323 research outputs found

    On compatibility between isogenies and polarisations of abelian varieties

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    We discuss the notion of polarised isogenies of abelian varieties, that is, isogenies which are compatible with given principal polarisations. This is motivated by problems of unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties. Our aim is to show that certain questions about polarised isogenies can be reduced to questions about unpolarised isogenies or vice versa. Our main theorem concerns abelian varieties B which are isogenous to a fixed abelian variety A. It establishes the existence of a polarised isogeny A to B whose degree is polynomially bounded in n, if there exist both an unpolarised isogeny A to B of degree n and a polarised isogeny A to B of unknown degree. As a further result, we prove that given any two principally polarised abelian varieties related by an unpolarised isogeny, there exists a polarised isogeny between their fourth powers. The proofs of both theorems involve calculations in the endomorphism algebras of the abelian varieties, using the Albert classification of these endomorphism algebras and the classification of Hermitian forms over division algebras

    X-Ray Structural Study of 09Nn2Si Steel Welded Joints

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    The article is devoted to handling a vital scientific and technical problem of improving operational reliability and safety of critical constructions, exploited in Siberia and Far North, by developing of new technological approaches to welding. In the article results of X-ray diffraction examinations of 09Mn2Si steel welded joints are given, produced by different welding operations. Resulting from researches, the authors have concluded that pulse-arc welding is the most preferred welding process as compared with direct current welding

    Development of Approaches and Organizational Models for the Mass Implementation of Information Modeling Technologies in the Investment and Construction Sphere

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    The rapidly increasing use of building information modeling (BIM) technologies in the world is highly relevant to the search for new approaches and managerial models for enterprises in the construction sphere. As shown in the study of several developing countries, there is a certain lag in this area compared with highly industrialized countries. A comparative analysis of countries in terms of the level of spread of BIM technologies was made using open data from job search Internet sites. In this regard, the urgency of the research is due to the need to develop appropriate approaches to intensify the implementation of BIM technologies in the construction and operation of buildings. The purpose of the study is the development of methodological foundations and applied models of functional interaction between participants of construction projects based on BIM. As a working hypothesis, the authors assume that the mass application of BIM technologies is possible in providing a set of measures of different nature: market, non-market, legal, economic, and organizational. The main results of the study provided a solution to the problem of a significant expansion of the scope of BIM technologies in the construction sector through the formation of an information eco-environment for interaction of participants in the project management system. © 2023 by the authors

    Theoretical and methodological approaches to management of resource flow processes of development projects on macro-, mezzo-, microlevels

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    Paper is devoted to the actual problem of managing resource flows of development projects as complex, unique, and open systems, across the different project lifecycle stages that differ in content and are distributed in space and time. The idea was to create a single throughout system for managing resource flow processes of the long-term projects. The research goal included development of theoretical and methodological approaches that can be used in order to manage the combination of development project resource flows using "order from chaos"paradigm. That includes by-stage organization of resource flow processes on of macro-, meso- and microscale, going from sources and sinks of the chaotic project environment resolve to ordered stages of project life cycles. It is proposed to implement resource flow management in form of the stage and resource-based "project-logistic"relay of a triune movement, ordering and transformation of the resource flow processes. This relay is created within a project-logistic field of project management that change by project phases. Synergetic effects of self-organization and self-control appear in the project logistic field due to horizontal interactions, sharing experience, competences, and values among the stakeholders in course of transforming entropic resource-flow processes into the negentropy processes related to project phase goals (attractors). Results can be used to forecast and develop multilevel resource-flow and process systems arranged by resource sources and sinks, and chaotically ordered for projects in different application areas. Further research perspectives include development of self-control and self-organization forms for development projects stakeholders that would comply with international best practices, and fit corresponding project stages. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Observation of Spin Relaxation Anisotropy in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    Spin relaxation of two-dimensional electrons in asymmetrical (001) AlGaAs quantum wells are measured by means of Hanle effect. Three different spin relaxation times for spins oriented along [110], [1-10] and [001] crystallographic directions are extracted demonstrating anisotropy of D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation mechanism. The relative strengths of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms describing the spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor quantum well structures. It is shown that the Rashba spin-orbit splitting is about four times stronger than the Dresselhaus splitting in the studied structure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Outbreak of West Nile virus infection, Volgograd Region, Russia, 1999.

