3,032 research outputs found

    The Study of Sorption of the Milk Ionized Calcium by Sodium Alginate

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    The possibility of regulation of defatted cow milk salt composition (fat content– 0,05 %) with the use of sodium alginate as a natural ion-exchanger was studied. Realization of the properties of sodium alginate as to the bounding of calcium ions allows receive the systems on the base of cow milk, stable in time and at the thermal processing. The studies established the influence of technological factors on the sorption of ionized calcium by the solution of complex-creator by sodium alginate. It was established, that the important factors that influence the process are the active acidity and conditions of the process, namely, the phased addition of sorbent that favors the equal speed of process and, as the result, the equal speed of sorption during the whole process. At the same time the study of influence of sorption area and temperature demonstrates that these factors are not determining ones in this process. It was established, that rationalization of parameters of ionized calcium sorption results in the raise of thermal stability of defatted cow milk and the systems on its base. Materials, given in the work, are the base for elaboration and introduction of technology of dessert production (ice-cream, creams, puddings, cocktails and so on), in which composition the colloid stability is provided at the joint use of milk and fruit-berry raw material that can be used in food industry

    Концепт-архетип Христос: підґрунтя мікроконцептосфери Святки

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    У статті розглядається вербальне вираження концепту Христос у складі мікроконцептосфери Святки, що передбачає вилучення інформації про досліджуваний фрагмент концептуальної картини світу людини зі словників різних типів та етнографічних джерел (культурологічний аспект) і визначення особливостей його репрезентації в мові (семантичний аспект). (The article deals with the complex analysis of the concept Christ of the microconceptosphere Sviatki projected for studying the peculiarities of its reflection in the synchronistical and diachronic aspects, as well as for clarifying of the specific character of its reflection in the hierarchical system of the linguistic world-image. Keeping within the limits of the lingvoculturological approach of the linguistic conceptology, in the research the notions such as conceptosphere, concept, conceptual microfield were considered. In the structure of the microconceptosphere Sviatki 46 central concepts distributed to 10 conceptual microfields were distinguished. The appropriate field structure (nucleus, near-nucleus zone and periphery) of the microconceptosphere Sviatki was modeled and the hierarchical organization (superconcepts, presuperconcept, basic concepts, subconcepts) was presented. But the technique of the analysis of the lingvoculturological concepts suggested in this work consists of 3 stages: 1) formation of the nominative field of concept and definition of its nominative density; 2) separation and description of the structural elements of the concept; 3) modeling of its field structure. During the analysis of every concept the means of its linguistic expression, including their paradigmatic and derivational peculiarities were characterized. The research of the central concepts of the microconceptosphere Sviatki permitted to discover the specific character of the national mentality of the Ukrainians within the limits of this fragment of the linguistic world-image.

    The results of an experimental study on the development of critical thinking of higher education institution students in the conditions of education organization in teams

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    The modern society expects that the university students will have the skills to work in ateam, professional competences, and ability to think critically about the surrounding. Thesubject of studying the processes of critical thinking education, finding a way out of difficultsituations and applying such skills in practice, is relevant and attracts the attention ofdomestic and foreign researchers. According to their view, the higher education institutionstudents should have the integrative skills, ability to work in a team, think critically andcreatively realize their ideas. Formation of critical thinking is the result of interactionbetween a teacher and a student, and is most fully manifested in the involvement of studentsin teamwork, where the process of active thinking is created through the special training,making exercises and carrying out trainings

    Aurora A kinase activity influences calcium signaling in kidney cells

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    Aurora A is abnormally expressed and activated in cells lining cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease and can phosphorylate and inactivate polycystin 2


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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York. This paper is devoted to a study of the characteristic features of the composition and structure of crude oils from terrigenous Devonian producing deposits in the Minnibaevskii section of the Romashkino and Pervomai fields. Using the SynOil program, we identified the features of the molecular weight distribution of n-paraffins, cyclohexanes, and monoalkylbenzenes associated with the formation and transformation conditions in the crude oil deposits

