198 research outputs found

    Human kin detection

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    Natural selection has favored the evolution of behaviors that benefit not only one's genes, but also their copies in genetically related individuals. These behaviors include optimal outbreeding (choosing a mate that is neither too closely related, nor too distant), nepotism (helping kin), and spite (hurting non-kin at a personal cost), and all require some form of kin detection or kin recognition. Yet, kinship cannot be assessed directly; human kin detection relies on heuristic cues that take into account individuals' context (whether they were reared by our mother, or grew up in our home, or were given birth by our spouse), appearance (whether they smell or look like us), and ability to arouse certain feelings (whether we feel emotionally close to them). The uncertainties of kin detection, along with its dependence on social information, create ample opportunities for the evolution of deception and self-deception. For example, babies carry no unequivocal stamp of their biological father, but across cultures they are passionately claimed to resemble their mother's spouse; to the same effect, neutral' observers are greatly influenced by belief in relatedness when judging resemblance between strangers. Still, paternity uncertainty profoundly shapes human relationships, reducing not only the investment contributed by paternal versus maternal kin, but also prosocial behavior between individuals who are related through one or more males rather than females alone. Because of its relevance to racial discrimination and political preferences, the evolutionary pressure to prefer kin to non-kin has a manifold influence on society at large

    Lung Particulate Burdens of Subjects from the Cincinnati, Ohio Urban Area

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    Because of the relatively small data base existing for lung particulate burdens of subjects with no overt pneumoconioses, the total exogenous lung particulate concentrations of 91 subjects from the Cincinnati, Ohio urban area were determined using an automated scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive x-ray analysis-image analysis system. Four of these subjects were foundry workers and had the highest exogenous particle concentrations seen in the 91 lungs, ranging from 1860 to 2990 x 106 particles per gram of dry lung (ppg). The average exogenous particle concentration for the remaining 87 subjects was 476 ± 380 x 106 ppg with a range of 71 to 1860 x 106 ppg. The median size of the exogenous particles in the 87 lungs was narrow, ranging from 0.37 to 1.02 µm. The geometric mean particle size over all 87 lungs was 0.60 µm with a geometric standard deviation (σg) of 2.35. The total exogenous particle levels were elevated for the male subjects compared to females (p=0.015), and were positively associated with age (p=0. 021). However, no correlation was seen between total particle concentration and race or smoking history

    Working Together May Be Better: Activation of Reward Centers during a Cooperative Maze Task

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    Humans use theory of mind when predicting the thoughts and feelings and actions of others. There is accumulating evidence that cooperation with a computerized game correlates with a unique pattern of brain activation. To investigate the neural correlates of cooperation in real-time we conducted an fMRI hyperscanning study. We hypothesized that real-time cooperation to complete a maze task, using a blind-driving paradigm, would activate substrates implicated in theory of mind. We also hypothesized that cooperation would activate neural reward centers more than when participants completed the maze themselves. Of interest and in support of our hypothesis we found left caudate and putamen activation when participants worked together to complete the maze. This suggests that cooperation during task completion is inherently rewarding. This finding represents one of the first discoveries of a proximate neural mechanism for group based interactions in real-time, which indirectly supports the social brain hypothesis

    Improved survival following surgery and radiation therapy for olfactory neuroblastoma: analysis of the SEER database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Olfactory Neuroblastoma is a rare malignant tumor of the olfactory tract. Reports in the literature comparing treatment modalities for this tumor are limited.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The SEER database (1973-2006) was queried by diagnosis code to identify patients with Olfactory Neuroblastoma. Kaplan-Meier was used to estimate survival distributions based on treatment modality. Differences in survival distributions were determined by the log-rank test. A Cox multiple regression analysis was then performed using treatment, race, SEER historic stage, sex, age at diagnosis, year at diagnosis and SEER geographic registry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 511 Olfactory Neuroblastoma cases were reported. Five year overall survival, stratified by treatment modality was: 73% for surgery with radiotherapy, 68% for surgery only, 35% for radiotherapy only, and 26% for neither surgery nor radiotherapy. There was a significant difference in overall survival between the four treatment groups (p < 0.01). At ten years, overall survival stratified by treatment modality and stage, there was no significant improvement in survival with the addition of radiation to surgery.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Best survival results were obtained for surgery with radiotherapy.</p

