21 research outputs found

    Patients’ perception of childbirth according to the delivery method: The experience in our clinic

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    Introduction: The aim of this study is to identify the way in which childbirth in general, and the delivery method in particular, influenced the maternal psychosocial status and the perception upon birth during postpartum. Material and method: We conducted a cohort type 2 prospective study. We included patients who had given birth at “Bucur” Maternity of Hospital “St. John” Bucharest from the 1st of January 2017 until the 1st of January 2018. Results: The majority of the patients (21.05%) who chose to give birth vaginally assigned the maximum degree (10) to the difficulty of birth. The patients who gave birth through cesarean section experienced the feeling of sadness in a higher percentage than those who gave birth vaginally (30.52% versus 21.05%). Among the patients who were in favor of having more children, 85.45% preferred the same delivery method. All the patients who gave birth vaginally wished to have other children using the same method, while 81.4% from the patients who gave birth through cesarean section were in favor of more children. Conclusion: The patients’ perception of childbirth was a subjective parameter. Further studies with standardized questionnaires should be applied for more reliable results

    Patients’ perception of childbirth according to the delivery method: The experience in our clinic

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    Introduction: The aim of this study is to identify the way in which childbirth in general, and the delivery method in particular, influenced the maternal psychosocial status and the perception upon birth during postpartum. Material and method: We conducted a cohort type 2 prospective study. We included patients who had given birth at “Bucur” Maternity of Hospital “St. John” Bucharest from the 1st of January 2017 until the 1st of January 2018. Results: The majority of the patients (21.05%) who chose to give birth vaginally assigned the maximum degree (10) to the difficulty of birth. The patients who gave birth through cesarean section experienced the feeling of sadness in a higher percentage than those who gave birth vaginally (30.52% versus 21.05%). Among the patients who were in favor of having more children, 85.45% preferred the same delivery method. All the patients who gave birth vaginally wished to have other children using the same method, while 81.4% from the patients who gave birth through cesarean section were in favor of more children. Conclusion: The patients’ perception of childbirth was a subjective parameter. Further studies with standardized questionnaires should be applied for more reliable results

    The quality of sexual life after vaginal surgical interventions

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    Introduction. The malfunction of the supporting pelvic system generates signs and symptoms that require various procedures. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether vaginal surgical interventions for genital prolapse or urinary incontinence have an impact on patients’ sexual quality of life. Materials and methods. We studied 40 eligible women who underwent vaginal surgical procedures in Saint John Hospital, Bucharest. Patients completed a questionnaire 6 months after the intervention. Results. Patients who underwent vaginal surgery for prolapse were 50-64 years of age. The most frequent vaginal surgical intervention was vaginal hysterectomy (32.5%), followed by anterior and posterior colporaphy (17.5%), and direct cystopexy (15.0%). Regarding their sexual life, 42.5% patients described improvement in sexual life, 22.5% described decreased libido after surgery, and 35% indicated no significant improvement. 57.5% of women indicated that they had no sexual discomfort (57.5%), whereas 27.5% had dyspareunia and 15% had dysuria. There was no negative impact on patients’ male partner quality of sexual intercourse after intervention. Conclusions. Vaginal surgical interventions for genital prolapse or urinary incontinence do not appear to lead to significant alteration of quality of sexual life in women

    The Accuracy of Cytology, Colposcopy and Pathology in Evaluating Precancerous Cervical Lesions

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    Cervical cancer (CC) is the third most common cancer in the world, and Romania has the highest incidence of cervical cancer in Europe. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between cytology, colposcopy, and pathology for the early detection of premalignant cervical lesions in a group of Romanian patients. Methods: This observational type 2 cohort study included 128 women from our unit, “Bucur” Maternity, who were referred for cervical cancer screening. Age, clinical diagnosis, cytology results, colposcopy impression, and biopsy results were considered. Colposcopy was performed by two experienced examiners. The pathological examination was performed by an experienced pathologist. Results: The cytology found high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in 60.9% of patients, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in 28.1%, atypical squamous cells for which a high-grade lesion could not be excluded in 9.4%, and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, known as repeated LSIL, in 1.6%. The first evaluator identified low-grade lesions in 56.3%, high-grade lesions in 40.6%, and invasion in 3.1% of patients. The second evaluator identified low-grade lesions in 59.4%, high-grade lesions in 32.0%, and invasion in 8.6% of patients. The pathological exam identified low-grade lesions in 64.1%, high-grade lesions in 25%, and carcinoma in 14% of patients. The colposcopic accuracy was greater than the cytologic accuracy. Conclusions: Colposcopy remains an essential tool for the identification of cervical premalignant cancer cells. Standardization of the protocol provided an insignificant interobserver variability and can serve as support for further postgraduate teaching