    Formation of high-carbon abrasion-resistant surface layers when high-energy heating by high-frequency currents

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    The paper shows the possibility of carburization of low-carbon steel surface layers using high-frequency currents. The mathematical modeling of carburization using high-energy heating by high-frequency currents (HEH HFC) has been carried out, the temperature fields formed during the given processing have been calculated, as well as the structural changes in the surface layers have been simulated. The features of the structure formation in the surface layers of low-carbon steel after carburizing via HEH HFC have been determined by optical and scanning microscopy, which is confirmed by the computational models. The rational mode of fusion via HEH HFC has also been determined (power density of the source q[s]=(1.5...4.0)•10{8} W m{-2}, (the relative travel speed of parts V[p]=5 ... 100 mm /sec), with forming the compressive retained stresses in the surface layer ([sigma][RS]=-300...-400 MPa)

    Choice of parameters and stability of nonlinear vibration isolation device

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    Work of active vibration isolation devices with single-mass electromagnetic suspension taking into account of real characteristics of the voltage regulators is described. The analytical researches are carried out; the areas of stability of work of nonlinear vibration isolation device are defined

    Control system of parameters of the azimuthal module

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    Analytical and experimental studies of the azimuthal module of two-component vibrational micromechanical gyroscope were conducted. It is shown that the micromechanical gyroscope is a system with distributed parameters. The frequency analysis is performed using software T-Flex. The influence of mechanical disturbances on the movement of azimuthal module in the form of translational and angular oscillations is shown; the natural frequencies of the azimuth are defined

    A75 Modern concepts of cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer and their prognostic significance

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. The incidence of breast cancer in 2014 in the Republic of Mordovia was 69.9 per 100,000 female populations. Breast cancer occurs when excessive expression of oncoproteins switches in the case of transformation of proto-oncogene in PRADI. In primary breast tumors, mutations and the expression of the three oncogenes Her2/neu, C-mys, Int-2, as well as in supressonyh genes – the p53 gene and the retinoblastoma gene RB are the most common. Several studies found that oncogene – C-mys was expressed in 16.8% of primary breast cancer cases and in 35% cases with subsequent development of metastases. Proteins that stimulate the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinasescan activateunder the influence of growth factors. Development of breast cancer is regulated by a complex interaction of many hormones and growth factors. Currently, one of the leading theories of developing breast cancer is the increased hormonal stimulation of proliferative processes in the development of neoplasia. One of the manifestations of hormonal imbalance in tumor during a regular decrease in blood competitive inhibitor of the biological effects of estrogen – progesterone, which is in correlation with the stage of the spread of neoplasia. The role of the overproduction of estrogen in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is confirmed by the fact that in women who underwent oophorectomy before the age of 38years, the risk of breast cancer development is 1.5 times less than in those who did not have such operation. Excessive accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the area of neoplasia activates mechanisms violation of intercellular interaction that caused the destruction of the lipid components of membranes.The study group included 112 patients treated at the State Institution of Health of the Republic of Mordovia “National Oncology Center”. To identify the nature of tumors, all patients underwent immunohistochemical analysis. Androgen receptors were found in 48% of breast cancer cases, the expression level of androgen receptor in the tumor was much lower than the expression level of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Low levels of progesterone receptor expression in breast cancer cells were combined with high levels of expression of Ki-67 antigen, HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells. Patients with HER-2 (3+) and (2+) had more frequent multiple metastases in lymph nodes compared to patients with HER-2 (0) and (1+) phenotypes. Maximum expression of HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells indicated high metastatic potential and poor prognosis.It may be concluded that the cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer are complex. Therefore, carcinogenesis has a “multistep” nature and at least two or more mutations in the cells of the same clone – parent and child are required to generate malignant tumors. Thus, the development of oncogenic transformation does not necessarily mean the process of tumor formation