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    From July 25 to October 1, 1999, 826 patients were admitted to Volgograd Region, Russia, hospitals with acute aseptic meningoencephalitis, meningitis, or fever consistent with arboviral infection. Of 84 cases of meningoencephalitis, 40 were fatal. Fourteen brain specimens were positive in reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction assays, confirming the presence of West Nile/Kunjin virus

    Энергоснабжение изолированных территорий в контексте привлечения инвестиций и развития экономики региона

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    The study analyses energy supply to isolated areas considering the development of priority areas of the regional economy and assessing the dependence between consumer finances and electricity costs. We examined energy supply problems in the example of the Tuva Republic, the Russian region with vast isolated areas and high prices for energy. We explained the reasons for the increase in electricity costs, including small-scale generation sources based on fossil fuels. The limitations of economically substantiated energy transmission at light loads prevent the connection to a centralised energy supply systems in isolated territories, leading to a decentralised energy supply. Thus, we proposed a methodological toolkit for solving the problem of economic substantiation of the dependence between consumer finances and electricity costs, testing it on the example of the gold mining industry. Our hypothesis relies on technological development opportunities in the field of renewable energy sources to reduce the construction and operation costs of generation facilities. Since the economic feasibility of using renewable energy sources for investors is determined by the dependence of consumer finances on energy generation costs, it is necessary to create energy resource structures depending on different basic conditions. For that purpose, we showed the linear dependence of the profitability of gold mining investment projects on electricity costs. The proposed criteria and methods allow determining the threshold values of the economic efficiency of energy services provided by suppliers and energy produced by self-generating facilities. Based on these results, further research can focus on analysing the impact of electricity costs on the financial parameters of projects to apply innovative energy supply schemes and identifying thresholds of the response of profitability to energy costs reduction for different energy consumption projects. © 2020 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved

    Magnetic properties of the GdFeSi - GdTiSi solid solutions

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    The GdFe1-xTixSi, x=0-0.2 intermetallic compounds with a tetragonal crystal structure of the CeFeSi (P4/nmm)-type have been studied. It was obtained that the lattice parameter c and the Curie temperature increase quickly, whereas the lattice parameter a is almost unchanged in the system with increasing of Ti content. The GdFeSi compound is easily magnetized along the [001] axis, the field of magnetic anisotropy equals to ∼3.8 kOe at T = 90 K. The saturation magnetization does not change in the GdFe1-xTi x Si system. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-72-10098Support by RSF (Project No. 18-72-10098) is acknowledged

    Radioluminescence properties of nanocomposite scintillators with BaF 2 fillers

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    In this paper, studies of the luminescence properties of nanocrystalline BaF 2 samples synthesized by laser ablation and pulse electron beam evaporation method are presented. The measurements of X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) showed the dependence between luminescence intensity and the shape of the spectrum on the morphology and particle size. Also, studies of X-ray excited luminescence, decay curves and optical transmittance for nanocomposite materials containing BaF 2 nanopowder are presented. Barium fluoride nanopowder, obtained by pulsed electron beam evaporation method is characterized by a lower intensity than the initial microcrystalline powder, but at the same time, XEL spectrum of the nanocomposite material with this nanocrystalline filler is more intense, then that for nanocomposite material with initial powder. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    In this paper, we carried out the GC-MS study of volatile organic compounds of the gas phase of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita R.) using two sample preparation techniques: by direct headspace analysis and analysis using solid-phase microextraction with thermal desorption. The effect of temperature-controlled time of samples on the VOC content in the gas extract of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita R.) was studied. Comparative evaluation of the finding results with published data was carried out.Key words: Gas chromatography with mass selective detection(GC-MS), herbal raw materials, volatile organic compounds(VOC), headspace analysis (HS), solid phase microextraction (SPME). (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.009 L.V. Pavlova1, I.A. Platonov1,2, V.G. Arhipov2, V.A. Kurkin3, I.Y. Roschupkina1 1Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P.Korolyov (national research university), Samara, Russian Federation2Samara StateUniversity, Samara, Russian Federation3Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russian FederationПроведено ГХ-МС исследование состава летучих органических соединений газовой фазы ромашки аптечной (Chamomilla recutita R.) при использовании двух вариантов пробоподготовки: путем непосредственного анализа равновесной газовой фазы и анализа с применением твердофазной микроэкстракции с последующей термодесорбцией. Исследовано влияние времени термостатирования образцов на содержание летучих органических соединений в газовом экстракте ромашки аптечной (Chamomilla recutita R.). Проведена сравнительная оценка полученных результатов с литературными данными.Ключевые слова: газовая хроматография с масс-селективным детектированием (ГЖХ-МС), растительное лекарственное сырье, летучие органические соединения (ЛОС), парофазный анализ (ПФА), твердофазная микроэкстракция (ТФМЭ), характерные хроматограммыDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.00