94 research outputs found

    Restricted MHC–peptide repertoire predisposes to autoimmunity

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    MHC molecules associated with autoimmunity possess known structural features that limit the repertoire of peptides that they can present. Such limitation gives a selective advantage to TCRs that rely on interaction with the MHC itself, rather than with the peptide residues. At the same time, negative selection is impaired because of the lack of negatively selecting peptide ligands. The combination of these factors may predispose to autoimmunity. We found that mice with an MHC class II–peptide repertoire reduced to a single complex demonstrated various autoimmune reactions. Transgenic mice bearing a TCR (MM14.4) cloned from such a mouse developed severe autoimmune dermatitis. Although MM14.4 originated from a CD4+ T cell, dermatitis was mediated by CD8+ T cells. It was established that MM14.4+ is a highly promiscuous TCR with dual MHC class I/MHC class II restriction. Furthermore, mice with a limited MHC–peptide repertoire selected elevated numbers of TCRs with dual MHC class I/MHC class II restriction, a likely source of autoreactivity. Our findings may help to explain the link between MHC class I responses that are involved in major autoimmune diseases and the well-established genetic linkage of these diseases with MHC class II

    Modulation of let-7 miRNAs controls the differentiation of effector CD8 T cells

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    The differentiation of naive CD8 T cells into effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes upon antigen stimulation is necessary for successful antiviral, and antitumor immune responses. Here, using a mouse model, we describe a dual role for the let-7 microRNAs in the regulation of CD8 T cell responses, where maintenance of the naive phenotype in CD8 T cells requires high levels of let-7 expression, while generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes depends upon T cell receptor-mediated let-7 downregulation. Decrease of let-7 expression in activated T cells enhances clonal expansion and the acquisition of effector function through derepression of the let-7 targets, including Myc and Eomesodermin. Ultimately, we have identified a novel let-7-mediated mechanism, which acts as a molecular brake controlling the magnitude of CD8 T cell responses

    Lck Availability during Thymic Selection Determines the Recognition Specificity of the T Cell Repertoire

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    SummaryThymic selection requires signaling by the protein tyrosine kinase Lck to generate T cells expressing αβ T cell antigen receptors (TCR). For reasons not understood, the thymus selects only αβTCR that are restricted by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded determinants. Here, we report that Lck proteins that were coreceptor associated promoted thymic selection of conventionally MHC-restricted TCR, but Lck proteins that were coreceptor free promoted thymic selection of MHC-independent TCR. Transgenic TCR with MHC-independent specificity for CD155 utilized coreceptor-free Lck to signal thymic selection in the absence of MHC, unlike any transgenic TCR previously described. Thus, the thymus can select either MHC-restricted or MHC-independent αβTCR depending on whether Lck is coreceptor associated or coreceptor free. We conclude that the intracellular state of Lck determines the specificity of thymic selection and that Lck association with coreceptor proteins during thymic selection is the mechanism by which MHC restriction is imposed on a randomly generated αβTCR repertoire

    Survival of Naïve T Cells Requires the Expression of Let-7 miRNAs

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    Maintaining the diversity and constant numbers of naïve T cells throughout the organism's lifetime is necessary for efficient immune responses. Naïve T cell homeostasis, which consists of prolonged survival, occasional proliferation and enforcement of quiescence, is tightly regulated by multiple signaling pathways which are in turn controlled by various transcription factors. However, full understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of the peripheral T cell pool has not been achieved. In the present study, we demonstrate that T cell-specific deficiency in let-7 miRNAs results in peripheral T cell lymphopenia resembling that of Dicer1 knockout mice. Deletion of let-7 leads to profound T cell apoptosis while overexpression prevents it. We further show that in the absence of let-7, T cells cannot sustain optimal levels of the pro-survival factor Bcl2 in spite of the intact IL-7 signaling, and re-expression of Bcl2 in let-7 deficient T cells completely rescues the survival defect. Thus, we have uncovered a novel let-7-dependent mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation of naïve T cell survival in vivo

