27 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de Obesidad en estudiantes de primaria del colegio Raimondi

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    Con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de sobrepeso obesidad en escolares de 3º a 6º año de primaria del colegio Raimondi. Material y métodos: entre julio noviembre del 2015 fueron evaluados 371 de 3º a 6º de primaria del colegio de varones Raimondi en quienes se determinó el IMC el cual con ayuda del Z-escore se determinó la prevalencia de sobrepeso obesidad. Resultados: se encontró que el 66.3% de niños tuvieron un IMC > del percentil 85 considerado como sobrepeso obesidad y de estos el 37.5% fueron obesos. Se concluye que la obesidad es una condición relacionada a los hábitos alimentarios inadecuados que compromete a más de un tercio de la población escolar de primaria en el colegio Raimondi. Palabras Clave: Obesidad en escolares

    Competencias para el ejercicio de la dirección de instituciones educativas : reflexiones y experiencias en Iberoamérica

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    El presente texto es el resultado de las aportaciones al encuentro realizado por los miembros de la Red de Apoyo a la Gestion Educativa (http://www.redage.org) en junio de 2011 en la ciudad de Lima. Constituye el tercer documento de la Serie Informes que ha producido la RedAGE y es expresión del compromiso constitutivo por analizar y difundir temáticas relacionadas con la organizaciÓn y dirección de los sistemas y centros educativos. El ejercicio directivo analizado desde la perspectiva de las competencias es la temática que se aborda en esta ocasión. Por una parte, se continúa la reflexión iniciada con el segundo informe, dedicado a la Dirección de centros educativos en Iberoamérica (http://www.redage.org/files/adjuntos/ Libro%20Red_AGE%20vd.pdf); por otra, se profundiza desde la perspectiva de las competencias con la idea de difundir e impulsar el nuevo enfoque. Tratamos así de un tema incipiente en algunos de los países, pero presente y parte de la agenda de los responsables de la política educativa, con la idea de aportar elementos para las posibles acciones a desarrollar o a mejorar al respecto. Hablamos de competencias y sobre competencias1 y con ello nos referimos a las características de la persona relacionadas con una actuación de éxito en su lugar de trabajo. Se identifican así con la activación y aplicación de manera coordinada de elementos de diferente naturaleza (cognoscitivos, afectivos y procedimentales) para resolver situaciones profesionales concretas. El concepto de competencia es utilizado desde hace tiempo en el campo de la formación profesional, abriéndose camino, poco a poco, en todo el sistema educativo y en los procesos de formación continua, donde la gestión por competencias se ha convertido en un modelo integrador y orientador de las diferentes políticas de recursos humanos

    Photoferrotrophy: Remains of an ancient photosynthesis in modern environments

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    © 2017 Camacho, Walter, Picazo and Zopfi. Photoferrotrophy, the process by which inorganic carbon is fixed into organic matter using light as an energy source and reduced iron [Fe(II)] as an electron donor, has been proposed as one of the oldest photoautotrophic metabolisms on Earth. Under the iron-rich (ferruginous) but sulfide poor conditions dominating the Archean ocean, this type of metabolism could have accounted for most of the primary production in the photic zone. Here we review the current knowledge of biogeochemical, microbial and phylogenetic aspects of photoferrotrophy, and evaluate the ecological significance of this process in ancient and modern environments. From the ferruginous conditions that prevailed during most of the Archean, the ancient ocean evolved toward euxinic (anoxic and sulfide rich) conditions and, finally, much after the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis, to a predominantly oxic environment. Under these new conditions photoferrotrophs lost importance as primary producers, and now photoferrotrophy remains as a vestige of a formerly relevant photosynthetic process. Apart from the geological record and other biogeochemical markers, modern environments resembling the redox conditions of these ancient oceans can offer insights into the past significance of photoferrotrophy and help to explain how this metabolism operated as an important source of organic carbon for the early biosphere. Iron-rich meromictic (permanently stratified) lakes can be considered as modern analogs of the ancient Archean ocean, as they present anoxic ferruginous water columns where light can still be available at the chemocline, thus offering suitable niches for photoferrotrophs. A few bacterial strains of purple bacteria as well as of green sulfur bacteria have been shown to possess photoferrotrophic capacities, and hence, could thrive in these modern Archean ocean analogs. Studies addressing the occurrence and the biogeochemical significance of photoferrotrophy in ferruginous environments have been conducted so far in lakes Matano, Pavin, La Cruz, and the Kabuno Bay of Lake Kivu. To date, only in the latter two lakes a biogeochemical role of photoferrotrophs has been confirmed. In this review we critically summarize the current knowledge on iron-driven photosynthesis, as a remains of ancient Earth biogeochemistry

    Placental Volume at 11-13 Weeks' Gestation in the Prediction of Birth Weight Percentile

