20 research outputs found


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    Unacceptable parental capacity... : A qualitative study about when social welfare boards consider that the parental capacity is unacceptable.

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    Our purpose with this study was to understand how social welfare board perceive neglect and what they consider are unacceptable flaws in parental capacity. The central focus of the study is located in the assessment of the social welfare boards when they consider that the parental capacity is unacceptable. The study aims to answer the following questions:   How does social welfare board understand neglect? How perceive social welfare board unacceptable parental capacity?   Our study is based on a document analysis of fourteen cases from administrative rulings where social welfare board applied for LVU 1§ 2§ because of flaws in care. We have used hermeneutic interpretation to look at the empirical material. The theoretical framework of the study consists systems theory and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model with focus on the family as the basic system.   The result we found was that the unacceptable parental capacity consisted of  parental individual problems. Problems we could identify at the parents were mental illness, disability, relationship conflicts, violence and abuse. Social welfare board had payed attention to several types of neglect. We identified moral care, emotional care, physical care and fysical violence.   Our conclusion is that it not only was just one specific problem in the family without that it were several parallel problems which led to that social welfare board consisted that the parental capacity is unacceptable. The study shows that the term neglect is difficult to define and is a interpretation question of the social welfare board to assess whether each boundary goes where the child is considered to fare badly.

    Der Papin'sche Topf, den Bewohnern des Bernhardsberges empfohlen

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    Ueber Kali- und Jodgehalt des Karlsbader Wassers

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    Das Cramér-Lundberg Ruin Modell mit einer hohen Dividenden Barriere

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersIn the classical collective risk theory the Cramér-Lundberg model is used to model the surplus in a non-life insurance company. The Cramér-Lundberg inequality can be derived, giving an upper bound for the probability of ruin dependent on the initial surplus. Moreover, the usage of a major result from renewal theory (the Key Renewal Theorem) shows the probability of ruin to be asymptotically exponential as the initial surplus tends to infinity. However, ruin can only be avoided if the surplus increases to infinity. The main goal in this Master thesis is to analyze a modified version that includes a dividend barrier in order to prevent this behavior. In this new model ruin occurs with probability one and it is interesting to know when. If the barrier tends to infinity, an asymptotic distribution for the time of ruin can be found. Depending on the barrier being attained or not, ruin happens on different time scales. If the barrier is reached, the surplus process performs a recurrent motion in the vicinity of the barrier and ruin takes place after a very long exponentially distributed time. Otherwise, ruin occurs quite soon and the time of ruin has the same distribution as in the classical model conditional on ruin occurring. As a next step, the proportion of time the surplus is below some given level can be derived by using some relations to queueing theory. In case of exponentially distributed claims, the density of the time of ruin is found by numerical inversion of its Laplace transform which can be calculated explicitly. Finally, additional support for the found asymptotic formula is provided by a Monte Carlo simulation of the surplus process with Erlang distributed claims.In der kollektiven Risikotheorie wird das Cramér-Lundberg Modell verwendet, um die Reserve eines Nichtlebensversichungsunternehmens zu modellieren. Die Cramér-Lundberg Ungleichung kann gefunden werden, sie gibt eine obere Schranke für die Ruinwahrscheinlichkeit in Abhängigkeit von der anfänglichen Reserve. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Verwendung eines der Hauptresultate der Erneuerungstheorie (nämlich die Integralversion des Blackwellschen Erneuerungstheorems), dass die Ruinwahrscheinlichkeit mit wachsender anfänglicher Reserve asymptotisch exponentiell abnimmt. Dennoch kann Ruin nur dann vermieden werden, falls die Reserve in das Unendliche wächst. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist eine modifizierte Version dieses Modells zu analysieren, welche eine Dividendenbarriere inkludiert, um dieses Verhalten zu vermeiden. In diesem neuen Modell kommt es mit Wahrscheinlichkeit 1 zum Ruin, und es ist interessant zu wissen, wann dies geschieht. In Abhängigkeit ob die Barriere erreicht wird oder nicht, passiert der Ruin auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen. Wird sie erreicht, so macht die Reserve eine immer wiederkehrende Bewegung in der Nähe der Barriere und der Ruin geschieht nach einer sehr langen exponentialverteilten Zeit. Anderenfalls tritt der Ruin ziemlich bald ein und die Ruinzeit hat dieselbe Verteilung wie im klassischen Modell mit der Bedingung, dass es überhaupt zum Ruin kommt. Als nächsten Schritt kann mit Hilfe von Resultaten der Warteschlangentheorie der Anteil an Zeit, wo sich die Reserve unter einer gegebenen Höhe befindet, ermittelt werden. Im Falle von exponentialverteilten Schäden kann die Dichte der Ruinzeit gefunden werden, indem man die Laplace Transformierte explizit berechnet und diese dann numerisch invertiert. Schlussendlich wird durch eine Monte Carlo Simulation des Reserveprozesses mit Erlang verteilten Schäden noch zusätzliche Unterstützung für die gefundene asymptotische Formel geliefert.8

    Das chemische Laboratorium an der k.k. Universität zu Prag

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    Ausf�llung des Zinns durch Blei

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    Unacceptable parental capacity... : A qualitative study about when social welfare boards consider that the parental capacity is unacceptable.

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    Our purpose with this study was to understand how social welfare board perceive neglect and what they consider are unacceptable flaws in parental capacity. The central focus of the study is located in the assessment of the social welfare boards when they consider that the parental capacity is unacceptable. The study aims to answer the following questions:   How does social welfare board understand neglect? How perceive social welfare board unacceptable parental capacity?   Our study is based on a document analysis of fourteen cases from administrative rulings where social welfare board applied for LVU 1§ 2§ because of flaws in care. We have used hermeneutic interpretation to look at the empirical material. The theoretical framework of the study consists systems theory and Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model with focus on the family as the basic system.   The result we found was that the unacceptable parental capacity consisted of  parental individual problems. Problems we could identify at the parents were mental illness, disability, relationship conflicts, violence and abuse. Social welfare board had payed attention to several types of neglect. We identified moral care, emotional care, physical care and fysical violence.   Our conclusion is that it not only was just one specific problem in the family without that it were several parallel problems which led to that social welfare board consisted that the parental capacity is unacceptable. The study shows that the term neglect is difficult to define and is a interpretation question of the social welfare board to assess whether each boundary goes where the child is considered to fare badly.