29 research outputs found

    Structural and electrical properties of annealed Ge2Sb2Te5 films grown on flexible polyimide

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    The morphological, structural, and electrical properties of as-grown and annealed Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) layers, deposited by RF-sputtering on flexible polyimide, were studied by means of optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and electrical characterization. The X-ray diffraction annealing experiments showed the structural transformation of GST layers from the as-grown amorphous state into their crystalline cubic and trigonal phases. The onset of crystallization of the GST films was inferred at about 140 degrees C. The vibrational properties of the crystalline GST layers were investigated via Raman spectroscopy with mode assignment in agreement with previous works on GST films grown on rigid substrates. The electrical characterization revealed a good homogeneity of the amorphous and crystalline trigonal GST with an electrical resistance contrast of 8 x 10(6)


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    Adrenal cortex autoantibodies (ACA) and/or 21-hydroxylase (21OHAb) are markers of autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD) and progression to overt AAD. The reported cumulative risk of developing AAD varies from 0-90% in different studies. Aim To assess the predictive value of different parameters for progression towards AAD in ACA and/or 21OHAb-positive patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes (APS). Materials and Methods 29 patients with APS-1 and 114 patients with APS-2 or APS-4, were followed-up for a median of 10 years (range 6 months-33 years) and assessed by ACTH test. The risk of AAD was estimated according to age, gender, stage of adrenal dysfunction, associated diseases and antibody titer. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazard models were used for statistical analysis. Results The cumulative risk (CR) of developing AAD was higher in APS-1 patients (94.2%) compared to patients with APS-2/APS-4 (38.7%). The CR was high in both males and females with APS-1 patients, while in patients with APS-2/APS-4 it was high only in males. Stage 1 (increased plasma renin) for patients with APS-1 and Stage 2 (no response of cortisol to ACTH-test) for patients with APS-2/APS-4 were established as the points of no return in the progression to AAD. Adjusted hazard ratio analyses by multivariate Cox model for AAD showed that gender, diseases, adrenal function were independent risk factors for developing clinical AAD. The risk of developing clinical AAD appears to subside after 19 years of follow up. Conclusions A model for estimating the probability to survive free of AAD has been developed and should be a useful tool in designing appropriate follow-up intervals and future therapeutic strategies

    Clinical and immunological phenotypes of selective IgM deficiency in children: Results from a multicenter study

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    background: a few studies assessed the clinical and immunological features of selective IgM deficiency (SIgMD), especially in the pediatric age. we aimed to characterize the clinical and immunological phenotypes of a cohort of pediatric patients with SIgMD according to the different diagnostic criteria available. methods: In this multicenter study, we evaluated pediatric SIgMD patients diagnosed at the pediatric clinic in pavia, Italy, or through the Italian primary Immunodeficiency NETwork (IPINET) and monitored changes in their diagnosis over a time frame that ranges from several months to several years. results: forty-eight patients with SIgMD were included (mean serum IgM: 33 mg/dL). the most common clinical manifestations were recurrent infections (67%) and allergies (48%). subgroup analysis according to SIgMD definition criteria of the european society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) showed no significant difference in clinical manifestations, also considering the group with additional immunological abnormalities. sixteen patients had long-term follow-up, during which 87% preserved their SIgMD diagnosis, while two patients showed a reduction in IgA in addition to low IgM. conclusions: our data suggest that the identification of a reduction in serum IgM in children should lead to a complete immunological work-up to obtain a comprehensive clinical and immunological characterization of the patient. the follow-up of these patients is fundamental to define the disease evolution and appropriate management

    The Inborn Errors of Immunity—Virtual Consultation System Platform in Service for the Italian Primary Immunodeficiency Network: Results from the Validation Phase

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    purposeInborn errors of immunity (IEI) represent a heterogeneous group of rare genetically determined diseases. In some cases, patients present with complex or atypical phenotypes, not fulfilling the accepted diagnostic criteria for IEI and, thus, at high risk of misdiagnosis or diagnostic delay. this study aimed to validate a platform that, through the opinion of immunologist experts, improves the diagnostic process and the level of care of patients with atypical/complex IEI.MethodsHere, we describe the functioning of the IEI-Virtual consultation system (VCS), an innovative platform created by the italian Immunodeficiency network (IPINet). resultsIn the validation phase, from January 2020 to June 2021, 68 cases were entered on the IEI-VCS platform. a final diagnosis was achieved in 35/68 cases (51%, 95% CI 38.7 to 64.2). In 22 out of 35 solved cases, the diagnosis was confirmed by genetic analysis. In 3/35 cases, a diagnosis of secondary immunodeficiency was made. In the remaining 10 cases, an unequivocal clinical and immunological diagnosis was obtained, even though not substantiated by genetic analysis. conclusionFrom our preliminary study, the VCS represents an innovative and useful system to improve the diagnostic process of patients with complex unsolved IEI disorders, with benefits both in terms of reduction of time of diagnosis and access to the required therapies. these results may help the functioning of other international platforms for the management of complex cases

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Dinamiche geopolitiche contemporanee. Ce.St.In.Geo. geopolitical outlook 2020

