10 research outputs found

    New tools and improvements in the Exoplanet Transit Database

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    Benchmarking the power of amateur observatories for TTV exoplanets detection

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Roman v. Baluev, et al, ‘Benchmarking the power of amateur observatories for TTV exoplanets detection’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 450(3): 3101-3113, first published online 9 May 2015. The version of record is available at doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv788 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.We perform an analysis of ~80000 photometric measurements for the following 10 stars hosting transiting planets: WASP-2, -4, -5, -52, Kelt-1, CoRoT-2, XO-2, TrES-1, HD 189733, GJ 436. Our analysis includes mainly transit lightcurves from the Exoplanet Transit Database, public photometry from the literature, and some proprietary photometry privately supplied by other authors. Half of these lightcurves were obtained by amateurs. From this photometry we derive 306 transit timing measurements, as well as improved planetary transit parameters. Additionally, for 6 of these 10 stars we present a set of radial velocity measurements obtained from the spectra stored in the HARPS, HARPS-N, and SOPHIE archives using the HARPS-TERRA pipeline. Our analysis of these TTV and RV data did not reveal significant hints of additional orbiting bodies in almost all of the cases. In the WASP-4 case, we found hints of marginally significant TTV signals having amplitude 10-20 sec, although their parameters are model-dependent and uncertain, while radial velocities did not reveal statistically significant Doppler signals.Peer reviewe

    Transit timing variation and activity in the WASP-10 planetary system

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    Transit timing analysis may be an effective method of discovering additional bodies in extrasolar systems which harbour transiting exoplanets. The deviations from the Keplerian motion, caused by mutual gravitational interactions between planets, are expected to generate transit timing variations of transiting exoplanets. In 2009 we collected 9 light curves of 8 transits of the exoplanet WASP-10b. Combining these data with published ones, we found that transit timing cannot be explained by a constant period but by a periodic variation. Simplified three-body models which reproduce the observed variations of timing residuals were identified by numerical simulations. We found that the configuration with an additional planet of mass of \sim0.1 MJM_{\rm{J}} and orbital period of \sim5.23 d, located close to the outer 5:3 mean motion resonance, is the most likely scenario. If the second planet is a transiter, the estimated flux drop will be \sim0.3 per cent and can be observable with a ground-based telescope. Moreover, we present evidence that the spots on the stellar surface and rotation of the star affect the radial velocity curve giving rise to spurious eccentricity of the orbit of the first planet. We argue that the orbit of WASP-10b is essentially circular. Using the gyrochronology method, the host star was found to be 270±80270 \pm 80 Myr old. This young age can explain the large radius reported for WASP-10b.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    The spin-orbit angles of the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b, WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b from Rossiter-McLaughlin observations

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    We present observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for the transiting exoplanet systems WASP-1, WASP-24, WASP-38 and HAT-P-8, and deduce the orientations of the planetary orbits with respect to the host stars' rotation axes. The planets WASP-24b, WASP-38b and HAT-P-8b appear to move in prograde orbits and be well aligned, having sky-projected spin orbit angles consistent with zero: {\lambda} = -4.7 \pm 4.0{\deg}, {\lambda} = 15 + 33{\deg}/-43{\deg} and {\lambda} = -9.7 +9.0{\deg}/-7.7{\deg}, respectively. The host stars have Teff < 6250 K and conform with the trend of cooler stars having low obliquities. WASP-38b is a massive planet on a moderately long period, eccentric orbit so may be expected to have a misaligned orbit given the high obliquities measured in similar systems. However, we find no evidence for a large spin-orbit angle. By contrast, WASP-1b joins the growing number of misaligned systems and has an almost polar orbit, {\lambda} = -79 +4.5{\deg}/-4.3{\deg}. It is neither very massive, eccentric nor orbiting a hot host star, and therefore does not share the properties of many other misaligned systems.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 13 pages, 8 tables, 6 figures. Includes revised parameter values for WASP-38 and HAT-P-

    New tools and improvements in the Exoplanet Transit Database

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    Comprehensive collection of the available light curves, prediction possibilities and the online model fitting procedure, that are available via Exoplanet Transit Database became very popular in the community. In this paper we summarized the changes, that we made in the ETD during last year (including the Kepler candidates into the prediction section, modeling of an unknown planet in the model-fit section and some other small improvements). All this new tools cannot be found in the main ETD paper