371 research outputs found

    Inorganic nitrogen availability alters Eucalyptus grandis receptivity to the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus albus but not symbiotic nitrogen transfer.

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    Forest trees are able to thrive in nutrient-poor soils in part because they obtain growth-limiting nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), through mutualistic symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. Addition of inorganic N into these soils is known to disrupt this mutualism and reduce the diversity of ECM fungi. Despite its ecological impact, the mechanisms governing the observed effects of elevated inorganic N on mycorrhizal communities remain unknown. We address this by using a compartmentalized in vitro system to independently alter nutrients to each symbiont. Using stable isotopes, we traced the nutrient flux under different nutrient regimes between Eucalyptus grandis and its ectomycorrhizal symbiont, Pisolithus albus. We demonstrate that giving E. grandis independent access to N causes a significant reduction in root colonization by P. albus. Transcriptional analysis suggests that the observed reduction in colonization may be caused, in part, by altered transcription of microbe perception genes and defence genes. We show that delivery of N to host leaves is not increased by host nutrient deficiency but by fungal nutrient availability instead. Overall, this advances our understanding of the effects of N fertilization on ECM fungi and the factors governing nutrient transfer in the E. grandis-P. microcarpus interaction

    Novel Microdialysis Technique Reveals a Dramatic Shift in Metabolite Secretion during the Early Stages of the Interaction between the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and Its Host Eucalyptus grandis

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    The colonisation of tree roots by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi is the result of numerous signalling exchanges between organisms, many of which occur before physical contact. However, information is lacking about these exchanges and the compounds that are secreted by each organism before contact. This is in part due to a lack of low disturbance sampling methods with sufficient temporal and spatial resolution to capture these exchanges. Using a novel in situ microdialysis approach, we sampled metabolites released from Eucalyptus grandis and Pisolithus microcarpus independently and during indirect contact over a 48-h time-course using UPLC-MS. A total of 560 and 1530 molecular features (MFs; ESI- and ESI+ respectively) were identified with significant differential abundance from control treatments. We observed that indirect contact between organisms altered the secretion of MFs to produce a distinct metabolomic profile compared to either organism independently. Many of these MFs were produced within the first hour of contact and included several phenylpropanoids, fatty acids and organic acids. These findings show that the secreted metabolome, particularly of the ECM fungus, can rapidly shift during the early stages of pre-symbiotic contact and highlight the importance of observing these early interactions in greater detail. We present microdialysis as a useful tool for examining plant-fungal signalling with high temporal resolution and with minimal experimental disturbance

    The ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpusencodes a microRNA involved in cross-kingdom gene silencing during symbiosis

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    Small RNAs (sRNAs) are known to regulate pathogenic plant-microbe interactions. Emerging evidence from the study of these model systems suggests that microRNAs (miRNAs) can be translocated between microbes and plants to facilitate symbiosis. The roles of sRNAs in mutualistic mycorrhizal fungal interactions, however, are largely unknown. In this study, we characterized miRNAs encoded by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and investigated their expression during mutualistic interaction with Eucalyptus grandis. Using sRNA sequencing data and in situ miRNA detection, a novel fungal miRNA, Pmic_miR-8, was found to be transported into E. grandis roots after interaction with P. microcarpus. Further characterization experiments demonstrate that inhibition of Pmic_miR-8 negatively impacts the maintenance of mycorrhizal roots in E. grandis, while supplementation of Pmic_miR-8 led to deeper integration of the fungus into plant tissues. Target prediction and experimental testing suggest that Pmic_miR-8 may target the host NB-ARC domain containing transcripts, suggesting a potential role for this miRNA in subverting host signaling to stabilize the symbiotic interaction. Altogether, we provide evidence of previously undescribed cross-kingdom sRNA transfer from ectomycorrhizal fungi to plant roots, shedding light onto the involvement of miRNAs during the developmental process of mutualistic symbioses

    Both Constitutive and Infection‐Responsive Secondary Metabolites Linked to Resistance against Austropuccinia psidii (Myrtle Rust) in Melaleuca quinquenervia

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    Austropuccinia psidii is a fungal plant pathogen that infects species within the Myrtaceae, causing the disease myrtle rust. Myrtle rust is causing declines in populations within natural and managed ecosystems and is expected to result in species extinctions. Despite this, variation in response to A. psidii exist within some species, from complete susceptibility to resistance that prevents or limits infection by the pathogen. Untargeted metabolomics using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ion Mobility followed by analysis using MetaboAnalyst 3.0, was used to ex-plore the chemical defence profiles of resistant, hypersensitive and susceptible phenotypes within Melaleuca quinquenervia during the early stages of A. psidii infection. We were able to identify three separate pools of secondary metabolites: (i) metabolites classified structurally as flavonoids that were naturally higher in the leaves of resistant individuals prior to infection, (ii) organoheterocyclic and carbohydrate‐related metabolites that varied with the level of host resistance post‐infection, and (iii) metabolites from the terpenoid pathways that were responsive to disease progression re-gardless of resistance phenotype suggesting that these play a minimal role in disease resistance during the early stages of colonization of this species. Based on the classes of these secondary me-tabolites, our results provide an improved understanding of key pathways that could be linked more generally to rust resistance with particular application within Melaleuca. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    In Cardiac Patients ÎČ-Blockers Attenuate the Decrease in Work Rate during Exercise at a Constant Submaximal Heart Rate

