6 research outputs found

    Perspective Application Directions of Fiber Optic Lasers in the Repair and Renewal Operations on the Linear Part of Main Gas Pipelines

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    Large number of main pipelines requires today an immediate repair. Equipment producing entertainments supply the market with more and more new and advanced devices. However, their use does not always allow reducing the repair work period. That way it is appropriate to develop the alternative repair methods that allow reducing the labor intensity as well as the cost of repair and renewal operations. One of the promising areas is the laser technologies application in the repair process

    Perspective Application Directions of Fiber Optic Lasers in the Repair and Renewal Operations on the Linear Part of Main Gas Pipelines

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    Large number of main pipelines requires today an immediate repair. Equipment producing entertainments supply the market with more and more new and advanced devices. However, their use does not always allow reducing the repair work period. That way it is appropriate to develop the alternative repair methods that allow reducing the labor intensity as well as the cost of repair and renewal operations. One of the promising areas is the laser technologies application in the repair process

    Hyperons at the BM@N experiment: first results

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    BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment to be realized at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron at JINR (Dubna). The aim of the experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy ion beams of kinetic energy per nucleon ranging from 1 to 4.5 GeV with fixed targets. First results of the analysis of minimum bias interactions of the deuteron and carbon beams of 4 AGeV kinetic energy with different targets are discussed. Preliminary results from the data collected in the recent experimental run with the argon beam are also presented

    Hyperons at the BM@N experiment: first results

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    BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment to be realized at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron at JINR (Dubna). The aim of the experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy ion beams of kinetic energy per nucleon ranging from 1 to 4.5 GeV with fixed targets. First results of the analysis of minimum bias interactions of the deuteron and carbon beams of 4 AGeV kinetic energy with different targets are discussed. Preliminary results from the data collected in the recent experimental run with the argon beam are also presented


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    Purpose The study of potential years of lost life (PYLL) to premature mortality from various diseases and disorders classes. Design/methodology/approach The PYLL gives you the opportunity to judge the scale of the problems to assess the priorities and effectiveness of health care. The PYLL from all and leading death causes for 1000 men and women are calculated. The PYLL became the basis for the application of the matrix method typing municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Findings The PYLL indicators from all causes peaked in 2005, it decreased during all subsequent years. The most unfavorable situation can be seen in areas of the Western Angara region where the men average PYLL indicator is 1.6 times higher than the regional indicators, and the dynamics characterized by moderate growth (3.5%). In general, the women PYLL indicator is higher than the regional relative losses. This PYLL positive trend associated with changes in alcohol consumption (reduction of the share of spirits). At the same time, the PYLL, associated with the availability and quality of health care, is not reduced or tend to increase (malignant neoplasms, ischemic heart disease). Practical implications Using the matrix method (compared to conventional) typing "disadvantaged" municipalities allowed to form their extended list for management actions.Цель Оценка потерянных лет жизни (PYLL) от преждевременной смертности для различных классов болезней и отдельных заболеваний. Дизайн/методология/подход PYLL дает нам возможность судить о масштабе проблем для оценки приоритетов и эффективности здравоохранения. Рассчитаны коэффициенты PYLL от всех и ведущих причин смерти на 1000 мужчин и женщин. Оценены динамика, интенсивность, направленность и выраженность PYLL, основанных на расчетах средней уровня ряда и среднего темпа прироста/снижения показателя, которые легли в основу применения матричного метода типизации муниципальных образований Красноярского края. Результаты Показатель PYLL от всех причин, как для мужчин, так и для женщин, достигнув максимума в 2005 году, все последующие годы снижался. Основные потери PYLL фиксируются у детей до 1 года и у лиц среднего и старшего трудоспособных возрастов. В географическом аспекте наиболее неблагоприятная ситуация отмечается в районах западного Приангарья, где у мужчин средний уровень показателя PYLL в 1,6 раза превышал краевой показатель, а динамика характеризовалась умеренным ростом в 3,5%. У женщин уровень и динамика коэффициента превышали относительные потери в целом по краю. Показано, что отмеченные позитивные сдвиги в динамике преждевременных потерь связаны с изменением структуры потребления алкогольных напитков (снижение доли крепкого алкоголя). В то же время потери от тех причин смерти, которые тесно связаны с доступностью и качеством оказания медицинской помощи не снижаются, либо имеют тенденцию к росту (злокачественные новообразования, ишемическая болезнь сердца). Заключение Использование матричного метода (по сравнению с традиционными) типизации «неблагополучных» муниципальных образований позволило сформировать их расширенный перечень для принятия управленческих воздействий

    Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on the Gut Microbiota Composition and Serum Amino Acid Profile in Rats

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) heavily impacts the body: it damages the brain tissue and the peripheral nervous system and shifts homeostasis in many types of tissue. An acute brain injury compromises the “brain–gut-microbiome axis”, a well-balanced network formed by the brain, gastrointestinal tract, and gut microbiome, which has a complex effect: damage to the brain alters the composition of the microbiome; the altered microbiome affects TBI severity, neuroplasticity, and metabolic pathways through various bacterial metabolites. We modeled TBI in rats. Using a bioinformatics approach, we sought to identify correlations between the gut microbiome composition, TBI severity, the rate of neurological function recovery, and blood metabolome. We found that the TBI caused changes in the abundance of 26 bacterial genera. The most dramatic change was observed in the abundance of Agathobacter species. The TBI also altered concentrations of several metabolites, specifically citrulline and tryptophan. We found no significant correlations between TBI severity and the pre-existing gut microbiota composition or blood metabolites. However, we discovered some differences between the two groups of subjects that showed high and low rates of neurological function recovery, respectively. The present study highlights the role of the brain–gut-microbiome axis in TBI