary’s neighbouring countries and overseas diasporas. Not denying the instrumental implications of the Hungarian passport, the paper argues that it is also an important means of constructing national identities. My empirical research shows that the passport strengthens the holder’s sense of belonging to the national group. In addition, citizenship is also considered as a valuable symbolic asset which can be instrumentalised as means of social closure. Non-resident Hungarians use their Hungarian passports to prove their European ancestry and/or belonging to the Hungarian nation. At the same time, the passport also enables its holder to distance herself from the populations in their home-states in order to elevate the holder’s social status.Published versio

    Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens : Hungary

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    This report explores challenges to political participation of mobile EU citizens in Hungary. It discusses electoral rights of non-resident citizens and non-citizen residents from the EU in European Parliament and local elections. The report also offers recommendations on how to increase political participation of mobile EU citizens in this country.This report was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content of this report represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains

    The Politics of External Kin-State Citizenship in East Central Europe

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    Research for the EUDO Citizenship Observatory Comparative Analyses has been jointly supported by the European Commission grant agreement JLS/2007/IP/CA/009 EUCITAC and by the British Academy Research Project CITMODES (both projects co-directed by the European University Institute and the University of Edinburgh)

    Caught between nationalism and transnationalism: How Central and East European states respond to East–West emigration

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    © 2018, The Author(s) 2018. This article seeks to explain the varied policy responses to the large wave of emigration from Central and Eastern European states during the last two decades, focusing on the cases of Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. Differing degrees of emigrant engagement by these states are explained by the role of internal minorities as active members of the emigrant population and the overall political and demographic relevance of historical kin. This study contributes to our understanding of what shapes state policies towards different types of external populations. It also highlights the particular challenges of state-led transnational engagement in a supranational border regime