8 research outputs found

    Single cohesin molecules generate force by two distinct mechanisms

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    Spatial organization of DNA is facilitated by cohesin protein complexes that move on DNA and extrude DNA loops. How cohesin works mechanistically as a molecular machine is poorly understood. Here, we measure mechanical forces generated by conformational changes in single cohesin molecules. We show that bending of SMC coiled coils is driven by random thermal fluctuations leading to a ~32 nm head-hinge displacement that resists forces up to 1 pN; ATPase head engagement occurs in a single step of ~10 nm and is driven by an ATP dependent head-head movement, resisting forces up to 15 pN. Our molecular dynamic simulations show that the energy of head engagement can be stored in a mechanically strained conformation of NIPBL and released during disengagement. These findings reveal how single cohesin molecules generate force by two distinct mechanisms. We present a model, which proposes how this ability may power different aspects of cohesin-DNA interaction

    Mechanical disengagement of the cohesin ring

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    Cohesin forms a proteinaceous ring that is thought to link sister chromatids by entrapping DNA and counteracting the forces generated by the mitotic spindle. Whether individual cohesins encircle both sister DNAs and how cohesin opposes spindle-generated forces remains unknown. Here we perform force measurements on individual yeast cohesin complexes either bound to DNA or holding together two DNAs. By covalently closing the hinge and Smc3Psm3–kleisin interfaces we find that the mechanical stability of the cohesin ring entrapping DNA is determined by the hinge domain. Forces of ~20 pN disengage cohesin at the hinge and release DNA, indicating that ~40 cohesin molecules are sufficient to counteract known spindle forces. Our findings provide a mechanical framework for understanding how cohesin interacts with sister chromatids and opposes the spindle-generated tension during mitosis, with implications for other force-generating chromosomal processes including transcription and DNA replication

    Establishment of dsDNA-dsDNA interactions by the condensin complex

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    Condensin is a structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complex family member thought to build mitotic chromosomes by DNA loop extrusion. However, condensin variants unable to extrude loops, yet proficient in chromosome formation, were recently described. Here, we explore how condensin might alternatively build chromosomes. Using bulk biochemical and single-molecule experiments with purified fission yeast condensin, we observe that individual condensins sequentially and topologically entrap two double-stranded DNAs (dsDNAs). Condensin loading transitions through a state requiring DNA bending, as proposed for the related cohesin complex. While cohesin then favors the capture of a second single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), second dsDNA capture emerges as a defining feature of condensin. We provide complementary in vivo evidence for DNA-DNA capture in the form of condensin-dependent chromatin contacts within, as well as between, chromosomes. Our results support a “diffusion capture” model in which condensin acts in mitotic chromosome formation by sequential dsDNA-dsDNA capture

    Lytic Water Dynamics Reveal Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanisms of ATP Hydrolysis by TIP49 AAA+ ATPases

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    SummaryEukaryotic TIP49a (Pontin) and TIP49b (Reptin) AAA+ ATPases play essential roles in key cellular processes. How their weak ATPase activity contributes to their important functions remains largely unknown and difficult to analyze because of the divergent properties of TIP49a and TIP49b proteins and of their homo- and hetero-oligomeric assemblies. To circumvent these complexities, we have analyzed the single ancient TIP49 ortholog found in the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri (mkTIP49). All-atom homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations validated by biochemical assays reveal highly conserved organizational principles and identify key residues for ATP hydrolysis. An unanticipated crosstalk between Walker B and Sensor I motifs impacts the dynamics of water molecules and highlights a critical role of trans-acting aspartates in the lytic water activation step that is essential for the associative mechanism of ATP hydrolysis

    Effective Cleaving Parameters for Multimode Gradient Index CYTOP Polymer Fiber

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    We experimentally address simple, low-cost and effective methods for the cleaving of multimode CYTOP optical fibers using razor blades. The quality of fiber end-face preparation depends on various parameters. The necessity of the near-field intensity pattern inspection for adequate evaluation of cleaved fiber end-faces is demonstrated. Razor blades of different manufacturers are evaluated for manual cleaving, as well as automated cleaving with controlled speed and temperature. The cleaving technique with both slowed motion of the razor blade and increased temperature up to 90 °C demonstrated the best quality of fiber end-faces. Typical cleaving defects are highlighted, whereas the cleave quality was characterized in terms of the light intensity profile emitted by the fiber in near field

    Single-Molecule Insights into ATP-Dependent Conformational Dynamics of Nucleoprotein Filaments of Deinococcus radiodurans RecA

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    Deinococcus radiodurans (Dr) has one of the most robust DNA repair systems, which is capable of withstanding extreme doses of ionizing radiation and other sources of DNA damage. DrRecA, a central enzyme of recombinational DNA repair, is essential for extreme radioresistance. In the presence of ATP, DrRecA forms nucleoprotein filaments on DNA, similar to other bacterial RecA and eukaryotic DNA strand exchange proteins. However, DrRecA catalyzes DNA strand exchange in a unique reverse pathway. Here, we study the dynamics of DrRecA filaments formed on individual molecules of duplex and single-stranded DNA, and we follow conformational transitions triggered by ATP hydrolysis. Our results reveal that ATP hydrolysis promotes rapid DrRecA dissociation from duplex DNA, whereas on single-stranded DNA, DrRecA filaments interconvert between stretched and compressed conformations, which is a behavior shared by E. coli RecA and human Rad51. This indicates a high conservation of conformational switching in nucleoprotein filaments and suggests that additional factors might contribute to an inverse pathway of DrRecA strand exchange