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[ Muovendo da questi assunti, il presente volume mira a dar vita a una rappresentazione di alcune delle dinamiche geopolitiche piĂč significative della presente fase storica. Prendendo spunto dal ciclo di incontri tenutisi in tutta Italia tra 2018 e 2019 (cfr. Appendice 1) per celebrare i dieci anni di attivitĂ  del Centro Studi Internazionali di Geopolitica (Ce.St.In.Geo. - https://cestingeo.org/), esso si pone l’obiettivo di guardare al sistema-mondo nel suo complesso e di ragionare sulle specificitĂ  di una delle sue regioni piĂč complesse e geopoliticamente rilevanti: quella mediorientale. È questa la ragione che ci ha spinto a dividere la presente analisi in due parti distinte per quanto fortemente interconnesse. Il primo modulo guarda all’evoluzione dello scenario geopolitico contemporaneo come percepito da alcuni dei principali attori di un sistema internazionale in profonda trasformazione e che ha visto una marcata redistribuzione del potere a livello globale. Nel capitolo di apertura, Alessandro Colombo esamina gli imperativi e i limiti della politica estera statunitense, ricorrendo a uno sguardo di lungo periodo che non si appiattisce sui soli cambiamenti derivanti dall’ascesa alla Casa Bianca di Donald Trump ma che mira a identificare gli elementi di continuitĂ  che hanno caratterizzato la politica estera di Washington degli ultimi decenni. La crescente centralitĂ  assunta dal quadrante orientale per la Russia di Vladimir Putin costituisce invece il tema principe del capitolo curato da Aldo Ferrari che, lungi dal soffermarsi sulle sole relazioni tra il gigante eurasiatico e la Cina, guarda alle specificitĂ  di un’area compresa tra l’Ucraina e l’Estremo Oriente. Nel suo bel saggio Ashley Tellis si sofferma, invece, sul “secondo” gigante asiatico per eccellenza, l’India, e sulla complessa dinamica triangolare che lega Nuova Delhi, Washington e Pechino. La postura geopolitica giapponese tra 1977 e 2017 Ăš invece esaminata da Corrado Molteni sia sul piano piĂč eminentemente regionale che su quello globale, al fine di delineare le continuitĂ  e le discontinuitĂ  di un attore che, per quanto incline a evitare i rischi di una sovraesposizione mediatica, mantiene un peso specifico unico nel quadrante dell’Indo-Pacifico. La prima sezione del volume si chiude, poi, con l’interessante contributo di Aldo Pigoli, che indaga le prospettive di un continente, quello africano, percepito come perennemente in bilico tra promesse di sviluppo e nuove crisi. Il secondo modulo Ăš dedicato al cosiddetto “arco di crisi mediorientale”. La sezione si apre con due contributi volti a esaminare quelli che Gregory Gause III ha eletto a protagonisti della “nuova guerra fredda” che ha investito il Medio Oriente : Arabia Saudita e Iran. Il capitolo di Eleonora Ardemagni si sofferma, in particolare, sull’evoluzione della postura geopolitica saudita degli ultimi anni, mentre Giorgia Perletta guarda alle peculiaritĂ  della cosiddetta “mezzaluna sciita” a guida iraniana e sui rischi che Teheran incorra in un processo di iperestensione. L’allineamento geopolitico egiziano all’interno di un arco temporale che dagli accordi di Camp David si dipana sino ai giorni nostri costituisce il campo di indagine privilegiato del bel saggio di Alessia Melcangi, mentre Giuseppe Dentice ha concentrato la propria attenzione sulla rinnovata centralitĂ  assunta dalla cosiddetta “dottrina periferica” di Israele – un paese che, a dispetto della sua importanza, Ăš spesso relegato ai margini della pubblicistica di natura piĂč propriamente geopolitica. Nell’ultimo capitolo, infine, Mauro Primavera volge il proprio sguardo alla travagliata storia della “primavera araba” siriana, ricorrendo a un approccio che mira a fornire uno spaccato delle strategie, degli interessi e dei limiti del regime di Damasco cosĂŹ come delle maggiori sfide che il popolo dello Sham (“Levante”) si trova ad affrontare a oltre nove anni dallo scoppio del conflitto

    Virucidal effects of mouthwashes or mouth rinses: a world of caution for molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva

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    The current evidence suggests major caution before collecting saliva samples for SARS-CoV-2 molecular testing from patients who have recently used mouthwashes or mouth rinses, since these products may have substantially decreased the viral load in the oral cavity, thus triggering a considerable risk of obtaining false negative test results. Obtaining patient history on recent usage of these compounds is almost mandatory before collecting saliva specimens. In such cases when mouthwashes or mouth rinses have been recently used by the patient, obtaining nasal samples (but not nasopharyngeal swabs, since the presence of antiviral compounds in the oropharynx may still impair viral RNA detection) may be advisable

    L'Iraq contemporaneo

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    This volume deals with the contemporary history of Iraq with a historical and political perspective. After a detailed analysis of the last decades of the Ottoman period, the Authors describe the "invention" of Iraq by the British colonial administration, focusing on the political reactions by the different ethno-religious communities of this region. Particular attention has been devoted to the period of Saddam Husayn and to the post-2003 invasion, with the attempt to create a "New Iraq"

    Dinamiche politiche contemporanee

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    Un'analisi degli scenari geopolitici contemporane