14 research outputs found

    European islands, development and the cohesion policy : a case study of Kokar, Aland islands

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    A European Union initiative is seeking ways of determining the development potential of Europe’s lagging regions, which include various islands. On the basis of the policy review, methodology and data collected by the ongoing EUROISLANDS project, this paper presents Kökar (population: 262), the easternmost municipality of the Åland Islands, as a prototype archipelago that is seriously challenged by its size and multiple peripherality. It reviews the state of its social and transportation infrastructure, and of its human and financial capital. While the situation is serious, there are opportunities for branding, for developing associated economic activity, as well for appealing to a new wave of residents.peer-reviewe

    European Islands, Development and the Cohesion Policy: A Case Study of Kökar, Åland Islands

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    A European Union initiative is seeking ways of determining the development potential of Europe’s lagging regions, which include various islands. On the basis of the policy review, methodology and data collected by the ongoing EUROISLANDS project, this paper present Kökar (population: 262), the easternmost municipality of the Åland Islands, as a prototype archipelago that is seriously challenged by its size and multiple peripherality. It reviews the state of its social and transportation infrastructure, and of its human and financial capital. While the situation is serious, there are opportunities for branding, for developing associated economic activity, as well for appealing to a new wave of residents

    Schizotopia: on small islands and sustainability : Reflections from the two collaborative projects Circular Water Challenge and Pelago

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    Coastal areas in many high-income countries face complex challenges of de-population, geographic conditions, and sensitive ecosystems. At the same time, they offer attractive leisure activities and nature for summer residents and visitors. This report summarizes experiences and observations from action-oriented collaboration in island communities of the Baltic Sea specifically focused on sustainable water and sanitation. A co-productive approach was employed where researchers and students collaborated with residents, municipal and regional authorities, conservation organisations, landowners, and private sector actors. Our findings indicate that co-productive approaches are beneficial and can complement formal structures, although we note several challenges to efficient collaboration. Most importantly, we identify an uneven temporal distribution of population that conflicts with the natural fluctuation of water availability as a key factor that affects, and in some cases blocks, positive outcomes. We propose the concept of schizotope (split landscape) to describe this seasonal variation. We argue that schizotopes pose serious challenges to co-production and sustainable development of islands in general, which need much more attention in regional policy and in research.KustomrĂ„den i mĂ„nga höginkomstlĂ€nder stĂ„r inför komplexa utmaningar med avbefolkning, speciella geografiska förhĂ„llanden och kĂ€nsliga ekosystem. Samtidigt erbjuder de attraktiva fritidsaktiviteter och naturupplevelser för sommargĂ€ster och besökare. Denna rapport sammanfattar erfarenheter och observationer frĂ„n Ă„tgĂ€rdsinriktat samarbete pĂ„ öar i Östersjön med fokus pĂ„ hĂ„llbara vatten- och sanitetslösningar. En samskapande metod anvĂ€ndes dĂ€r forskare och studenter samarbetade med boende, kommunala och regionala myndigheter, naturvĂ„rdsorganisationer, markĂ€gare och aktörer inom privat sektor. VĂ„ra resultat indikerar fördelar med samproducerande metoder som kompletterar formella strukturer, Ă€ven om vi noterar flera utmaningar för effektivt samarbete. Framför allt identifierar vi en ojĂ€mn tidsmĂ€ssig fördelning av befolkningstryck vilket kontrasterar med naturliga fluktuationer i vattentillgĂ„ng som en nyckelfaktor som pĂ„verkar, och i vissa fall hindrar, positiva resultat. Vi föreslĂ„r begreppet "schizotop" (uppdelat landskap) för att beskriva denna sĂ€songsmĂ€ssiga variation. Vi argumenterar för att schizotoper utgör allvarliga utmaningar för samproduktion och hĂ„llbar utveckling av öar i allmĂ€nhet, vilket behöver mycket mer uppmĂ€rksamhet inom regional politik och forskning.QC 20240125</p

    Epidemiological analysis of ozone and nitrogen impacts on vegetation - critical evaluation and recommendations

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    For human health studies, epidemiology has been established as important tool to examine factors that affect the frequency and distribution of disease, injury, and other health-related events in a defined population, serving the purpose of establishing prevention and control programs. On the other hand, gradient studies have a long tradition in the research of air pollution effects on plants. While there is no principal difference between gradient and epidemiological studies, the former address more one-dimensional transects while the latter focus more on populations and include more experience in making quantitative predictions, in dealing with confounding factors and in taking into account the complex interplay of different factors acting at different levels. Epidemiological analyses may disentangle and quantify the contributions of different predictor variables to an overall effect, e.g. plant growth, and may generate hypotheses deserving further study in experiments. Therefore, their use in ecosystem research is encouraged. This article provides a number of recommendations on: (1) spatial and temporal aspects in preparing predictor maps of nitrogen deposition, ozone exposure and meteorological covariates; (2) extent of a dataset required for an analysis; (3) choice of the appropriate regression model and conditions to be satisfied by the data; (4) selection of the relevant explanatory variables; (5) treatment of interactions and confounding factors; and (6) assessment of model validity

