62 research outputs found

    Spin axis offset calibration on THEMIS using mirror modes

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    A newly developed method for determining spin axis offsets of magnetic field instruments on spacecraft is applied to THEMIS. The formerly used determination method, relying on solar wind Alfvénic fluctuations, was rarely applicable due to the orbital restrictions of the mission. With the new procedure, based on magnetic field observation of mirror modes in the magnetosheath, updated spin axis offsets can be estimated approximately once per year. Retrospective calibration of all THEMIS magnetic field measurements is thereby made possible. Since, up to this point, spin axis offsets could hardly ever be calculated due to the mission's orbits, this update represents a substantial improvement to the data. The approximate offset stability is estimated to be < 0.75 nT year−1 for the complete course of the mission

    Jets in the magnetosheath: IMF control of where they occur

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    Magnetosheath jets are localized regions of plasma that move faster towards the Earth than the surrounding magnetosheath plasma. Due to their high velocities, they can cause indentations when colliding into the magnetopause and trigger processes such as magnetic reconnection and magnetopause surface waves. We statistically study the occurrence of these jets in the subsolar magnetosheath using measurements from the five Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) spacecraft and OMNI solar wind data from 2008 to 2011. We present the observations in the B-IMF-v(SW) plane and study the spatial distribution of jets during different interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientations. Jets occur downstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock approximately 9 times as often as downstream of the quasi-perpendicular shock, suggesting that foreshock processes are responsible for most jets. For an oblique IMF, with 30-60 degrees cone angle, the occurrence increases monotonically from the quasi-perpendicular side to the quasi-parallel side. This study offers predictability for the numbers, locations, and magnetopause impact rates of jets observed during different IMF orientations, allowing us to better forecast the formation of these jets and their impact on the magnetosphere

    On the magnetic characteristics of magnetic holes in the solar wind between Mercury and Venus

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    The occurrence rate of linear and pseudo magnetic holes has been determined during MESSENGER's cruise phase starting from Venus (2007) and arriving at Mercury (2011). It is shown that the occurrence rate of linear magnetic holes, defined as a maximum of 10∘ rotation of the magnetic field over the hole, slowly decreases from Mercury to Venus. The pseudo magnetic holes, defined as a rotation between 10 and 45∘ over the hole, have mostly a constant occurrence rate

    Magnetic Field in Magnetosheath Jets: A Statistical Study of BZ Near the Magnetopause

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    Magnetosheath jets travel from the bow shock toward the magnetopause, and some of them eventually impact it. Jet impacts have recently been linked to triggering magnetopause reconnection in case studies by Hietala et al. (2018, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017gl076525) and Nykyri et al. (2019, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018ja026357). In this study, we focus on the enhancing or suppressing effect jets could have on reconnection by locally altering the magnetic shear via their own magnetic fields. Using observations from the years 2008–2011 made by the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms spacecraft and solar wind OMNI data, we statistically study for the first time  within jets in the Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric coordinates. We find that  opposite to the prevailing interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)  is roughly as common in jets as in the non-jet magnetosheath near the magnetopause, but these observations are distributed differently. 60–70% of jet intervals contain bursts of opposite polarity  in comparison to around 40 of similar non-jet intervals. The median duration of such a burst in jets is 10 s and strength is nT. We also investigate the prevalence of the type of strong nT pulses that Nykyri et al. (2019, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018ja026357) linked to a substorm onset. In our data set, such pulses were observed in around 13% of jets. Our statistical results indicate that jets may have the potential to affect local magnetopause reconnection via their magnetic fields. Future studies are needed to determine whether such effects can be observed.</p

    Downstream high-speed plasma jet generation as a direct consequence of shock reformation