    A neural basis for contagious yawning

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    Contagious yawning, in which yawning is triggered involuntarily when we observe another person yawn, is a common form of echophenomena—the automatic imitation of another’s words (echolalia) or actions (echopraxia) [1]. The neural basis for echophenomena is unknown; however, it has been proposed that it is linked to disinhibition of the human mirror-neuron system [1–4 ] and hyper-excitability of cortical motor areas [ 1 ]. We investigated the neural basis for contagious yawning using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Thirty-six adults viewed video clips that showed another individual yawning and, in separate blocks, were instructed to either resist yawning or allow themselves to yawn. Participants were videoed throughout and their yawns or stifled yawns were counted. We used TMS to quantify motor cortical excitability and physiological inhibition for each participant, and these measures were then used to predict the propensity for contagious yawning across participants. We demonstrate that instructions to resist yawning increase the urge to yawn and alter how yawns are expressed (i.e., full versus stifled yawns) but do not alter the individual propensity for contagious yawning. By contrast, TMS measures of cortical excitability and physiological inhibition were significant predictors of contagious yawning and accounted for approximately 50% of the variability in contagious yawning. These data demonstrate that individual variability in the propensity for contagious yawning is determined by cortical excitability and physiological inhibition in the primary motor cortex

    SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 accessory protein is a virulence factor

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) encodes six accessory proteins (3a, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, and 9b) for which limited information is available on their role in pathogenesis. We showed that the deletion of open reading frames (ORFs) 6, 7a, or 7b individually did not significantly impact viral pathogenicity in humanized K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. In contrast, the deletion of ORF8 partially attenuated SARS-CoV-2, resulting in reduced lung pathology and 40% less mortality, indicating that ORF8 is a critical determinant of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis. Attenuation of SARS-CoV-2-∆8 was not associated with a significant decrease in replication either in the lungs of mice or in organoid-derived human airway cells. An increase in the interferon signaling at early times post-infection (1 dpi) in the lungs of mice and a decrease in the pro-inflammatory and interferon response at late times post-infection, both in the lungs of mice (6 dpi) and in organoid-derived human airway cells [72 hours post-infection (hpi)], were observed. The early, but not prolonged, interferon response along with the lower inflammatory response could explain the partial attenuation of SARS-CoV-∆8. The presence of ORF8 in SARS-CoV-2 was associated with an increase in the number of macrophages in the lungs of mice. In addition, the supernatant of SARS-CoV-2-WT (wild-type)-infected organoid-derived cells enhanced the activation of macrophages as compared to SARS-CoV-2-∆8-infected cells. These results show that ORF8 is a virulence factor involved in inflammation that could be targeted in COVID-19 therapies. IMPORTANCE The relevance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ORF8 in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is unclear. Virus natural isolates with deletions in ORF8 were associated with wild milder disease, suggesting that ORF8 might contribute to SARS-CoV-2 virulence. This manuscript shows that ORF8 is involved in inflammation and in the activation of macrophages in two experimental systems: humanized K18-hACE2 transgenic mice and organoid-derived human airway cells. These results identify ORF8 protein as a potential target for COVID-19 therapies.</p

    SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 accessory protein is a virulence factor

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) encodes six accessory proteins (3a, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, and 9b) for which limited information is available on their role in pathogenesis. We showed that the deletion of open reading frames (ORFs) 6, 7a, or 7b individually did not significantly impact viral pathogenicity in humanized K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. In contrast, the deletion of ORF8 partially attenuated SARS-CoV-2, resulting in reduced lung pathology and 40% less mortality, indicating that ORF8 is a critical determinant of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis. Attenuation of SARS-CoV-2-∆8 was not associated with a significant decrease in replication either in the lungs of mice or in organoid-derived human airway cells. An increase in the interferon signaling at early times post-infection (1 dpi) in the lungs of mice and a decrease in the pro-inflammatory and interferon response at late times post-infection, both in the lungs of mice (6 dpi) and in organoid-derived human airway cells [72 hours post-infection (hpi)], were observed. The early, but not prolonged, interferon response along with the lower inflammatory response could explain the partial attenuation of SARS-CoV-∆8. The presence of ORF8 in SARS-CoV-2 was associated with an increase in the number of macrophages in the lungs of mice. In addition, the supernatant of SARS-CoV-2-WT (wild-type)-infected organoid-derived cells enhanced the activation of macrophages as compared to SARS-CoV-2-∆8-infected cells. These results show that ORF8 is a virulence factor involved in inflammation that could be targeted in COVID-19 therapies. IMPORTANCE The relevance of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ORF8 in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is unclear. Virus natural isolates with deletions in ORF8 were associated with wild milder disease, suggesting that ORF8 might contribute to SARS-CoV-2 virulence. This manuscript shows that ORF8 is involved in inflammation and in the activation of macrophages in two experimental systems: humanized K18-hACE2 transgenic mice and organoid-derived human airway cells. These results identify ORF8 protein as a potential target for COVID-19 therapies.</p

