16 research outputs found

    Subjektas ir tikrovė: etinės A. Badiou filosofijos implikacijos

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    Alain Badiou’s theory of ethics of the subject implies that the individual interpellation of the symbolic plane could be secondary to the truth process, which grounds the formation of the subject. We arrive at the hypothesis that the subject of the interpellation is already a subject of truth when the symbolic interpellation process starts.In the paper, two contemporary ethical orientations are emphasized: democratic materialism, which comprises the idealism created by market laws, and a materialist dialectic, which opens the possibility of the subject’s formation during the struggles. However, Badiou’s attempts to create an alternative symbolic plane – a historical plane – do not seem reassuring; therefore, one must look at the event-producing-history from the psychoanalytical perspective.The theory of drives opens the possibility to relate Badiou’s subject to the repressed real, to show him as immune to the desire, which may be derived from a symbolical plane, and able to ground his struggles with revolutionary jouissance while not allowing history to end too early. Šiame straipsnyje gilinamasi į Alaino Badiou filosofijoje plėtojamas etines sampratas. Kodėl šiuolaikiniame materializme iškyla tiesos, ištikimybės ir subjekto kūrimo problema? Keliama hipotezė, kad atsakymas į šį klausimą slypi ne filosofijoje, bet psichoanalizėje – varos mechanizme. Be to, keliama hipotezė, kad Badiou kuriama etika neatsiejama nuo Jacques’o Lacano sukurtų simbolinės ir Tikrovės plotmės koncepcijų. Keliamas klausimas, ar Lacano aptariamame varos mechanizme neslypi etiniai pasirinkimai, kurie Badiou postuluojamo kovingo subjekto laikyseną veikia stipriau nei socialiniai ar galios santykiai

    Mėgavimasis ir Kitas Jacques’o Lacano psichoanalitinėje teorijoje

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    This article analyses the concept of enjoyment, proposed by Jacques Lacan, the French theoretician of psychoanalysis. The aim is to show the relation between the enjoyment and the other and to find a possibility to create different social relations in which the other (an individual or a group) is not an obstacle for individual or collective enjoyment but its foundation. In this article I develop the Lacanian argument of enjoyment how a plane of the Real, the possibility to meet the other as a person in everyday situations, allows an individual to maintain solidarity with that other person which before was his imaginary competitor.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama prancūzų psichoanalizės teoretiko Jacques’o Lacano mėgavimosi samprata. Bandant parodyti, kaip mėgavimasis susijęs su kitu, ieškoma galimybės kurti socialinius santykius, kuriuose kitas žmogus ar žmonių grupė taptų ne individualaus ar kolektyvinio mėgavimosi kliūtimi, bet jo pagrindu. Keliama hipotezė, kad mėgavimuisi palankų santykį su kitu subjektas gali atrasti ne konkuruoti verčiančioje įsivaizdavimo plotmėje ar pritapti prie galios leidžiančioje simbolinėje plotmėje, bet kasdienius santykius aprėpiančioje tikrovės plotmėje

    Jacques’o Lacano pertrūkio teorija: tikrovės perspektyva

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    The article analyses Jacques Lacan’s theory of rupture that encompasses the three planes – the imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real – that comprise his topology. It is named the theory of rupture because it allows grasping the unfinished Lacanian subject as it encounters Other in all of those planes. The main question is whether this lack could be considered as positive. The attention is paid to the phallic signifier; the hypothesis is that this signifier, by linking the symbolic and the Real, allows the creation of new meanings and the resistance towards the fundamental fantasy.The Lacanian ternary conception of topology helps us to analyse the field of politics. While grasping this field from the “ex-sisting” perspective of the Real, we can observe the two scenarios of the development of (political) subject. On the one hand, there is a possible link between the subject and fantasy, in which one tries to compensate for the lack of the Real by “comforting” itself in the plane of symbolic discourse. On the other hand, in the alternative scenario, the subject consciously admits its lack, rejects the fantasy and begins to create new names which “hole” the symbolic discourse itself as well as the insufficiency of the symbolic field. The Real is defended by the phallic signifier, which helps to maintain the subject’s negativity and militancy. By enclosing the Real into the Symbolic we create the new consistency as the subject seeks not to maintain a passive form and place inside the structure, but names the positive lack in the structure itself and thereby creates the new political content.Straipsnyje aptariama Jacques’o Lacano pertrūkio teorija, aprėpianti tris jo topologijos koncepcijoje figūruojančias plotmes – įsivaizduojamybės, simbolinę ir Tikrovės plotmę. Pertrūkio teorija ji vadintina todėl, kad ji leidžia įžvelgti Lacano postuluojamo subjekto neišbaigtumą kiekvienoje iš šių plotmių susiduriant su Kitu. Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, ar Lacano visuose trijuose lygmenyse matomą stoką galima aptarti pozityviai. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas faliniam signifikantui, keliama hipotezė, kad jis, susiedamas simbolinę ir Tikrovės plotmes, leidžia kurti naujas prasmes ir nepasiduoti fundamentaliai fantazijai. Be to, Lacano teorines įžvalgas bus bandoma susieti su politine plotme