    Passage Jurassique-Crétacé sur la plate-forme carbonatée gétique (Carpathes méridionales, Roumanie) : Foraminifères et algues benthiques

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    The carbonate succession of the Piatra Craiului Massif, i.e., the eastern part of the Getic carbonate platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania), comprises reefal and peritidal limestones that contain a diverse microfossil assemblage composed mainly of calcareous green algae and benthic foraminifera. The biostratigraphically most significant benthic foraminifera found in the several sections studied are described; some (Anchispirocyclina lusitanica, Neokilianina rahonensis, Bramkampella arabica, Everticyclammina praekelleri) are reported for the first time in this area. Hence, assemblages of both foraminifera and calcareous algae characterize three biostratigraphic intervals in the studied succession, the Kimmeridgian - lower Tithonian, the upper Tithonian - lower Berriasian, and the upper Berriasian - ? lower Valanginian intervals. The main microfacies types (bioclastic rudstone, coral-microbial boundstone, bioclastic grainstone, interbedded mudstones and wackestones with cyanobacteria nodules) as well as both the foraminifera and the calcareous algae are paleoecological indicators that may contribute to the decipherment of the depositional environments and to building a depositional model for the eastern part of the Getic carbonate platform at the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous transition.La série carbonatée du Massif de Piatra Craiului, c'est-à-dire de la partie orientale de la plate-forme carbonatée gétique (Carpathes méridionales, Roumanie), est constituée de calcaires récifaux et péritidaux qui recèlent des associations variées de microfossiles constituées d'algues vertes calcaires et de foraminifères benthiques essentiellement. Parmi les foraminifères benthiques identifiés dans les nombreuses coupes étudiées, nous décrivons ceux auxquels on attribue une certaine valeur biostratigraphique. Quelques-uns (Anchispirocyclina lusitanica, Neokilianina rahonensis, Bramkampella arabica, Everticyclammina praekelleri) sont signalés pour la première fois dans ce secteur. De ce fait, dans la série étudiée, grâce aux associations combinées de foraminifères et d'algues calcaires, nous caractérisons trois intervalles biostratigraphiques : le Kimméridgien - Tithonien inférieur, le Tithonien supérieur - Berriasien inférieur et le Berriasien supérieur - ? Valanginien inférieur. Les principaux types de microfaciès (rudstone bioclastique, boundstone corallien-microbien, grainstone bioclastique, alternances de mudstones et de wackestones à nodules cyanobactériens) sont des indicateurs paléoécologiques qui, avec les foraminifères et les algues calcaires, peuvent contribuer au décryptage des environnements de dépôt et à la construction d'un modèle dépositionnel pour la partie orientale de la plate-forme carbonatée gétique à la transition du Jurassique supérieur au Crétacé inférieur