    Social modulation of contagious yawning in wolves

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    On the basis of observational and experimental evidence, several authors have proposed that contagious yawn is linked to our capacity for empathy, thus presenting a powerful tool to explore the root of empathy in animal evolution. The evidence for the occurrence of contagious yawning and its link to empathy, however, is meagre outside primates and only recently domestic dogs have demonstrated this ability when exposed to human yawns. Since dogs are unusually skilful at reading human communicative behaviors, it is unclear whether this phenomenon is deeply rooted in the evolutionary history of mammals or evolved de novo in dogs as a result of domestication. Here we show that wolves are capable of yawn contagion, suggesting that such ability is a common ancestral trait shared by other mammalian taxa. Furthermore, the strength of the social bond between the model and the subject positively affected the frequency of contagious yawning, suggesting that in wolves the susceptibility of yawn contagion correlates with the level of emotional proximity. Moreover, female wolves showed a shorter reaction time than males when observing yawns of close associates, suggesting that females are more responsive to their social stimuli. These results are consistent with the claim that the mechanism underlying contagious yawning relates to the capacity for empathy and suggests that basic building blocks of empathy might be present in a wide range of species

    Yawn Contagion and Empathy in Homo sapiens

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    The ability to share others' emotions, or empathy, is crucial for complex social interactions. Clinical, psychological, and neurobiological clues suggest a link between yawn contagion and empathy in humans (Homo sapiens). However, no behavioral evidence has been provided so far. We tested the effect of different variables (e.g., country of origin, sex, yawn characteristics) on yawn contagion by running mixed models applied to observational data collected over 1 year on adult (>16 years old) human subjects. Only social bonding predicted the occurrence, frequency, and latency of yawn contagion. As with other measures of empathy, the rate of contagion was greatest in response to kin, then friends, then acquaintances, and lastly strangers. Related individuals (r≥0.25) showed the greatest contagion, in terms of both occurrence of yawning and frequency of yawns. Strangers and acquaintances showed a longer delay in the yawn response (latency) compared to friends and kin. This outcome suggests that the neuronal activation magnitude related to yawn contagion can differ as a function of subject familiarity. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that yawn contagion is primarily driven by the emotional closeness between individuals and not by other variables, such as gender and nationality

    Is That Me or My Twin? Lack of Self-Face Recognition Advantage in Identical Twins

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    Despite the increasing interest in twin studies and the stunning amount of research on face recognition, the ability of adult identical twins to discriminate their own faces from those of their co-twins has been scarcely investigated. One’s own face is the most distinctive feature of the bodily self, and people typically show a clear advantage in recognizing their own face even more than other very familiar identities. Given the very high level of resemblance of their faces, monozygotic twins represent a unique model for exploring self-face processing. Herein we examined the ability of monozygotic twins to distinguish their own face from the face of their co-twin and of a highly familiar individual. Results show that twins equally recognize their own face and their twin’s face. This lack of self-face advantage was negatively predicted by how much they felt physically similar to their co-twin and by their anxious or avoidant attachment style. We speculate that in monozygotic twins, the visual representation of the self-face overlaps with that of the co-twin. Thus, to distinguish the self from the co-twin, monozygotic twins have to rely much more than control participants on the multisensory integration processes upon which the sense of bodily self is based. Moreover, in keeping with the notion that attachment style influences perception of self and significant others, we propose that the observed self/co-twin confusion may depend upon insecure attachment