21 research outputs found

    Orientation of Nd3+^{3+} dipoles in yttrium aluminum garnet: A simple yet accurate model

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    We report an experimental study of the 1064nm transition dipoles in neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd-YAG) by measuring the coupling constant between two orthogonal modes of a laser cavity for different cuts of the YAG gain crystal. We propose a theoretical model in which the transition dipoles, slightly elliptic, are oriented along the crystallographic axes. Our experimental measurements show a very good quantitative agreement with this model, and predict a dipole ellipticity between 2% and 3%. This work provides an experimental evidence for the simple description in which transition dipoles and crystallographic axes are collinear in Nd-YAG (with an accuracy better than 1 deg), a point that has been discussed for years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Laser à état solide bi-fréquence sans bruit d’antiphase

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    National audienceUne réduction de plus de 20 dB du bruit d'antiphase a été obtenue dans un laser bi-fréquence mono-axe sans aucun asservissement d'intensité. Ce résultat repose sur l'utilisation d'un cristal de Nd :YAG taillé selon le plan cristallographique (001) et l'alignement des deux états de polarisation du laser avec deux des axes cristallographiques du Crystal

    Mode coupling control in a resonant device: application to solid-state ring lasers

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    A theoretical and experimental investigation of the effects of mode coupling in a resonant macro- scopic quantum device is achieved in the case of a ring laser. In particular, we show both analytically and experimentally that such a device can be used as a rotation sensor provided the effects of mode coupling are controlled, for example through the use of an additional coupling. A possible general- ization of this example to the case of another resonant macroscopic quantum device is discussed

    Experimental demonstration of a dual-frequency laser free from anti-phase noise

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    A reduction of more than 20 dB of the intensity noise at the anti-phase relaxation oscillation frequency is experimentally demonstrated in a two-polarization dual-frequency solid-state laser without any optical or electronic feedback loop. Such a behavior is inherently obtained by aligning the two orthogonally polarized oscillating modes with the crystallographic axes of a (100)-cut neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet active medium. The anti-phase noise level is shown to increase as soon as one departs from this peculiar configuration, evidencing the predominant role of the nonlinear coupling constant. This experimental demonstration opens new perspectives on the design and realization of extremely low noise dual-frequency solid-state lasers

    Symmetric microwave potentials for interferometry with thermal atoms on a chip

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    International audienceA trapped atom interferometer involving state-selective adiabatic potentials with two microwave frequencies on a chip is proposed. We show that this configuration provides a way to achieve a high degree of symmetry between the two arms of the interferometer, which is necessary for coherent splitting and recombination of thermal (i.e., noncondensed) atoms. The resulting interferometer holds promise to achieve high contrast and long coherence time, while avoiding the mean-field interaction issues of interferometers based on trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

    Oscillation regimes of a solid-state ring laser with active beat note stabilization : from a chaotic device to a ring laser gyroscope

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    We report experimental and theoretical study of a rotating diode-pumped Nd-YAG ring laser with active beat note stabilization. Our experimental setup is described in the usual Maxwell-Bloch formalism. We analytically derive a stability condition and some frequency response characteristics for the solid-state ring laser gyroscope, illustrating the important role of mode coupling effects on the dynamics of such a device. Experimental data are presented and compared with the theory on the basis of realistic laser parameters, showing a very good agreement. Our results illustrate the duality between the very rich non linear dynamics of the diode-pumped solid-state ring laser (including chaotic behavior) and the possibility to obtain a very stable beat note, resulting in a potentially new kind of rotation sensor

    Suppression of Nonlinear Interactions in Resonant Macroscopic Quantum Devices : the Example of the Solid-State Ring Laser Gyroscope

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    We study the suppression of nonlinear interactions in resonant macroscopic quantum devices in the case of the solid-state ring laser gyroscope. These nonlinear interactions are tuned by vibrating the gain medium along the cavity axis. Beat note occurrence under rotation provides a precise measurement of the strength of nonlinear interactions, which turn out to vanish for some discrete values of the amplitude of vibration. Our theoretical description, in very good agreement with the measured data, suggests the use of a higher vibration frequency to achieve quasi-ideal rotation sensing over a broad range of rotation speeds. We finally underline the analogy between this device and some other macroscopic quantum rotation sensors, such as ring-shaped superfluid configurations, where nonlinear interactions could be tuned for example by the use of magnetically-induced Feschbach resonance