    A. Badiou ankstyvoji subjekto teorija ir kovingo subjekto iškilimas

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    [only abstract in English; full article and abstract in Lithuanian] In the article, while differentiating between the resistance theories of Badiou, Deleuze, and Guattari, the attempt is made to emphasize Badiou’s critique of the theory of asubjective becoming and desire as well as his attempt to develop it into the dialectics between the insurgent students and what Deleuze and Guattari call the “missing people”. Badiou’s theory of the subject, based on the works of Hegel, Lenin and Mao, is regarded as a counterpoint to the theories of revolutionary desire. The revolutionary strategies of Lenin and Mao, based on Hegel’s philosophy, allow them to create the concepts of totality as the unity of the opposites, as the split One, as well as to determine the conflictual dialectical process that conditions the rise and existence of a revolutionary subject – party. While relating the dialectical concepts of the above mentioned authors with Badiou’s concepts of scission, torsion and periodization, Badiou’s logic of the subject is explained. It allows revolutionary forces to constantly resist the institutional practices of placement, destroy stability and immerse into the new cycles of struggle instead of undergoing the process of recuperation and return to the system. The above mentioned concepts meaningfully supplement the vocabulary of social movements and minor politics. Allowing them to spread beyond their comfort zones and to aim at what for them is still a “noumenon”: the sphere of everyday strugglesfor dignity and survival. We, not the “missing people”, have to be the protagonists of such struggles.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Šiame straipsnyje nušviečiamos ankstyvojo Alaino Badiou filosofinės kūrybos laikotarpio politinės sampratos, siejant jas su jo formavimuisi reikšmingų filosofų, politinių teoretikų ir praktikų – Hegelio, Lenino ir Mao Dzedongo – veikalų interpretacijomis. Šių autorių suformuluotos ir politiniais veiksmais patvirtintos idėjos Badiou leidžia, viena vertus, kritikuoti kitų poststruktūralizmo teoretikų, pirmiausia – Deleuze’o ir Guattari, kuriamas pasipriešinimo šiuolaikinei galiai teorijas, kita vertus – pagrįsti savitą subjekto sampratą, iš dalies lėmusią šiuolaikinio politinio subjekto studijų atgimimą ir suklestėjimą paskutiniame XX a. dešimtmetyje. Keliama hipotezė, kad teorinė veikla ir politinė patirtis Badiou leidžia kurti originalią besipriešinančio subjekto figūrą, kritišką ne tik galios, bet ir kai kurių pasipriešinimo jai strategijų atžvilgiu

    Bendrinis intelektas ir pasipriešinimas kapitalui socializuoto darbo epochoje

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    This article discusses the influence of Marx’s labour theory for contemporary social thought. While his conceptions of machine work, formal and real subsumption influenced the mainstream of class struggle in the 20th century, his theoretical framework was recently refreshed both by poststructuralist and Italian autonomist authors, who discuss Marxian conception of general intellect. It is difficult to argue about general intellect and its liberation from capitalist relations while having in mind the condition of contemporary labour power in the contemporary stage of capitalist production, which autonomists define as social factory and which is based on immaterial labour and precarity. However, an alliance between the living labour (or multitude) and technologies which embody the power of capital must be based on the will of this labour power (or forces) to get rid of capitalist relations. General intellect itself can be created only along with the strategies of resistance against exploitation. Finally, the perspective of general intellect allows to argue about building communist society within the capitalist empire and to change the dialectical Marxist revolutionary paradigm with the non-dialectical paradigm of liberation and heterogenization of social forces. However, is only possible to do it by gradually removing the chains of capitalist relations and developing mutual relationship of free singularities. Therefore it is worthwhile to argue about the individual and collective singularities, their environment and the new subjectivities that they would create.Daugiau nei prieš pusantro šimtmečio Karlo Marxo sukurtas „Fragmentas apie mašinas“ ir šiandien tebėra įvairių filosofų, socialinių teoretikų ir socialinių judėjimų svarstymų objektas. Kaip šian­dien interpretuoti Marxo tekstą? Kokie prieštaravimai ir gamybinės jėgos iškyla šiandien, dominuojant postindustrinei informacijos ir paslaugų gamybai? Kaip kintant gamybiniams santykiams kinta dirban­čiųjų subjektyvumas? Ar šiandien galima kalbėti apie visuotinį intelektą kaip apie gyvosios ir negyvosios darbo jėgos sąjungą, galinčią iš principo pakeisti kapitalizmą? Į šiuos klausimus bandysime atsakyti su­siedami Marxo „Fragmentą“ ir šiuolaikinių socialinių judėjimų teoretikų tekstus, kurie aktualizuoja Mar­xo idėjas socialinių tinklų, kūrybinių industrijų ir paslaugų dominavimo epochoje