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    Purpose Exercise prescription based on fixed heart rate (HR) values is not associated with a specific work rate (WR) during prolonged exercise. This phenomenon has never been evaluated in cardiac patients and might be associated with a slow component of HR kinetics and ÎČ-adrenergic activity. The aims were to quantify, in cardiac patients, the WR decrease at a fixed HR and to test if it would be attenuated by ÎČ-blockers. Methods Seventeen patients with coronary artery disease in stable conditions (69 ± 9 yr) were divided into two groups according to the presence (BB) or absence (no-BB) of a therapy with ÎČ-blockers, and performed on a cycle ergometer: An incremental exercise (INCR) and a 15-min "HRCLAMPED"exercise, in which WR was continuously adjusted to maintain a constant HR, corresponding to the gas exchange threshold +15%. HR was determined by the ECG signal, and pulmonary gas exchange was assessed breath-by-breath. Results During INCR, HRpeak was lower in BB versus no-BB (P < 0.05), whereas no differences were observed for other variables. During HRCLAMPED, the decrease in WR needed to maintain HR constant was less pronounced in BB versus no-BB (-16% ± 10% vs -27 ± 10, P = 0.04) and was accompanied by a decreased VO2 only in no-BB (-13% ± 6%, P < 0.001). Conclusions The decrease in WR during a 15-min exercise at a fixed HR (slightly higher than that at gas exchange threshold) was attenuated in BB, suggesting a potential role by ÎČ-adrenergic stimulation. The phenomenon may represent, also in this population, a sign of impaired exercise tolerance and interferes with aerobic exercise prescription

    VP2 potentiates the proteccion induced by VP6 against the rotavirus infection in a DNA vaccine model

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    Viruses like particles (VLPs) composed of VP2/VP6 are very effective in inducing protection against the rotavirus infection in animal models. Individually, VP6 also can induce protection against the infection; however, there is no information about the immunogenicity of VP2. The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of DNA vaccines that codify for VP2 and VP6 alone or combined to induce protection against the rotavirus infection. Murine rotavirus VP2 and VP6 genes were cloned into the pCDNA-3 vector. Adult BALB/c mice were inoculated 3 times by intramuscular injections with 100 or 200 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6, alone or combined. Two weeks after the last inoculation, mice were challenged with the murine rotavirus EDIM. We found that both plasmids pCDNA-3VP2 and pCDNA-3VP6 were able to induce rotavirus-specific serum antibodies, but not intestinal rotavirus-specific IgA. Only pCDNA-3VP6 at 200 mg could induce 30 % protection against the infection. Co-administration of 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP2 with 100 mg of pCDNA-3VP6 induced 35 % protection. When different ratios of pCDNA-3VP2/pCDNA-3VP6 were used, it was found that the co-administration of 10 ”g pCDNA-3VP2/ 100 ”g pCDNA-3VP6 gave the best result with up to 55 % protection. These results indicate that the DNA plasmid expressing VP6 is a better vaccine candidate that the one expressing VP2 but co-administration of both plasmids is a good alternative to potentiate the protection induced by VP6, probably by the formation of VLPs VP2/VP6 in vivo

    Deficiency of Src family kinases compromises the repopulating ability of hematopoietic stem cells

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    OBJECTIVE: Src family kinases (SFK) have been implicated in regulating growth factor and integrin-induced proliferation, migration, and gene expression in multiple cell types. However, little is known about the role of these kinases in the growth, homing, and engraftment potential of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. RESULTS: Here we show that loss of hematopoietic-specific SFKs Hck, Fgr, and Lyn results in increased number of Sca-1(+)Lin(-) cells in the bone marrow, which respond differentially to cytokine-induced growth in vitro and manifest a significant defect in the long-term repopulating potential in vivo. Interestingly, a significant increase in expression of adhesion molecules, known to coincide with the homing potential of wild-type bone marrow cells is also observed on the surface of SFK(-/-) cells, although, this increase did not affect the homing potential of more primitive Lin(-)Sca-1(+) SFK(-/-) cells. The stem cell-repopulating defect observed in mice transplanted with SFK(-/-) bone marrow cells is due to the loss of Lyn Src kinase, because deficiency of Lyn, but not Hck or Fgr, recapitulated the long-term stem cell defect observed in mice transplanted with SFK(-/-) bone marrow cells. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results demonstrate an essential role for Lyn kinase in positively regulating the long-term and multilineage engraftment of stem cells, which is distinct from its role in mature B cells and myeloid cells

    Structural variations in wheat HKT1;5 underpin differences in Na+ transport capacity

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    An important trait associated with the salt tolerance of wheat is the exclusion of sodium ions ( Naâș) from the shoot. We have previously shown that the sodium transporters TmHKT1;5-A and TaHKT1;5-D, from Triticum monoccocum (Tm) and Triticum aestivum (Ta), are encoded by genes underlying the major shoot Naâș- exclusion loci Nax1 and Kna1, respectively. Here, using heterologous expression, we show that the affinity (Km) for the Naâș transport of TmHKT1;5-A, at 2.66 mM, is higher than that of TaHKT1;5-D at 7.50 mM. Through 3D structural modelling, we identify residues D⁎⁷Âč/a gap and D⁎⁷⁎/ G⁎⁷³ that contribute to this property. We identify four additional mutations in amino acid residues that inhibit the transport activity of TmHKT1;5-A, which are predicted to be the result of an occlusion of the pore. We propose that the underlying transport properties of TmHKT1;5-A and TaHKT1;5-D contribute to their unique ability to improve Naâș exclusion in wheat that leads to an improved salinity tolerance in the field.Bo Xu, Shane Waters, Caitlin S. Byrt, Darren Plett, Stephen D. Tyerman, Mark Tester, Rana Munns, Maria Hrmova, Matthew Gilliha