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    &lt;i&gt;Objective:&lt;/i&gt; To determine the value of placental volume measured by 3D ultrasound at 11–13 weeks’ gestation in combination with maternal characteristics and serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) in the prediction of small and large for gestational age (SGA and LGA) neonates. &lt;i&gt;Methods:&lt;/i&gt; Maternal serum PAPP-A and placental volume were measured at 11–13 weeks in 3,104 singleton pregnancies. Regression analysis was used to examine the contribution of maternal characteristics, placental volume and PAPP-A in the prediction of SGA and LGA neonates. &lt;i&gt;Results:&lt;/i&gt; There was a significant association between placental volume and PAPP-A (r = 0.268, p &lt; 0.0001). Median placental volume and PAPP-A, expressed as multiples of the median (MoM) in appropriate for gestational age (AGA) neonates, were reduced in the SGA group (placental volume 0.88 MoM, vs. 1.00 MoM in AGA, p &lt; 0.0001; PAPP-A 0.92 MoM vs. 1.00 MoM in AGA, p = 0.019) and increased in the LGA group (placental volume 1.09 MoM vs. 1.00 MoM in AGA, p &lt; 0.0001; PAPP-A 1.15 MoM vs. 1.00 MoM in AGA, p = 0.015). Maternal characteristics with either placental volume or PAPP-A detected about 30% of the SGA or LGA neonates, at a false positive rate of 10%. &lt;i&gt;Conclusion:&lt;/i&gt; Measurement of placental volume and serum PAPP-A can improve the prediction of SGA or LGA neonates provided by maternal characteristics alone.</jats:p

    Three-dimensional sonographic calculation of the volume of intracranial structures in growth-restricted and appropriate-for-gestational age fetuses

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    Objectives To evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of volume segmentation of fetal intracranial structures using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging, and to estimate differences in the volume of intracranial structures between intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) and appropriate-for-gestational age (AGA) fetuses. Methods Total intracranial, frontal, thalamic and cerebellar volumes were measured using 3D ultrasound imaging and Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL) in 39 IUGR and 39 AGA fetuses matched for gestational age, at 28-34 weeks of gestation. Volumes of, and ratios between, structures were estimated, and differences between IUGR and AGA fetuses were calculated. Volume measurements were performed by two observers, and interobserver and intraobserver intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated for each structure. Results Volumes were satisfactorily obtained in all fetuses. All net volumes except those for the thalamus(P = 0.23) were significantly smaller (P = 0.001) in IUGR fetuses. After adjusting volumes for biparietal diameter the frontal volume was significantly smaller (P = 0.02) and the thalamic volume significantly greater (P = 0.03) in IUGR fetuses than in AGA fetuses. Significant intergroup differences in the ratios between structures were found only in those involving the frontal region. Interobserver ICCs were as follows: total intracranial 0.97 (95% CI, 0.92-0.98), cerebellar 0.69 (95% CI, 0.44-0.75), frontal 0.66 (95% CI, 0.42-0.79) and thalamic 0.54 (95% CI, 0.37-0.72). Conclusions IUGR fetuses show differences in the volume of intracranial structures compared with AGA fetuses, with the largest difference found in the frontal region. These differences might be explained by in-utero processes of neural reorganization induced by chronic hypoxia. © 2009 ISUOG.This study was supported by research grants from Cerebra, Foundation for the Brain-Injured Child (Carmarthen, Wales, UK); The Thrasher Research Fund (Salt Lake City, UT, USA); Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Researchers (FETAL-MED-019707-2); and Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI060347 (Spain). E.H.-A. was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education and Science (SB2003-0293), ‘Juan de la Cierva’ program for the development of Research Centers, Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Fasting Glucose for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, different non-validated tests were proposed to simplify the diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM). Aim: To analyse the effects of replacing the two-step approach for Early-GDM and GDM diagnosis, with a fasting plasma glucose test. Material and Methods: This is a cohort study consisting of 3200 pregnant women: 400 with Early-GDM, 800 with GDM and 2000 with Non-GDM diagnosed using the two-step approach. Using fasting plasma glucose for Early-GDM and GDM diagnosis, according to the recommendations of Spain, Australia, Italy and the UK during the pandemic, the rates of missed and new Early-GDM and GDM were calculated and perinatal outcomes were analysed. Results: Using fasting plasma glucose in the first trimester &gt;100 mg/dL for Early-GDM diagnosis, the rates of post-COVID missed and new Early-GDM were 79.5% and 3.2%, respectively. Using fasting plasma glucose at 24&ndash;28 weeks &lt;84 or &gt;92, 95 or 100 mg/dL for GDM diagnosis, the rates of missed GDM were 50.4%, 78%, 82.6% and 92.4%, respectively, and 8.6%, 5.6% and 2.3% women with Non-GDM were diagnosed with new GDM. Conclusion: Fasting plasma glucose is not a good test for the diagnosis of GDM either in the first trimester or at 24&ndash;28 weeks