    FrÄn Okavango till Kuggom

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    FrĂ„n Okavango till Kuggom InnehĂ„llsförteckning: – Inledaren: VĂ€rna om specialkunskap av HĂ„kan Eklund. – VattenvĂ„rden – en utmaning för kustkommunerna av Maria Söderström. – Projektet KRAV av Heidi Ekhlom. – Farleden Åbo – Helsingfors pĂ„ hertig Johans tid av Anders Moliis-Mellberg. – PĂ„ jakt i en annorlunda skĂ€rgĂ„rd av Eirik Granqvist. – Bottenhavets nya nationalpark av Mikael Nordström. – Strandhugg pĂ„ FĂ€röarna av Gunilla Heick. – Seglatser med Hoppet i Estlands svenskbygder av Thure Malmberg. – Med Pörtö, Iniö och Oman som arbetsfĂ€lt av Thure Malmberg. – Kuggom – bĂ„tbyggartraditioner som inte fĂ„r brytas av Thomas Rosenberg. – Brev till och frĂ„n skĂ€rgĂ„rden och vĂ€rldshaven av Gun Herranen. – Rapport frĂ„n en ö av Christian Pleijel. – Sjundeklassister pĂ„ skĂ€rgĂ„rdsutflykt av Pia Prost. – Ett lagom stĂ€lle av HĂ„kan Eklund. – Bokhörnan av HĂ„kan Eklund. – GenmĂ€le till Nadina Karlsson av Eva Nyberg. – Kolumnen: FrĂ„n Satus horisont av Satu Numminen. – Sista bilden av HĂ„kan Eklund

    Parameterization of Thermal Properties of Aging Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Photo-Oxidation of Selected Terpene Mixtures

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    Formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from biogenic VOCs influences the Earth’s radiative balance. We have examined the photo-oxidation and aging of boreal terpene mixtures in the SAPHIR simulation chamber. Changes in thermal properties and chemical composition, deduced from mass spectrometric measurements, were providing information on the aging of biogenic SOA produced under ambient solar conditions. Effects of precursor mixture, concentration, and photochemical oxidation levels (OH exposure) were evaluated. OH exposure was found to be the major driver in the long term photochemical transformations, i.e., reaction times of several hours up to days, of SOA and its thermal properties, whereas the initial concentrations and terpenoid mixtures had only minor influence. The volatility distributions were parametrized using a sigmoidal function to determine TVFR0.5 (the temperature yielding a 50% particle volume fraction remaining) and the steepness of the volatility distribution. TVFR0.5 increased by 0.3 ± 0.1% (ca. 1 K), while the steepness increased by 0.9 ± 0.3% per hour of 1 × 106 cm–3 OH exposure. Thus, aging reduces volatility and increases homogeneity of the vapor pressure distribution, presumably because highly volatile fractions become increasingly susceptible to gas phase oxidation, while less volatile fractions are less reactive with gas phase OH