    The mosquito effect: regulatory and effector T cells acquire cytoplasmic material from tumor cells through intercellular transfer

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    The phenomenon of intercellular transfer of cellular material, including membranes, cytoplasm, and even organelles, has been observed for decades. The functional impact and molecular mechanisms of such transfer in the immune system remain largely elusive due to the absence of a robust in vivo model. Here, we introduce a new tumor mouse model, where tumor cells express the soluble ultra-bright fluorescent protein ZsGreen, which allows detection and measurement of intercellular transfer of cytoplasm from tumor cells to infiltrating immune cells. We found that in addition to various types of myeloid lineage cells, a large fraction of T regulatory cells and effector CD8 T cells acquire tumor material. Based on the distribution of tumor-derived ZsGreen, the majority of T cells integrate captured cytoplasm into their own, while most myeloid cells store tumor material in granules. Furthermore, scRNA-seq analysis revealed significant alterations in transcriptomes of T cells that acquired tumor cell cytoplasm, suggesting potential impact on T cell function. We identified that the participation of T cells in intercellular transfer requires cell-cell contact and is strictly dependent on the activation status of T lymphocytes. Finally, we propose to name the described phenomenon of intercellular transfer for tumor infiltrating T cells the “mosquito effect”

    Non-Canonicaly Recruited TCRαβCD8αα IELs Recognize Microbial Antigens

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    In the gut, various subsets of intraepithelial T cells (IELs) respond to self or non-self-antigens derived from the body, diet, commensal and pathogenic microbiota. Dominant subset of IELs in the small intestine are TCRαβCD8αα+ cells, which are derived from immature thymocytes that express self-reactive TCRs. Although most of TCRαβCD8αα+ IELs are thymus-derived, their repertoire adapts to microbial flora. Here, using high throughput TCR sequencing we examined how clonal diversity of TCRαβCD8αα+ IELs changes upon exposure to commensal-derived antigens. We found that fraction of CD8αα+ IELs and CD4+ T cells express identical αβTCRs and this overlap raised parallel to a surge in the diversity of microbial flora. We also found that an opportunistic pathogen (Staphylococcus aureus) isolated from mouse small intestine specifically activated CD8αα+ IELs and CD4+ derived T cell hybridomas suggesting that some of TCRαβCD8αα+ clones with microbial specificities have extrathymic origin. We also report that CD8ααCD4+ IELs and Foxp3CD4+ T cells from the small intestine shared many αβTCRs, regardless whether the later subset was isolated from Foxp3CNS1 sufficient or Foxp3CNS1 deficient mice that lacks peripherally-derived Tregs. Overall, our results imply that repertoire of TCRαβCD8αα+ in small intestine expends in situ in response to changes in microbial flora

    Central CD4+ T cell tolerance: deletion versus regulatory T cell differentiation

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    The diversion of MHC class II-restricted thymocytes into the regulatory T (Treg) cell lineage, similarly to clonal deletion, is driven by intrathymic encounter of agonist self-antigens. Somewhat paradoxically, it thus seems that the expression of an autoreactive T cell receptor is a shared characteristic of T cells that are subject to clonal deletion and those that are diverted into the Treg cell lineage. Here, we discuss how thymocyte-intrinsic and -extrinsic determinants may specify the choice between these two fundamentally different T cell fates

    Regionalized Development and Maintenance of the Intestinal Adaptive Immune Landscape

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    The intestinal immune system has the daunting task of protecting us from pathogenic insults while limiting inflammatory responses against the resident commensal microbiota and providing tolerance to food antigens. This role is particularly impressive when one considers the vast mucosal surface and changing landscape that the intestinal immune system must monitor. In this review, we highlight regional differences in the development and composition of the adaptive immune landscape of the intestine and the impact of local intrinsic and environmental factors that shape this process. To conclude, we review the evidence for a critical window of opportunity for early-life exposures that affect immune development and alter disease susceptibility later in life