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    Straipsnyje bandoma atsakyti į klausimą, kaip Gilles’o Deleuze’o ir Felixo Guattari geismo samprata atsispindi jų politinėje filosofijoje. Tyrinėjama geismo mašinų ir jų gamybos koncepcija, jų santykis su sociumo struktūra ir kapitalo logika. Savo veikaluose šie du autoriai teigia, kad geismo mašinos kuria materialią revoliucinę energiją, kuri nuolat konfrontuoja tiek su sociumo normomis, tiek su kapitalistine priespauda. Tačiau, pasak jų, tokią energiją sociumas mėgina represuoti, paversti revoliucinį geismą fašistiniu „tvirtos rankos“ geismu, o kapitalas fetišizuoja, suprekina ir pritaiko savo tikslams. Šiame tekste, remiantis tiek Deleuze’o ir Guattari, tiek jų sekėjų tekstais, daroma prielaida, kad geismo mašinos sociumo represijoms ir kapitalistiniam suprekinimui gali priešintis pasirinkdamos atstumtųjų terpėje gimstančias kūrybingas ir radikalias mažosios politikos strategijas.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: geismas, geismo mašinos, sociumas, reakcija, kapitalas, suprekinimas, revoliucija, mažoji politika.Desire and Liberation in Political Philosophy of G. Deleuze and F. GuattariKasparas Pocius SummaryThe article analyzes Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of desire and desiring-machines, their origins and workings in the organized structure of socius and in the capitalist regime as well as the revolutionary strategies and milieus that these desiring-machines engender. Contemporary social critique often distorts the notion of desire while linking it exclusively with capital that forces people to consume identities and commodities. Meanwhile, in the conception of Deleuze and Guattari desire is a material revolutionary energy which constantly aims to confront the norms of both socius and capitalist repressions. Unfortunately, this energy is continually under the threat of being appropriated and inactivated by socius, and it also undergoes the risk of being fetishized and commodified by capital, which makes desire serve its aims of seeking profit and extracting surplus value. Desiring-machines attempt to break through to the other side of socius and capital, the former of which is decoded and deterritorialized, whereas the latter is too limited to deal with desire as an absolute limit of socius. Capital is unable to commodify potential revolutionary energy or to absorb it in another way. However, in the structure of socius active and creative desire may be reversed into reactionary fascist desire of hierarchy, exploitation, humiliation, slavery and death.The molar order of socius is distinguished by a clear structure and hierarchy where individuals have fixed identities. However, capital tries to demolish those structures and deterritorialize socius by following the desiring-machines. The discipline, laws and norms are substituted by the flexible axiomatic of capitalism, which (whenever possible) can adjust itself to the demands of desire or regenerate to the former repressive forms of command. Such milieu gives rise to a single monolithic molar class. Therefore, today the conflict lies not between the capitalist class and the working class but between the class and those who are outside the class – minor people, creating minor politics in molecular milieu.There is a paradox in the conception of minor politics by Deleuze and Guattari. Although this kind of politics originates in the space that is oppressed by socius and capital, however such space can become highly active, creative and radical. Desire as a material basis for creativity becomes a powerful revolutionary potential. Minor politics is based not on identification or representation of somebody’s interests, but on permanent creativity. This politics emerges within the milieu of mutual communication and intellect as well as uncommodified affectivity and sexuality and it embodies revolutionary desire in everyday practices of self-valorization.Keywords: desire, desiring-machines, socius, reaction, capital, commodification, revolution, minor politics