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    Följande böcker recenseras: Aasgaard, Reidar, Ona Maria Cojocaru och Cornelia B. Horn (red), Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient Medieval Worlds (Mikael Larsson) Ben Zvi, Ehud and Diana Vikander Edemann, Imagining the Other and Constructing Israelite Identity in the Early Second Temple Period (Karin Tillberg)  Biblica, nuBibeln (Per-Olof Hermansson) Brodersen, Alma, The End of the Psalter: Psalms 146–150 in the Masoretic Text, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Septuagint (David Willgren) Dodson Joseph R. and David E. Briones (eds.), Paul and Seneca in Dialogue (Adam Sabir) Dodson, Joseph R. and Andrew W. Pitts (eds.), Paul and the Greco-Roman Philosophical Tradition (Adam Sabir) Eidsvåg, Gunnar Magnus, The Old Greek Translation of Zechariah (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Fredriksen, Paula, Paul: The Pagan’s Apostle (Lukas Hagel) Frevel, Christian, Gottesbilder und Menschenbilder: Studien zu Anthropologie und Theologie im Alten Testament, samt Wagner, Andreas, Menschenverständnis und Gottesverständnis im Alten Testament: Gesammelte Aufsätze 2 (Richard Pleijel) Gertz, Jan C., Bernhard M. Levinson, Dalit Rom-Shiloni och Konrad Schmid (red.), The Formation of the Pentateuch: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel, and North America (Josef Forsling)  Graybill, Rhiannon, Are We Not Men? Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets (Mikael Larsson) Gundry, Robert H., Peter – False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew (John-Christian Eurell) Hays, Richard B., Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels (James Starr)  Heilig, Christoph, Paul’s Triumph: Reassessing 2 Corinthians 2:14 in Its Literary and Historical Context (Ludvig Svensson) Himmelfarb, Martha, Between Temple and Torah: Essays on Priests, Scribes, and Visionaries in the Second Temple Period and Beyond (Stefan Green) Hurtado, Larry W., Destroyer of the Gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World (Mikael Tellbe) Keener, Craig S., Spirit Hermeneutics: Reading Scripture in Light of Pentecost (Bo Krister Ljungberg) Keener, Craig S. and John H. Walton (gen. eds.), NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture (Bo Krister Ljungberg) Kok, Michael J., The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century (Joel Kuhlin) Licona, Michael R., Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography (Tobias Ålöw) Lin, Yii-Jan, The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Criticism and the Biological Sciences (Joel Kuhlin) Lied, Liv Ingeborg och Hugo Lundhaug (red.), Snapshots of Evolving Traditions: Jewish and Christian Manuscript Culture, Textual Fluidity and New Philology (Kamilla Skarström Hinojosa) Mermelstein, Ari and Shalom E. Holtz (eds.), The Divine Courtroom in Comparative Perspective (Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer) Miller, Stuart S., At the Intersection of Texts and Material Finds: Stepped Pools, Stone Vessels, and Ritual Purity Among Jews of Roman Galilee (Cecilia Wassén) Moxon, John R. L., Peter’s Halakhic Nightmare: The “Animal” Vision of Acts 10:9–16 in Jewish and Graeco-Roman Perspective (Carl Johan Berglund) Neudecker, Reinhard, Moses Interpreted by the Pharisees and Jesus: Matthew’s Antitheses in the Light of Early Rabbinic Literature (Tobias Ålöw) Penner, Todd and Davina C. Lopez, De-Introducing the New Testament: Texts, Worlds, Methods, Stories (Martin Wessbrandt) Schellenberg, Ryan S., Rethinking Paul’s Rhetorical Education: Comparative Rhetoric and 2 Corinthians 10–13 (Johannes Leckström) Schreiner, Patrick, The Body of Jesus: A Spatial Analysis of the Kingdom in Matthew (Tobias Ålöw)  Sprinkle, Preston (red.), Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church (Bo Krister Ljungberg) Stökl, Jonathan and Caroline Waerzeggers (eds.), Exile and Return: The Babylonian Context (Karin Tillberg) Thurén, Lauri, Parables Unplugged: Reading the Lukan Parables in Their Rhetorical Context (Lennart Thörn) Thörn, Lennart, Ordets tillblivelse. Lukasevangeliet (Magnus Evertsson) Weima, Jeffrey A. D., Paul the Ancient Letter Writer: An Introduction to Epistolary Analysis (Adam Sabir) Winninge, Mikael (red.), Dödahavsrullarna – i svensk översättning (SĂžren Holst

    Policy design for the Anthropocene

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    Today, more than ever, ‘Spaceship Earth’ is an apt metaphor as we chart the boundaries for a safe planet1. Social scientists both analyse why society courts disaster by approaching or even overstepping these boundaries and try to design suitable policies to avoid these perils. Because the threats of transgressing planetary boundaries are global, long-run, uncertain and interconnected, they must be analysed together to avoid conflicts and take advantage of synergies. To obtain policies that are effective at both international and local levels requires careful analysis of the underlying mechanisms across scientific disciplines and approaches, and must take politics into account. In this Perspective, we examine the complexities of designing policies that can keep Earth within the biophysical limits favourable to human life

    Parameterization of Thermal Properties of Aging Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Photo-Oxidation of Selected Terpene Mixtures

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    Formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from biogenic VOCs influences the Earth’s radiative balance. We have examined the photo-oxidation and aging of boreal terpene mixtures in the SAPHIR simulation chamber. Changes in thermal properties and chemical composition, deduced from mass spectrometric measurements, were providing information on the aging of biogenic SOA produced under ambient solar conditions. Effects of precursor mixture, concentration, and photochemical oxidation levels (OH exposure) were evaluated. OH exposure was found to be the major driver in the long term photochemical transformations, i.e., reaction times of several hours up to days, of SOA and its thermal properties, whereas the initial concentrations and terpenoid mixtures had only minor influence. The volatility distributions were parametrized using a sigmoidal function to determine <i>T</i><sub>VFR0.5</sub> (the temperature yielding a 50% particle volume fraction remaining) and the steepness of the volatility distribution. <i>T</i><sub>VFR0.5</sub> increased by 0.3 ± 0.1% (ca. 1 K), while the steepness increased by 0.9 ± 0.3% per hour of 1 × 10<sup>6</sup> cm<sup>–3</sup> OH exposure. Thus, aging reduces volatility and increases homogeneity of the vapor pressure distribution, presumably because highly volatile fractions become increasingly susceptible to gas phase oxidation, while less volatile fractions are less reactive with gas phase OH