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    Shocks are one of nature's most powerful particle accelerators and have been connected to relativistic electron acceleration and cosmic rays. Upstream shock observations include wave generation, wave-particle interactions and magnetic compressive structures, while at the shock and downstream, particle acceleration, magnetic reconnection and plasma jets can be observed. Here, using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) we show in-situ evidence of high-speed downstream flows (jets) generated at the Earth's bow shock as a direct consequence of shock reformation. Jets are observed downstream due to a combined effect of upstream plasma wave evolution and an ongoing reformation cycle of the bow shock. This generation process can also be applicable to planetary and astrophysical plasmas where collisionless shocks are commonly found. Several mechanisms exist for formation of jets observed in Earth's magnetosheath. Here, the authors show evidence of high-speed downstream flows generated at the Earth's bow shock as a direct consequence of shock reformation, which is different than the proposed mechanisms.Peer reviewe

    Statistical Study of Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Waves

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    When a magnetosheath jet (localized dynamic pressure enhancements) compresses ambient magnetosheath at a (relative) speed faster than the local magnetosonic speed, a bow wave or shock can form ahead of the jet. Such bow waves or shocks were recently observed to accelerate particles, thus contributing to magnetosheath heating and particle acceleration in the extended environment of Earth's bow shock. To further understand the characteristics of jet-driven bow waves, we perform a statistical study to examine which solar wind conditions favor their formation and whether it is common for them to accelerate particles. We identified 364 out of 2,859 (similar to 13%) magnetosheath jets to have a bow wave or shock ahead of them with Mach number typically larger than 1.1. We show that large solar wind plasma beta, weak interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, large solar wind Alfven Mach number, and strong solar wind dynamic pressure present favorable conditions for their formation. We also show that magnetosheath jets with bow waves or shocks are more frequently associated with higher maximum ion and electron energies than those without them, confirming that it is common for these structures to accelerate particles. In particular, magnetosheath jets with bow waves have electron energy flux enhanced on average by a factor of 2 compared to both those without bow waves and the ambient magnetosheath. Our study implies that magnetosheath jets can contribute to shock acceleration of particles especially for high Mach number shocks. Therefore, shock models should be generalized to include magnetosheath jets and concomitant particle acceleration

    Do statistical models capture the dynamics of the magnetopause during sudden magnetospheric compressions?

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    Under periods of strong solar wind driving, the magnetopause can become compressed, playing a significant role in draining electrons from the outer radiation belt. Also termed “magnetopause shadowing,” this loss process has traditionally been attributed to a combination of magnetospheric compression and outward radial diffusion of electrons. However, the drift paths of relativistic electrons and the location of the magnetopause are usually calculated from statistical models and, as such, may not represent the time‐varying nature of this highly dynamic process. In this study, we construct a database ∼20,000 spacecraft crossings of the dayside magnetopause to quantify the accuracy of the commonly used Shue et al. (1998, https://doi.org/10.1029/98JA01103) model. We find that, for the majority of events (74%), the magnetopause model can be used to estimate magnetopause location to within ±1 RE. However, if the magnetopause is compressed below 8 RE, the observed magnetopause is greater than 1 RE inside of the model location on average. The observed magnetopause is also significantly displaced from the model location during storm sudden commencements, when measurements are on average 6% closer to the radiation belts, with a maximum of 42%. We find that the magnetopause is rarely close enough to the outer radiation belt to cause direct magnetopause shadowing, and hence rapid outward radial transport of electrons is also required. We conclude that statistical magnetopause parameterizations may not be appropriate during dynamic compressions. We suggest that statistical models should only be used during quiescent solar wind conditions and supplemented by magnetopause observations wherever possible

    Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks

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    The magnetosheath flow may take the form of large amplitude, yet spatially localized, transient increases in dynamic pressure, known as "magnetosheath jets" or "plasmoids" among other denominations. Here, we describe the present state of knowledge with respect to such jets, which are a very common phenomenon downstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock. We discuss their properties as determined by satellite observations (based on both case and statistical studies), their occurrence, their relation to solar wind and foreshock conditions, and their interaction with and impact on the magnetosphere. As carriers of plasma and corresponding momentum, energy, and magnetic flux, jets bear some similarities to bursty bulk flows, which they are compared to. Based on our knowledge of jets in the near Earth environment, we discuss the expectations for jets occurring in other planetary and astrophysical environments. We conclude with an outlook, in which a number of open questions are posed and future challenges in jet research are discussed.Peer reviewe