    Conduita terapeutica in hemoragia din postpartum

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    UMF „Carol Davila”, Clinica „Bucur”, Spitalul Clinic „Sf. Ioan”, Maternitatea”Bucur”, Bucureşti, România, Al VI-lea Congres Național de Obstetrică și Ginecologie cu participare internațională, 13-15 septembrie 2018, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Hemoragia din postpartum reprezintă o cauza importanta de morbididate şi mortalitate materna. Cauzele cele mai frecvente sunt: atonia uterina, soluţiile de continuitate, aderenţele anormale ale placentei şi coagulopatie. Material şi metode: Am revizuit baze de date medicale internaţionale cu studii randomizate, meta-analize referitoare la tendinţele actuale despre histerectomia postpartum si tehnicile alternative in hemoragia din postpartum. Rezultate: Incidenţa hemoragiei din postpartum este de 1% in condiţiile unei atitudini terapeutice rapide. Tratamentul este direcţionat de cauză. Astfel, pentru atonie uterină iniţial se tentează mijloace farmacologice şi ulterior gesturi chirurgicale precum ligatura arterei uterine - O’Leary sau ligatura arterei hipogastrice. Sutura B-Lynch si variantele acesteia sunt concepute pentru realiza compresia uterului prin forţă mecanică. Baloanele uterine sunt proiectate pentru a realiza tamponarea zonele de sângerare placentară. Aceasta este cea mai efi cientă metoda deoarece cateterul aplică presiune directă la locul de sângerare. Dispozitivele cu balon uterin concepute special pentru tamponadă uterină după naştere vaginală sau cezariană includ: cateterul Foley, Balon Bakri, dispozitiv B-T Cath şi dispozitiv dublu-balon Ebb care este, de asemenea, proiectat şi pentru hemostaza cervicală. Radiologia intervenţională impune gestionarea avansată, minim invazivă a hemoragiei în postpartum. Conclusii: Utilizarea uterotonicelor, ligaturile vasculare pelvine şi tamponadele cu baloane sunt primii paşi în abordarea terapeutică a hemoragiei din postpartum. Conduita adecvată constă într-o atitudine promtă, deseori cu echipă multidisciplinară

    T A I L O R E D ST A R -SHAPE B I O D E G R A D A B L E P O L Y ( L A C T I C A C I D )

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    S e r i e s o f C h e m i s t r y 1 9 ( 4 ) ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 9 -26 T A I L O R E D ST A R -SHAPE B I O D E G R A D A B L E P O L Y ( L A C T I C A C I D ) G. polycondensation method, using as catalyst tin chloride, and phosphorus oxychloride or 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propandiol as core. The influence of molar ration and concentration of catalyst on molar masses was studied. Moderately high molecular weight and inherent viscosities values up to 0.60 dl/g were obtained

    Psycho-Emotional Impact of Anomaly Ultrasound Scan in Romanian Pregnant Women

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    Objective: Second-trimester anomaly scan was introduced as a regulated practice in Romania in 2019, causing misperceptions and unrealistic expectations about this examination among pregnant women. This study aimed to assess whether second trimester anomaly scan is a reason “per se” for maternal anxiety. Design: A prospective type 1 cohort study was conducted in a tertiary prenatal diagnosis center with three locations in Bucharest, Romania, among pregnant women who underwent a second trimester anomaly scan between 1 December 2019 and 29 February 2020. Main outcome measure: Anxiety at the time of prenatal anomaly scan. Results: Out of the 138 participants, 32.6% believed that the anomaly scan could detect all fetus defects, 13.8% considered that the baby is bothered by the probe “light”, 8.7% believed that the scan could harm the fetus, 96.4% reported that it was a pleasant experience, and 95% felt that it strengthened their bond with the fetus. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) score revealed that women with high state anxiety were more anxious at pre-scan (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Ultrasound scan in the second trimester is correlated with a significant anxiety for women who are prone to this psychological trait. It is also a good opportunity to screen for highly anxious women who could benefit from prenatal psychological counseling to facilitate timely recognition and prevention of postpartum psychiatric disorders such as depression

    Acute parotiditis after cesarean section; case report

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    The enlargement of the parotid gland develops in inflammatory or stenotic conditions but after Cesarean section the symptomatology is unusual. A 38 year old patient with no obstetrical history referred to our clinic for pregnancy, which followed our national program of prenatal care. The outcome of the pregnancy was favorable for both mother and fetus. During labor the fetus developed bradycardia and the patient delivered by Cesarean section a 3400 g baby-boy with 8 Apgar Score; the anesthesia was spinal. 18 hours after delivery the patient presented mild respiratory distress. The symptomatology was caused by the enlargement of the parotid gland. The treatment was supportive and the remission occurred 10 hours after the onset. The initial discussion that raised this case was caused by the viral, infection and stenotic cause of the parotiditis. All these reasons had no medical argument. It was also debated about the anesthesia but, until now, the medical literature didn’t report any case of association between parotiditis and spinal anesthesia. It is also impossible to correlate the parotiditis with IVF procedure. As a conclusion, this case is unique because it represents the parotiditis without unknown case that appeared after Cesarean section and spinal anesthesia in a healthy woman