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    Šiuolaikinės politinės filosofijos kontekste jau maždaug dvidešimt metų neatslūgsta domėjimasis biopolitinėmis teorijomis, kurių dėmesio centre atsiduria valdžios ir gyvybės santykis šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje, kairiųjų politinių filosofų vadinamame Imperija. Italų filosofo Giorgio Agambeno dėka biopolitikos instrumentai buvo panaudoti nepaprastosios padėties ir homo sacer sampratų tyrinėjimams. Šiame tekste, pasitelkiant nepaprastosios padėties bei su ja susijusias sampratas, bus gilinamasi į šiuolaikinės valdžios ir valdymo problemas. Aptarsime vokiečių teisės teoretiko Carlo Schmitto nepaprastosios padėties teoriją, kaip alternatyvą jai pateikdami Walterio Benjamino mesianistinę tyro dieviškojo smurto sampratą. Straipsnio tikslas – pagrįsti Benjamino idėją, kad dieviškasis smurtas gali įveikti galios taikomą prievartą. Kita vertus, keliama idėja, kad Schmitto suverenios galios samprata užmaskuoja biopolitinį galios institucijų prievartos mechanizmą, o Benjamino dieviškojo smurto samprata leidžia jį demaskuoti.State of Exception and Divine Violence: The Crossroads between the Thought of Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKasparas Pocius SummaryAlready back in 1940 Walter Benjamin told us that “the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule.” While invoking this claim, Giorgio Agamben enriches the contemporary biopolitical discourse with such concepts as ‘state of exception’ and ‘homo sacer’, which refer to bare lives of the majority of world population under contemporary capitalist and state rule. This paper, which seeks to analyse the work of Agamben, presents the notion of the state of exception by Carl Schmitt and counterposes it to the Benjaminian concept of divine violence. This counterposition allows to theoretically question the Schmittian politico-theological discourse which has been increasingly used by the conservative intellectuals and right-wing movements in the Eastern Europe, ‘the necessity of defending the nation and the state’ that they posit and to show the often concealed links between this discourse with biopower regimes. On the other hand, it is an attempt to point at a presence of multiple and radical constituent forces which, beyond liberal – constitutional and authoritarian – conservative frameworks of the State pose the threat to the political and economic order of late capitalism

    Butelis, kuriame pasislėpė džinas : recenzija

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    Pristatoma 2006 m. išleistos filosofo A.Sverdiolo knygos Lėkštutėlė lėkštelė: keli dabartinės Lietuvos viešosios erdvės ypatumai (Vilnius, Versus Aureus) recenzija. Recenzijos autorius polemizuoja su knygoje dėstomomis dešiniosiomis nuostatomis, remdamasis „kairės“ intelektualų idėjomis bei vizijomis. Teigiama, jog dėl šiandieninės viešosios erdvės iškrypimų dera kaltinti ne postmodernizmą, bet mus įkalinančius viešuosius valios ir prievartos diskursus, kapitalistinės sistemos principus, sunaikinančius ieškojimo laisvę. Dešinioji pozicija yra ydinga tuo, jog suteikia teisę intelektualui viešai kritikuoti paprastus žmones, imtis „auklėti“ mases remiantis civilizuotesne Vakarų dvasia, tačiau tuo pat metu leidžia ignoruoti galios ir valdžios kuriamą hegemoninį, pavergiantį politinį, ekonominį ir kultūros režimą. Pabrėžiama, jog taip yra susiaurinama ir iškreipiama viešojo intelektualo ir kritiko misija: intelektualas lieka ideologijos ir propagandos gynėjas, kuris neatskleidžia pamatinių viešosios erdvės ydų, bet, priešingai, palaiko politinio ir ekonominio elito kuriamą tvarką.The article presents a review of the book by philosopher A.Sverdiolas titled Lėkštutėlė Lėkštelė: Keli Dabartinės Lietuvos Viešosios Erdvės Ypatumai (“Tiny Saucer: Several Features of Modern Public Space in Lithuania”) as published in 2006. The author of the review debates several of the left-hand provisions of the book, following the ideas and visions of “leftist” intellectuals. It is said that the perversions of the modern public space ought to be blamed not on post-modernism but rather on the public discourses of will and violence, the principles of the capitalist system that imprison us and destroy the freedom of search. The left-hand position is faulty in a way that it allows the intellectual to criticise common people in public, take to “educate” the masses in the more civilised Western spirit, at the same time ignoring the hegemonic, subduing political, economical and cultural regime. It is stressed that all this narrows and perverts the mission of the public intellectual and critic: the intellectual remains the champion of ideology and propaganda, one who does not expose the underlying vice of the public space but on the contrary, upholds the order created by the political and economical elite